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Any Class UZB Cursed Builds collection/requests

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Mardeknius, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Elytry

    Elytry Poisonous Bristleworm VIP

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    (Seeing as I know nothing about the Meta, I'm just going to hope that guardian was meant to be a tank item. Hopefully.)
    Creator(s): Elytry
    Main Item(s): Guardian, Broken Balance, is Future Shock Plating still cursed?
    Element Combo: TFA
    Archetype(s): Fallen w/ Slight Hybridization in Bmonk
    Build Link: WynnBuilder
    Primary Damage: 17.7k bash/21.3k ragnarokkr/41.4k rag + full corrupted, 9.5k war scream/11.4k rag/22k rag + full corrupted
    EHP (Total): 85k/106k w/ war scream (tank of death)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y, big hpr from Guardian (not that it's in effect most of the time)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y, but only a single weapon tome.
    Comment (if any): Yeah okay hopefully guardian fallen is cursed. (This build's mana sustain is blood pact. It is also the only way I think this build can feasibly lose health.) (This build is also cursed because it managed to take every ele mastery EXCEPT fire.)
  2. NoPoet

    NoPoet Skilled Adventurer

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    Ok, after messing around with Panic Zealot, looking at this Panic Zealot spellspam build, making my own modifications based on the basis, farming Panic Zealot for a couple hours to get a workable roll, and testing it in TNA, I can safely say this build (sort of) works in TNA.

    This is unholy.

    Creator(s): Me, NoPoet
    Main Item(s): Panic Zealot Spellspam
    Element Combo: ATW (EA for puppets, Air primarily)
    Archetype(s): Summoner/Ritualist/Acolyte
    Build Link:
    (ignore the armor powders except maybe thunder + add an air powder)
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Unravel
    > Conduit of Spirit
    > Sagittarius
    > Skidbladnir
    > Facile
    > Facile
    > Vortex Bracer
    > Contrast
    > Panic Zealot [a6a6a6]
    Primary Damage: Base: 15.1k aura (30.2k rebound), 14.1k puppets, 11.1k melee. With Vengeful Spirit: 18.1k aura (36.3k rebound), 17k puppets, 13.3k melee, 5.3k totem, 8.4k smash, 9.7k haul
    Now this is where the fun begins. Every damage source counts.

    With Mask of the Lunatic + Vengeful Spirit: 24.5k aura (rebound to 49k aura), 23k puppets, 18.1k melee, 13.2k haul, 7.2k totem, 11.4k smash, 4.8k rain dance.


    If, we add the fact that we have 3x t6 air powders, we have access to the air powder special.

    With Mask of the Lunatic + Vengeful Spirit + Air Prison V: 73.5k Aura (Rebound to 147k aura), 69k puppets, 54.2k melee, 39.7k haul, 21.6k Totem DPS, 34.2k Totem Smash, 14.1k Rain Dance.

    You could get air powder specials on your armor for even more damage, but this is where I'm stopping.

    EHP (Total)
    : 20k Base, 16.9k with Mask of the Lunatic, 31.3k with Mask of the Fanatic.
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Totem Regeneration, Life Regen + steal
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): If you're not 5 HP one shotting greg, this might just be the build for you if for some reason you decide to take Shaman to TNA. You have insane ws and easy healing, with a ton of CC dmg + spell spam. It might be a little short on the EHP side, it might be a little intuitive to play with at first, but it gets the job done. The 1 mana cost totem w/ Fanatic w/ extra EHP makes mobility fights actually doable. With a high roll Panic Zealot, you can pretty much just spam any option whenever. The one downside is that it is shaman, and if you do get stuck in a hairy situation, you still have to totem/haul for mobility.

    I'd probably recommend sliding Dawnbreaker in here somehow though.

