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Best pc for wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Mayyheam, Feb 11, 2023.

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  1. Mayyheam

    Mayyheam Well-Known Adventurer

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    I am looking for a pc that runs wynncraft smoothly, and I have bad Wi-Fi. My budget is 650$ but can go over.
    I would also like to be able to return the pc if it doesn’t work well.

    luckeyLuuk and Shiny_Bridge like this.
  2. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Internet is more important than PC specs for running online games. The minimum hardware specs for MC are all basically a decade old at this point so essentially any PC you buy from best buy or some other PC store will run the game and will have some sort of return policy. Just read reviews and don't buy from amazon unless it's from a reputable seller since most PC's there are a scam.
  3. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    i would get a used laptop with a gpu that's atleast gtx 1060 or better
    and you definitely need to get a good internet too, just having a good pc doesnt help
    luckeyLuuk and AbinadiLDS like this.
  4. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    In general, you'll be moreso looking for a stable internet connection rather than a strong PC. Before upgrading from an old Xeon, I was getting somewhere from 40 to 60 FPS before hitting the frame cap (60Hz monitor go brrr). However, I used cable rather than Wi-Fi, so you'll definitely want to invest in either a range extender or an ethernet cable.

    As for PC building, Newegg is your friend. I cannot speak for my own experience but after my old PC blew up from a faulty PSU, I was able to build a replacement PC for ~290$ (price for GPU not included) converting from my local currency. This is the specs list and I get average ~55 FPS with shaders before frame caps:
    Intel i3-10100F
    H410 Motherboard, I'm using Gigabyte's H410M v2 model, but you can go higher
    16GB RAM
    AMD Radeon RX 570 (note: driver version 22.11.2 may crash on some games, the GPU itself is also out of date and unavailable for around ~100-200$ outside of being refurbished)
    SATA3 SSD (size irrelevant)
    You can definitely build something better than this, GPU should be your final buy after you have the CPU, Motherboard, RAM etc. sorted.
    luckeyLuuk and AbinadiLDS like this.
  5. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Newegg has kinda gone downhill lately :(.

    That said, at this price point your best bet is probably to find a prebuilt or laptop these days, as those are where your best (and maybe even most reliable) deals are right now. I'd check the buildapcsales subreddit and Costco's website if that's an option as they have had some pretty fantastic deals lately. For Minecraft, specs won't matter a ton as long as you're okay with playing on lower settings as almost any modern computer with a dedicated graphics card will do. The main issue for you would likely be your internet.
    Sg_Voltage and luckeyLuuk like this.
  6. AbinadiLDS

    AbinadiLDS Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    A lot of people will look at such a question and try to optimize a build that is either futureproofed a bit or can do more than wynncraft. This is an understandable approach and I would say is a good approach for an answer.

    However to address something that is almost a flaw in the question I want to point out that wynncraft/minecraft in general simply does not require much but what ever you use it will gobble. This is more prevalent on the java edition (I am guessing because I have not played or looked into how bedrock is made or coded). You can run wynncraft really well on a 10-15 year old workstation with no problems at all so long as you upgrade your drive to an ssd or nvme and have plenty of ram. Ram being extremely important because java has severe memory leaks and this is a known issue that you can not fix. Having more ram will not stop you from having issue but buys you more playtime (or can) before you have to restart your game client due to performance issues.

    Due to what is still a very volatile gpu market I suggest a few things if you are looking to put together a computer. Get a cheap gaming laptop or get an APU and skip a graphics card completely until prices come back down to earth. If money is not an issue for you (not you with a $650 budget) then swing for the stars and future proof your pc as much as you can but do NOT get any GTX 4000 series due to the fire hazards. They do not all catch fire and the rate of failure is not high so most of those cards are safe but other series cards are not having such issues so just don't risk it even if the risk is low.

    After all of this how the game runs will still depend on many issues such as internet speed, latency, packet loss and distance to the server and the servers stability. Since you said you have bad wifi know that this is always going to be an issue till your connection improves. This means even if you build a monster of a PC you may still have performance issues and you just have to make due as best you can.

    When building or planning a pc use pcpartpicker.com I use to build computers and do tech support for a living and I would use that site to check the power for all my builds. I still double checked but it was a fast easy way to find compatibility issues and calculate power usage vs need.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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