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Dumb challenge idea: Anti-Ironman

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Violet Knight, Aug 10, 2023.

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  1. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Waterwoman? Thanos? idk

    For a while I've had an idea: what if you stored every item required for quests in your bank, then made a new class and tried to rush through the game. How fast could you level all the way up? What parts could you skip entirely just by preparing in advance on a separate class?
    And recently that got me thinking a little further. You know how regular Ironman forbids you from using your bank? What if you were only allowed to use items from your bank? That means no using weapons or armor found in chests, no buying anything, actually this doesn't sound as dumb now I'll try to make this a proper thing

    Rank 1 (easiest)
    1. Only weapons/armor/accessories that are from the player's bank, deposited by other classes before challenge class creation, may be used.
    2. Weapons/armor/accessories deposited into the bank by other classes after the creation of the challenge class may not be used.
    3. Items retrieved from the bank by the challenge class may be placed back in the bank, and retrieved again later.
    Rank 2
    1. All rules from lower ranks apply.
    2. Restrictions to item usage include ingredients, materials, and skill potions.
    Rank 3
    1. All rules from lower ranks apply.
    2. Restrictions to item usage include quest items (items gained from quests and items required to complete quests).
    Rank 4
    1. All rules from lower ranks apply.
    2. Restrictions to item usage include regular potions (healing and mana).
    Rank 5
    1. All rules from lower ranks apply.
    2. Usable bank space is restricted to one page.
    Rank 6
    1. All rules from lower ranks apply.
    2. Rule 3 of Rank 1 is void. Any item, once retrieved from the player's bank, may not be put back in the bank.
    3. Restrictions to item usage include absolutely everything.
    This challenge would focus heavily on preparation, as you'd need to plan out which items to use at which stage of the game. May be fun, may be atrocious, I guess you could also combine it with Craftsman/Hardcore/Hunted if you want to actually die irl lol
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  2. AdrianOkanata

    AdrianOkanata Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    How about "you are only allowed to obtain items from the trade market and the only item that can be obtained from anywhere else is emeralds"
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  3. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Could be interesting, but I think you wouldn't be able to get low-level stuff very quickly or easily
  4. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Maybe add shop items as well, to keep the spirit of the challenge while making it doable at low levels
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  5. JuicedBananas

    JuicedBananas Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Back in the day quests sucked so bad that a lot of people would just grab four of each item you needed so that on your other classes you could just finish it instantly by spam clicking the NPC. House of Twain famously was possible to do this with. The bank full of trash strat used to be meta.
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