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Slightly Less Exciting Prototype Extravaganza 5000™

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ThePurpleEmerald, Nov 20, 2023.


Read Below Before Selecting An Option

  1. Display Option 1

  2. Display Option 2

  3. Display Option 3

  4. Display Option 4

  5. Other (Please actually reply with your alternative this time)

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  1. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Okay in hindsight maybe an open ended thread where I expect people to actually write an entire paragraph might not have been the best move to make sorry about that lol

    So I decided to try something that people are already familiar with: Polls!
    I still have no idea if this should be in "Wynncraft" but it sure as hell doesn't belong in "General Suggestions" so I hope it isn't against the rules to do singular polls here

    Quick context for those who are new (A SHORT one this time I promise):
    I'm working on a prototype that incorporates the %ID Wynntils feature into the base game. It provides the player details of the quality of identified (rolled) items. I'm looking for feedback on how Wynncraft Players prefer certain parts to look like or be used/ accessed because I alone can't judge the entire community's preferences.

    To prevent making the thread too long again I'll skip directly to the options.


    If you need explanations on the four displays above, click the spoiler below. Otherwise feel free to vote the one you prefer in the poll above and that will be it. Have a good day!

    Disclaimer 1: The player will be introduced to the function of each display via an accompanying quest not mentioned in this thread.
    Disclaimer 2: The player will have absolute freedom in toggling any of the four displays on or off. The options above only show a scenario of the player toggling on all four displays.
    Disclaimer 3: The player cannot change the order of the displays with the current design.

    Bar Meter: 20-segment meter displaying the quality of the ID. Derived from the Multiplier (See "Multiplier" below)
    Percentage: Percentage value rounded off to 1 decimal place (0.1%). Derived from the Multiplier (See "Multiplier" below)
    Min Max: The minimum and maximum possible values the ID can roll to.
    Base x Multiplier: Contains the Base (Every ID on an item has a fixed Base) multiplied by the Multiplier (See "Multiplier" below)

    The Multiplier is a number randomly generated when you roll an item.
    For Positive IDs, the game picks any number between 0.30 to 1.30 (101 possible options)
    For Negative IDs, the game picks any number between 0.70 to 1.30 (61 possible options)
    This number is known as the Multiplier. The player can view it by toggling the Base x Multiplier display.

    For further context you can view the larger more informative thread: here.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
    Pumpkinn, Silent Boss and wxhlf like this.
  2. threeey

    threeey Travelled Adventurer

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    i’d say have option #4 except have the min/max values be darkened a bit
  3. Silent Boss

    Silent Boss Critically Shameless

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    Would you mind showing how the whole item looks with these displays?
  4. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    That would be in the original thread
    (See the link at the end of the second spoiler)
  5. EPIC67890

    EPIC67890 Half-blood Prof Tryhard and Loot Runner CHAMPION

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    Super solid suggestion again. Personally I'd go with #2 as I feel the red and blue on the roll range can be slightly confusing if players were on vanilla (People used to wynntils % features would catch on right away, but idk about newer players).

    I also feel like the last display, with the base x multiplier, is also a little distracter for newer players. For starting off, I'd recommend they look at their rolls visually, and determine what was a good roll compared to others. After some time, they could eventually use the last setting to see the base roll if they are curious or want to min-max.

    I see you said these can all be toggled on/off individually, which is a good call. For defaults, I'd go with #2 and have all on except the base*multiplier, and have that toggleable for players once they are comfortable with the identification system.
  6. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I prefer #4, the white color of the Base in the other versions stands out too much, and in the case of #2 and #3 it makes the dark grey murch darker in comparison, causing it to kind of fade into the black background.
    One more thing you could try to make it more legible (but which would probably be a nightmare to implement) is to put spaces between the info things so they're all lined up in columns. I don't think MC supports tab spaces in text though
  7. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    It's a cool thought but ultimately a lot more information than is necessary, and it ends up looking VERY busy. If we wanted to implement something like this it's very likely we would just stick with percentages being shown, or display roll numbers.
    luckeyLuuk and WithTheFish like this.
  8. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    See Disclaimer 2

    The average player would realistically likely only enable the first two, with the third one used for market scouring and the fourth one purely for informatory/ precision purposes
  9. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Default is actually none of them active, but the same arrangement is shared across all classes as the player messes with the toggles.

    It isn't mentioned in this thread but the bigger main one, but the player is introduced to each of the four toggles individually through a quest that would replace Dwelling Walls. Assuming the player manages to complete the quest, the player would have at least understood most of their purposes at a fundamental level, by which the game will direct them to the button in their menu. (For a more in-depth explanation click the link at the very bottom of the top post)
    EPIC67890 likes this.
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