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Music Wynncraft OST - Top 5 Tracks

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by KingNarwhal74, Jun 20, 2024.

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  1. KingNarwhal74

    KingNarwhal74 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hello everyone! With the announcement of updated and expanded music with Rekindled, I decided to go and listen to ALL of the current music tracks. There are 175 tracks in the official soundtrack provided by XavierEXE, and I spent many hours enjoying them thoroughly.

    However, 175 tracks with somewhere around a 3-5 minute average is a long time, so I decided to help everyone who does not have that to spare. I have compiled here a list of my top 5 favorite tracks and a description of what I love about them, so if you just want to quickly listen to the best of what Wynncraft has to offer, it is available.

    If you think that another song deserves to be on here, let me know, and I will reply with what I feel about that song. Hope you enjoy!

    Playlist (5 tracks, 19 minutes):

    TOP 5 LIST:

    What Must Be Done (The Sacrifice) - Those of us who have made it to level 103 feel this music more deeply, but this is still a great composition regardless. I love the first five seconds, it really sells the mood to you; It is slightly discordant and yet very melodic at the same time. From then on, there is this hesitant, cautious, expectant tone that comes through. I get a feeling that something sad, yet sweet is happening, as around 20 seconds and on, there are little things that sound more major, but only for a second. The music really turns bittersweet halfway through, the chords bringing a sense of inevitability and finality to the piece. The second to last note sounds almost out of place discordant, but then it resolves beautifully with the last echoing note.

    Weirding (Boss Battle 9) - This one gets moving right from the start with fast bass notes and drums. You are instantly drawn in with a feeling of intensity. If I were to imagine gaming real hard against a tricky enemy that I was having to stay on my toes about, this would be the music that is playing. It is carefully controlled chaos. There are constantly moving parts throughout, both low and high, sometimes switching between the two, but they all fit seamlessly into a very engaging composition.

    Play The Saviour (Boss Battle 15) - I would describe this track as the most fun out of all Wynncraft tracks. It has the feel of energetic vibing, where you just completely feel the music and let it resound throughout your whole body. There are some slower parts that have a more dissonant sound, which I might not enjoy quite as much, but there is no part that I actively dislike. The song remains moving the entire time, and just when it seems like it is going to stop, it picks up and grabs the original melody or goes off and does its own thing. I enjoy the main melody, but when it upgrades and goes more in-depth from around five and a half minutes on, it is spectacular sounding. The ending is perfectly done, bringing back the main melody nice and clear, one final time.

    Stormy Seas (Ocean 2) - Whether you have listened to this one once or twice, or even ten times, it will get stuck in your head. This is one of the most catchy melodies that I know, able to circulate through your mind for hours after you hear it. The main bass beat is simple, but fun, especially at the start, and whenever that pattern is brought up again. It is easy to feel this song, and move to the music. The melody is engaging without being overwhelming and builds up beautifully. Just after a minute, the whole song upgrades, bringing out each part, with an almost harp-like quality. The shift back to the original beat at 1:45 feels great, The only downside is the end being a little anticlimactic, but in total, this song is just really enjoyable, crazy catchy, and very melodic.

    Mistress of The Hive (Boss Battle 6) - If you start listening to this one, for the first twenty seconds or so, you might be wondering why KingNarwhal74 thought this deserved to be in the top five. It is a nice beat that you start to feel after a moment, but nothing too special. Then the melody comes in at twenty-five seconds, and it is a complete transformation. The piece goes from entertaining to beautiful and harmonious. It is a masterful blend of pauses and flowing melody, which shines brightly at the perfect times. Around 1:30, the melody upgrades again, and this is one of the most pretty parts in all of the most. The dissonance that occurs and resolves at 1:45, also repeating multiple times later is my favorite part. The quality piece is not subtracted by this at all, and subtle layers of melody are added, raising the value of the whole piece. The slight minor but with harmonic and melodic shifts in the key are just so enjoyable and majestic that I believe I would rank this piece at Number One, my absolute favorite out of the 175 tracks.

