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Any Class A quick introduction to Building

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by zenythia, Apr 11, 2024.

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  1. zenythia

    zenythia Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    But why shouldn't I just use Morph?, you may ask.
    Well, it's not that you shouldn't, I personally am a big fan of Morph.
    But I also think that making your own builds and experimenting can be fun, which is why I've tried to make this somewhat short introduction as to how you can try and make your own build, though only for Spell.

    First of all some Resources you can use:

    Searching for Items:


    (→ can have wrong roll ranges, check ingame)

    More specific searches: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/items/

    (some items can be outdated though → check all item ingame/on wynn website before buying some)



    (→ as above, not always 100% up to date or 100% accurate but pretty close to that)

    Calculating Mana Usage:


    But: What to build for?


    EHP is Effective Hit Points which is calculated using

    - your actual HP,

    -a specific value for each class called „class resistance“ (which can only be changed by 2 warrior


    - defense and agility skill points

    - various buffs like War Scream

    What Should you be looking for if you want more EHP?

    - Health

    - Defense or Agility Skill Points (Keep in mint that Agility is inconsistent, especially at low Levels,

    so try to also keep your „Effective EHP (no agi)“ which is shown in Wynnbuilder comfortably


    - Ability Tree Buffs to „Resistance“ or „Defense“

    → Mobility is not directly related to this but can also help! If you were able to avoid 50% of

    Attacks, it is „equivalent“ to a doubled EHP​

    Health Sustain

    Health Sustain is any way of healing, mainly:

    - Shaman/Mage healing spells

    - Health Regen (and Life Steal)

    and of course there is also the options of using health potions. Whether you want to use them is up to personal preference, both using and not using them are perfectly valid.

    With these types of healing you can differentiate between %-based Healing (Spells) and fixed Healing (Health Regen, Life Steal, Potions).

    This is relevant for sustain as with %-based Healing increasing your EHP in any way also boosts your Health Sustain (healing 10% of 80 is more than 10% of 70).

    With Fixed Healing though, this is not always the case, as increasing your base health does not increase your sustain (the multipliers on damage taken and the amount of damage healed are still the same) but everything else, for example defense does increase your sustain as 100 HP with 0 Defense is worth Less EHP than 100 HP with 100 Defense. Keeping this in mind is also really important if youre using Health Potions, since they have a limited stack size.

    What Should you be looking for if you want more Health Sustain?

    - Health Regen + Health Regen %

    - Life Steal

    - Healing Spells (Heal, Regeneration, Sacrificial Shrine)

    ↳ if you are using these, consider investing in the Healing Efficiency ID, which is a % buff to your
    Healing, as well as % Water Damage with Heal and Sacrificial Shrine (if you have Fluid Healing)
    Major Identifications:

    - The Rally Major ID: A Major ID for Warrior that heals you whenever you use Charge.

    - The Greed Major ID: Heals you whenever you pick up an Emerald. Available on every class but
    ideally requires the Stealing ID to reliably get Emeralds.​


    You can build for „Damage“ but if you dont also build for „Mana Sustain“ you wont get much use out of it.

    (This is exaggerated:) If you had a 100 cost arrow storm with 2000 damage it should pretty obviously not be better than a 10 cost arrow storm with 1000 damage.

    As such you want to have a healthy mix of Damage on your spells, mana regen and low spell costs.

    (You need Damage and Sustain for DPS)

    What Should you be looking for if you want more Damage?

    - Strength and Dexterity Skill Points

    - Skill Points of the Element your Weapon has (If you are using a Weapon with Fire Damage, it gets
    boosted Damage from Defense Skill Points!)

    - % Spell Damage and „Spell Damage“ (usually referred to as „Spell Damage Raw“ or „Raw
    Spell“) as well as their variations (like % Earth Spell Damage, which is the same as % SpellDamage but just
    applies to Earth Damage) and just elemental Damage Boosts (if your Weapon has
    Earth Damage, use % Earth Damage. Keep in mind though that this matters more or less
    depending on class due to Spell's element conversion)

    - „Curse“ or „Courage“ Powder Specials (using two Tier 4+ Fire or Water Powders on your


    What Should you be looking for if you want more Mana Sustain?

    - Intelligence Skill Points

    - Mana Regen

    - Spell Cost Modifiers (-x% and just -x (also called -x „raw“) Spell Costs are both useful, though the lower your spell costs already are the more effective Raw becomes over %)

    - Mana Steal

    - Ability Tree: The Ability Tree has lots of good to busted Nodes for Mana Sustain, which includes

    Arcanists Mana Bank and Acrobats Weightless

    What Else?

    Good sustainable Damage and sustainable EHP are the basis for any generally good build, but those aren’t everything.

    Particularly important factors outside of these are:

    - TOMES! Tomes are ridiculously busted, specifically weapon tomes but armor tomes too. Even Assuming you only do the lowest Level Raid, Nest of the Grootsland and get two of the worst (Legendary-Tier) Tomes, you get a +12% Damage Boost across ALL YOUR BUILDS!!! Insane.

    - Walk Speed!!

