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Community Event [WINNERS ANNOUNCED] The Unofishial Quest Writing Contest!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jan 21, 2023.

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  1. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    I'd say my current quest is about 40% of the way through (mainly cuz i've been procrastinating it), but I have a strong feeling I'll be able to put it out before the deadline. glhf while making your quests.

    Edit: Now I'm about 85% of the way through. The magic of procrastination.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2023
    WithTheFish likes this.
  2. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    He is clearly referring to mine.
  3. NecrowmancerLeam

    NecrowmancerLeam Eye of Eternity CHAMPION

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    Yea im working on it I just got lazy like a bit into the quest and havent gotten back into it I really gotta try and get it done by the deadline but I went too big and detailed and now I need to go back a bit or something augh
  4. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP Builder

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    sorry in advance

    edit: ok idk why it wont just let me add a link but heres the url after docs.google.com:
  5. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Hey, I’m sorry to say this since you put a lot of effort into this, but I can only accept one quest per participant to make it fair for everyone (meaning i would only judge the first quest or the second if you specify it).

    You can definitely edit and combine both quests into a single quest if that’s possible though. Additionally if you want to exclusively use one part, you can talk about the other part for context.
    cmosier likes this.
  6. SaveMyWifi

    SaveMyWifi Skilled Adventurer

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    Username: SaveMyWifi

    last updated 11/2/23 (reworked stage 8 + minor dialogue/balance adjustments + additional details on rewards)

    Instead of a literal "Law" theme I tried playing around with the "assumed" laws/rules of wynn's mechanics/magic; Players have to guess what the new rules/laws are. Several of the quest book instructions (up till stage 8) are contrary to what needs to be done.

    edit: just realised wynn didn't format my italics, if it's unclear which sections are notes and which are dialogue lmk

    Name: Point of Disorder
    Level: 102 (Requires A Thousand Metres Under, AJB, AJF)
    Rewards: 1 Crystal of Order, Access to the Rift (similar to the Nexus), 0xp (I would love to give -1 xp but I doubt it’s feasible)

    Stage 1: Something at [coordinates] seems to be calling you...

    (On approaching location)

    It’s a void hole.. you feel as if you should head on in.

    (If the players walk forward into the void hole they will be thrown back. Instead they must walk backwards into it to proceed.)

    After 3 failed attempts:

    Instinct tells you that perhaps this isn't a way forward...

    ... yet this is where you must go.

    After 7 failed attempts:

    Perhaps it's best you turn around and leave. This is getting nowhere.

    ..yet when you do so you sense the void hole's beckoning grow stronger...

    …perhaps you should try something different.

    After 10 failed attempts:

    What's that behind you?!

    (A creature appears behind the player, drawing their gaze. The being charges at them, throwing them backwards into the void hole)

    Stage 2: Investigate your surroundings

    (Player finds themselves in an area similar to the void islands, void valley, or something in between. Think space between realities secret discovery’s aesthetic)

    ...why did that work??

    (players must interact with Hastily scribbled notes on the floor)

    This looks really old...

    So this is it. The colossus ripped the land apart, and somehow I've survived. When I look up I can't see Ahmsord. How have I ended up here?

    This place makes no sense at all, and I don't think I can hold out much longer, but just in case another unfortunate soul befalls the same fate I did, here's what I've learned:




    I've wandered in a straight line and found myself in the same place on some days but elsewhere the next. I've walked on water and almost drowned on land. Sometimes I wake up to a completely different scenery. All of this world's rules I've learned in my study and life just... don't apply. Magical laws are consistently broken. Yet sometimes they hold, unpredictably.

    This lawless nothingness… perhaps I shall call this The Void.

    To the person unfortunate to read this, good luck.

    Stage 3: Find a way forward

    The room has 4 void holes. The one the player came out of is marked EXIT. Attempting to enter any of the three (left, right, front) will throw the player back and spawn a miniboss with medium hp when the player first tries to enter that void hole. Subsequent attempts to enter that void hole will have no effect. The player must "leave" the way (through the EXIT void hole) they came to proceed.

    Stage 4: Find a way through

    You feel like you must keep going...

    This is a square room. Initially, each wall has one void hole. Entering one will spawn a ranged mob, warp you to another void hole in the room and generate 3 more void holes on the walls of the room until each wall has 5 void holes except for one which will have 4. Players must walk towards (or rather, through) the gap in the wall where there is no void hole to proceed.

    • Players can, if they desire, walk to a random spot in a wall to guess where the exit is. Guessing incorrectly will spawn the ranged miniboss without summoning void holes to "mark off" possible exit locations. Guessing correctly will let them proceed.
    • The fastest way to clear this room is to walk into void holes 5 times so all 19 void holes appear, making it very clear where the gap in the wall is.
    • After all 19 void holes have appeared, further warping will give dialogue that hints to the player to try something different (3 fails) perhaps investigate the anomalous wall (7 fails)

    Stage 5: Keep pushing

    This is a small room. There are buttons, levers, pressure plates, etc. that all do basically nothing but produce meaningless sounds and particles. If the player stands still they will hear a ticking noise every 2 seconds. If the player stands still for 6 seconds a small hole will open in a corner of the room, and after 10 it expands into a void hole, but closes upon the player moving. The player must wait and let the void hole expand to fill the room, teleporting them to the next stage.

    Stage 6: Keep going

    You feel.. emptier (Second spell disabled)

    (the player's 2nd (movement) spell is disabled for the rest of the quest until stated)

    The player must complete parkour, but there is a large gap (between two quartz platforms) before the end they cannot clear (without their movement spells available, at least).

    Upon reaching the last possible jump before the gap:

    You have a feeling that one of your spells should get you across... but which?

    (The player must cast their first spell while standing on the quartz, teleporting them across the gap.)

    It appears this warping effect only works when on the quartz surface...

    Stage 7: Use the established rules to proceed

    The player enters a 3x3 tiled room, with quartz, and other blocks on the floor (total 3 types)

    The player must then use the correct spell (not necessarily the first) while standing on the correct block type to proceed (this is not necessarily quartz). The player will be hinted at this with dialogue:

    Something feels off... perhaps the rules of magic here have changed?

