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Brawler Class Idea

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by MooseWhisker, Apr 20, 2023.


Which Brawler archetype do you like the most?

  1. Grappler

    0 vote(s)
  2. Striker

    2 vote(s)
  3. Dancer

    0 vote(s)
  4. I love all of them

    3 vote(s)
  5. I hate all of them

    3 vote(s)
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  1. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Posting this here because Deusphage said these should be posted here.

    Base Brawler

    There are two main ideas to make brawler stand out from the other classes. The first main idea is that for the most part, Brawler can only damage one mob at a time. Brawler has the potential for very high dps, but only to a single enemy. The second main idea is that Brawler has an extremely high amount of control over where the enemy goes, which is something completely unique to Brawler. Other classes may have a small amount of control over enemies, but Brawler makes that a main characteristic of the class. The class resistance would be 100%, which is the same as assassin or warrior. Brawler's main attack would be similar to assassins base main attack, though without the sweeping animation. Here's the four base spells I envision brawler having:

    RLR - Pummel: Hits the enemy in front of the player 5 times in rapid succession, each hit dealing 35% of your dps (25% normal, 10% thunder). It costs 45 mana to use this spell.

    Pummel gets the early mandatory upgrade of dealing 3 more hits with a damage penalty of 5% normal damage.

    RRR - Lunge: sends the player forwards a small amount (distance would be similar to the first part of lacerate). It costs 20 mana to use this spell.

    RLL - Push Kick: Deals deals 300% of your dps (220% normal, 80% earth) to a single enemy in front of the player (same range as a melee attack), and has moderate knockback. It costs 40 mana to use this spell.

    RRL - Sweep: Deals 140% of your dps (100% normal, 40% air) to mobs in front of the player (hitbox is ~2 blocks wide, and starts just behind the player, and moves forwards 3-4 blocks in half a second), and stuns them for 1 second with a 5 second cooldown. It costs 35 mana to use this spell.

    Brawler's weapon type is Gauntlet, which can take the appearance of punching gloves, brass knuckles, shivs, or even small clubs. The main idea of Brawler is to have good survivability, damage, but only to one enemy at a time. It excels against bosses, but struggles against hordes. The other main idea for brawler is that it can control what the enemy it's fighting does. Each of the archetypes take different approaches to these ideas.

    Archetypes Overview

    Grappler likes to focus on getting in enemies faces, tanking a bunch of hits, and dishing out a lot of damage in return. The main idea with Grappler is that it can put enemies in a hold. Held enemies are slowed significantly, take more damage, and deal less damage, which is how Grapplers control their enemies. Grappler gets survivability by taking less damage while holding an enemy, and healing a bit after releasing an enemy.

    Striker is centered around landing a few devastating hits while negating damage. Striker's defensive capabilities come in the form of a Block spell, which can completely negate damage. Striker is at its best when the player is able to successfully combo blocking and countering, dealing massive damage while not taking much in return. Striker's element of enemy control comes from knockback, and using knockback to maneuver enemies where the Striker wants them to go.

    Dancer excels the most at fighting groups of enemies, and is the most mobile of the different archetypes. Dancer is a little different than the other two in that it does better against multiple enemies, but keeps the one-at-a-time attitude that helps make Brawler stand out. Dancer isn't as good at tanking damage as Grappler or Striker are, preferring to dodge enemies and stay alive by not getting hit. Dancer exerts control over enemies by flinging them into the air where their options are more limited. (Note that while Dancer seems similar to Acrobat, Dancer must hit enemies in order to stay airborne, whereas Acrobat can stay airborne by itself).

    Grappler in Detail

    Grappler gets fire and thunder mastery, as well as the minor upgrade Gauntlet Proficiency II, which increases main attack damage by 5%.

    The first upgrade it gets is Better Sweep, which increases the range and stun time of sweep by 2 blocks and 1 second, respectively.

    The main upgrade Grappler gets is hold, which is an upgrade to Lunge. If the player collides with a mob during the lunge, it will put the mob in a hold. While the mob is in a hold, the player and the mob are locked together, and the mob gets a 75% slowness debuff, and the player no longer deals any knockback. While holding, all main attacks and spells are redirected to the held mob regardless of where the player is looking. Heals are also 75% less effective while holding a mob. The player is able to hold the mob for up to 3 seconds, and has a 2 second cooldown after a held enemy is released. You release an enemy either when you or the enemy dies, the player casts Lunge again, the holding time runs out, or the player swaps off of their weapon.

