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Logos Megathread (Music/Lore Project) | Updated 11/20/2023: Added Ending #2 Final Boss Theme

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by highbread, Sep 17, 2023.

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  1. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Hello everyone!

    For just over a year now, I've been working on a passion project of sorts that I've been calling Logos. However, I've never really truly explained in detail what exactly this is, and I've gotten a few more questions about it than I expected in youtube comments and discord messages. So, from now on, this thread is going to serve as a hub for where I'll do all my Logos-posting along with some supplementary information.

    What is Logos?

    Logos is essentially a personal passion project consisting of music and lore -- nothing more. I challenged myself to eventually create enough songs to serve as an entire OST for a hypothetical game, which I call Logos. The lore only really came around after a few months passed, but I'm not a professional lorewriter or anything so don't expect anything groundbreaking.

    it also serves as an excuse to reuse parts of other songs i make


    Logos is a post-apocalyptic fantasy, taking place hundreds of years after an eldritch entity dubbed "Logos" invaded the realm of the gods and, in an attempt to sustain itself, subjugated them to feed off of their energy. After doing so, it spread its influence throughout the world to use it as an energy farm of sorts, feeding off of it until nothing is left.
    The main character is an amnesiac who wakes up deep within a sanctuary, and driven by curiosity about themselves and the ruined world around them, sets off on an adventure.
    As the MC progresses through their journey, their goals gradually shift from exploration to putting an end to Logos's reign over the world as they recover more memories and learn about what happened.

    Music and Lore

    Finally the meat of the thread, this section lists all of the currently conceptualized areas and bosses, along with lore for each (and music, if I've finished it for the respective boss/area).
    If an area or boss does not have music yet, it will be marked with a * below it.

    Alone, you wake. But why?
    Curiosity drives you. Seek the truth of your existence.

    The first song I made for the project. Looking back I definitely could improve on it now, but it has a soft spot and I think the main melody worked really well when I reused it as a leitmotif. Not much else to say.

    Music WIP

    Music WIP

    Music WIP

    Music WIP

    An unkind awakening. The air reeks, thick with the stench of blood.
    The violence that once took place in this sanctuary is long over, yet the blood still flows.
    In the depths of your mind, you can't help but find this place... sublime. In some way. And with that realization, a first, real, conscious thought enters your mind.

    'Maybe red is my favorite color?'

    The eighth song I made for the project.
    Just as the name implies, I tried to give this song a somewhat sublime feeling, with a sense of history behind it.
    However, this place obviously is horrible. There's blood everywhere, and I tried to express that kind of "off feeling", especially at the start. I'm not sure how well I did when attempting to do that, and maybe the more hopeful tone of the rest of the song offsets that, but at the very least I think it sounds good. At the end of the day, that's really what matters to me.

    Music WIP
    Civilization at last... but something's wrong.
    The townspeople enjoy the snow. You look up, catch a flake on your finger and taste it.
    It's ash.
    You slide your hand against a building, licking the residue that flakes off.
    Ash as well.

    The False Hero

    As the world came to an end, Galahd sacrificed his soul to forge an illusion so powerful, it convinced reality itself to change. What you see is not him, but a mere imitation, the remains of what was once a great hero.

    The second song I made for the project, and the first main boss theme.
    Heroes are a special sort in the worldbuilding of Logos. Legendary existences, gifted their status by the gods. So, of course, for the first boss fight, you fight one! Kind of. Just the lingering remains of one's spirit.
    For this song, I tried to really put in the effort to get the stakes across being the first main boss fight in the game. Just not super intense, cause it's, y'know, the first main boss.
    It features the first instance of what I call the Hero motif.

    Oh so cold, this forest is. Frigid air nips at the skin, with gusts of wind driving the chill down to the bone.
    ...Yet strangely, despite the cold, the heart remains warm. The sun shines brightly, the wildlife thrives, and for the first time since this journey's start, you are absolutely, unmistakably, safe.

    The sixth song I made for the project. I tried to make the music comfy, yet somehow nostalgic and sad. I'm not sure if I managed to succeed, but I definitely tried.
    This was originally going to be a submission for a Festival of the Blizzard contest a couple years back, but I didn't finish it in time and I ended up dropping the song until a few months ago.

    Perfect Mirror Image

    The being in front of you is unmistakably, unequivocally, you. The ideal you. It smiles, laughs, frolicking around in the snow -- a sprout of joy in this awful world. It's a you that you can only dream of being. And yet, comparing yourself to such an ideal seems impossible. Can you truly find it within you to accept yourself for who you really are?
    ...You must. And you will.

    Prerequisite for True Ending

    The seventh song I made for the project. Mentally, I split this up into two different segments (Pre-1:16 and post-1:16).
    I have a soft spot for the concept of a boss taking a lot of effort to find and/or get to, rewarding the player with a really fucking grueling fight. This theme is supposed to represent that, especially with the second part. Not through the intensity of the song, which is actually relatively mild compared to the high points of the other boss themes, but through the atmosphere it creates. I hope I managed to convey that, as this is one of my favorites so far.

    Oh yeah, and it's a namedrop for the MC. Kind of.

    "A grand castle of humanity's memories, everchanging as generations pass on and are born anew. Home of those which dwell on the border of reality and imagination. The subject of countless tales and fables, and the source of the very legends that brought you on this journey.
    The end of your adventure is nigh, and the curtains of this great story will soon come to a close.
    Congratulations, o' great traveller. You've reached Wanderlust's End."