    If the wrong spell is used, nothing will happen.
    if the right spell is used on the wrong block type, they will be knocked back and a burstfire mob will spawn (think of Greater Ones in TNA, only much less damage and hp).
    if the right spell is used on the right block type but the wrong tile, they will be warped to a different tile of the same block type.
    If the right spell is used on the right tile, they then proceed.

    The next room is a 4x4 tiled room with 4 types of blocks, and the room after is a 5x5 with 5 types. The correct spell to use and the correct block type to use the spell are different in every room.

    Stage 8: Follow the voices

    Long description incoming (sorry :I)

    This is a chain of rooms. The player has to recall dialogue from previous questlines, appearing as Echoes (monotone-coloured versions of themselves). Each room will feature 3 (or sometimes more) Echoes that stand in front of/by 1 void hole each. When spoken to, each Echo will repeat a line of dialogue from a quest (but not necessarily spoken by them). If the player enters the right void hole they proceed, otherwise the player is thrown back and the corresponding Echo of the incorrect void hole will attack as a miniboss, with minions appearing from the void hole.

    Each room will be themed around the NPC who is speaking (but with TNA/TSE colours) just for the fun of it. Additionally, the NPC who is speaking will be further hinted at through italicised text in chat on entering the room just in case it isn't clear.

    NPCs that appear as Echoes will include: (full text for this stage will be in a different spoiler for readability)
    • Ava (from TFF 2): Don't you dare touch- Gah! I'll show you. I'll show everyone what you're missing out on!
    • Axelus (from D&D 4): Open your eyes for once in your lives!! You see that?! Behind me! THAT was going to be the end result!
    • Lari (from RoL 3): I... I tried to help you! I t-tried so hard at everything we did together... How could you do this to them?! To...to me?
    • Aledar (from AJF): Agh... Don't worry...a-about me...
    After clearing the last section, the player will find themself in the next room.

    Stage 9: Look for a way to repair the crystal

    The pedestal in the centre… it's energy is faint, but it appears to have made this space less chaotic?

    It looks like it once held something...

    There is a pedestal in the middle of the room with 3 paths leading away. The path the player entered from is sealed. All three are initially straight and clear of obstacles. The player must collect three crystal shards and submit them to the centre.

    On collecting the first crystal shard, mobs will appear along the other two paths and several blocks on the path fall apart, requiring simple parkour to get across. Falling sends them back to the start.

    On collecting the second crystal shard, the paths fall apart even more (around 50% floor, 50% void). Every few moments (sound/particle telegraphed), the solid blocks will swap between the floor and void (i.e. floor blocks will now become void, void areas will now be the floor). At certain sections the player will need to time their jumps with the switching to get across.

    On collecting the third crystal shard, the three paths will revert to their original states, then close once the shards are submitted.

    Stage 10: Defend the crystal

    You hear many things approaching you. Prepare to fight..?

    The crystal seems to be charging energy... you feel even emptier.

    (The player’s second spell is restored. Every few seconds at random, one of the player's spells will be disabled and uncastable. The locked spell will be indicated in chat. A maximum of 1 of the player’s spells will be locked at any time this way.)

    (The player must press the button to begin the waves, but the spell-locking will take place beforehand so the player can get accustomed to the mechanics.)

    Mobs will attack both the player and the crystal. If the crystal is defeated the mobs despawn and the player must press the button again to retry.

    Wave 1:

    Total 15 mobs will emerge from the three tunnels, with 1 emerging every 2s. After all are killed wave 2 will begin

    Wave 2:

    Total 21 mobs will emerge from the ceiling/floor/walls, with 7 emerging every 15s. The sub-wave will include a Chaotic Cluster that will periodically spam teleport (akin to psychomancer, qira). If they hit the player one of the player's spells will be disabled for 4s at random. (Maximum of two spells can be locked this way)

    Wave 3:

    Total 30 mobs will emerge from the edges of the arena, with 10 emerging every 25s, including regular enemies, 2 Chaotic Clusters, and 2 Unstable Rifts. An Unstable Rift will teleport the player to a random part of the room upon death.

    Seems the onslaught has ended.

    Stage 11: Touch the crystal

    The feeling of emptiness has dissipated... (all spells restored).

    The crystal seems to restore the natural laws in the vicinity. Perhaps it will get you out of here…

    [+1 Crystal of Order]

    The pedestal seems to be able to warp you. (dialogue)

    Stage 12: Proceed

    To proceed, walk onto the pedestal (indicated by particles) while holding the crystal in hand. Not holding the crystal will warp the player to a random part of the room instead.

    Stage 13: Exit

    The player returns to the room they started in (see Stage 2), where the three void holes (forward, left, right) behave similarly without the crystal in hand (they do nothing). With the crystal in hand, if the player tries to enter one of the three void holes they will simply be warped to a different one.

    The player can go through the EXIT void hole to leave, either holding or not holding the crystal in hand, leading to two different endings which

    Stage 14A: Talk to Celuuse.

    Celuuse: (their first line is the exact same as in A Thousand Metres Under)

    A...HUUUUUUMAN!? In the void?

    Oh wow, [playername], it's you! Did you fall down again?

    No? You... were in Wynn and ended up here?

    Well, the void is like that. It's not unexpected for such a thing to happen.

    Be a bit more careful, okay? Some distortion has appeared near [insert void island warp coords] I'm not quite sure where it leads...

    Anyway, bye for now!

    Stage 14B (holding crystal):

    The player gets warped back to where they started.

    You’re back. What was the point of all that?

    The crystal’s presence seems to have changed the rift. Maybe it can bring you somewhere?

    Both endings give the player 1 Crystal of Order, which can be traded to the Suspicious Merchant in Lutho for an accessory (similar to the ornate shadow gear)

    A warp is also unlocked where the rift was, unlocking fast travel between the following points:
    • Just outside Lutho
    • Ruined Olmic City (near the Tol Altar building)
    • Entrance to the void islands (i.e. walking distance to Ahmsord)
    Additional Notes
    Stage 1 is likely made possible by raytracing/checking player rotation. Probably could be buggy, so as a failsafe you just get thrown in after 10 fails.

    Spell-locking should be within the realm of possibility. Maybe. If wynn can lock all spells from being cast in certain quests it hopefully shouldn't be too much of a stretch to disable one or two of them at once. (After all, wynn does technically lock spells if you don't unlock them in the ability tree).