    @Mardeknius you need to take a look at this one
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
  3. SuperPacific

    SuperPacific Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Class: shaman
    Playstyle: hunted pvp shaman build
    Restrictions: crafted only
    Preferences: none
    bruh i unironically used something similar to this and got sub 5 solo li comp
  4. That1DireWolf

    That1DireWolf nyoom

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    im not sure what the hunted meta is now but i tried

    WA, 20k ehp/8k no agi, main damage and healing is aura spam while flying with blood connection, use mask swapping for extra mana if needed.
    32 extra skill points to flex with. mana regen is not really enough to keep up with spell costs (-8 mana per second or so) but it should be good enough for most fights.

    crafting recipes are probably trash but they kinda sorta work /shrug

    edit: updated for 2.1
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
  5. syrun97

    syrun97 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Creater: me
    Main Item: Trance, Aspect of Flikering Transmission
    Elemental Combo :ETwF (w for caesura and flashfreeze)
    Archetype: Riftwalker (Ignore 47/45ap, blink and gust will become 1ap in 2.1)
    Build Link:
    https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=8#9_07F0ub0JL0tZ0W70ta0xM0Ji09SCI-100006Trance017IDown. Your enemies will fall slack. Depper. Do you know this compulsion you bring? Depper still. This implement, reaching from within and without. Even deeper. Souls and wills to command at the flex of a finger. Almost gone. It is my compulsion, too great to ignore. It is my implement, too strong to resist. My puppets, too deep to escape. Drop.025040103057090520-520A0525-350D0510-500F60M0201e0P0201G0R020160h06FIXATE0l013qS0m0203XFF0n0109d0u010290w023jjOd0y0103D0t1G0j1G001g10006C10006C010006C1006CC0z0z0+0+0+0+0-1TjVRxbzx2
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Caesura
    > The Jingling Jester
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Phage Pins
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Cold Wave
    > Veneration
    > Contrast
    > Trance [t6f6f6]

    Primary damage: Base 5.2k x5, 50 winded 32.6k x5 teleport (Aspects and Fixate Major ID is not yet implemented in wynnbuilder)
    EHP: 18.8k ehp with whopping 9831 hp
    Life SUStain: Y, mage heal+greed+big lifesteal, just dont get oneshotted
    tome: lf Skill Points on tomes in 2.1
    Comments: blink aspect gives 3 more teleport, new fixate makes winded cap to 100 but reduces its damage buff by 60%, having double damage buff on 100 winded and teleports damage boost per winded is thicc for its cost (if that mob is still alive after having 100 winded)
    requires max -2nd spell on phage pins and jingling jester
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2024
  6. That1DireWolf

    That1DireWolf nyoom

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    creator: that1direwolf (me)
    main items: weathered + blind thrust
    element combo: efa
    archetype: acrostepper :)
    build: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...C010006C10006C1001Z60z0z0+0+0+0+0-1T--dCsDJ56
    primary damage: 13k lacerate (22k marked flowstate), 50k quake (150k marked vanish flowstate), 39k smoke (49k marked)
    ehp: 35k w agi (9360 hp)
    life sustain: m (355/3 ls)
    mobility: yes (100 ws, acro fly in short bursts)
    tome: no
    comments: acrostepper but its probably functional now. lacerate applies all four marks instantly. get flow state and quake then vanish slap whatever you want to kill. also should probably do something about the -325 thunder def
    36/5 + 20/3 mana sustain is probably not enough to fly properly without mobs for weightless proc.
    aspect of the calling card would be nice for the extra marks but not necessary. if you have the acrobat tier 2 mythic aspect then drop stronger lacerate for ambush ig.
    edit: updated for 2.1
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2024
  7. NoPoet

    NoPoet Skilled Adventurer

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    Creator(s): NoPoet
    Main Item(s): Nothing in particular but High EHP + Sustain while being a perfect template for Raid Buffs at sub lvl 100
    Element Combo: EF
    Archetype(s): Paladin Monk (with boiling blood)
    Build Link:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Phoenix Prince's Crown
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Signal Flare
    > Photon
    > Photon
    > Remikas' Authority (swap for Succession if changing to Diamond Fusion)
    > Ensa's Faith (swap for Contrast/Diamond Fusion at 100+)
    > Tisaun's Proof [f6f6] (if you REALLY wanted you could just get Guardian + increase attack speed another way, or swap to Ignition at 95 for even more LS sustain)

    Primary Damage: (assuming Ragnorak using nerfed 10% value) 6.65k melee, 7.1k bash (+1.6k boiling blood), 6.1k uppercut (1.8k flaming uppercut DPS), 2k shield strike, 2.5k sacred surge proc.

