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Mage/Dark Wizard Pls help improve my build!

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by ItzButterBall, Jul 20, 2023.

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  1. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    I'm currently a level 75 arcanist and I've been struggling to survive and deal a lot of damage. I was wondering if there was any way I could improve my build (whether it be the gear, skill points, or ability tree) to help allow me to survive!

    Here is my current build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Spiked Helmet
    > Calor
    > Impact Winter
    > Vinecrawlers
    > Druid's Ring
    > Vital
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Nature's Gift
    > Bough of Fir [t4t4]

    Any and all criticism/feedback is appreciated! I'm sorry in advance if it's a poorly made build, still pretty new to Wynncraft lol

    Also if you have any tips for playing arcanist, that would be greatly appreciated as well!

    Thank you all so so much!
  2. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    first of all, you need Thunderstorm on the ability tree with Arcanist.
    how Arcanist works is pretty simple, the core part of gameplay resides with Thunderstorm & Arcane Transfer.

    by having Arcane Transfer(taking the Arcanist tree i mean) you will add 7 mana to your mana bank every time(assuming you have the right tree) when you hit an enemy with either Meteor or Ice Snake. Thunderstorm counts as Meteor hits, and if you land all 3 lightning hits + the original Meteor that means you're adding a max of 28 mana to your mana bank.
    adding mana to your mana bank is important because when you hit 120 on your mana bank, then you can do RLR to cast the last 5 copies of your spells you used for no mana cost. this of course includes Meteor, and the 5 spell copies can also fill up your mana bank, which helps you get to 120 again.

    i could elaborate more, but it is very late at night and i need to go sleep soon so i'll post a simple build with a fixed ability tree for you to take a look.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Purified Helmet of the Legends
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Stave of the Legends [w4w4]

    your build does not have many items with either mana regen or spell damage ids, thus leading to low dmg & sustainability. Arcanist doesn't need much sustainability, but since you're new it will still be helpful. if you don't get what you should get, i suggest using Morph set or Champion's set at your level.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
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  3. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    Omg thank you so so SO MUCH!!!! I cannot stress how much I just learned from that one post lol

    Thank you so much for the build too! I'll be sure to check it out!
    Xellulor likes this.
  4. wewh

    wewh Travelled Adventurer

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    I was about to say u s e m o r p h but guess they beat me to it :/ I can't stress how goated morph is, its good from early game and late game.
    also I guess you are one of the only person on forums that's actually wholesome :)
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  5. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    Ya it seems like a lot of people really like the morph set... tysm! I almost have the whole build Xellulor sent but I'm still missing the helmet and weapon (I can't get them cus temple of legends is broken rn :/)

    Also thanks for the kind words! I've never really found the forums that toxic-- I remember 2 years ago everyone was extremely kind when I sent my first forums post in the llevigar's docks. Maybe I'm just not on the forums that often tho, or maybe things changed since then? Not sure lol. Either way tysm for your msg!
  6. wewh

    wewh Travelled Adventurer

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    it's not toxic, but it's not usually nice is what I'm getting at. Also im a level 101 (not that high, its my highest class too which is pretty bad) and I still use full morph because i found out its better than what was my current build and a whole lot cheaper. Morph is so good that you can solo every boss in Qira Hive (which I did, beside fire boss because for some reason they decided to make it the hardest instead of the main boss) it's fairly moderate to solo Qira in morph, and it's funny when she gets destroyed in morph.
    ItzButterBall likes this.
  7. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    Wow, I didn't know full morph was that good! I might stick with it until the endgame, or unless I get bored of it and want to try a new build out lol

    Also, are you a mage too or a different class? I'm just kind of curious if morph is only good for mage or for other classes, too
  8. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    morph is universally ok, it's a general allrounder
    but for endgame content(raids, li or lootruns) a proper build is of course more preferred
    ItzButterBall likes this.
  9. wewh

    wewh Travelled Adventurer

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    The only reason why a proper build is preferred is because people are going to slander you in tna if you use morph tbh
    I’m an archer
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  10. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    Oh ok that's good to know! Thanks!
    Oh that's why I've seen so many memes about morph set lol! It's crazy
    Actually I did have another question-- if I was going to create an arcanist build in the future, do you center it around the two elements that the skill tree gives mastery for?

    So if I was creating an arcanist build that wasn't a set, would I use earth and fire items? Thanks so much!
  11. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    the elemental masteries are only bonuses, you don't structure your build around them. for example, if your weapon mainly deals air and water, you put your skill points in air & water mastery if you have leftover skillpoints after selecting all the important ability nodes first.
    after all, it's only a 10~15% dmg bonus so it's not that much of a big deal.

    so in conclusion, the masteries you select should center around your weapon and equipments, rather than the opposite.
    ItzButterBall likes this.
  12. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    Ah I think I got it, so if you have a different element-based weapon that you would prefer using, you should center it around those elements because the ability tree mastery isn't that major. Is that right?

    Also, if you're not sure what weapon you should use, is that when you would pick a weapon that matches the ability tree mastery? Or is there like a designated "best weapon" at every level that you should always choose? Thank you so much!
    Also, I just finished my build! Do you think that I should reroll these, maybe with a corkian amplifier? The spell damage on the stave of the legends is pretty good, but the mana regen is the one thing I'm kind of bothered about :/. I'm not sure if it's worth the risk of rerolling, tho

    I think I got pretty lucky on the helmet though-- the health regen and soul point regen isn't too big of a deal. What do you think tho? Tysm
    upload_2023-7-22_11-49-43.png upload_2023-7-22_11-51-2.png
    This is my current mana regen rn. Do you think it's good enough for arcanist or nah?
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
  13. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    yes the ability tree's mastery nodes aren't the biggest factors

    there are a few weapons that are a lot more used than others on their level range, so it's close to the latter i'd say

    the helmet and the staff looks good enough to use
    the mana regen stat on the screenshot you posted doesn't include ids from your weapon iirc so technically it should be at 50, which is absolutely fine for arcanist
    ItzButterBall likes this.
  14. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    Tysm! Do you know if there's any really good mage weapons I should be looking out for as I reach level 81-106? (It's alr if you don't know lol, I'm so so sorry that I'm asking so many questions). I was holding my weapon when I took the screenshot and I clicked my compass from my inventory, so I think it also counts the ids from the weapon? Not sure if that's how it works. But if 50 is good for arcanist then I think I'll be alright with 43, so thanks so much!
    Xellulor likes this.
  15. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    your current weapon should hold on to late 80s
    if you want to change then Bismuthinite and Lazuli is at 87

    some good wands that can be used at endgame are Judas, Compiler, Phoenix Wing, Morrowind, Cascade, Event Horizon, The Nothing and Third Wish

    Judas, Cascade, The Nothing deal some dmg
    Third Wish deals high dmg and has a unique major ID
    Phoenix Wing and Event Horizon give off massive hp bonus
    Morrowind and Cascade have walkspeed boost ids
    Compiler has a total of 100 sp bonus

    you can use something else if you want but those should be the better ones

    it's ok to ask questions, i have fun answering when i see my answers are being somewhat helpful
    ItzButterBall likes this.
  16. wewh

    wewh Travelled Adventurer

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    Like he said the nothing is good though you’ll get it far into the future since you get it from Eldritch outlook so yeah
    ItzButterBall likes this.
  17. ItzButterBall

    ItzButterBall Your friendly neighborhood Butter :D

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    This is so good to know, thank you guys so so much!
  18. wewh

    wewh Travelled Adventurer

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    :D happy I could help
    ItzButterBall likes this.
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