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Guide The Festival of the Blizzard Guide 2023

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RiderTest101, Dec 15, 2023.

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  1. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Well, right as I'm off to my hometown, this suddenly drops...

    The Traveler
    [1/1] The Traveler: Hm... Oh- Hello again! Is there- is there anything I can help you with?
    [1/1] The Traveler: Right- of course. One moment...

    The GUI of The Traveler's Trails will open up
    [1/3] The Traveler: ...I'm afraid I haven't, yet. Maybe once we recover enough of my memories, something will come to me.
    [2/3] The Traveler: I have to wonder... How long have I been traveling like this? Seeing the world, but... remembering none of it.
    [3/3] The Traveler: Hm... Maybe I'll never know. I'll just have to try my best to hold on to what I have now.
    [1/6] The Traveler: ...I have. You saw the grave, didn't you?
    [2/6] The Traveler: It's strange. I feel I've recovered so much of what I lost, and yet... I still feel the same. Hollow.
    [3/6] The Traveler: ...
    [4/6] The Traveler: He's still out there. I can feel it. The storyteller did not meet the same fate we did.
    [5/6] The Traveler: I think... before I depart again, for good. I need to visit him. I need to...
    [6/6] The Traveler: I know he blames himself, for what happened. I need to tell him that- that he isn't to blame. It couldn't be helped.
    [1/2] The Traveler: I... should. You're right. I'm a little unsure how to, if I'm being honest.
    [2/2] The Traveler: I think... being here is enough of a celebration for me, if that makes sense.
    [1/2] The Traveler: ...I could try, though I might not have anything of note to say.
    [2/2] The Traveler: What is it you want me to tell you about?

    [1/2] The Traveler: Oh! So you met him, did you? He's... perfectly harmless. I'm pretty sure.
    [2/2] The Traveler: We met at some point on my travels... I think. I don't really remember much about it. Maybe it's one of the memories we'll be able to put together?
    [1/1] The Traveler: Anything else?
    [1/2] The Traveler: Yes... him. I've been keeping my distance. I worry that if he initiates conversation, I'll come out of it with five new sweaters.
    [2/2] The Traveler: Truth be told, I'm not entirely sure how he does it. Every day that goes by, I see someone else with a festive sweater! It's ridiculous.
    [1/1] The Traveler: Anything else?
    [1/1] The Traveler: ...Alright.
    [1/6] The Traveler: ...What?
    You tap the orb, and suddenly...
    [2/6] The Traveler: ..llo? Hello? Are you alright?
    [3/6] The Traveler: You Scared me! You did something with that orb, and suddenly you went catatonic.
    [4/6] The Traveler: You've been standing there for a few minutes now! Are you okay? What happened?
    [5/6] The Traveler: ...
    [6/6] The Traveler: ...Well. I guess you look fine? I would maybe recommend not doing that again.
    That... probably couldn't have gone worse. You should report back to Picard.
    [1/1] The Traveler: Hello!

    The Traveller's Rewards

    For every 5 memories recollected, you will get a gift from The Traveler himself

    [1/3] The Traveler: As- as thanks for your help... Here. I have a gift.
    [2/3] The Traveler: I don't know why I have this... or what it even means. But it's important.
    [3/3] The Traveler: You should have it. I'll feel better knowing it's in good hands.
    [1/3] The Traveler: I think... I think we're getting somewhere. With these memories.
    [2/3] The Traveler: As a sign of good faith, I have another gift.
    [3/3] The Traveler: I can't quite remember how I got ahold of it... but it is a powerful item.

    Looked like Santa got cut out of the Craftmas invitee list this year, huh?
    [1/5] The Traveler: Ah- before you go. I wanted to speak with you.
    [2/5] The Traveler: IAs we're recovering more and more, I feel... more present. Like- like less of a ghost. Metaphorically speaking.
    [3/5] The Traveler: We're on the right track. I can feel it. As thanks, I have something else for you.
    [4/5] The Traveler: These boots... I know I received them from somebody. I don't know who, or when, but...
    [5/5] The Traveler: I think they'd be happy to hear it's been gifted once again.

    Nick's definitely not on the list this year. Who else is going to be cut out?
    [1/3] The Traveler: Ah- before you leave!
    [2/3] The Traveler: I found this very interesting snowglobe in one of the shops in town.
    [3/3] The Traveler: But, ah- I've realized I have nowhere to put it. Maybe you have somewhere it can go?
    [1/4] The Traveler: ...Hm. I've been... doing some thinking.
    [2/4] The Traveler: The more we recover, the less I'm certain that we'll like what we find at the end.
    [3/4] The Traveler: ...Maybe I'm paranoid. I'd like to be proven wrong. But... I don't think I will be.
    [4/4] The Traveler: Here- take this candle. It's... used to remember those who are lost. I think it's important for you to have.
    [1/4] The Traveler: ...
    [2/4] The Traveler: Well... I'll be off, soon.
    [3/4] The Traveler: Maybe we'll meet again, maybe we won't. I hope I won't lose this experience like I've lost others before, but...
    [4/4] The Traveler: I think it's inevitable. It's what I am, at this point.

    The Traveler's Trail

    About time we had something new for these tri-monthly seasons, especially this one. This event will require you to travel all across the map to access these lingering memories of the Traveler.

    Detlas Suburbs Bridge (35, 61, -1575)
    You cross the bridge, for what feels like the first time in forever, though you don't remember crossing it before.
    All you know is your destination. Home.
    That was... strange. You should report back to the Traveler in Detlas.
    Elkurn (-16, 74, -1163)
    This is a strange town, you think. You think this every time you pass through.
    How many times have you passed through? You can't quite recall.
    Desert Ultimate Discovery (1195, 74, -1937)
    The sand sticks to your cloak as the storm rages around you.
    It's not always snow, you think. This is important to remember. You're not sure why.
    Nemract Docks (102, 36, -2270)
    The sea lies calm as you stare off into the horizon.
    There's something out there calling to you, you think. You can't quite bring yourself to care.
    Granite Mine, above and near the Abandoned Mines (904, 86, -1300)
    Abandoned mining equipment lies forgotten. Never to be used again.
    There's a metaphor here, you think. You can't quite grasp it.
    Rymek Bank (1296, 31, -1331)
    People walk around you, in this strange town.
    You always liked the Mesa, even though you can't stay for long.
    Nesaak Tundra Ruins (-111, 71, -812)
    You stare at the destroyed structures, long fallen to ruin.
    You wonder what kind of people lived here, once. You wonder if it matters.
    Time Valley Ruins (Front of Asher's House) (-456, 72, -1225)
    Time moves differently here - you can feel it. You could wander here forever, if you let yourself.
    You can't let yourself. There's more left to do.
    Mem 9 - Zhight Island (-522, 39, -2746)
    Watching the tourists go about their business, you feel a sudden sense of longing.
    You feel as though you're missing something. That's not uncommon these days.
    Troms Statue (-821, 76, -919)
    The citadel stands strong. This, at least is a relief.
    You don't know what would you have done if it did not.
    Galleon's Graveyard Dungeon (-566, 36, -3393)
    You see ships, destroyed in a trap they could never have predicted.
    They're not so different from you, I suppose.
    The Lone Telescope Discovery (-101, 98, -419)
    This is where you found him. Lost and alone. You could not bear to leave him
    Wherever the storm traveled, you would follow. And now, so would he.
    Karoc Quarry (-1739, 57, -4500)
    The tracks continue, further than you can see.
    Maybe they never end. Maybe the end is just out of sight. You'll never know for sure