    Shaman players do run the risk of having 1st spell (totem) locked for extended periods of time (effectively disabling them). Similarly, locking the 3rd spell endangers mages and 4th spell endangers warriors. Hence locking cooldowns are rather short unless you are extremely careless, but should be long enough to keep the player on their toes. Naturally main attack builds are less affected.

    If the player dies at any point, they can just return to the rift and will be warped back to the stage they left at.

    (bracketed text does not appear and is just for ease of understanding)
    First room:
    You faintly hear the voice of an Avos you knew... she can't possibly be here can she? (Ava)
    Doesn't sound quite like her though... maybe following what sounds right will lead you to a less chaotic space.

    Echo 1: Don't you dare touch- Gah! I'll show you. I'll show everyone what you're missing out on! (Ava, TFF 2)
    Echo 2: Also.. I- I made you these boots using my magic. It turns out I am pretty good at making stuff. (Maxie, TE 2)
    Echo 3: ...I... I need time to process this. I... Do you understand how difficult this is to hear? To bear? (Lari, ROL 4)

    Second room:
    You faintly hear the voice of a dwarf you knew... but isn't he... (Axelus)

    Echo 1: ...becoming True Ice, a potent mixture of sheer cold and magic energy. That's what we will need to combat Garaheth.' (Sanba, D&D 3)
    Echo 2:
    Every king, since my so-far-great grandfather, Draani Thunderwill, has battled with their morality over the lies told to my people. (King Draani VII, D&D 4)
    Echo 3:
    Open your eyes for once in your lives!! You see that?! Behind me! THAT was going to be the end result! (Axelus)

    Third room:
    You faintly hear the voice of an elf you knew... could she have ended up here too? (Lari)

    Echo 1: I - I really didn't want this. I wanted to help people, <playername>! Not... not... (Ava, TFF 2)
    Echo 2:
    I... I tried to help you! I t-tried so hard at everything we did together... How could you do this to them?! To...to me? (Lari, RoL 3)
    Echo 3:
    This is... W-why did this have to happen? ...I-I can't... this can't end like this... (Garvan, Hollow Serenity)

    Fourth room:
    You faintly hear the voice of a human you knew... you began your journey with him, but didn't his end here? (Aledar)

    Echo 1: Lucio! No! When will you learn? (Elphaba, AJB)
    Echo 2:
    That could work... <playername>, left-click the rock to break it! (Tasim, King's Recruit)
    Echo 3:
    Agh... Don't worry...a-about me... (Aledar, AJF)

    Accessory reward details (just for fun, not serious at all)
    Think of these like Ornate Shadow Gear
    4 different pieces - two rings, a bracelet and a necklace
    All will give +5% health regen, +50 raw health regen (trust me these IDs are trash for a reason) and will each correspond to a spell.

    Ring of Order (1st spell)
    Loop of Order (2nd spell)
    Brace of Order (3rd spell)
    Necklace of Order (4th spell)

    Each item then gives -25% spell cost to their associated spell and the major ID "X order" (where X = First, Second, Third, Fourth). This will increase the damage of the spell by 25%*, but every 4 casts of the spell it will be locked for 4 seconds. (This hopefully balances it so you have to be careful not to get caught off guard, balance the numbers accordingly).

    You could theoretically wear all four but then you'd have to carefully manage your spells. Also for balancing purposes, you can't wear Ring of Order twice (or Loop of Order but tbh I don't see anyone using that one)

    *the 25% is an increase to the final damage, and is not considered a %spell modifier because that's not as fun
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Hey everyone,

    After some consideration, I have decided to push back the deadline of this competition to one week after when it originally ended. Submissions will now close at 1pm cst on February 18th. I know a lot of people are probably busy with other stuff, and I don't want to pressure anyone to finalize their entry for a minecraft server contest.

    For those who have already submitted an entry, I recommend taking this extra time to make sure your submission is the best it can be. For everyone else who hasn't submitted their entry yet, good luck and I'm excited to see what you come up with!
  8. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    [7/12] Amerigo: I have, they’re preparing now. I’m guessing they have twenty or thirty ships. Anyway.

    bros got hella ships
  9. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP Builder

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    boatloads, even
  10. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Nice, btw I see that I'm in the participants list, but since my entry is only a dumb meme and doesn't follow the theme of law, I shouldn't win anything
  11. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Even if it doesn't fit the theme that much, I can still enter you. If it ends up winning and you don't want the prize money, you can let me know and it'll go to the person in next place instead.
  12. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I'll forfeit the prize money if it wins anything
  13. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Only 7 days left to enter!
  14. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    The Gateway

    [NOTE] if at any time during the quest the player leaves the game, uses /class or /hub, or the world resets, they will be back at the entrance to the portal. However, upon entering the portal, they will start the last battle they were in.

    [NOTE] The formatting may be slightly confusing. Italicized text is the player’s thoughts. Dialogue is marked by a dialogue number and a name. Text in brackets {example} is narration describing the events of the quest that does not actually appear in the quest. Bolded text is in Wynnic and underlined text is in High Gavellian. The quest stages are in brackets [example]. The glitched is the glitched text in-game that rapidly shifts between different characters.

    [NOTE] I am aware that the dialogue in some places isn’t as good as it could be, and that the context of this quest doesn’t entirely fit, and that a boss rush isn’t the most creative quest idea, and that maybe making my quest the entrance quest for the Realm of Dern is a bit pretentious & I may be biting off more than I can chew. I don’t expect you to change your judgement of this, just know that I recognize the flaws my quest has.

    [NOTE] This may not fit the theme of law perfectly, but it’s based more off the principle of moral law where the player has to confront what they see as their failures and their regrets.

    The Gateway

    Alternate title: Moral Coil*

    [Stage 1: Inspect the portal.]

    You stare ahead into the black surface of the portal.

    Something stares back… It’s your reflection, but somehow not quite you.

    The portal seems a dark, twisted reflection of your surroundings, dark and twisted as they already are.

    It only stands to reason that the reflection of you is the same.

    As you attempt, despite better reasoning, to touch the portal, you feel resistance. Your hand pushes against that of your reflection, seemingly taunting you.