    Runners up:

    Genesis of the End (Boss Battle 12) - This one has two beautiful parts in it that really appeal to me, one about a quarter of the way in, the other around nine minutes out of ten. However, the rest feels a little like too much of a jumble to me, there are not clearly focusable melodies and it is hard to absorb the music. It is also very long, and the fact that there was only so much that really appealed to me helped with the decision. Overall, I opted for the slightly more structured other tracks listed above, but this was a close choice.

    Treacherous Walkways (Pigman's Ravines) - This was a bit of a tough decision, deciding between this and Stormy Seas. When you listen to this track with boosted bass, it sounds amazing. However, I felt like there was a little too much dead space throughout, parts that were not as interesting, so I decided to leave this out of the top five.

    (Disclaimer: These are my personal favorites from an observer's perspective. They are not extensively calculated. I, KingNarwhal74, have my opinions and it is okay if you don't agree :) Also, the top 5 are in no particular order with rankings, I just enjoy listening to them that way).
  2. SeanThomas2

    SeanThomas2 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1: black road nostalgia
    2: black road nostalgia
    3: black road nostalgia
    4: black road nostalgia
    5: black road nostalgia
    Elysium_ and alcoholic femboy like this.
  3. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    add nemract theme to the list and we're set
    SeanThomas2 likes this.
  4. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I don’t see forest dance on there and that troubles me
  5. KingNarwhal74

    KingNarwhal74 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Forest Dance
    Nemract Theme
    Black Road Nostalgia
    Mistress of the Hive
    SeanThomas2 likes this.
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Nameless Anomaly Boss Theme
    Maple Chimes
    Redacted Fruma Song
    Staring Into the Abyss
    Redacted Fruma Song
    Earthbrine and strikeflame5356 like this.
  7. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel expert HERO

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    ah yes, my favorite pastime
  8. KingNarwhal74

    KingNarwhal74 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    - _-

  9. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    So you actually made theme for the Nameless...
    Fun fact, Weirding was designed to be Naragath's Theme in the old quest called Eye of the Storm.
    According to the lore, Naragath was the Demon Prince who controlled multiple realms and transfrered himself into the Twisted Olm's Body to feel the Power of the Eye.
  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    No. He was a demon for some reason related to corruption that was possessing the body of a God Damn Enderman.
  11. Cashtron527

    Cashtron527 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I do actually have a top 5 list too

    1: For the Future, this theme is so good, its a theme that I would love to hear with the new instruments

    2: The Abyss Stares back, this is hands down the best boss theme in the game, it has such a scary tone to it

    3: Settlements of Freedom, this theme is such a good theme, I think Corkus is the region with the best themes by far, but I can't put it above the other two, I love this theme because it introduces us to Corkus, except it doesn't, yeah this theme is in the completely wrong place, the Corkus docks is where you enter Corkus not that once place near the five gears diner, nobody goes there anyways so why would this theme be meant for that place?

    4: Waltz with Dispair, this theme is amazing, Hollow serenity is my favorite quest in the entire game so of course it's boss theme would be on my top 5, though tbh this theme feels like an early Greg theme, i'm guessing they used it for garvan because they decided Greg's theme should use more instruments, they used some new instruments in staring into the abyss, which was likely a test for the new instruments anyways

    5: Face of Extinction, oh man I love this theme too, mainly because of how Sonic it feels, probably because of the fast pace, I do not like that orchestral remix, it completely takes away this theme's identity, I love this theme because it's fast paced and does that so well

    So yeah those are my top 5 tracks for Wynncraft, I got nothing else to say about these things
    Elysium_ and KingNarwhal74 like this.
  12. KingNarwhal74

    KingNarwhal74 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Abyss Stares Back is a very solid track that I enjoy listening to. Both the new, and old, version.
  13. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    ...Abyss Stares Back doesn't have an old version. Are you thinking of Staring Into The Abyss?
  14. KingNarwhal74

    KingNarwhal74 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yup, lol :)
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