    I don't know why the hint was WAY different than the location, but nevertheless. Perhaps a tease for the new upcoming Fruma update?
    Dernel Jungle Ruins (-838, 33, -472)
    The fires burn, even now. You wonder if anyone still bothers to light them.
    You wonder if anyone still cares.
    Bucie (-1472, 42, -4726)
    You look up at the bridge, older than its inhabitants.
    You wonder if it cared when it was irreversibly altered. If it even could have cared at all.
    Caritat Mansion (-1184, 46, -5200)
    There is a powerful memory in the air here. You can feel it.
    You cannot let it overtake you. You have lost enough already.
    Efilim Village (-1060, 42, -5012)
    The tree looms over you as you approach the humble town.
    In a better world, maybe you would have settled down somewhere like this.
    Corkus Statue (-1338, 110, -2881)
    You follow the statue's gaze, off into a seemingly endless expanse of blue.
    You wonder if this is how he would have wanted to be portrayed. You wonder if it matters.
    Cinfras (-446, 47, -4940)
    (No Dialogue)
    Lake Gylia (-193, 30, -5327)
    You sit at the shore of the lake, and look out into the distance.
    Far away, you see mountains stretching ever onward.
    Thesead Observatory (857, 149, -5000)
    Through the telescope, you see countless stars in the night sky.
    Were you like one of those stars, when it happened? Your absence unnoticeable?
    Garoth Boss Portal (1486, 148, -5129)
    You feel uneasy, standing here before this gateway.
    It feels like an antithesis to your very soul.
    "Siegfried" Quest Cave (1505, 104, -4805)
    Something has happened here. Deep within the cavern, something lies undiscovered.
    You do not have time to discover it. You have a destination to reach.
    Jofash Docks (1310, 35, -4093)
    The sea beckons you once more.
    This time, you know where you must go.
    Somewhere you never truly left.
    Isles of Fiction (-296, 57, -4047)
    A death of three.
    You remember.
    How could you have ever forgotten?

    Wynnter Invitations

    These ones have been done time and again, so to spare your time, here is the listings from last year. If you want listings for the year before that, you can check it out on my profile. The list below are cliff notes versions without the custom dialogue as well as items needed to invite them to Detlas.

    Additional spoiler tags are for new guests that have never been invited in the previous two Festival of the Blizzards.

    [The asterisk (*) means they are new NPCs added to the roster of Wynnter Festival invitees]

    Enzan (-772, 67, -1574) and Therck (-535, 69, -1588)
    (Talk to Therck at the Emerald Trail Stairs then to Enzan at Ragni Entrance)
    Drucksh (71, 40, -2178)
    [Quest Required : Grave Digger (Lvl. 20)]
    A lonely drunk, grieving a recent loss.
    1) Talk to Drucksh in his home.
    [1/2] Drucksh: Mmm... oh. 'S you again.
    [2/2] Drucksh: W-what do you w-want now? D-d-desecrating my b-brother's... his... n-not enough for you?
    [1/3] Drucksh: A f-festival? H-ha! What g-g-good are festivities without... w-without anyone to celebrate...
    [2/3] Drucksh: One b-brother dead... another r-r-run off to-to WHO knows w-where...
    [3/3] Drucksh: J-just lonely ol' D-Drucksh left here in N-Nemract...
    You're not going to convince him alone. Maybe there's someone you could ask for help...
    [1/3] Drucksh: H-ha! Alright... D-do I l-l-look alright..?
    [2/3] Drucksh: Just d-d-doing swell... G-got no f-f-family left to c-celebrate the holidays!!
    [3/3] Drucksh: ...I d-don't want to t-t-talk to you... anymore. G-go away.
    [1/1] Drucksh: ...

    2) Talk to Sayleros at the West Exit of Detlas.
    [1/5] Sayleros: Hello again! My, it's been a while since I've seen the snow. And never around these parts!
    [1/5] Sayleros: ...You're looking at me like you have something to say. What's going on?
    [1/5] Sayleros: ...Hm. Now that you mention it... I guess it didn't cross my mind.
    [1/5] Sayleros: Figure he'd have visited if he wanted to, but... oh, goodness, he's probably getting drunk alone, isn't he?
    [1/5] Sayleros: That is... not ideal. Thank you for the reminder, I'll go talk to him now. You can come with, if you'd like.

    [1/5] Sayleros: Let's go pay my brother a visit- see if we can convince him to come visit Detlas.

    3) Go back to Nemract and talk to Drucksh
    [1/5] Drucksh: Urgh... A-and what are you d-doing here?
    [2/5] Sayleros: Well, I'm here to get you out of here for the holidays. This place is a mess!
    [3/5] Drucksh: ...I d-d-don't have a- a drinking problem... Y-you do...
    [4/5] Sayleros: Alright, that's enough alcohol for today. Come on let's at least try and put aside our differences for the holidays.
    [5/5] Drucksh: ...F-fine. I'll c-come to your... s-s-stupid festival. So long as I can b-bring my... my whiskey.

    [1/2] Sayleros: Give us some time to pack, and we'll get back to the festival.
    [2/2] Drucksh: ...How m-many bottles can I sneak in, I w-wonder...
    Drucksh [Next to Sayleros at (477, 67, -1627)]
    [1/4] Sayleros: Hello there! Good to know you made it back here safely.
    [2/4] Drucksh: It's still strange to see snow in Detlas of all places. Doesn't seem normal, does it?
    [3/4] Sayleros: Maybe. But I'm not going to complain! It really completes the Craftmas experience.
    [4/4] Drucksh: Mmh. I suppose.
    [1/8] Drucksh: ...So, what, you're just going to hang around now?
    [1/8] Drucksh: ...Huh? There's a gift-giving going on? I wasn't told 'bout this.
    [2/8] Sayleros: I did tell you, but you were probably too drunk to remember.
    [3/8] Drucksh: Eh.
    [4/8] Drucksh: ...
    [5/8] Drucksh: What, you want a gift? Fine, fine. Let me see what I have here...
    [6/8] Drucksh: ...Here, take this bottle of Nemract Whiskey. I can always ask the Bartender for another.
    [+1 Potion of Drunkness]
    [7/8] Sayleros: That's a bit of a poor gift, isn't it? You can do better.
    [8/8] Drucksh: Could do, maybe. If I had enough time. But you put me on the spot, so. Nemract Whiskey.
    [1/14] Drucksh: Living or dead one? 'Cause I've got two. Or, had.
    [2/14] Drucksh: Got plenty to say about either. Let's go with the dead one. 'cause, eh, why not.
    [3/14] Drucksh: Didn't like him too much. Got rich by chance, and suddenly he wasn't around so much.
    [4/14] Sayleros: He let it get to his head! Started acting like he was better than us just because he had more emeralds.
    [5/14] Drucksh: ...Heh. Remember that one time he showed up to Craftmas without any gifts to give?
    [6/14] Sayleros: I'd nearly forgotten about that! He said something about not wanting to waste his earnings. Gods, what a prick.
    [7/14] Drucksh: Ha! Yeah...
    [8/14] Drucksh: ...
    [9/14] Drucksh: ...Still, though. Didn't deserve what happened to him. I might've hated his guts, but...
    [10/14] Sayleros: Didn't want him to die, yeah. Bandits...
    [11/14] Drucksh: ...Feels a bit wrong that I don't remember his name. Of everything, that's the thing that's slipped the mind.
    [12/14] Drucksh: I dunno. Doesn't feel right that his presence in the world's just... poof. Gone.
    [13/14] Sayleros: ...Well, it's the Craftmas season. Let's just try to enjoy our time here, instead of dwelling on things we can't change.
    [14/14] Drucksh: Yeah... Yeah. May as well.
    [1/3] Drucksh: I'd have to go with Nemract Whiskey. Good, reliable, and cheap. Can't go wrong there.
    [2/3] Sayleros: They've got some good liquors off in Gavel. Have you tried Llevigar Pinot Grigio? It's pretty good.
    [3/3] Drucksh: Eh. It's alright. Bit too expensive for me.
    [1/4] Drucksh: Eh. Don't got the money to move. Even if I did, Nemract's my home. You couldn't pay me to leave.
    [2/4] Sayleros: Believe me, I've tried.
    [3/4] Drucksh: Yeah, yeah. Look, even if I'm not a sailor, I like living by the sea. Sometimes I'll look out over the waves and think about the wide world out there.
    [4/4] Drucksh: Probably never gonna try travelling out there, though. I'm content to stay on the shore.
    [1/1] Drucksh: Eh. Alright.