    A thought enters your mind: If this is a reflection of darkness, what will there be to reflect if there is no darkness inside of you?

    As you try to clear your head of the ridiculous notion, your mind starts to spin and your vision begins to fade.

    {The player will be given nausea and blindness for several seconds before being transported to the next area.}

    [1/7] ???: Ah… you.

    [2/7] ???: I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this.

    {The player’s blindness will wear off and the player will be in a heavily damaged variant of the boss arena from Potion Making. They will be standing at the entrance to the room, facing the opposite side where a hooded figure stands.}

    [3/7] ???: You still don’t recognize me, do you?

    The figure takes off his hood, revealing himself to be Essren.

    [4/7] Essren: What about now?

    [5/7] Essren: I’d bet you didn’t even remember me.

    [6/7]: Essren: Not with all the others you’ve slaughtered on your journey to where you are now.

    [7/7] Essren: Oh, but I’ve remembered you. And I am going to make sure you suffer.

    [Stage 2: Fight Essren.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Essren’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Professor’.}

    {The player battles Essren. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Essren, reading “[1/1] Essren: Death will not release you. You will never escape.”

    After defeating Essren, more dialogue will appear.}

    [1/3] Essren: Pah. So you can beat me.

    [2/3] Essren: You fool. You’ve not won the war, only a battle.

    [3/3] Essren: Begone now. I cannot stand your presence any longer.

    {The player will be given blindness and nausea again and will be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/5] ???: Well, well. Look who decided to show up.

    [2/5] ???: Take off the hood, boys. Can’t hardly see ‘em with it on now, can I?

    The player’s blindness will wear off and the player will be in a destroyed version of the barracks from The Mercenary.

    [3/5] Takan: Everyone’s favorite little mercenary.

    [4/5] Takan: You remember me. I remember you.

    [5/5] Takan: Let’s get this over with.

    [Stage 3: Fight Takan.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Takan’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Traitor’.}

    {The player fights Takan. If they are killed, the respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Takan, reading “[1/1] Takan: You ain’t gettin’ away that easy.”

    After defeating Takan, he will step back and more dialogue will appear.}

    [1/3] Takan: … So you can hold your own, eh?

    [2/3] Takan: This means nothing. You’ve got a lot more heading your way.

    [3/3] Takan: Get outta here.

    {The player will again receive blindness and nausea and be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/6] ???: …

    [2/6] ???: O͠h̷̢..̨.͡ ̴Í͡t̴'͜͢s̀͝ ͜yò̡͘ư ̵a̛͟g̷͜a͝͝i̷͝n.

    {The player’s blindness will wear off and the player will be in an overgrown version of the boss area from AIH1. A guard golem will be standing across the room from them, facing away.}

    [3/6] Guard Golem: I҉̴̛ ҉҉r͘e҉̨͟ḿe̡͡ḿb̨͜e̷̢͠r ̶̛ỳo̵u̴.

    (If the player accepted Urelix’s bribe at the end of AIH2:) [4/6] ???: C̀o̸w̧̨̨a̴̧r̸̨d͟.̵͟ M͏̧u͏̶r̴҉̶d͢e͢r͢͡e͢r̨͞.̀̕͠

    (If the player reported Urelix at the end of AIH2:) [4/6] I͏͏͏t̕͠ ̴͞wa͠s ̴̷͡a͢͡l͞͞l ̢҉in͏͏ ̢v̕a̕҉͢i̢͡n͘.̨̛

    [5/6] Guard Golem: A̴̡͟n̵̡d̡̨..̧̀͏.͏͝ ͡you̸ ͢s̴a̵ve̢d̢ ̨h̀i̶̕͝ḿ̛̕.̀͞ ͜T̷̨̛h̕̕a̵t a̸͞w҉́҉f͏̵u̡l͜,̴̕ ͏͏h̷̕or̶̸ŗib̧͟͝l̵e͟͞ ̸̛ma̸͞͏n.̀

    [6/6] Guard Golem: W̶̶̡̨h̸͏̷y̨͏͏͞?̸̵̢̨͢

    [Stage 4: Fight the Guard Golem.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Madeleine’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Butchered’.}

    {The player fights Madeleine. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Madeleine, reading “[1/1] Guard Golem: Nò.͟ ̸Y̡̧ó̶̕ù͞ ̶́c̵͜à̛n'҉҉҉t̸͢͡ ͏d̛íȩ̕.̛ ̢T̸h͏iş.͟ ͡F̵o̶̷r͡͞e̶͜͜ve̸r͝͏̴.̸ ͏̢͜S͘͞ơ͟͟ ̷̛cò͜l̕d̡͟”

    After defeating Madeleine, she will return to her original position but will face the player. }

    [1/6] Guard Golem: Ą̵̕h̴̸̕.̧ Tò͡úgh̸ ̷͘͜o͢͏ne͏͡, ̴͢͠à̕r͘e̛͢n͘'̧͠҉t ͠y̨o̷u?̸͠

    (If the player reported Urelix in AIH2:)

    [2/6] Madeleine: I̷ d͏o͞n̛'́t bél͘ieve I͠'̡v̵e̸ ever͏ ̷in̸t̵ro͠d͡u͡c͝e̸d͜ ͜m̀ys̴elf̷. My nam̨e͢ is ͡M̷a҉del̴e̴ine͠.

    [3/6] Madeleine: I͢ ҉u̷sed̛ ͞to ͡b̡e a͜ hum͏a̧n.͜ ͘A͜ ͢w͟oman͠. ́

    [4/6] Madeleine: I ̢su̕ppose͠ t͞hat'͏s̡ a̷ll̶ ͏wate͘r ̷un͞der͡ ̨t̨he ͡b҉rid̨g̛e ̴n͟o͠w, ̡th͡o̷ugh.͟

    [5/6] Madeleine: Mo͜rè ͘wi͜l̴l follow͟. You can win th̴ou̧gh.̛ I can s̢ee ҉already.

    [6/6] Madeleine: Warm…

    (If the player accepted the bribe in AIH2:)

    [2/6] Guard Golem: Ņ́o m̷̕a͢tt͠͏e҉̸͏r.̷̷̕ ̴͢͠M̸͘o̢re͝ ̛͠w̶i͠͝l͏̡̡l̀ ̧̕͝c̴͞҉o͜m̨e.

