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I need some help

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SmedgeRt, Jul 2, 2024.

  1. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    There’s quite a few mythics, but here’s a few examples:
    Idol(spear), massive cost reduction to your charge spell, allowing you to basically cast it for free(this is prolly the best mythic in the game rn)
    Warp(wand), similar to idol but for mage and with the teleport spell instead, warp has much higher reductions at the cost of having negative health regen so using it in combat is rough
    Grandmother(bow), speaking of negative health regen, this bow’s playstyle is set up around rage mechanics. The huge -hpr means that you should be at 1hp dishing out ginormous damage
    Olympic(relik), makes you jump super high
    Stratiformis(bow), crazy high walk speed stat
    Ignis(bow), makes you a tank with high hp regen and the major id “heart of the pack”, making nearby players regen 30% of the hp you do
    Nirvana(dagger), major id “transcendence” gives you a 50% chance to cast a spell for free
    Weathered(dagger), major id “roving assassin” lets you regen mana and health while still vanished

    there’s a good amount of mythics that are less gimmicky too, these are just some examples.
  2. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    so from what i am getting from these
    mobility is rarer in wynncraft compared to HSB
    spell comboing seems the strongest form of gameplay on wynncraft
    most mythic items (atleast shown here) act specificly into an archytpe playstyle
    is there any mythic built specificly around some form of armor or vice versa?
    and what are the examples for the most complex mythics?
  3. derpy snail

    derpy snail good at at problem-causing VIP

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    Also the changelog for the new update just dropped, and it does change a lot of stuff, so checking that out will give you a lot of information. It might take awhile, as the forums were on fire for a bit.
  4. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    The wynncraft classes are all EXTREMELY mobile, mostly because the player doesn’t need extra tools(like grapple hook in hsb) to move around, it’s all built into your weapon. the reason crazy mobility mythics are nice is because they allow near infinite use of the movement spell which is quite frankly overkill in almost any situation

    You asked about the more complicated mythical, and I honestly can’t explain how in depth the build system in this game is. I’m not qualified to go into detail on many of the less gimmicky mythics because I just dont have the experience in build making

    like take singularity for example,
    there’s a whole lotta stats in there, but also the 15 powder slots mean you can modify the elemental damages to be basically anything
    Combining stuff together is what makes mythical strong, not just their stats on their own. I know that hsb(at least when I played it years ago) had armor SETS as the main gear you went for, Wynn mostly doesn’t have specified gear combos. Some of the strongest builds are made by the community, and there is definitely stronger ones out there no one has found yet
    Also while spellspam is the most common build type, it’s absolutely not the only one.
    Melee builds ignore spells completely and are still viable, but due to them being kinda boring less ppl play them
    Also spellsteal is the second most common build type, which involves chaining melee attacks with your spells to gain mana through hitting the enemy(that’s what the mana steal stat does)
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
  5. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    The transportation for us is just flying at this point the aotv allows to stay in the air (if you have the mana to support it)
    My brain translated this to Yu-Gi-Oh deck building (yes there are archetype decks but splash cards make 100% of the difference and creativity
    If I understand this right, isn't this just the acrobat
    Again aren't there any bosses that counter specific builds?
    We had the same problem with berserker over on hypixel it got buffed hard
  6. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    ill bump this one last time
    so how's the lore
  7. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    All classes have relatively unique mobility situations
    Mage - Pretty inconsistent with teleport unless you are using Warp + Macro/Blink
    Assassin - Most of the time, Assassin uses shadow travel to get around. (Goes fast while vanished) (Flight for Acrobat)
    Archer - Generally uses Grappling Hook more than the default Escape because that goes backwards. (Escape using builds tend to be primarily boltslinger (escape artist blocks grappling hook) and have high walk speed + leap to make up for lack of forward movement spell)
    Warrior - Chargespam or Uppercut surfing. Both are missile-speed and stay low to the ground
    Shaman - Mobility does not exist unless playing with Blood Connection.
    Nope, spellsteal relies on melee attacks interspersed with spells, while Acrobat gains mana from Weightless. Acrobat almost never melees, and if they do, it's to trigger shurikens and not with the intention of spellsteal or actually hitting things. Weightless's mana gain gimmick comes from the fact that it requires you to be airborne (which almost always means you are out of melee reach.)
    Additionally, Acrobat is an Assassin Archetype, meaning that Mages, Archers, Warriors, and Shaman do not have access to Acrobat.
    The only way to 'counter a specific build' in this case would be to disable spells for a boss fight (bad idea) or have a boss that gives -mana regen (wouldn't work on Fallen Warrior or Spellsteal builds). Bossfights don't counter a means, they counter an end. (Such as a bossfight designed to challenge all Glass Cannons)
    Like the person you replied to said, melee builds are viable. However, the fact that they are boring is what makes people avoid it. Buffing something to be busted just means that Tryhards will all switch to it and everyone else will be unaffected. Buffing something does not make it interesting to play.
  8. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    by countering a specefic build i mean stuff like you suggested like idk
    "this boss deals % damage" or "high gravity in this arena" and maybe "this boss over different phase doesnt take X type of damage (to encourage team work)"
    for reference the buff we got made bers interesting but its but its still the rank 4 class overall choice
    while I understand the boring part but you cant decline a buff sometimes while not adding a broken one a small rework/archetype gimmick sure will help
  9. Cala