    Sayleros (476, 67, -1624)
    [1/1] Sayleros: Hello again! Anything you need?
    [1/3] Sayleros: I am! I didn't have much time to prepare, though, so all I have are a few emeralds.
    [+640 Emeralds]
    [2/3] Drucksh: ...Couldn't even bought 'em something nice with those?
    [3/3] Sayleros: Look. Okay. Maybe. But I didn't have time, and this is the best I've got!
    [1/6] Sayleros: We've... had our differences.
    [2/6] Drucksh: Ha! You can say that again.
    [3/6] Sayleros: But, look. He's the last family I've got left. So that counts for something.
    [4/6] Drucksh: Eh, you're not foolin' anyone. Y'love me too much to hate me, heh.
    [5/6] Sayleros: What? Absolutely not. I tolerate you at best.
    [6/6] Drucksh: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. I know the truth.
    [1/6] Drucksh: Bet he wasted it all on getting drunk in the tavern, heh.
    [2/6] Sayleros: Yeah, keep projecting over there. No- I spent a decent bit of it on making sure I can keep my home, and have kept the rest in reserve.
    [3/6] Sayleros: You never know when you might need it.
    [4/6] Drucksh: ...Say, if you're rich, does that mean-
    [5/6] Sayleros: No, I am not buying you alcohol, For goodness' sake.
    [6/6] Drucksh: Foiled again. I'll get you someday, mark my words...
    [1/1] Sayleros: Alright. See you around!
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    AndriX3S, Xeoml, Telepert_ and 5 others like this.
  2. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Seaskipper Captain (182, 34, -2274)
    (Potion of Drunkness, bought at the Nemract Bar)
    Dr. Picard (103, 90, -1200)
    [Quest Required : Recover the Past (Lvl. 25)]
    A scientist hard at work uncovering the secrets of the ancient past.
    1) Talk to Dr. Picard in the tower
    [1/2] Dr. Picard: Oh, for... damnable device, just work already!
    [2/2] Dr. Picard: ...Ah! Assistant! I didn't see you there! Just stopping by for a visit, are you?
    [1/5] Dr. Picard: There is? I suppose it's that time of year, yes. I'm not much of a festival person, personally.
    [2/5] Dr. Picard: ...Hm? There's snow? In Detlas? That's... bizarre. I must say, I've never heard of such a thing occurring!
    [3/5] Dr. Picard: But, well, the weather is unpredictable. It's interesting, but not exactly much of a reason to-
    [4/5] Dr. Picard: ...What's that? There's someone missing memories? Now, this- this may be a reason to visit.
    [5/5] Dr. Picard: Assistant, I'll take you up on that invitation. Allow me to pack my tools... and the orb... and I'll be there as soon as I can!

    [1/1] Dr. Picard: Yes, yes, don't mind me... There are quite a few things I'll need for this trip.
    [1/3] Dr. Picard: Hm? Oh, yes, of course. I've been attempting to put back together my memory restorification orb, but...
    [2/3] Dr. Picard: I can't seem to get it to work again. I'm certain there's something I'm forgetting to do, but...
    [3/3] Dr. Picard: Well, that's the thing with forgetting! You know you're missing something, but you don't know what.
    [1/3] Dr. Picard: Well, it's good to see you. I hope having the memory restorification orb explodificate right next to you hasn't had any adverse consequences...
    [2/3] Dr. Picard: ...Speaking of, you haven't felt any adverse effects, have you? Nausea, blindness, random vivid recollections of things you can't quite picture but are certain were indeed real?
    [3/3] Dr. Picard: None of those? Good, good... I suppose that means the tweaks from my first test worked wonderfully!
    Dr. Picard [Near the receptionist at (429, 79, -1544)]
    [1/1] Dr. Picard: Ah, assistant. There you are. Don't mind me, I'm just scouting for a proper place to set up.
    [1/1] Dr. Picard: That individual by the tree- he's fascinating. Doesn't remember a thing! If only my orb wasn't currently destroyed...
    [1/1] Dr. Picard: Ah, well. We perservere regardless! It won't be long until I have what I need to sort out those memories of his.
    [1/1] Dr. Picard: ...Yes, assistant? I'm rather busy right now.
    [1/3] Dr. Picard: Gift-giving? Oh, right, that's one of those traditions they have.
    [2/3] Dr. Picard: Assistant, I'm quite afraid I don't have anything left to gift you. I've been to busy with my work to prepare.
    [3/3] Dr. Picard: Come back to me when I've finished, and perhaps I'll have something. For now, though, you will have to do without.
    [1/3] Dr. Picard: That's what this place is? I wasn't quite paying attention.
    [2/3] Dr. Picard: I suspect they may want me to leave, but this is quite the perfect spot for my work!
    [3/3] Dr. Picard: And so, here I will remain. My research has only just begun, assistant!
    [1/4] Dr. Picard: So, you see! I-
    [2/4] Dr. Picard: Ehm. Well, what I'm going to- it's rather simple really.
    [3/4] Dr. Picard: I'll- ah, do... magic? I'll do magic. That's what I'll do!
    [4/4] Dr. Picard: I just need to figure out what exactly that magic will involve... but once I do! We'll be all set, believe me.
    [1/4] Dr. Picard: Indeed I have! And now, for the hard part.
    [2/4] Dr. Picard: ...Convincing that fellow by the tree to let me use it on him.
    [3/4] Dr. Picard: Hm... I've got it! Here, I will grant you a replica of my orb, and you will go ask to view his memories!
    [4/4] Dr. Picard: He may not trust me... but he'll probably trust you! Alright, go on, tell me how it goes.
    [+1 Replica Memory Restorification Orb]
    [1/2] Dr. Picard: Hm? Oh, right, yes, I'd nearly forgotten. I need you to speak to the fellow by the tree, and... you know. View his memories using the orb!
    [2/2] Dr. Picard: It's quite simple, really.
    [1/6] Dr. Picard: Excellent! Now, let me see the orb, and I'll view the data.
    [2/6] Dr. Picard: ...
    [3/6] Dr. Picard: This is worthless. I can't do anything with this. Was this really the best you could do?
    [4/6] Dr. Picard: Oh... Whatever. I'll keep working on it on my own.
    [5/6] Dr. Picard: Hm? Oh. Gift. Yes.
    [6/6] Dr. Picard: Well, you can just take the orb as your gift. That should be good enough, yes? I'll be getting back to work, now.
    [1/1] Dr. Picard: Hm. Yes, a good instinct. Breaks are rather important in this line of work. I'll take one shortly.
    Asher (-449, 72, -1153)
    (Time Fragment)
    General Graken (227, 45, -1958)
    (Charon's Brain, obtained by completing Underworld Crypt Dungeon)
    Junes ()
    (8 Terracotta Chunks)
    Honip ()
    (Talk to him in the Nemract Bar)
    Ope (-315, 72, -1476)
    [Quest Required : Supply and Delivery (Lvl. 16)]
    A young con artist, hiding in a lonely cabin in the woods.
    1) Talk to Ope near the Cabin
    [1/2] Ope: ...Huh? Who's- oh. It's you.
    [2/2] Ope: ...Uh. So what exactly are you doing here at my home?
    [1/5] Ope: Oh, yeah. I remember that one. Blizzard, right?
    [2/5] Ope: I don't know. I was just planning on celebrating the holidays out here, on my own. Which! Is going fine!
    [3/5] Ope: ...
    [4/5] Ope: Alright, fine, you got me. Maybe I don't actually want to spend the holidays out in the woods alone! Sue me.
    [5/5] Ope: But if you're offering an invite- sure. I'll take it. I'll come to Detlas for the festival.