    [3/6] Guard Golem:T̢h͏͞e͘͠y͠͠ ̴̸́ẁi̶̛͡l͟͝l̶͜ ̛̕s̴l҉̵au̕͝g̷h̡̡͜t̴̶e͢ŗ͜ y̧͟o͞҉u̶͞ ̡a̛g̡̧͞ai̧̡n̨͡ a̴nd̷̨ ̀͘͝a̸g̴̵̸a̕͝i̷̢n̕͠҉.̸̛̛

    [4/6] Guard Golem: Y̕͘̕͘͡ò̴҉u҉̸̢͘͢ ̴̕͝w̶̕͞i̵͝͏l҉ĺ̴͜ B̸ȩ̡͞ ̀͝j̡ust ̧̛a͡҉̧ ś̢ ̸̨̢́͞ ̴̧͟ ̷͜h̢́e̵͘͜l̢͡͠p̷̨̀͡l̷̢͘͜͢e̶͢͞͝͝s҉̴̨͞s҉̀͢͞͞ ͡͠as̴̢ ̷̢̀ ̶̢̨͠I͡͡ ̴̡́̀̕w̵̛͢͢a҉s͏̛̛̕

    [5/6] Guard Golem: B̸͝͠ư̶̶̢͝t̛̛́͝͝c̢͢͟͡h̶̴̨̡͞e̶͜͜͠r̨̛̛é̴̢͟d̡̡ at̨̛͠ t̴̴͜͏̴h́̀͝ę̴͡ ̵͡͝h̡͡͠à̴͢n҉̧́̕͜d̶̸s̛҉o͘f͏҉ ͟th́a̕͝t̴͢ ̵͠h̸͏̢͢ǫ̡̕͡r̡͜r̶̕͘͜i̢b̴̢l͏͏͠͠e̵͘͟͟ ̛͟͠͞͠ḿ̧͜͡͡a̕҉n̶̶̴҉̨

    [6/6] Ḿ̷͝a̶̵͝d̸̸̵̷̷è̶̵̢̛l̨͢e͢͢͞͝i̸͢͞n͢͏̷̕̕e҉: ̶s̢̧͘ơ͠҉̛ ͏̶̨c̷̴̀͟͝o̷̵̷̶͟l̴̵͘͘d̢̧͞

    {The player will again receive blindness and nausea and be teleported to the next area.}

    You hear the sounds of heavy machinery.

    [1/15] ???: You.

    [2/15] ???: Monster.

    [3/15] ???: Murderer.

    [4/15] ???: Look me in the eye.

    {The player’s blindness will wear off and the player will be in a heavily damaged version of the boss room from RotQ. The player will be standing at the back of the room, facing a massive machine labeled QUARTRON MK V. Harnort will stand in front of it and walk up to the player.}

    [5/15] Harnort: You.

    [6/15] Harnort: MURDERER!

    [7/15] Harnort: Was it not enough?

    [8/15] Harnort: You killed hundreds of people.

    [9/15] Harnort: You devastated hundreds of families.

    [10/15] Harnort: And to what end?

    [11/15] Harnort: To keep one man from seeing his dreams become a reality.

    [12/15] Harnort: And you had the gall to see yourself as the hero.

    [13/15] Harnort: And was all of that not enough?

    [14/15] Harnort: You have to come here and do it again.

    [15/15] Harnort: Suffer.

    [Stage 5: Fight Harnort.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Harnort’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Visionary’.}

    {The player fights Harnort. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Harnort, reading “[1/1] Harnort: How does it feel? To die? You did this. YOU DID THIS! TO ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE!”

    After defeating the Quartron, it will fall to the ground, destroyed, and Harnort will step out of it and face the player, standing in the middle of the room.}

    [1/6] Harnort: …

    [2/6] Harnort: Are you determined to make your legacy one of destruction and death?

    [3/6] Harnort: I have seen no action that would suggest otherwise.

    [4/6] Harnort: You do not care about the morality of what you do. You do not care about the logistics of what you do. You simply do it.

    [5/6] Harnort: One can only hope you are stopped before the entire world suffers.

    [6/6] Harnort: Leave me now. I have nothing for you.

    {The player will again receive blindness and nausea and be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/6] ???: Hmh.

    [2/6] ???: Peace? You only fight.

    [3/6] ???: If you must fight, fight someone strong.

    {The player’s blindness wears off and 2 large doors in front of them open to reveal the arena from ARtP, heavily damaged. Veretel stands in the middle, facing the side of the arena.}

    [4/6] Veretel: You always fight. Never even think.

    [5/6] Veretel: Fighting and lying. Peace make no difference to you.

    [6/6] Veretel: Maybe you will change mind now.

    [Stage 6: Fight Veretel.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Veretel’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Avenger’.}

    {The player fights Veretel. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Veretel, reading “[1/1] Veretel: Weakness will not excuse you. We fight forever.”

    After the player defeats Veretel, she will walk back to the middle of the arena and stick her spear into the ground before turning around to face the player.}

    [1/6] Veretel: …

    [2/6] Veretel: AAAGH!

    {Veretel will jump forward at the player, punching them and dealing significant knockback and 15% of their current health.}

    [3/6] Veretel: Miserable creature… quite impressive.

    [4/6] Veretel: You truly want peace?

    [5/6] Veretel: Stop starting fights. Even if you know you win.

    [6/6] Veretel: Now leave.

    {The player will again receive blindness and nausea and be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/9] ???: Heeeeehh.

    [2/9] ???: Oh, what’s this?

    [3/9] ???: A visitor? For me?

    {A candle will be lit in front of the player, followed by another, and another, until the player can see that they are in the crumbling ruins of Fatlach Manor. Garvan stands in the middle of the hall, facing the player.}

    [4/9] Garvan: No… not for me. For you.

    [5/9] Garvan: All of this… is for you. Just like it always-it always has been.
    [6/9] Garvan: No matter that the affairs you’re- you’re meddling in are… are ages older than you.

    [7/9] Garvan: After all, you, are the great… arbiter of… justice. Even if that justice only comes far past when I- when I needed it.

    [8/9] Garvan: But since when has what happens to me… mattered?

