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Question about lootrun chances of things

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Ilikedogs, Jun 12, 2024.

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  1. Ilikedogs

    Ilikedogs Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    What is the probability of getting the different emerald pulls? Such as 14 le, 1 le, emerald blocks.
    Probability of mythics in the loot run pull chest and normal chests.
    How does loot quality and loot bonus affect the chances of getting mythics.
    I am also asking for chances of different boons and missions.
    Chances of different beacons appearing.
    Chances of different curses from purple on the mobs.
  2. StarBright

    StarBright The Wizard Unicorn CHAMPION

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    I don't know that the numbers are fully public, but from what I do remember seeing in the past:
    LR rewards chest mythic pull rate is iirc either 1/1000 or 1/2500 (probably the latter)
    Normal chest mythic pull rate is 7/1,000,000 with 0 LQ
    Loot bonus = more stuff in normal chests
    Loot quality = stuff in normal chests are better
    Boons are mostly random from what I've seen, both in terms of activator and amount
    Missions appear to be random with the exception of "rare" missions, Equilibrium and Cleansing Ritual
    Only things I know about beacon appear chances is that:
    • Rainbow is around 1% chance per beacon at a base level? (Not sure on this one but it's definitely rarer than the others)
    • Grey never appears when you have an active mission, when you don't its appear chance is much higher as long as your challenge count is less than 30 or so
    • Aqua/Green/Red are never offered twice in a row
    Curse chance is mostly random afaik, resistance is hard capped at 84%
  3. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Boons that buff defensive and damage are more popular than walkspeed or lb/lq
  4. Elytry

    Elytry The Previous Usernames Tab VIP

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    Unless something changed, I'm pretty sure you have to level up to unlock more beacons beyond blue, purple, and yellow. After that, those three appear the most with occasional appearances from other beacons (if you got an orange then there will be a higher chance of getting rarer beacons since you get more beacons.)
    Like others said above, loot bonus boosts the amount of items in normal chests and loot quality boosts the rarity/tier of the items in normal chests. Which boons, missions, and curses are selected is just random, I believe. I don't know enough about the probability of different effects of boons and requirements of missions to say about anything those.
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