    [1/1] Ope: ...What? I said I'd come.
    [1/2] Ope: Well- okay, look. Technically, it's the mayor's cabin. But I stay here when I'm- uh. Taking some time for myself.
    [2/2] Ope: ...Don't look at me like that! I'm- I'm living a normal life out here.
    [1/1] Ope: ...Right. Well, uh, good luck with that, I guess.
    Ope [By the Blacksmith at (492, 67, -1588)]
    [1/3] Ope: Hm... What am I going to do- g-gah! You have got to stop sneaking up on me.
    [2/3] Ope: So, fine, alright, merry Craftmas or whatever. You got me to show up! Good job, you.
    [3/3] Ope: ...It's nice here. I might stick around a while. The snow really adds to the atmosphere.
    [1/1] Ope: ...Hey! Anything you, uh, need?
    [1/6] Ope: ...I guess so? Is that- expected of people?
    [2/6] Ope: No, yeah, sure, uh... I'm doing that. Yep.
    [3/6] Ope: Just... shoot. Give me a moment.
    [4/6] Ope: ...I've got it! Here you are.
    [+384 Emeralds]
    [5/6] Ope: It's all the money I owe you! You know, from- yep.
    [6/6] Ope: So. Hope that's all good now?

    Honestly? I'll take it.
    [1/4] Ope: ...Right! The cabin. It belong to the mayor before he- you know. Became the mayor.
    [2/4] Ope: I think he still owns it, but it's not like he ever uses it. So, you know, free real estate and all that.
    [3/4] Ope: ...He probably knows I've been staying there. Not like he's ever gonna talk to me about it, though!
    [4/4] Ope: Kinda wish he would, if only to tell me to get out of there. But, nope. Silence.
    [1/5] Ope: I wish I could say I didn't! Most of these people are fine, but then there's him. Who even invited him!
    [2/5] Ope: Wish I could get him to leave, but no, the holidays are for everyone apparently! Ugh.
    [3/5] Ope: Bet you don't even know who I'm talking about, do you? His name's Asher, and he's my greatest enemy in the world.
    [4/5] Ope: You did what?! Why would you go and do something like that?! Now I have to... share the same space with him! For an expended period of time!
    [5/5] Ope: Oh, I'll get him. I'll get him good. He won't even see it coming...
    [4/5] Ope: Yeah, and you're lucky for it. Me, on the other hand? I have to share the same space with him! For an extended period of time!
    [5/5] Ope: Oh, I'll get him. I'll get him good. He won't even see it coming...
    [1/3] Ope: Oh, don't even get me started. He-...
    [2/3] Ope: ...Okay, look. This is stuff that is hard to get into. He was my mom's student before she passed, and ever since then things have been... weird.
    [3/3] Ope: Before then, even! He's just... insufferable. I hate him. I wish him harm. Is that so wrong?

    This is a reference to "Suspended Flowers", an old quest that existed before I joined Wynn in the middle of its 1.18 update.
    [1/1] Ope: Cool! Cool. Alright.
    Nohno (-83, 45, -2497)
    (4 Eggs)
    Caissop (-1802, 56, -5190)
    (Talk to him in the Olux Swamp)
    Doan ()
    (1 Letvus Delight)
    Kelight (-693, 63, -976)
    (1 Pearlescent Jewel)
    Mael (158, 79, -374)
    (8 Ghostly Essence)
    Worid (-740, 80, -662)
    (16 Emerald Blocks)
    Yansur (372, 64, -5501) Gale and Orja (366, 42, -5484)
    (Talk to Yansur first, then to Gale)
    Gale [By Calo's Airship at (428, 82, -1515)]
    [1/6] Gale: Yep! I mean, Qira let her co,me along during that SPring festival too. She's trying so hard, so I figure why not have her get out of the hive every once in a while?
    [2/6] Gale: The most finagling it took was convincing the girl herself to come along, really. I think she's still just...sort of herself to come along, really. I think she still just...sort of feels like she doesn't deserve this yet, and that... It's nuts!
    [3/6] Gale: Orja's super committed! Like- I know you can hear me, girl!- She does the work of three people, just to justify her being there or something. Or maybe it's to keep her hands busy?
    [4/6] Gale: Either way, she deserves a break! To just live a little, y'know? I just HAD to get her away from Yansur, and that Psycho.
    [5/6] Gale: I know she's already enjoying the trip- she was whooping and hollering the whole flight over with me, and you should've seen her face when she saw all the holiday decorations!
    [6/6] Gale: Oh, and, eheheh...between you and me? I think Qira and Orja have a lot in common. They're both workaholics and chocoholics!~

    Just so you know, this dialogue option was also present during last year's Festival of the Blizzard. I just was VERY burned out of Wynn at the time. Kinda like I am now.

    Orja [Beside Gale at (432, 82, -1517)]
    [1/4] Orja: ...I've got to improve the decorations for next year. This just- Oh! Um, hi. Merry, uh, Craftmas.
    [2/4] Orja: A Fruma Soldier? You're, I remember hearing about people like you a while ago. Can't remember if I've seen you before or not...
    [3/4] Orja: Suppose you're here to join in the festivities, right? I'd be at the Hive, decorating the servant's quarters, but...
    [4/4] Orja: ...Gale, uh...decided she really wanted me to see this and wouldn't take no for an answer. I, uh. Only regret it a little bit.
    [1/3] Orja: ...it's way prettier when you're not forced to live out in it. The, um, the snow, I mean.
    [2/3] Orja: We don't really get weather at the Hive, so it's been a while since I've seen it snow.
    [3/3] Orja: Well, anyways. Did you want to talk?
    [1/3] Orja: She did.
    [2/3] Orja: I never want to fly again.
    [3/3] Orja: Ever.
    [1/6] Orja: So. You know how Gale is. She can, um. Do the windy...thing- Air magic. She has air magic.
    [2/6] Orja: That means, she can fly around with it. And, that's impressive and all, but... It meant she didn't want to wait to take an airship ticket to fly here.
    [3/6] Orja: She said she had a method of getting here that was...urp. Perfectly safe.
    [4/6] Orja: Holding! A basket! With me in it! Over the ocean! At top speed! Is!! Not!! Safe!!
    [5/6] Orja: I got a weird bug in my eye too...
    [6/6] Gale: Hey, I told you to wear those googles I gave you!!
    [1/1] Orja: ...yeargh.
    [1/8] Orja: Apparently, it's gotten better since I was brought to the Hive.
    [2/8] Orja: Yansur thinks the whole season is useless to celebrate, so he kept trying to say the decorations weren't allowed. No one bothered with it because of that...but that's not in the rules anywhere!
    [3/8] Orja: I checked! So, I started putting up decorations and tried to start a little gift exchange myself...
    [4/8] Orja: It was like... flipping a switch. Everyone was in a good mood! Even that grouchy guy in the room to the right of mine ended up getting into it.
    [5/8] Orja: And of course, Yansur decided to be a busybody and say 'nay' to the thing, but I, um...got on his case about it. He got all huffy, and his face turned...puce, or something, and he stormed off.
    [6/8] Orja: We get some time off from standard work- smithing, scrapping, tailoring, and all that. Some people get to visit their families or send letters.
    [7/8] Orja: ...actually, thinking of it, the guy to the left of me always complains about not being able to see his family... Why doesn't he just ask? He works hard, too...
    [8/8] Orja: Uh, Mistress Qira herself actually helps tending to some of the chores that needs doing daily, around this time. She takes good care of us.
    [1/6] Orja: ...um, keep this between you and me, but... I've sort of been indulging in all the food.
    [2/6] Orja: The carols are nice, but I don't know the lyrics, and I'm no good at singing. All the crafts and things everyone makes are nice too- I got a souvenir!
    [3/6] Orja: It's a...the merchant called it a snowglobe- You shake it, and the inside of the globe has snow flutter down, but...
    [4/6] Orja: Um, as much as the cooks at the Hive do a good job you sort of get used to what's there after a while.
    [5/6] Orja: So, um...roasted nuts, and peppermint candies, and those sweet jellybeans...I've sort of just been on a snacking spree.
    [6/6] Orja: I really recommend those jellybeans. They're really fruity-tasting, but also...not quite fruit? It's weird in a good way.
    [1/8] Orja: ...not necessarily. The festival here is good! I like the atmosphere, and the snow, and all.
    [2/8] Orja: I just...I wish Gale hadn't taken the most reckless way of getting me over the ocean possible-
    [3/8] Gale: Hey, I flew AROUND that thunderstorm! Jeez, you'd think I tried to drop you or something. I told you, I've done it before!
    [4/8] Orja: ...anyway.
    [5/8] Orja: That, and while I'm not over at the Hive I'm worried Yansur's going to get in everyone's faces and stop them from celebrating again.
    [6/8] Orja: I'd hate to be the reason that they don't get to have fun, and...well, I already got to go to the Festival of the Heroes. Isn't it someone else's turn?
    [7/8] Gale: Hey, look. Don't worry about that so much, Orja. Just cause Qira's got a soft spot for you doesn't mean anyone else is getting treated bad.
    [8/8] Gale: And besides, I got Pleiadies to keep Yansur in line. Everyone's gonna get to have their Craftmas, and if Yansur tries to stop it again he'll just end up doing his best inpression of a Wynnter ham!~
    [1/6] Orja: No good. This, this time of year is to celebrate the good, and to be thankful for what you have, right?
    [2/6] Orja: So I'll be thankful that I'm not eking out a living in Gelibord anymore, that Mistress chose to take me along.
    [3/6] Orja: I was a beggar. And...everyone hated me for it. I don't know why, because most of the people in Gelibord were barely doing better than I was.
    [4/6] Orja: I didn't have a house- their roofs are so rundown that they may as well not have them. I had no money, they had a tiny bit, but they acted like they were leagues above me.
    [5/6] Orja: I can't tell you how much my life's improved since I got out of there. I never want to go back. I won't go back. I'd sooner die.
    [6/6] Orja: ...er. ...maybe a bit much to be talking about. Right...right now. Let's...not bring this up again.