    {Garvan’s body will slump over against a fallen pillar and smoke particles will appear around him, eventually giving form to Garvan as the spirit the player fights in Hollow Serenity.}

    [9/9] Garvan: Come HERE, then, LITTLE SOLDIER, and face TRUE DESPAIR.

    [Stage 7: Fight Garvan.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Garvan’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Wanderer’.}

    {The player fights Garvan. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Garvan, reading “[1/1] Garvan: DEATH WOULD NOT STOOP TO LIFT ME FROM MY MISERY… WHY SHOULD IT YOU?”.

    After defeating Garvan, his spirit will hover above his body and smoke particles will appear around it.}

    [1/5] Garvan: I… WHY would you do-DO THIS?

    [2/5] Garvan: IS it you- Your LIFE’S MISSION to cau-CAUSE me PAIN?

    [3/5] Garvan: To DESTROY EVERYTHING that I’d- that I had STRIVED for for YEARS?

    [4/5] Garvan: NOT once… but… but TWICE?

    [5/5] Garvan: I can only HOPE that- that YOUR PAIN is- WILL BE as GREAT as MINE has been- ALL THESE YEARS

    {Garvan’s spirit will fly toward the player quickly. Just as he reaches the player, the player will receive blindness and nausea and be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/8] ???: So you’ve come back for more, eh?

    [2/8] ???: You’re just prone to making bad decisions, aren’t you?

    {Lightning will strike nearby, lighting something on fire and providing light so that the player can see that they are standing on a damaged and now burning version of Ardulf’s airship from Hidden City. Ardulf stands across the deck from the player, facing away from them.}

    [3/8] Ardulf: Y’see, while what you did may have kept a city of humans from being deported, you also killed an entire airship crew, caused meaningless damage and destruction, and opened the door to political turmoil between the humans and villagers.

    [4/8] Ardulf: All those things to keep an illegal city hidden. Why?

    [5/8] Ardulf: You know what your problem is? You’re putting the needs of the few first. You get what I’m saying, or should I explain exactly what that means?

    [6/8] Ardulf: You’re not the hero here, you’re not the good guy. You don’t have the moral high ground.

    [7/8] Ardulf: And if you’d drilled that into your head sooner, maybe you wouldn’t be here. You’d be out, living like a normal person.

    [8/8] Ardulf: Unfortunate you couldn’t’ve learned that sooner, though, ‘cause you’re not making it out of here.

    [Stage 8: Fight Ardulf.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Ardulf’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Madman’.}

    {The player fights Ardulf. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Ardulf, reading “[1/1] Ardulf: There’s no hiding from me. You of all people should know that.”{

    {After the player defeats Ardulf, he will jump back to his original position and walk slowly toward the player.}

    [1/5] Ardulf: ...So that’s how it’ll be, eh?

    [2/5] Ardulf: You’re just going ahead and doing it again?

    [3/5] Ardulf: Throwing lives away on a whim?

    [4/5] Ardulf: Fine. Just remember something…

    [5/5] Ardulf: You’re not the hero here.

    {By this point, Ardulf will have reached the player. He will punch the air in front of him, pointing at something behind the player. The player will turn around to see that the airship is about to crash into a mountain. They will then receive blindness and nausea and be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/6] ???: Well, well. Looks like someone’s decided to join us.

    [2/6] ???: Don’t suppose ye’d be inclined to show yourself?

    {The player’s blindness will wear off and they will be standing in a heavily damaged airbase. There will be an airship in front of the player with several skyraiders and the Skyraider Queen.}

    [3/6] Skyraider Queen: Well, if it isn’t your honour, our new ruler.

    [4/6] Skyraider Queen: Can’t say I see much honour in offing a queen an’ takin’ her place, but hey, I don’t make the rules here. After all, that’s your job now.

    [5/6] Skyraider Queen: Though I’m sure we could arrange somethin’ to change that.

    {Two skyraiders will come up behind you and lead you to an unused airship.}

    [6/6] Skyraider Queen: You know the deal. Winner takes all.

    [Stage 9: Fight the Skyraider Queen.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Skyraider Queen’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Replaced’.}

    {The player fights the Skyraider Queen. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from the Queen, reading “[1/1] Skyraider Queen: Now ye know what it’s like, eh?”

    After the player defeats the Skyraider Queen, her airship will fly down next to the player’s and she will jump back onto hers. }

    [1/5] Skyraider Queen: So that’s how ye did it, eh?

    [2/5] Skyraider Queen: Suppose ye couldn’t’ve done half what ye done wit’out knowin’ your way around.

    [3/5] Skyraider Queen: Don’t know what business ye have with the skyraiders, not only to kill their queen but then to fill her position…

    [4/5] Skyraider Queen: But hey, ye see power and ye take it. S’pose I can’t really argue with that.

    [5/5] Skyraider Queen: Now be off with ye. Girls, let ‘em go.

    The player will receive blindness and nausea and will be teleported to the next area.

    [1/10] ???: <Playername>. So your path brings you to me once again.

    [2/10] ???: You again. Hadn’t planned on running into you again, and I hadn’t looked forward to it either.

    {The player’s blindness will wear off and they will be standing in a dilapidated courtyard for a castle or manor. Lari & Dullahan stand at the other end, facing the player. }

    [3/10] Lari: Why we have been involved in this… sequence, of sorts… I can’t say.

    [4/10] Lari: However, I understand what must happen now that we face each other.

    [5/10] Lari: However regrettably, a battle must be fought.

    [6/10] Dullahan: And so fight we shall indeed.

    [7/10] Lari: And I trust that you will be able to accomplish whatever you need to.

    [8/10] Dullahan: As do I. You’ve shown competence in being able to accomplish whatever you wish.

    [9/10] Lari: Well, I suppose there’s only one thing left to do here.

    [10/10] Lari: We shall fight.

    [Stage 10: Fight Lari & Dullahan.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Lari & Dullahan’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Servants’.}

    {The player fights Lari & Dullahan. They cannot die in phases 1 and 3-5. When they reach 1 health, dialogue reading “[1/1] Lari: Ní rogha é bás anois. Caithfidh tú do mhisean a chur i gcrích.” will appear and the battle will restart, and if the player is at phase 3 or past the battle will start at phase 3. The player can, however, die in phase 2, which will give the dialogue “[1/1] Dullahan:Níor leor bás amháin riamh.”** ***

    After the player defeats Lari & Dullahan, they will return to their original positions.}

    [1/15] Dullahan: Well, I suppose that’s that, then, human.