    Most of Grappler's abilities are dedicated to upgrading hold, here is a list of every upgrade hold gets:

    • Commanding Grab - Gain 20% damage resistance while holding an enemy.
    • Finishing Blow - Deals 110% of your dps (70% normal, 25% fire, 15% earth) to a held enemy upon releasing them.
    • Longer Hold - Increases the amount of time an enemy can be held to 5s.
    • Recovery - Heal 50% of the damage you took while holding an enemy upon releasing it.
    • Pressure Point - Deals 40% of your dps (32% normal, 8% fire) every 0.4s while holding an enemy.
    • Lock Down - Held enemies deal 15% less damage to all players.
    • Manhandling - Held enemies receive 30% more damage from all sources.
    • Stronger Finishing Blow - Increases the damage dealt by finishing blow by 90% of your dps (55% normal, 20% fire, 15% earth)
    • Even Longer Hold - Increases the amount of time an enemy can be held to 7s.
    Hold is the only new thing that grappler gets, but it does have upgrades to some of the other spells scattered throughout its tree:
    • Harder Sweep - Increased damage for sweep (+35% normal, +15% fire).
    • Faster Pummel - Pummel becomes faster and stronger (+3% normal, +2% thunder).
    • Scuffle - Pummel gains 2 more hits to enemies that are held (no damage penalty).
    • Low Blow - Push Kick's damage is increased (+30% normal, +20% earth, +50% fire), and knockback is vastly reduced.
    All of this adds up to an archetype which can control and shut down a single mob, while dealing tons of damage to it at the same time.

    Striker in Detail

    Striker gets earth mastery.

    The first upgrade Striker gets is Spiked Boots, which is an upgrade to Push Kick. This causes the enemy to bleed, dealing 10% of your dps (7% normal, 3% fire) every 0.5s for 3 seconds.

    The next upgrade Striker gets is Jump Kick, which is an upgrade to Lunge. Jump Kick will deals 200% of the player's dps (140% normal, 60% air) to any mobs the player collides with, halting the player's momentum while dealing a bit of knockback to the mob the player hits. Jump Kick also increases the mana cost of Lunge by 10. Both Striker and Dancer have access to Jump Kick (like how both shadestepper and trickster have access to vanish).

    The main upgrade Striker gets is Block, which replaces Pummel. Casting block will give the player a shield for the next 2 seconds. The shield activated when the player is hit, completely negating all damage and knockback for the next 0.4 seconds. The shield cannot be activated again for 5 seconds, or until a different spell is used.

    Much of Striker's abilities are upgrades to Block, so here's a list of them:

    • Counter Attack - Your next spell deals 1.5x damage after a successful Block.
    • Longer Block - Block Lasts 3 seconds.
    • Resting - Successfully blocking a hit will heal you for 5% of your max health (reduced to 4% & 3% with Better Block and Impenetrable Block)
    • Better Block - Block will negate 2 hits.
    • Stronger Counter Attack - Your next spell deals 1.8x damage after a successful Block.
    • Impenetrable Block - Block will negate 3 hits.
    • Even Stronger Counter Attack - Your next spell deals 2x damage after a successful Block.
    Another set of upgrades Striker has access to are the the heavier series, which increase the damage, cost, and knockback of their spells:
    • Heavier Push Kick - Push Kick gains +160% of your dps (45% normal, 115% earth), greater knockback, and +15 mana cost.
    • Heavier Jump Kick - Jump Kick gains +130% of your dps (35% normal, 95% earth), greater knockback, and +15 mana cost.
    • Heavier Sweep - Sweep gains +100% of your dps (25% normal, 75% earth), greater knockback, and +15 mana cost.
    Then to help sustain these increased spell costs, Striker gets the ability Bloodlust, which causes the user to gain back 5 mana after hitting an enemy with a spell, which has an upgrade called Sadism, which increases this to 10 mana per spell landed.

    Striker also gets access to Precise Strikes.

    Dancer in Detail

    Dancer gets water and air mastery, as well as the early minor upgrade quick feet, which increases walk speed by 1% for every 2 agility point the player has (max 25%).

    The first upgrade Dancer gets is Beating, which locks the enemy hit by Pummel in place while the attack is happening.

    The next upgrade Dancer gets is Jump Kick, which is an upgrade to Lunge. Jump Kick will deals 200% of the player's dps (140% normal, 60% air) to any mobs the player collides with, halting the player's momentum while dealing a bit of knockback to the mob the player hits. Jump Kick also increases the mana cost of Lunge by 10. Both Striker and Dancer have access to Jump Kick (like how both shadestepper and trickster have access to vanish).