    After selecting this dialogue, it won't appear again.
    [1/2] Orja: Oh. Um...okay. I hope you...enjoy the festival?
    [2/2] Orja: ...why would you come up and talk to me if you didn't want to talk...?

    Fair enough.

    Orja was also present during last year's Festival of the Blizzard. I was just getting burned out with Wynn when I made the guide at the time.
    Chef Hamsey (949, 129, -4475)
    [Quest Required : Recipe for Disaster (Lvl. 96)]
    A master chef, known across the land.
    1) Talk to Chef Hamsey at the Sky Kitchen
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: Bienvenue, mon ami! Alas, running a restaurant is busy work, so I can't talk for long. Maybe take a seat in the restaurant?
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: Un fete!? Do they wish for me to cook there? C'est tres excitant!
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: Let me think... Yes, the restaurant can run sans moi for a time. I'll put my three best chefs to work.
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: As for le plat... I have just the thing. It will be some of my finest work...
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: But that can wait! D'abord. I shall pack my supplies and voyager a Detlas. I look forward to seeing this festival.

    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: I shall see you at the festival, mon ami!

    So... Chef Hamsey replaces The Cook in Ragni, huh? Interesting...

    Maybe we'll have a different food item this year as a Craftmas Gift.
    [1/2] Chef Hamsey: Business is booming! C'est la Periode des vacances de Wynnter, and what better time to visit a fancy restaurant?
    [2/2] Chef Hamsey: It is to a point that I feel I cannot create that which I would like to, most days. Mais c'est la vie! The season will end soon, and business will return a la normale.
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: Oui, oui. I'll be with you soon!
    Chef Hamsey [Near the Cooking Station at (444, 67, -1577)]
    [1/3] Chef Hamsey: A fine city, Detlas! Improved further by the decorations and snowfall.
    [2/3] Chef Hamsey: I remember mon premier Fete du Blizzard... It was quite a long time ago.
    [3/3] Chef Hamsey: Ah, memories. Well, I'd best get to work! There is a beaucoup a faire, si je veux preparer a dish for all those here.
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: Good to see you, mon ami! What might I do for you aujourd'hui?
    [1/3] Chef Hamsey: Oui, bien sûr! I have taken a look at what I have to work with, and I have just the thing in mind.
    [2/3] Chef Hamsey: Allow me but a moment, and I will have une degustation just for you!
    He gets to cooking. You're mesmerized by his work, as he puts together the ingredients, until...
    [3/3] Chef Hamsey: Voila! A Hamsey-style Craftmas Dinner! Now, go on, enjoy. I must return to work, and prepare more for the other people of this city.
    [+1 Craftmas Dinner]

    Oooh, this is interesting. This time, the Craftmas Dinner is an Infinite Consumable instead of a three use one like the previous two Blizzard Festivals. Nice!
    [1/4] Chef Hamsey: Oui, indeed! Long before I had created my restaurant, I had travelled across the world to learn of its cuisine.
    [2/4] Chef Hamsey: My time in Wynn was good, however short it might have been. But I remember fondly the Festival of the Blizzard, that winter I was here.
    [3/4] Chef Hamsey: ...I even remember seeing le jeune homme by the tree back then, as well! He was younger, then, surrounded by trois freres...
    [4/4] Chef Hamsey: I wonder where they've gone? Perhaps I will speak to him of it, plus tard.
    [1/3] Chef Hamsey: It is a busy life! But I would not give it up for anything else. It has been mon rêve for my entire life, and now... me voici!
    [2/3] Chef Hamsey: I was not always the master chef I am today. I traveled and learned from the best! J'ai travaille dur pour mon succes.
    [3/3] Chef Hamsey: I am happy with my legacy et mon travail. It is good to know it will be continued by those I have taught! Brie, Kale, and Frank... they will do well, je suis sur.
    [1/1] Chef Hamsey: Ah! Well, it was good to see you, nonetheless. Au revoir!
    Psilo (-205, 42, -4308)
    [Quest Required : The Bigger Picture (Lvl. 76)]
    A small gnome, living in a cavern much too big.
    1) Talk to Psilo in his cave.
    [1/1] Psilo: Hello again, large human! Long time no see!
    [1/5] Psilo: A festival! That sounds like quite a good time. I'm not sure I know what this Detlas you speak of is, though?
    [2/5] Psilo: Uh huh... oh! Across the sea, you say? Gosh, that's a travel and a half. I'm not sure I could even make it that far!
    [3/5] Psilo: But I really would like to visit this festival of yours... oh, tell you what. I have just the idea!
    [4/5] Psilo: Here, take this sum of Gnome gold. Go to that fancy airbase in the Villager capitol, and buy me a little ticket to this Detlas.
    [5/5] Psilo: Come on, it's the only way! What am I gonna do, walk? With my little feet? Of course not!
    He gives you a large sack filled to the brim with gold. You wonder where he got it, but you decide not to ask questions.

    [1/1] Psilo: Don't forget! Go bring my gold to the airbase and buy me a little ticket to Detlas!
    [1/3] Psilo: The house is good as new! Mushrooms took care of it, just like I said.
    [2/3] Psilo: Alas, the Razorice seem to have moved right back in... they're worshipping my pet now, if you can believe it.
    [3/3] Psilo: They're... probably harmless! Besides, I think they've grown on me! Literally. There's one on me right now. It won't go away.
    [1/3] Psilo: That's very kind of you! I don't get many visitors out here, so for someone to visit twice? That's got to be good.