    War Scream > Bash > Uppercut > Melee cycle, depending on what you're fighting you can change it up, use War Scream to take mobs off allies in raids while being a focal point for damage, procing Courage special whenever
    EHP (Total): 62k base, with War Scream 77.4k, with Mantles 258k EHP
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): HPR + Life Steal, 527 base HPR + 1118/3s base Life Steal, buffed up to 632 HPR + 5586/3s life steal, also Rejuvinating Skin
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): This is a perfect support build that requires nothing above level 90 combat, that allows you to hug things to death that some max level builds struggle with. Fire powder special will buff allies + you for 20% damage + is easy to farm + upkeep. Signal Flare allows you aggro mobs with War Scream without the CD downsides of traditional Paladin, allowing you to cause a focal point of mobs around you for allies to nuke, or you can just use your spell cycling to keep mobs away while using Mithril Skin to hold objectives.

    As I was saying earlier, where this build shines best is NOL + TCC, as the buffs, coupled with already high EHP + sustain allow you to build to wherever your heart wishes.

    If you want to spell spam, take mana regen buffs. If you want to melee spam, take main attack damage. If you want to be funny, take the Guardian ID buffs. There is literally no downside to any buffs to this build in raids other than TNA. You can literally face tank green attacks at TCC nonstop with this build with the right spell cycle.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
  8. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    Give me the worst possible shaman build. When I put this build on, i want to be reduced to minimum health and 1 damage instantly.
  9. That1DireWolf

    That1DireWolf nyoom

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Inhibitor֎
    > Oxidation
    > Cytotoxic Striders
    > Prism
    > Prism
    > Pandemonium
    > Recalcitrance
    > Toxoplasmosis []
    the -hpr means you will be at 1hp forever
    there is a 18k poison tick cuz i dont want it to be entirely useless
    also im curious to see how sac shrine will interact with 5 hp max, does it not drain at all?

    ...also if you want to do one damage per melee
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Inhibitor֎
    > Fleet
    > Dawnbreak
    > Prism
    > Prism
    > Pandemonium
    > Silver Fusion Necklace
    > Panic Zealot []

    depending on the dawnbreak's melee roll, a orange or red fleet will probably get melee raw to exactly +1. if your dawnbreak has a yellow or orange roll, use earth breaker+momentum instead of fleet+pandemonium, but it will put your hp at like 3k or so.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  10. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    thank you!
  11. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Last edited: Aug 9, 2024
  12. PiggeryAxe

    PiggeryAxe Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Because it's cursed and fun to design. I managed to make a Mage Riftbender build with 9 major ids (8 if you can't afford the mythic Pure).

    Creator: Me, the one and only PigPickAxe
    Main Item(s): Pure -- Who would buy a mythic just for a cursed build?? Also Strobelight on Mage (there are only 2 necks that have Major IDs, and Daredevil tanks your spell costs and defence).
    Element Combo: Thunder and Water
    Archetype(s): Lightbender primarily, dips into Riftwalker mainly for the Time Dilation. Feel free to skip Time Dilation in order to pick up Freezing Sigil and biggify your balls.
    Build Link: WynnBuilder -- (can't post links so I'll toss the builder tag) "builder?v=7#9_0u30qw0y60xn0ta0W70wr0na0Ql0Z0t0y0b0g1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-1TzV-qKDNS"
    Primary Damage: Ophanims -- a measly 7k damage unboosted. Definitely can be improved with better skill tree setup.
    EHP (Total): 19k EHP. 12k Health Base.
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y -- Heal does your average 2k heal. Will need to test to ensure the negative Health Regen doesn't make this bad.
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Feel free to iterate on this one. I think this build honestly wouldn't be trash on a good ability tree, and you can replace the Strobelight with a better necklace. Throw on some Health Regen boosting Tomes and this would honestly be pretty fun, I'd think.
  13. Voxels