    Cala The Small VIP+

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    Toxoplasmosis users. Bully them
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    see my first message

    TLDR TLDR: Two higher beings are arguing and our world is a side casualty except that's nowhere near the complete loor.

    There are Light and Dark, two forces that fight each other and don't care about us.

    Their war creates Corruption, which plagues the Wynn province. It got there after the emerald miners uncovered the portal to Nether Deus shut up I mean the "Realm of War". They tried to get rid of it, didn't work, now most of the province is done for. Around 840AP (idr the exact date) a mysterious hero called Bob appeared and pushed the Corruption a little bit back. Then he disappeared and thing returned to "normal".

    Meanwhile in Gavel the Decay parasite appears and begins siphoning away the influence of Light that managed to infect a significant portion of the province. The rest is protected from both by a "Canyon Colossus" that is currently failing (because dwarves are idiots and can't cooperate) and is trying to destroy the canyon. What happens if it succeeds is visible in the neighboring Sky Islands. How? I mean, read the name again. Yeah. Also there is something going on with crystals I don't really know about. @ThePurpleEmerald please explain.

    Also there is the Silent Expanse connected to Wynn that is consumed by Darkness, Fruma that made Wynn its prison colony and Corkus which is full of machines and humanoid birds.

    And then you arrive from Fruma and are bound to save the world.

    That's a lot, no? But this is not why Wynncraft is so good. If it was regular "save the world", why would be there a large (and admitedly, now kinda dead) loor community? Because there is more. Larger and smaller stories that do not exactly move the world.

    There is the Twain family, one of my favourite bits of history. A "family" of adopted wizards from when the Corruption rampaged. Not sure it ever worked as one, though, it broke as soon as Marius, the "father", died. Though theur actions were mostly confined to a single region - Nesaak - they influenced many lives, be it for the better or worse. There was many of them, but of anyone hears the name "Twain", they would think of Theorick, or Mael if they were more interested in history. But you should nkt forget about the two other proteges, Rickeo and Dwendle. I will mention only the first, as his feats are the most visible. Theorick was a cryomancer, an incredibly powerful one... and he was also a greedy asshole and known to drop those who insulted him into a pit. But he did protect Nesaak, even at the cost of his life and sanity (yes, in this order). After foolishly trying to stop Corruption in its source, he was influenced by the Portal. Knowing he would not last, be freezed the whole Nesaak region in order to protect it from the plague and entombed himself in the nearby mountain. And as you can see in several places, while he did succeed in his goal, people died because of it.
    also there is an older version of the Twains that had an absolutely epic end, but alas, that time is gone

    Where is the vast desert of Almuj used to be a lush empire many years ago, before a tragedy struck andchanged it in the inhospotable desert it is now. Long ago, a certain emperor ruled the land with the help of his powers. One day, however, he was confronted by his son, Hashr, leading to his demise. A regular struggle you might think, and I am sure our dear Hashr did too. But the sceptre his father wielded unleashed its magic and sand incredible sandstorms all over the lands. You can see the result to this day. Tragedy, happens. But what is more interesting is that you can find remnants of hideouts the Eagle and Owl tribes were forced into. Or that the sceptre that held the power was stolen years after the event.

    Make sure you spend a moment to venture into the land of the Olm, the magnificent Time Valley. From what used to be a prospering civilization, now remains only memory. The forces of Darkness found them and enslaved them in its realm. Only a few escaped from it using the power of crystals, though the price they paid was great. As you tread through the ruins of the hidden city, the silent capital or the mysterious temple you cannot help but feel the former glory and think about about ages long past. But perhaps, only perhaps, it is not the end yet?