    2) Go to Letvus Airbase and talk to the Airbase Attendant at (-260, 57, -4976)
    [1/1] Airbase Attendant: Ugh... what a day. Might as well never show my face around here, with how bad it was...
    [2/2] Airbase Attendant: ...Huh? Oh- uh. Hello. What can I do for you?
    [1/5] Airbase Attendant: ...What? Can you- sorry, did I hear that correctly? A ticket for a gnome?
    [2/5] Airbase Attendant: I... I didn't think gnomes were even real...
    [3/5] Airbase Attendant: You can what?! I- ahem. Of course, I can get you a ticket! It's the least I could do, really!
    [4/5] Airbase Attendant: And... here. A two-way ticket to Detlas and back! For your- uh. Gnome.
    [5/5] Airbase Attendant: A- a pleasure doing business with you!
    The attendant takes your gold, and hands you a small ticket. You place it in your pack where you won't lose it.
    [1/3] Airbase Attendant: Uh... N-nothing. Don't even worry about it. It's- it's fine!!
    [2/3] Airbase Attendant: ...Oh, who am I kidding. I'm as good as done for, really. I committed the worst crime an airbase attendant ever could...
    [3/3] Airbase Attendant: I... I spilled coffee in the break room. In front of the manager! How can I ever recover? Oh, it's all over...

    3) Go back to Psilo and hand him the Ticket
    [1/4] Psilo: You're back! Do you have my little ticket?
    [2/4] Psilo: You do! Good, good. Now, I am one step closer to my true goal... hehe...
    [3/4] Psilo: ...to visit your festival! What did you think I was going to say?
    [4/4] Psilo: Well, alrighty. I'll see you there!

    [1/4] Psilo: Don't mind me, I'm just getting ready for my very first airship trip!
    Psilo [Behind the bank at (507, 67, -1547)]
    [1/3] Psilo: Ah! Hello, large human! Or should I say, regular sized human? You're all quite large.
    [2/3] Psilo: Flying was fun! A bit strange, perhaps, but I'm not going to complain. It got me here, didn't it?
    [3/3] Psilo: Well, don't mind me! I'm going to get back to hiding in these bushes.
    [1/1] Psilo: It's good to see you again, but at this rate you're going to blow my cover!
    [1/3] Psilo: Gifts? I do enjoy gifts. I wonder if other people will give me gifts if I ask!
    [2/3] Psilo: Here, you can have this lawn gnome I replaced! I don't need it, and so long as you take it somewhere else, I don't mind if you have it.
    [+1 Wynnter Gnome]
    [3/3] Psilo: Happy Blizzard! That's what they say around here, right? It's the Festival of the Blizzard, after all.
    [1/4] Psilo: Huh? Isn't it obvious? I'm disguised as one of those lawn gnomes scattered about!
    [2/4] Psilo: This is the perfect spot for me to spy on... whoever's in that building over there. They'll never suspect a thing.
    [3/4] Psilo: Why are you looking at me like that? It's not illegal to spy on people! I think. I haven't checked.
    [4/4] Psilo: Well, if it is, they'll never catch me! Eheheh.
    [1/4] Psilo: Oh, that? It was fun! It was a bit weird when I was getting on board, though.
    [2/4] Psilo: For some reason, the villagers there didn't seem to want to let me on? But my ticket said I was good so they had no choice!
    [3/4] Psilo: And it's good for a ride back, so I'm all set! Funny a little bit of friendship can pay off, eh?
    [4/4] Psilo: ...And gold, I guess. But mostly friendship.
    [1/1] Psilo: Bye!
    Ragni's King (-939, 67, -1567)
    (Talk to the King at Ragni)
    Maxie (-1571, 68, -2869)
    (Talk to Maxie in his home)
    Rhay (743, 174, -4518)
    [Quests Required : The Breaking Point (Lvl. 97)]
    [Prerequisite Quests Required : The Envoy Part I (Lvl. 83) & Part II (Lvl. 89), Dwarves and Doguns Part I (Lvl. 91), Part II (Lvl. 92), Part III (Lvl. 93) & Part IV (Lvl. 94)]
    A corkian far from home working hard to prevent calamity.
    1) Talk to Rhay at Kandon-Beda
    [1/1] Rhay: Hey! It's good to see you again. I'm just... packing up, over here.
    [1/4] Rhay: A festival? Right, I think Maxie told me about that!
    [2/4] Rhay: I told him I still need to finish things up here, but... I'm starting to think that might've been a mistake.
    [3/4] Rhay: Well. It's not like I have much going on here, really! The cleanup can wait.
    [4/4] Rhay: I'll come to the festival, <player>. I'll see you there!

    [1/1] Rhay: I'll be at the festival soon, don't worry!
    [1/3] Rhay: Oh. Yeah, it is. He's been... around.
    [2/3] Rhay: It's a little weird having him around, what with how much Ineos told me about them.
    [3/3] Rhay: I guess he just doesn't want to be around the dwarves, which... is fair. I can't blame him.
    [1/1] Rhay: I'm doing alright. Still a little... I guess frustrated by how our machine didn't work out. It's alright, though. Things worked out in the end.
    Rhay [Beside Maxie and Ava by the Frozen Lake at (430, 67, -1622)]
    [1/4] Rhay: This is nice. We don't get snow in Corkus, you know? The climate doesn't really allow for it.
    [2/4] Rhay: Though, from what I've heard, Detlas doesn't either... Well, I won't complain.
    [3/4] Maxie: It's good to have you here too, love. Missed you.
    [4/4] Rhay: Missed you too. We have the rest of the festival to enjoy ourselves here, though. Let's make the most of it.
    [1/1] Rhay: Hey, <player>! Are you enjoying the festival?
    [1/5] Rhay: I have a gift prepared just for you, actually. Before I left, Ineos approached me with something he wanted me to pass on to you.
    [2/5] Rhay: I don't entirely understand the doguns' culture, but... I think these sorts of things mean a lot to them.

    [3/5] Rhay: I have one, as well. It's... something to remember us by, even when you're off on other adventures.
    [4/5] Maxie: Well, now I feel left out!
    [5/5] Rhay: Ha, of course you do. I can ask Ineos if he'd be willing to make you one as well, later. I'm sure he'll say yes.
    [1/6] Rhay: He's doing well, I think. He's gone back to the Heights to be with his people, so... I don't get to see him very often.
    [2/6] Rhay: He seems happy. I'm happy for him! It's a miracle you all managed to revive those elders at all.
    [3/6] Rhay: ...It does feel a little lonely around Kandon without him. The General's still around, but... with how much time we spent working together, it feels weird to not have him by my side.
    [4/6] Rhay: But, hey! I'll be heading back to Corkus soon. I won't feel so lonely when I get there, will I?
    [5/6] Maxie: Yeah, because I'm not going to leave you around for a whole month! You've been away for so long.
    [6/6] Rhay: I know, I know! It's important work, but... I'll be glad to be home.
    [1/4] Rhay: I haven't really thought about it! I'm heading back to Corkus soon, but from there... I don't really know.
    [2/4] Rhay: Maybe the Council will have more work for me to do. Maybe I'll find a personal project to work on! I'm just not sure yet.
    [3/4] Rhay: It's a little weird, not having one big thing to focus on. I've been working with the folks at Kandon for so long, and now that it's over...
    [4/4] Rhay: I feel a bit aimless. It's fine, though! I'm sure something will grab my attention soon, and I'll be back in the swing of things.
    [1/6] Rhay: You know, I haven't really spoken with her much. She's... something of a new variable.
    [2/6] Rhay: It's all a little strange, to tell you the truth. Nodise told me about what happened at the Council, and what she did there.
    [3/6] Rhay: But at the same time, Maxie's been telling me about how she's been helping him figure out his electromagic more. Which... is good!
    [4/6] Rhay: He's really brilliant, but... he's not as confident as I am about his skills. That's why I think it's great he has someone to help!
    [5/6] Rhay: ...Even if that someone couldn't be me.
    [6/6] Rhay: So, uh, overall, I guess she's alright? I'll probably still have to talk to her to be sure, but. If Maxie says she's good, he's probably right.
    [1/1] Rhay: That's good to hear. We've been having a good time around here, as well.
    Ava (In her workshop at -1728, 134, -3268)
    (8 Robot Antennas)
    Drale (In his secret hideout at 719, 45, -5421)
    [Quest Required : Cowfusion (Lvl. 86)]
    A strange individual holding the visage of a bovine.
    1) Talk to Drale at his office
    [1/1] Drale: Hi! Is there, uh, anything I can do for you? I'm a little busy.
    [1/1] Drale: Really? Wow. I've, uh, never been... invited to a festival. That sounds fun!
    [1/1] Drale: But... I have a lot of work I need to do. I'm not sure if I can...
    [1/1] Drale: ...
    [1/1] Drale: Oh, what am I doing. I- I can take some time off. I've been... working for too long.
    [1/1] Drale: Just- give me a little bit. I need to tell people, I need to pack my things, I need to sort things out here... but I'll be there! Promise.