    Voxels your local multi Wynncrafter HERO

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    Creator(s): me*us
    Main Item(s): All of them. They are all themed.
    Element Combo: technically rainbow, mostly W
    Archetype(s): Trapper
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/build...h14040P1g000010009I0z0z0+0+0+0+0-1TzBVp5JLy13
    Primary Damage: IDK the summons probably
    EHP (Total): 4641.32
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Now you can show how much you love werewolves! (We cannot guarantee the viability of this build.)
    That1DireWolf and Elytry like this.
  14. Elytry

    Elytry Poisonous Bristleworm VIP

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    Creator(s): Elytry
    Main Item(s): Weathered
    Element Combo: TWA
    Archetype(s): Shadestepper/Acrobat
    Build Link: WynnBuilder (hppeng-wynn.github.io)
    Primary Damage: 17.6k (full shade loadout + flow state for 116.9k) lacerate, 1.7k (max 5.1) smoke ticks, 51k (155k max) for full three bombs,
    EHP (Total): 39554
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M, 300 ls is janky
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): People are like, the MID is for Shade but the stats are for Acro. Clearly this means that the item in question is for Acrostepper! (I thought the collection needed an Acrostepper.) sustain is kinda not there, but hey: mana steal! (don't look at me like that)
    EZIOIO likes this.
  15. EZIOIO

    EZIOIO Travelled Adventurer

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    this is a very intresting build but wouldnt going more towards acro be better? like getting hop + wall jump to be able to sustain flight? instead of suprise strike ambush and knighcloak knife i made some changes to get more mr

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Unravel
    > Wanderlust
    > Aleph Null
    > Capricorn
    > Suppression
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Euouae
    > Metamorphosis
    > Weathered [a6a6a6]
  16. Nafz_GM

    Nafz_GM Adventuring Adventured Adventurer

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    Creator(s): Nafz_GM (me)
    Main Item(s): Az
    Element Combo: Thunder
    Archetype(s): Boltstunger-ish
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/build...1G0t0y0h1g000010nZ6C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-1T-tqzHNSP0
    Primary Damage: 31.8k Avg. (Arrow Storm, 1 Mana Cost)
    EHP (Total): 17.8k (12.8k w/o agility)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N (293/3s Effective LS Only)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Just for fun, basically Arrow Storm spam + Guardian angel to reset cost
  17. Elytry

    Elytry Poisonous Bristleworm VIP

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    Class: Assassin
    Playstyle: Anything from Spellsteal to Hmelee (just needs good damage)
    Restrictions: Must use Omnia Mors and an item that has Sorcery. Why? I'm cruel.
    Preferences: T-rift, Viability
  18. ChrisWildfire

    ChrisWildfire Wild and On Fire

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    echoes of the lost is a weird item. here's a hmelee build
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Darksteel Full Helm
    > Echoes of the Lost
    > Earth Breaker
    > Dawnbreak
    > Summa
    > Summa
    > Prowess
    > Alkali
    > Omnia Mors [e6e6]

    I only used summa to cancel out the -mr (then used alkali to cancel out summa's -hpr), but you can use like downfall + impudent + derecho for more damage and ws at the cost of a pretty harsh -mr
  19. syrun97

    syrun97 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Schadenfreude
    > Crumbling Foundation
    > Swashbuckler's Brogues
    > CR-1B-9kB-9k9f9x9m91
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > CR-1B-9kB-9k9f9x9c91
    > CR-1B-9kB-9k9f9x9n91
    > Judas [t6f6f6]

    have you got wiped by okr and anni -heff? now you can do it without anni!
    slap a few stealing tomes and try to "heal" ppl with this.
  20. WitherHall

    WitherHall Travelled Adventurer

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    Frog Dance DPS Shaman