    [2/15] Lari: It is my understanding that you will now move on to the next.

    [3/15] Lari: However, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to speak first.

    [4/15] Lari: as much as this is all about you coming to terms, I believe this may have been more for me.

    [5/15] Lari: I’d like to apologise for everything. Not just that I’ve done to you, but to everyone.

    [6/15] Lari: The parasite, the decay… It was all my fault.

    [7/15] Lari: However, through your journey, I’ve seen that you are doing quite well in restoring balance.

    [8/15] Lari: Orphion was right to choose you.

    [9/15] Lari: Not a replacement, as I once thought, but a corrector, a successor, a means to an end.

    [10/15] Lari: In the end, though, I suppose that none of that truly matters.

    [11/15] Lari: All that truly matters at this point is that you finish what you have started.

    [12/15] Lari: Not long ago, I would have been upset that this was your duty.

    [13/15] Lari: But when we’re all just pieces in a game, what does it matter who’s a pawn? We all are.

    [14/15] Lari: And so I wish you the best in your efforts.

    [15/15] Dullahan: The fate of the world hangs in the balance. Only a fool would wish ill to his saviour.

    {The player will receive blindness and nausea and will be teleported to the next area.}

    [1/10] ???: Hey <playername>, we don’t have all day you know.

    [2/10] ???: I’m not excited to do this either, but Elfie’s right.

    {The player’s blindness will wear off and they will be standing in front of the arch that marks the entrance to the Silent Expanse.}

    You hear a faint humming noise in your ears.

    [3/10] Elphaba: We’ve got a mission, now we’ve got to complete it.

    [4/10] Lucio: Ready? It should be j-

    Your ears start ringing painfully.

    [5/10] Lucio: You good there, <playername>?

    {Lucio’s model will be replaced by one of an obsessor.}

    [6/10] Elphaba: You two coming?

    [7/10] Lucio: <playername> just collapsed.

    The ringing in your ears intensifies.

    [8/10] Lucio: You ok?

    The ringing dies down.

    {Lucio’s model will return to its previous state.}

    [9/10] Lucio: You better now?

    [10/10] Elphaba: Come on, then. We’ve got a mission.

    The ringing in your ears returns.

    [Stage 11: Fight Elphaba & Lucio.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Elphaba & Lucio’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Protectors’.}

    {The player fights Elphaba & Lucio. If they die in phases 1, 3, or 5, the battle will go back 2 phases (in phases 3 & 5) and dialogue reading “[1/1] Elphaba: You alright, <playername>? You’ve got to be more careful than that. There’s no second try for this mission.” will appear. If the player dies in phases 2, 4, and 6, dialogue reading “[1/1] ???: Rise and fight, warrior. Your battle does not end here.” will appear.

    After defeating Elphaba & Lucio, the arch will start to collapse and Elphaba & Lucio’s corpses will be leaning against the sides of it.}

    [1/1] ???: Warrior, you must keep going.

    [Stage 12: Travel through the Silent Expanse.]

    {The player will have to traverse the Silent Expanse. It will be almost the same as the regular silent expanse, with the differences being that there are no mobs, that the eyeball forest is slightly smaller, and Lutho is completely gone, being replaced by a large black area with large spikes coming from the ground and the Monolith, slightly larger than usual, floating above it.

    When the player passes under the Monolith, the dialogue “The ringing in your ears subsides.” will appear until the player leaves. As the player walks through the void valley, the ground will gradually break apart until it appears similar to the ground under the portal to dern. The player will eventually reach the Sacrificial Altar, occupying its own mid-sized island with the gate to the EO floating behind it. A hooded figure will be standing behind the altar, facing the player.}

    [1/7] Aledar: Well then, <playername>.

    [2/7] Aledar: Just you and me again.

    [3/7] Aledar: As before, you have a mission to complete. Perhaps even the same mission. Undoubtedly the same journey.

    [4/7] Aledar: And, as before, it is of utmost importance that you complete this mission.

    [5/7] Aledar: And, as before for a final time, you must make a sacrifice.

    [6/7] Aledar: Will you do it? For the sake of the world?

    [7/7] Aledar: Will you make that sacrifice again?

    [Stage 13: Fight Aledar.]

    {A title will flash up on the screen, reading ‘Aledar’. A subtitle below this will read ‘The Sacrifice’.}

    {The player fights Aledar. If they are killed, they respawn and the battle restarts, prompting dialogue from Aledar, reading “[1/1] Aledar: One of us dies and it cannot be you. You must do this. There is no alternative.

    After the player defeats Aledar, his corpse will appear on the ground on top of the altar and the sacrificial knife will lie on the ground next to it. Aledar’s soul (a human NPC) will appear behind the Altar.}

    [1/7] Aledar: And so it ends.

    [2/7] Aledar: The sacrifice has been made.

    [3/7] Aledar: The gate shall be opened.

    [4/7] Aledar: You must go into the darkness to restore balance.

    [5/7] Aledar: The endless war runs its course.

    [6/7] Aledar: And the world keeps spinning.

    [7/7] Aledar: What you will face is a force beyond all comprehension. You fight a battle you cannot win. Yet, you are the one that will bring peace.

    [Stage 14: Enter the gate]

    {Upon entering the gate, the player will be teleported to the next location in the quest and their inventory will be emptied (temporarily and for the quest, they do not lose anything) and they will have 4 items in their inventory: a knife, an emerald, a soul point, and a black square in the middle slot of the inventory.**** They will stand in a large corridor with uneven walls made of black stone, appearing much like a tunnel in a cave but with a flat floor. After walking the length of the corridor, they will reach a door and dialogue will play.}

    [1/1] ???: Give me your wé̶al̶̵͘͜҉th.

    {The player will have to drop their emerald into a dropper on the floor. If they attempt to drop any other item, they will not be able to. Upon throwing the emerald into the hopper, the door will open to reveal another corridor, similar to the first. The player will walk to the end of this corridor and reach another door, prompting more dialogue.}

    [1/1] ??̵̡͡?: Give me your st͝͏̛͡҉r͟͟͡͡eng͝҉̀͢th̡.