    [1/1] Drale: Hm... I can put Kevin in charge of management, and then... oh- hey! I'm, uh, working things out. I'll be at the festival soon!
    [1/3] Drale: Oh, just... paperwork, right now
    [2/3] Drale: The workers have formed a union and want better working conditions. Which- which, to be clear, I'm fully on board with!
    [3/3] Drale: I've been... a bad boss, lately. But I'm working on it. I want to do better, so... I'm trying to do better.
    [1/1] Drale: It was good to see you! Come by any time!
    Drale [At the back alleyway near the Barracks at (499, 67, -1603)]
    [1/3] Drale: ...H-hi! Wow, these... these sure are festivities.
    [2/3] Drale: Um. There's maybe a few too many people here for me. But! I already... committed to coming here.
    [3/3] Drale: So I can't exactly leave now! I'm. I'm just going to stay in this corner. I think.
    [1/1] Drale: ...S-so. Anything interesting going on?
    [1/6] Drale: The- oh. Oh, right! Right. Yeah, no, I'm- I'm participating. I didn't... forget.
    [2/6] Drale: ...
    [3/6] Drale: Okay, look, I have something I can give you, but you have to promise not to ask questions. Okay?
    [4/6] Drale: ...
    [+1 Bottomless Milk Bucket]
    [5/6] Drale: ...
    [6/6] Drale: W-well, hey, you know... you- you promised not t-to ask! So. Uh. No- no questions allowed!

    ... I don't even want to know what this implies.
    [1/6] Drale: Work! Work. Right.
    [2/6] Drale: ...I did tell you about the ship, right? It's... I don't know where it is. But it's out there- I know it is.
    [3/6] Drale: And... I need to find it. Maybe we could... make a new one. But we can't. There's- there's something I can't leave behind.
    [4/6] Drale: ...We're still looking. I think we have an idea of where to look, but... still haven't found anything.
    [5/6] Drale: I know what people say behind my back. That I'm just wasting time. But... they don't get it. They don't understand.
    [6/6] Drale: ...Maybe you don't, either. I don't know. It doesn't matter. I'm still not going to stop.
    [1/3] Drale: I. Um. I just- look. It's... a little scary talking to this many people.
    [2/3] Drale: It's just easier to... be over here. Where nobody can talk to me.
    [3/3] Drale: I'll- maybe I'll go out later. Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.
    [1/1] Drale: Oh... O-okay.
    Olon (-1068, 42, -4977)
    [Quest Required : Aldorei's Secret Part I (Lvl. 74) & Part II (Lvl. 78)]
    A young elf who sought the truth when no others would.
    1) Talk to Olon in her home in Efilim
    [1/1] Olon: Oh, hi there! How's it going, <player>?
    [1/4] Olon: A festival? I don't hate the idea of going to one, but it is pretty far away...
    [2/4] Olon: Although, maybe having that distance will be good for me? I'm not entirely sure.
    [3/4] Olon: You know what? I'll take you up on that invitation! It's not like I'm really doing much around here, anyway...
    [4/4] Olon: ...Nothing I can't bring with me, at least! I'll see you there!

    [1/1] Olon: I'll see you at the festival, <player>!
    [1/3] Olon: Well... it could be better!
    [2/3] Olon: Having some distance from Aldorei has been helping, but... there's still a lot to process, you know?
    [3/3] Olon: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine! I've been trying to pick up some hobbies to take my mind off of things, which has been working well enough.
    [1/1] Olon: That's good to hear! I've been... managing. Doing fine, all things considered!
    Olon [Under the dead tree at (487, 67, -1541)]
    [1/2] Olon: Wow, I don't think I've seen snow like this since... well, ever, really!
    [2/2] Olon: It's... nice. I'd call it calming, even! Which is good. I needed "calming" in my life.
    [1/1] Olon: Oh... O-okay.
    [1/3] Olon: Oh... O-okay.
    [+1 Elven Tulip]
    [2/3] Olon: Oh... O-okay.
    [3/3] Olon: Oh... O-okay.
    [1/6] Olon: Oh... this and that, I guess! I've been trying out cooking, gardening, painting...
    [2/6] Olon: ...hiking, sewing, bluecap mushrooms- by the way, you should really try them, they're something special-...
    [3/6] Olon: And those have all been going well! There's, uh, some failures too, of course.
    [4/6] Olon: It turns out I'm awful at poetry. The words just... don't come out right.
    [5/6] Olon: There was that time I tried to domesticate a Phrumkin- worst idea I ever had, would not recommend.
    [6/6] Olon: ...But overall I found a few things to occupy my time! And, better yet, I'm enjoying doing them!
    [1/6] Olon: I wish I could say I haven't! I've been... trying to avoid that whole situation.
    [2/6] Olon: I didn't really seek them out. Elder Alder visited Efilim, a few days after everything happened. He wanted to apologize.
    [3/6] Olon: ...Apparently he knew my parents before they left for Efilim. Was good friends with them, even!
    [4/6] Olon: I don't know how to feel about it, really. On the one hand, I really want nothing to do with Aldorei or its elders, after what we found out.
    [5/6] Olon: But on the other hand... he's a connection to my family. One of the last ones I could possibly have.
    [6/6] Olon: I'm... going to have to think about it. And, well, this is as good a place as any to do that! Nice and far away from all my problems.
    [1/14] Olon: I never did tell you much about them, did I? They were the reason I got stuck in this conspiracy, but then I got distracted by everything...
    [2/14] Olon: Well for starters, they were adventurers way back in the day! When I was growing up, I was told stories of their travels deep into the Canyon.
    [3/14] Olon: My dad was an expert blademaster- he'd have at least seven swords on him at any time, or so my mom joked. He- he probably didn't have that many...
    [4/14] Olon: And my mom specialized in nature magic! She'd be able to make the smallest of saplings grow until it touched the clouds, with only a single spell! Maybe that was an exaggeration. I like the imagery, though!
    [5/14] Olon: They... they didn't really like to be stuck in one place for too long. It's why they chose to leave Aldorei, in the end.
    [6/14] Olon: Even after moving to Efilim, they still did some adventuring, for a while. Eventually, though, they had me... and chose to settle down.
    [7/14] Olon: ...I guess the adventures finally caught up to them. So many years spent away from Aldorei, taking their years from them one by one.
    [8/14] Olon: They were- they were happy, in the end, I think. Happy that they lived their life, happy that they had me...
    [9/14] Olon: ...But it's still- it's not fair. It's not fair! They should have had longer. Those- those selfish elders...
    [10/14] Olon: I don't know. It's over, and- and they're gone now. So... maybe it doesn't matter.
    [11/14] Olon: I'm glad I had those years with them. It hurts knowing that we could have had longer, but... that's life, I guess! It's not fair.
    [12/14] Olon: ...Huh. I think- I think I've been keeping that all inside for... a while. I'm glad I was able to get it out, if I'm being honest!
    [13/14] Olon: I think... I'm going to choose not to stay angry. Maybe I can't forgive the elders for what they did, but... I'll listen to Alder's stories. We'll both remember my parents for who they were.
    [14/14] Olon: Maybe that'll just have to be enough.
    [1/1] Olon: Yep! That is... a full interaction right there. Good going, us.
    Tasim (168, 36, -2253)
    [Quest Required : Recover the Past (Lvl. 25)]
    An old friend arrives from a journey across the sea.
    [1/1] Tasim: Hey, <player>, is that you? It's good to see you! It feels like it's been forever.
    [1/1] Tasim: Oh, man, is it that time of the year again? I'd completely forgotten.
    [1/1] Tasim: Well, this is perfect timing then! I've arrived just in time for the holidays!
    [1/1] Tasim: Let's get going! No reason to keep standing around here when there's a festival to get to.