    The third song I made for the project, serving as the penultimate area of the game.
    I really really tried to give this song a sense of finality, with the character being so close to the end. This song was originally at 6.75 t/s until I decided to put in the hyperspeed harp, which I thought would do a good job at conveying the feeling I wanted to. Thus it's now at 13.50 t/s, or about 202 BPM.

    Vengeful Spaceborn God

    After Logos invaded the heavens, the brutalized Realmwyrm, God of Spacetime, escaped into the mortal realm. Taking from the memories and dreams of beings in the mortal plane, it constructed Wanderlust's End as its new home in an attempt to rebuild the very heavens that were once lost.
    Prove your worth to a God. Defeat it, and establish your place among the heavens.

    The fourth song I made for the project.
    As the last boss before the final boss(es), you get to fight a god! The real part of this theme starts at 0:42 in my opinion. I really love when boss themes go super calm, with the juxtaposition it creates with the intense fight the player is going through. However, I was also obligated to put in a fairly intense part, given that you are supposed to be fighting a god.

    By the way, the god in question is a massive draconic wyrm that flies so fast it tears holes into space. I thought that was pretty cool concept for a boss fight.

    Music WIP

    The Body and Mind of Heroes Past

    Over the years, Heroes pledged their souls to the Hero's Paradigm, becoming one with it as their duties came to an end. Unfortunately, Logos' influence has made it no more than a puppet taken form, brandishing the power of every Hero that has ever existed, solely to subjugate everything beneath Logos' wretched throne.
    Become the Hero of this story. Slay the very essence of Heroes, and cut off Logos' last remaining tie to this realm.

    Prerequisite for Secret Boss

    The fifth song I made for the project. The Hero motif returns.
    The concept of this boss was inspired by the Soul of Cinder from DSIII. The actual song is a lot different though.
    This song is more for the player than it is for the boss. It's supposed to be a sort of culmination of the entire journey up to this point, with its intensity in the Hero motif sections, and the atmosphere that the other sections create.

    Gods No More

    Heaven crumbles, and reality shatters as Logos flees. In its place, deities of an age long past stand tall, preventing your advance.
    Somehow, you feel nothing but pity for these poor, lost souls.
    Even so, what must be done, must be done.

    Prerequisite for Secret Boss

    The ninth song I made for the project.
    This song has two main inspirations -- first is the song "Keeper of Shadow" from the ost of Megido: Abyss. It starts off in a very similar manner with sudden, heavy chords. Experiencing that for myself ingame against one of the hardest bosses I had ever fought is probably an experience I won't ever forget, and I really wanted to emulate that in the beginning with this song.
    The second inspiration was XavierEXE's Chronophobia motif, which is really just the first 5 notes of a minor scale. This sequence has a really sort of strong, driving feeling that I wanted to have in this song, especially considering how overall intense this one is relative to the others.
    Music WIP
    Eldritch Offshoot

    Logos gambled. In front of you is nothing more than a fragment of Its true self, a massive shard broken from a whole. An incredible sacrifice for its continued survival.
    Of course, recovery for a being such as It is only natural. Eventually, Logos will return.

    Prerequisite for Secret Boss
    Music WIP
    The Survivor

    It doesn’t know right from wrong, good from bad, or strong from weak. It simply wishes to survive, and if left to its own devices, survive it will, until the end of the universe itself. Letting this creature escape is no longer an option.

    i haven't gotten around to even starting the song for this one yet. i want to make it some xi type stuff, but that's kinda out of my current skill level, so that'll have to wait.

    Hope you enjoy what I have so far! I'll be periodically updating this thread as I finalize more concepts and finish more songs.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
    Rythew, WithTheFish, Xellulor and 9 others like this.
  2. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    reserving this message just in case
    idk what the character limit is but i also don't know how long this is going to get so yeah
    Six likes this.
  3. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    Logos linted?

    Joking aside, this music is really good, so who's gonna make this into an actual game?

    Also, this really reminds me of Breath of the Wild's story.
  4. Six

    Six Terminally addicted to Bluecap mushroom.

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    Sick songs and has very high potential
  5. Elytry

    Elytry Poisonous Bristleworm VIP

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    Cool songs!
  6. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    yo could we get sheet music?
  7. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    unfortunately i dont have sheet music for any of these songs due to the nature of the program i used to make them, open note block studio
  8. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    what about the files? I think you could give us those
  9. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    bumping thread for the addition of another song
    once i get back to my home computer i'll try and add all the nbs files for the songs -- i work on a few different devices so i don't have access to a majority of the files at the moment, as most of them are on my home computer and i'm up at college right now
  10. OatMilk

    OatMilk Master condiment sachet thief VIP

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    Awesome! Love the Lore and the Music. The settings you provide remind me of Liminal Spaces in a way, right but in some way inexplicably wrong.
  11. Elytry

    Elytry Poisonous Bristleworm VIP

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    No, it's green you utter fool!

    Moving along:
    Wow great new song, I don't think it feels too hopeful, the game's already got quite the dark start.
  12. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel collector VIP

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    lit homie
    boutta make orchestral versions
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
  13. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    bumping thread for the addition of another song
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