    The first big upgrade Striker gets is Breakdance, which is an upgrade to sweep. Breakdance changes the hitbox of Sweep into a circle around the player. It also reduces the mana cost of Sweep by 5. It's pretty similar to Warrior's half-moon swipe. Breakdance also gets an upgrade called Tornado Kick, which will completely halt the player's momentum, and pop both the dancer and other enemies up into the air a bit, similar to Warrior's whirlwind strike.

    Dancer also gets access to Spring, which is a standard double jump ability, and is upgraded with Better Spring.

    The next big upgrade Dancer gets is faster Jump Kick, which increases the speed and distance Lunge sends the player, while also making it give the player a bit of height.

    Dancer is a very aggressive archetype, and gets upgrades to its spells that help with that:

    • Scoop Kick - Jump Kick, Sweep, and Pummel deal high vertical knockback.
    • Drop Kick - Hitting an airborne enemy with Push Kick will send it crashing to the ground, dealing 200% of your dps (140% normal, 60% water).
    • Pounce - Pummel and Push Kick will send the player forwards, dealing their attack upon colliding with an enemy or the ground (This may seems to make Push Kick and Jump Kick the same move, but they're differentiated by Push Kick being more expensive and dealing higher damage, while Jump Kick is much faster).
    • Guerilla Tactics - After hitting an enemy with Jump Kick, Push Kick, or Pummel, the player receives backwards and vertical knockback.
    • Gravitational Assist - Enemies hit with drop kick will explode upon hitting the ground, dealing drop kick's damage to all mobs in a 3 block radius.
    One of Dancer's more major upgrades is Rampage, which increases all damage output by 10% for each time the player doesn't hit the same mob with pummel, jump kick, or push kick (sweep and drop kick do not count for this) twice in a row, capping out at 40%. Dancer also gets an upgrade to Rampage called Berserk, which raises the cap to 80%.

    Staying with the theme of damage boosts, Dancer also gets two abilities called Proficient and Virtuoso, which give a 25% and 40% damage boost after staying in the air for 3 and 5 seconds, respectively.


    So that's my idea for Brawler. I hope the archetypes seem to hit that sweet spot of being alike enough to all obviously be the same class, while also being different enough to stand out from each other. If you read the whole thing, wow, that's amazing. That's all I have to say about Brawler, byeeeeeee.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
  2. AlanGreyson

    AlanGreyson WynnArtist VIP

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    Bad news: Wynncraft don't accept class ideas :P
    shacers and Mac N Cheese Man like this.
  3. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    I know
  4. Withering

    Withering your mother\

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    bro wrote an entire fucking essay
    MooseWhisker likes this.
  5. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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    this is just a shitty assassin
    Erebuis and shacers like this.
  6. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    cool suggestion, consider posting in your suggetions forum?
  7. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    The dev team aren’t accepting class suggestions, and one of them said to post ideas made for fun here.
  8. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    ... did you read it? the post i mean? because its not a shitty assassin. its a relatively uninspired combination of assassin and warrior (basically im sort of agreeing with you)

    Im sorry to the author of this post, moosewhisker, to be making this comment but i want to give some constructive criticisms, i hope i dont come across as too harsh.

    1. I appreciate the effort and also i understand that its just made for fun, however arent the abilities a little bit too similar to warrior and assassin? like pummel is sort of a multihit, lunge is essentially dash, sweep is half moon strike with a stun and longer range and push kick feels like the most unique ability so far.

    2. All in all grappler is a quite interesting and by far the most unique archetype here, its capable of concentrating down the high priority targets like bosses. However i feel as if simply giving it a single ability that makes it special may be a little boring? and also the amount of stats you gave it... i feel like someone can just get insane mana steal and just grapple the boss, spam spells for 8 seconds straight, release and repeat and just absolutely shred things like greg, LI and etc, its sort of OP and relatively single ability focused at the same time. (it also looks like it would struggle in the early game, where its grapple ability literally drains 50 mana per second holy ship).

    3. striker is a decent attempt at making a rhythm/timing based class and its not too bad, however if you get impenetrable block and you decide to just spam the spell, it will be either A) too strong against high damage, single hit mobs or B) get absolutely shredded by a majority of bosses in the game that have an arrow storm spell. And again, its only gimmick is simply the block ability and i suppose bloodlust which isnt as strong as it may sound like. Also can i just say you used the name bloodlust twice for two different things, once in striker and once in dancer and also called dancer striker.