    He will disappear immediately after the conversation ends.
    [1/2] Tasim: Oh, you know. I've... gotten a little homesick, I guess.
    [2/2] Tasim: Not to say I haven't had a good time out in Gavel, because I have- but it's been a while since I've been back in Wynn.
    [1/1] Tasim: Yeah... Well, I'll be making my way to Detlas soon, so I'll be around a while.
    [1/3] Tasim: Wow. Snowfall in Detlas, huh? That's a new one.

    [2/3] Tasim: Well, hey! I won't complain. It really completes the aesthetic.
    [3/3] Tasim: It's good to be back.
    [1/1] Tasim: Hey, <player>! How're you enjoying the festivities?
    [1/3] Tasim: I am! I actually found something in my pack a while back that I'd think you'd actually like.
    [+1 Worn Image]
    [2/3] Tasim: It's from right before our first mission with Aledar, way back when. I don't remember having it taken, but... well, since I have it, I must have thought to do it.
    [3/3] Tasim: It's been a while, but... those are still fond memories.
    [1/7] Tasim: Gavel, huh? I've been all over.
    [2/7] Tasim: Most recently, I've been dealing with some ancient awakened golem in Cinfras County.
    [3/7] Tasim: It'd been stationary for hundreds of years, but suddenly it decided to wake up and started moving about!
    [4/7] Tasim: It wasn't... hostile, exactly, but it wasn't paying any mind to anything in its path. Which... was a problem, with all the people in the area!
    [5/7] Tasim: I ended up having to find a way to disable it again. Which was a little difficult, seeing as nobody knows how they work.
    [6/7] Tasim: ...I ended up just collapsing some large boulders on its head. It did the job, but... I'm a little disappointed I couldn't find a better way.
    [7/7] Tasim: Well, it happens. It wasn't exactly living, so... I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it.
    [1/8] Tasim: Oh, sure. We've crossed paths a couple of times in our travels.
    [2/8] Tasim: There was this one time where we teamed up with another Wynn soldier- I think her name was Elphaba?
    [3/8] Tasim: Anyway, we all worked together to take care of a situation in the Light Forest. Some creature had slipped through the cracks between worlds, and was causing problems.
    [4/8] Tasim: So, the people of Bucie requested aid from Llevigar, and the three of us were in the area... So off we went.
    [5/8] Tasim: It was some sort of plant monster attacking anyone attempting to pass through the Light Forest. We tracked it down, and fought it.
    [6/8] Tasim: There were some close calls, but we killed it in the end. We went our separate ways from there- I had business in the Canyon, and the two of them were heading back to Wynn.
    [7/8] Tasim: It was fun, though. I haven't really heard from them since... well. I did get a letter from Aledar, recently. It was about some sort of mission.
    [8/8] Tasim: He wanted me to join him on it- it's why I was heading back here, actually. I haven't been able to find him, though. I hope he's doing well.
    You go to tell Tasim about what happened to Aledar... But the words refuse to come out.
    It would be cruel to tell him about it now, you think. Maybe some other time, you'll find a way to tell him.
    ...But not now.
    [1/5] Tasim: You know... I'm not sure. I'll probably head on back to Gavel, at some point. There's more I feel like I need to do over there.
    [2/5] Tasim: I think the distance was good for me. I'm still... unsure about my place in the world. But, I've been able to do good thus far. If that doesn't mean anything, what does?
    [3/5] Tasim: I don't know. I think... despite everything, I think I'd still like to find out more, you know?
    [4/5] Tasim: Fruma's still a big question mark on our history. And I'd really like to figure it out.
    [5/5] Tasim: But, hey. It's not like I can do anything about that now. And, well, we're here at the festival. Might as well enjoy it while we're here.
    [1/1] Tasim: That's good to hear.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    ChrisWildfire likes this.
  3. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    blizzard hype
  4. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager QA GM CMD CHAMPION

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    (just as an fyi, there's a fair number of new npcs this time around)
    PlasmaWarrior, Bixlo and BlahBlah7137 like this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    what. Graphite..? Hello???
  6. Lecrafta6h6

    Lecrafta6h6 Skilled Adventurer

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    coords are about 900 -1300

    mem 5 is to the northern side of the rymek bank for the people who didn't find it already
  7. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    No I mean why did you call it "Graphite Mine"
  8. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Sorry, I didn't check the spelling. I typed Graphite instead of Granite
  9. NerdyGamer2012

    NerdyGamer2012 Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    You forgot dr. Pitchard from recover the past
  10. uuuuuuuuuuuuh

    uuuuuuuuuuuuh Giveaway enjoyer

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    Guest number 2 is drucksh and number 4 Is Dr Picard by the way
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023
  11. AndriX3S

    AndriX3S \\☢☣ Jägermeister ☣☢// VIP

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    Where can you get nemract whiskey?
  12. uuuuuuuuuuuuh

    uuuuuuuuuuuuh Giveaway enjoyer

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    Potions of drunkness from the nemract potion shop/ tavern (in case you still need it)
  13. AndriX3S

    AndriX3S \\☢☣ Jägermeister ☣☢// VIP

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    I had that but it didnt work for me?
  14. uuuuuuuuuuuuh

    uuuuuuuuuuuuh Giveaway enjoyer

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    That's weird. You tried again ? Try to log out and in if it doesn't work.(If you haven't already done that)
  15. KaiserSpin

    KaiserSpin Well-Known Adventurer

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    Anyone found where memory 7 is?
  16. QKhanh2308

    QKhanh2308 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    this is probably a bit redundant but can you spoiler tag each one? Some people (probably just me) want to figure out the easy ones while getting help with the ones I don't know.

    armor stand is a bit too far behind for seaskipper captain. Give him the whiskey while facing away from the ship.
    Earthbrine and ChrisWildfire like this.
  17. uuuuuuuuuuuuh

    uuuuuuuuuuuuh Giveaway enjoyer

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    Could you update the thread with the npc's location in detlas? I can't find Dr Picard or nohno
  18. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    It's the "lead" in pencils.
  19. RiderTest101

    RiderTest101 Minecraft Addict CHAMPION

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    Sorry, I'll do that as soon as I get back home, which is in five more days

    I'll do that as soon as I get back home. As I said earlier, I'm doing the barebones versions of this guide
    uuuuuuuuuuuuh likes this.
  20. Lu1g0

    Lu1g0 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Memory 7: -104 71 -812
    AndriX3S and KaiserSpin like this.
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