    (- Loot Bonus/XP Bonus (only in certain cases though))

    - Major ID/Major Identifications: These can massively affect your build and playstyle. You can find
    a list of them on the Wiki.
    They Range from Quality of Life, like negating Fall Damage, to Strong Team Buffs (like Saviours

    - Negative Attack Speed? YES! If you are using Mana Steal, Life Steal or Powder Specials, it is
    much better to use lower attack Speeds as your Melee Damage is insignificant compared to your
    Spell Damage anyway and you now have to spend less time Meleeing and can spend more time
    casting Spells!

    - fun. If you're not having fun, why play the game​

    Also, Keep Your Budget In Mind. Items which require a lot of different Stats to be good or are rare can cost a LOT of money, and are not necessarily worth it.

    Anything Else?

    Yes. There are a lot of more Complex Styles of Builds, including Melee, Mixed Spell and Melee Builds and more. Try Building those too!

    (also, if any experienced Builder reads this and notices something wrong or missing, please tell me :] )
  2. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    Oki, you forgot Manastorm ;v Technially Trapper Traps also sustain (kinda) If you were just giving examples ignore this
    No, fun is not a factor you think about when building /j
    Oki, someone correct me but I'm pretty sure if you run smthing like super slow you don't really cast spells, it's just hmelle at that point.
    Also assuming your running smthing like hmelee, your spells do less damage than your melee (we are ignoring powders)
    I am not an experienced builder but @nomythrilskin? @CrypticLucid these guys seem to know what they are doing
    nomythrilskin? likes this.
  3. zenythia

    zenythia Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    were just some examples with Mana :)

    and the thing with attack speed is, that, for example super fast is prety much 2x as fast as normal attack speed
    so every melee gives you only 50% of the amount of Mana/Life Steal (so you get the advertised amount if you melee the entire time)
    but if you then melee the entire time with a really fast attack speed you dont really have enough time left over to cast spells
    which is why you optimally go super slow since then you only have to mele once every ~2 seconds, which also reduces the amount of click you have to do in general by a good amount
    (Principle: Same Steal Values/Powder Charge with less clicks and usually neglibibly less damage)
  4. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    It's also important to know how each ability in the tree works, for example when you have discombobulate it usually is a damage boost when you take boiling blood instead of cleansing breeze + stronger bash for the same 2 AP.

    Great guide
    CrypticLucid likes this.
  5. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    if your running supper fast/super slow it's almost always melee builds, unless like Overdrive or smthing, otherwise almost everything else is spell?
  6. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    tbh a lot of ways to build are really class specific, with things like lunar spine offhand to just click one and gain mana
    this is kind of insignificant for powder specials because pretty much all spell builds use curse (curse op btw)
    tier drop exists though but in general i dont really worry about atk speed on spell builds
    ehp is basically up to the user, 30k is generally considered decent iirc, 20 is slighty glassy, and <10k is like divzer cata
    i never consider war scream for ehp because imo its not consistent for many builds
    this looks fine, i just use the item guide to see where to get untradables lol
    healing efficiency is pretty new and if you're really relying on it for hpr you're not gonna get much
    especially considering what you sacrifice for it
    slower attack speeds charge powder specials faster that was the point i think
    any build with tomes is considered inflated damage on wynnbuilder
    just leave off the tomes and consider them as a nice damage bonus in game compared to on wynnbuilder

    i probably screwed up somewhere here but i dont wanna go look through it
    nomythrilskin? you can come fix my mistakes lol
  7. nomythrilskin?

    nomythrilskin? jungle fetishes broke my kneecaps

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    sslow is usually preferable for spell builds (hence the usage of tierdrop items like tenuto or atlas) since you won't be able to melee 4 times a second and cycle spells at the same time without heavy macro usage
    hence, you can make better use of ls, ms, and powder specials
    of course there are times when faster attack speeds are helpful for spell-oriented builds, such as for lightbender where slow is generally the best due to ophanim
    FlyingNon and CrypticLucid like this.
  8. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    crafteds are also sometimes used for tierdrop iirc
    although building with crafteds is kinda ehhhhh since i suck at optimizing crafteds to actually be usable
  9. nomythrilskin?

    nomythrilskin? jungle fetishes broke my kneecaps

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    i mean tenuto and atlas work fine most of the time
    i guess eyes on all and agave also work
    and then there's dbreak, blind thrust, nych, aphotic which all work in specific circumstances
  10. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    ive never seen dbreak and blind thrust outside of hmelee lol
    although ik divzer can use nych and i've seen aphotic use
    FlyingNon likes this.
  11. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    it's more like the build type is defined then the attackspeed comes into matter, not like "if you're super slow then you don't cast spells"
    dbreak is usable for pz cancelstack, and sometimes get used for Freedom spellsteal iirc
    FlyingNon likes this.
  12. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Not necessarily, since a lot of builds that use mixed mana (mana regen + mana steal) to sustain will have super slow attack speed to get the most out of their mana steal. Also, divzer uses solely mana steal to sustain as well as super slow attack speed, but is still a spell build, not hmelee
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