    4. im sorry but dancer is just assassin with a few acrobat abilities, it really doesnt feel inspired at all. Now i can kind of see what your trying to do here, its like this thing where you want to rapidly bounce across multiple enemies and kill them in like a sequence, but if you literally have an ability that does splash damage (breakdance) how does that support rampage?

    5. finally i just wanted to say: if you want to make an interesting idea, try to find things that the other classes are missing, not what they already have and mixing it together. Try to have a good day, even after reading this...
    MooseWhisker likes this.
  9. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    I do want to thank you for your criticism. It's always nice when someone goes through your work and explicitly tells you where you're falling short. I do have some responses to some of the points you made here.

    Yeah, coming up with base spells was definitely something I struggled with. I tried to make Brawler have unique spells, but ended up pushing those unique spells out to the archetypes, rather than onto base brawler. As for more specific stuff, I definitely had lunge be more of a flacid charge than a dash clone, since it doesn't have much in the way of verticality. Base sweep is definitely closer to a shorter ice snake than a half moon swipe, but I designed breakdance to be similar to a sweep I use in irl martial arts, and it ended up being similar to half moon swipe.

    I think the thing about designing new classes for wynncraft is that the current set is so well rounded that trying to come up with anything new and unique is very difficult.

    I agree that Grappler could use some balance, as could all of Brawler's archetypes. I don't think it's really possible to get the specific numbers to be balanced without tons of testing, and that's just not something that I have the ability to do. As for Grappler being boring, I can definitely see where you're coming from. I basically made the entire class along with its archetypes in a couple hours, and they definitely suffer for it. If I had more time to properly flush out each of the archetypes with multiple new and cool spells, I definitely would. And I do agree that grappler seems to be pretty bad in the early game, so I changed it to have a strict time limit, and not having it use mana at all.

    Again, each of these archetypes definitely could use some balancing work, which is impossible to do without testing. I definitely agree that block's strength is highly dependent on what the enemy does, so I gave it a little rework. Block now gives a shield that negates damage and lasts for 0.2 seconds, and cannot be used twice in a row. Hopefully it's a bit better in this new state.

    Also, oops! I totally missed that I named two different spells bloodlust. Thanks for pointing that out!

    Yeah, Dancer is definitely the most undercooked of the three. I had ideas for Grappler and Striker in my head before sitting down to write the thread, but not Dancer. I gave Dancer a new ability which cases push kick to spike enemies and have them explode on the ground, which hopefully helps it stand out a little more from acrobat. As for rampage, I completely forgot to say that breakdance (and now drop kick) don't interact with it. I also made a note of how dancer and acrobat differ, with the former requiring enemies in order to gain height, while the latter can do it anywhere.

    I did make Brawler have something which the other classes do not, which is control over enemy movement. I just don't think I communicated it very well. I went back and edited some of what I said to hopefully make that a little more clear. Thanks once again for your feedback, I really do appreciate it.
    shacers likes this.
  10. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    thanks for not being aggressive or something and listening! heres another list to resond to your response:

    1. yeah the spell sets are kind of already taken that is true, i think to make a truly unique set you need to take a magic based class (because magic offers more spell designs) and that leaves little room for future non magic classes.

    2. changing it to a timer is definitely a good choice although it doesnt seem you listed its initial time limit and just the improvements.

    3. yeah thats a really nice touch with the "cant be used twice in a row" which forces the player to use a combo, i like it!

    4. yeah if it cant breakdance and has a cool ability it definitely does improve its interestingness (thats not a word but idc) and i do agree with you that brawler and striker are when you run out for a third archetype and even with these new improvements/clarifications its pretty lacking (no offense because i cant think of anything for it either lol)

    5. thats a pretty good one actually, control over movement which one could argue shaman or assassin has but its quite limited for them so yeah brawler definitely feels better with your changes and clarifications.
    MooseWhisker likes this.
  11. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    I did, but it was kinda buried in the paragraph. I moved it to where it makes more sense. (lasts 3s initially).
    shacers likes this.
  12. Mulana

    Mulana Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    the main issue I see with this (especially grappler) is that the controlling enemy movement doesn't work for enemy with kb or slowness immunity

    also, the way block works would mean that striker is very weak against enemies that deal a lot of low damage hits so I think it would be better to have it last for a much shorter period but block all damage while it's active
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