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I'm Having Lots of Fun With This Update!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Mylsef, Jul 14, 2023.

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  1. Mylsef

    Mylsef Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Before this update, I always believed making chests a competition was rather annoying as a player. You take the time and effort to get through many caves just to find that almost all of them only have a couple emeralds because some random person snatched it ten minutes ago. Fixing that, plus having significant endgame activity outside professions, has revived my guild. I looked in the Discord server and was surprised to see that people are complaining a lot. People are scared about more mythics being added to the server, but is that really a bad thing? Players like myself who did lootrunning for a good hundred or so hours with zero results finally have a chance to get mythics to perform better in other activities, like dungeons and raids. I did lootrunning for about six hours and only got one mythic—it's a chance based event, and those who say they're getting four every ten minutes are clearly telling tall tales. It looks like the most frequent players are just upset they don't have full control over the trade market anymore. Items going for a dozen stacks of liquids never even felt right. After years of playing, I have never gotten that much, partly because nearly every chest I opened was empty. So what's everyone's thoughts here? Is my guild the only group liking this update, or is Discord just being Discord?
    Melkor, tig, Deusphage and 8 others like this.
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I think it’s mainly just that the kind of people who frequent discord are also those who have the most to lose when it comes to mythics becoming more common. Personally, I’m enjoying the drop rates, but I’ve also gotten two mythics in the span of an hour, and I’ll need to play a lot more to see if that’s a fluke because if it’s not then the drop rates are probably overtuned.

    As for the activity itself, I think it’s overall probably the best activity they’ve ever made, and it’s definitely my favorite. It’s an extremely smart use of the overworld map, and turning the macrogame itself into a roguelite is an amazing idea that I really love. Not to mention that getting a ton of boons and slaying out feels extremely fun, and once you start getting into the 20+ challenge/curse territory the game very quickly becomes both terrifying and really damn exhilarating. I’d love to see the activity expanded to the sky islands and to Fruma.
    Melkor likes this.
  3. MrX2007

    MrX2007 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    For me it is just frustrating seeing everyone flex their mythics. Having like 10 people shout because they found an idol or 2 mythics in one end reward chest within 2 hours really is not fun for me since the best thing I got in around 400 pulls is 16le (no mythics). I guess I also don’t really like mythics becoming cheaper just because of the feeling you get when you have a lot of emeralds, which is definitely going to be less emeralds since you get less per mythic so you need more mythics to get the same feeling of wealth.
    I am definitely not agreeing with the people who want mythics to be exclusively for the rich players, even though it would be cool to see some sort of mythic progression like I am currently going through. (grinded around 1stx from uth guardians so I could afford a grimtrap for 2stx since I didn’t enjoy the old lr-system, especially after my first and only mythic being boots. Afterwards I ran raids with it, made another 1stx or so until the Update dropped. Now I am using it for the Lootruns so I can get a nirvana/Cata and mythics for my other classes) so I would kinda like the idea of having to grind money through other means (old lootrunning/raids/uth shrines) in order to afford a cheaper mythic so you can effectively grind the new lootruns and get money for better mythics instead of just leveling up to 105, getting a non mythic build and then hoping to get rng-carried by the new Lootrun system.
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