    How about the Corkus? The province of robots, machines way beyond anything people of Wynn or Gavel could ever imagine. Something that could surely turn the tide of war in Wynn, no? Finally help to cut the tremendous losses! Well... the program controlling the main factory went rogue and now all the robots are trying to kill everyone. But if you are a little smarter, a bit more curious, you would know that it did not go "rogue", it merely followed its primary directive "eliminate the highest threat". And after what the Corkians did to the natives, guess who was the worst enemy. Even with this, they seem to prosper, exporting their goods into the whole world in hopes of being recognized as a province. Oh, and about the Avos! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Well, there ain't no planes yet. Wait, that not right... Anyways, the bird-like people who first settled on the island and several neighboring areas. Though seemingly primitive, their culture is not to be underestimated. Or the naivity to allow settlers to take most of their lands... No wonder many of them ended up trapped under ground, left to slowly die.

    At last, but certainly not least, there are the People of Freedom, commonly known as the Doguns. "We are Doguns, beings born of Fire and Earth.", as is written in their Decorum which I must recommend you to read. A species made of rock and given life by fire with powers far surpassing anyone but ancient masters, they are one of the stranger folk you come around. Well, if you manage to find them, because certain someone decided it would be easier to kill every last of them than to have to "compete" for living space with someone who literally made the fricking living space... Luckily they are also incompetent and did not finish the job, so a few of them survived. And nobody heard about them for several hundred years, only mentions as "demons" that started it all. But there were some dwarves who saw their true nature and began working with the them. The group of dwarves and Doguns working towards the peace became known as the Coalition. We were getting close, and then it all completely blew up after the last Dogun village was discovered one day. Both sides panicked and prepared for another war. It got... bad, to say the least, but we managed to calm it down eventually. Sadly, one of the leaders of the group, Axelus, was killed at the end of the fights. But hey, we managed to make peace, so all is good in the end, I suppose. We even work with the dwarves on recovering the captured Doguns now! You can talk to a few roaming in Rodoroc, it will be very enlightening for you.
    I have to admit though, there do move the world...

    There is more, way more, of course, and I still focused on the "greater" stuff, not the details I promised. I did not mention the Faltachs, the unmarked grave between the plains and the Mesa, the now-lost grave in the Canyon of the Lost, the ???, the pirates! But I think you got the gist. If you need any further information, look at the quest logs or reports about secret discoveries. And there will still be things you will be unable to find that way, hehe...

    Wait, are you sleeping? Seriously? Please tell me you heard at least the Twains...

    (sorry is it is inconsistent or sth, I am typing this on the phone and can see only two sentences at a time)
    (I regret nothing)
    Earthbrine, dr_carlos and Elytry like this.
  11. That1DireWolf

    That1DireWolf nyoom

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    I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the closest we have to ‘doesn’t take x damage type’ is elemental defences. Let’s say a boss has 2000 earth defence, I can just slap it for 1.2 million earth damage and revoke its existence privileges anyway.
    Afaik % damage is for certain attacks combined with regular damage attacks (eg. Watched from TNA, fall damage I think?, PZ's entire gimmick) instead of a boss only doing % damage attacks, feel free to correct me if this is wrong (I haven’t done tcc and most altars yet.)

    i would like to argue that heavy melee is not boring.
  12. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    mage is interesting on lightbender with orbs, but I can't really think of another one that's interesting. (also, that's hybrid hmelee at best cuz heal spell)
    assassin: does not exist
    archer: kinda exists
    warrior: fallen maybe
    shaman: does not exist without aftershock
  13. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    these are the theories and speculation what popped up with a very very quick and surface level search; all are from a fairly recent era of the game (i.e, most major lore mysteries have been solved).

    in-game, there are a bazillion secrets littered around the map with wynn's worldbuilding, and tons of secrets hinted at over various quests and world discoveries. the over-all story at the surface is a classic Light vs. Darkness clash, but dig a bit deeper and there are a lot of weird elements to it, and other unrelated unexplainable things as well. the closest comparison i can really think of lorewise is something like Destiny 2. though it pretends to be a fantasy setting, Wynncraft is secretly (and eventually not-so-secretly) a cosmic horror.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2024
    Th0mas1 and TrapinchO like this.
  14. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    this is gonna take me a while to read and process
    thank you all for your input
  15. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    It's hard for me to take it seriously when the main character's name is Bob lmao
    But it's interesting to see interdimensional travel being used
    Also poor relend
    A story kinda based on the north American exploration and the "damage" to the natives
    , it's really dark but a really creative theme to base a story on, btw what's "650 AP" is some form of a year system
    Thats. F***** up.
    As story akin to stuff you see in horror movies, and it sees good on the attachment of poor Aster to his family, 1 detail tells that much, the man prefers to live a lie of his own creation on an island seriously named island of fiction, for now it's the best story I've seen.
    This a concept I want to be explored more often, that:
    A. Light doesn't mean good and dark doesn't mean evil
    B. The role of hero is to keep balance and one must accept there is bad in the world as good can't exist without evil
    I might be reading too much into this one but it's a concept I like
    Nope, not now
    Appreciate the effort you did as this seriously looks like a college document, or serious scientific research paper, but dear god even the comments are 2 pages long
    I'll read it just not now
    I think you sent this one twice still the best standing story for now
    Damn the corkus people seem unbearable, to erase all the magical and technological advancement of the avias is bad enough on it's own, but they also did the "history is written by the survivors" bit, they tried to delete them from history.
    From what an guessing the lore in wynncraft isnt something the developers give you out right, or at least give it you in journals like hypixel or through direct NPC dialogue
    And second, there is a story to the game and it's the main quest book leading you through the world, but each and every area has its own lore and details so there is no "obvious motive", like we over there have dungeons because*ooh necromancer scary* but they give us a story and after reading the entire thing you see yourself as the villain, but here yes you slay monsters for the quests that's the player story but the game story is something else
    Idk I couldn't deliver idea 2 that good
    And the reason why is?
    Yes kinda like this, or taxing attacks with a floor for minimum damage
    Like I get there is elemental defense
    But I mean a boss doesn't have high defense in the sense of 2k but in the sense of 2m so even if you land that 1.2m thale boss will go like "tis but a scratch"
    The concept behind designs like this is to discourage players from using one trick pony types of builds or at least have 2 types of damage to counter these bosses
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
    hmtn likes this.
  16. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    AP = after Portal = after the "Portal to the Realm of War" (also known as the Nether Portal) in Wynn opened
    the present day is 1000AP

    Welcome to the loor community.

    You literally save the province several times. You are the good guy. Besides some stuff like Hollow Serenity, where your words can actually apply.

    And there are the occasions you commit crimes with full knowledge of it.
  17. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    Have you seen the dungeons line it's like you need to beat up these following people
    Minimum wage worker (teacher)
    Ghost shaman
    Orphan x2
    Orphan x3
    Orphan x4
    And on master mode: absent father
    And the reason why you might ask?
    Idk they just blew up a castle in a war because someone used black magic to revive his family and retreated to the catacombs to isolate himself
  18. That1DireWolf

    That1DireWolf nyoom

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    good point
    most spells do have some elemental conversion (usually 20-50% of the spell's total damage i think), so unless you happened to not take the spell that converts to lets say air damage you should be fine. the only build i can think of that deliberately skips a spell is heavy melee shadestepper which skips multihit and backstab. (backstab changes multi to earth instead of water)
    the only mobs with total element immunity is the temple of legends boss altar guy with either really high earth def or straight up immunity and qira's spider summons i think which again have either really high def in their main element or straight up immunity which can be worked around by using spells.
    if all else fails put some powders on your weapon to convert the damage type /shrug
    poison shaman. bully them. (i dont actually know why, something to do with pre-nerf poison and the old pvp meta? its kind of a meme now)
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Clown is a new one.

    how to win pvp:
    1) get poison build
    2) throw totem in the general direction of the opponent (required accuracy of at least 10 blocks or whatever the radius is)
    3) wait as the opponent inevitably takes 20k true damage with literally no counter
    4) f you

    Totem does (quite small?) damage around it, but which also applies all the effects including poison. This creates huge area you just can't enter.
    Earthbrine and That1DireWolf like this.
  20. SmedgeRt

    SmedgeRt Travelled Adventurer

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    Bonzo the clown
    His mask is meme in the community as there was a super rare pet that allows you to cheat death
    When F1 was added they added the bonzo mask which cheated death so the meme spark
    Gues who's better
    A literal fire bird
    One clown mask
    Earthbrine and TrapinchO like this.