    {The player will have to drop their knife into a dropper on the floor. If they attempt to drop any other item, they will not be able to. Upon throwing the knife into the hopper, the door will open to reveal another corridor, similar to the previous two. The player will walk to the end of this corridor and reach yet another door, prompting more dialogue.}

    [1/1] ?̨͞͝?̛͏̸̢͝?̷̶͢͡͡ Give me your ś̸̵͞ǫ̵̷̡͠u̧҉l̢͜.

    {The player will have to drop their soul point into a dropper on the floor. Upon throwing the soul point into the hopper, the door will open to reveal another corridor, similar to the ones before it. The player will walk to the end of this corridor and reach a final door, prompting a final piece of dialogue.}

    [1/1] O͏P͘͠E̷͠Ņ̸͢ ̸̷̢̕̕T̢̛̀H̡̧͟҉E̸͡ ̨́͡S̵̡̡̧E̵͢͏̡͠Á͢L̸̡͟͡: Ǵ̡į̴v͟͠͏e̴̕ ̷̵m͏̸é̶̷̕͡ ̸̢͢y̷̵̴̨o͟u̴̧͞r̶͟ H͠҉͢͡҉E̡̕͟À̡͘͟Ŗ̸̨̕͟T̛҉́

    {Upon clicking the black square in the middle of their inventory, the player will take damage damage equal to 5% of their full health. They will have to click the square until they have lost approximately a third of their health. After this, the square will disappear and will be replaced by a heart (Picture it as an actual human heart) that the player will be able to pick up and throw into the hopper. Every second the black square has been removed the player will lose 5% of their current health, and once the heart is no longer in their inventory they will take 500 damage every second until they are at either 25% of their total health or 1500 health (Whichever is more). After this they will regenerate 500 health per second, offsetting the damage they take. Once the player throws their heart into the hopper, they will continue to take 500 damage per second (the regeneration will no longer apply) until they reach 1 health, at which point the screen will go black. After a few seconds, the player will be teleported out of the quest area and into the Realm of Dern. The quest will be completed, giving 15,000,000 combat XP and a fabled necklace, Repercussion.}


    * -Originally the portal to dern/realm of dern was not involved in the quest. I needed context for the idea that I had and settled on the seal that had been placed on the portal to dern being a test of sorts.

    **- Translations for these lines are “Death is not an option now. You have to complete your mission.” for Lari’s dialogue and “One death was never enough.” for Dullahan’s. These were the closest I could get to an exact translation of what I wanted the lines to say.

    ***-I think I remember all of Lari’s spells being in Irish after they were translated from High Gavellian. I don’t know why I made regular dialogue from Dullahan be in Irish, or in High Gavellian for that matter. They’re generally reserved for spells, not dialogue, and in ROL3 Dullahan speaks in whatever language the hero does, presumably some sort of common language or modern wynnic.

    ****- In case anybody was wondering about the positioning of the other items, the emerald is 2 slots to the left of the heart, the soul point is 2 slots to the right of the heart, and the knife is in the middle slot of the hotbar, which appears, in the inventory, to be 2 slots down from the heart.



    The player will have to survive several rounds of attacks, in which Essren will throw high damage potions at certain spots, telegraphed by particle effects on the ground, in addition to throwing potions dealing lower damage as projectiles. Essren will then use a charge spell to attack the player before teleporting to a second position, and repeating the cycle. He will do this a total of 3 times, including the first time, before becoming vulnerable. When he is vulnerable, the player may attack him once before he becomes invulnerable again and continues into his next phase. Essren does not have a specific amount of health, he simply has to be hit a total of 5 times.


    Takan’s battle is composed of 6 phases, alternating between fighting Takan’s men and fighting him. At the beginning of phases 1, 3, and 5, 6 bandits will appear, 3 on each side of the arena, followed by another 6 appearing 10 seconds later and another 6 10 seconds after that. Once all of the bandits for the respective round have been killed, Takan will take the floor and the player will have to defeat his phase before he jumps back and another wave of bandits appears.


    Madeleine’s fight is mostly the same as in AIH1, albeit with her having much more health and doing much more damage. However, if you accepted Urelix’s bribe at the end of AIH2, her health will double and her damage will be increased by 50%, making her much stronger than she is if you chose to report Urelix.


    Harnort’s battle consists of 7 phases, alternating between fighting Harnort in the Quartron mk V and fighting waves of smaller quartrons. Phases 1, 3, 5, and 7 will be fought against the Quartron while phases 2, 4, and 6 will be fought against the smaller quartrons. The Quartron will be similar to the v.3 quartron from RotQ, but with a few key differences. There will be cannons on both arms, which shoot both projectiles and enemies. Once enough damage has been dealt to the Quartron, it will stop attacking and become invulnerable, starting the next wave. In these waves, quartrons will appear in groups of 4, each wave appearing 10 seconds after the last, until 5 waves have spawned. Once they have all been killed, the Quartron will begin attacking again.

    [U[ Veretel[/U]

    Veretel’s fight consists of 7 phases, alternating between fighting Veretel and fighting bosses from other Orc related quests. In phase one, Veretel will fight the player without a weapon. In phase 2, the player will fight chieftains Elisu, Veltu, and Ceifko. In phase 3, Veretel will pick up a war hammer from the center of the room, and fight the player again. In phase 4, the player will fight Poxper. In phase 5, Veretel will smash the head of her hammer on the ground, revealing a spear head under it, and will proceed to fight the player with the spear. In phase 6, the player will fight 5 Centerworld orc Overtakers. In phase 7, Veretel will snap her spear in half and throw the end without a head on the ground, fighting the player with her shortened spear.


    Garvan’s fight consists of 4 phases, with 3 in-between periods. The first phase will be roughly the same as his boss battle in Hollow Serenity, with the notable difference of him having ranged AI instead of burst ranged AI. After defeating the first phase, the player will be trapped inside a crystal and will have to left & right click when told so or they will take damage and remain trapped. After breaking out of the crystal, they will enter Garvan’s second phase, where he gains a damaging cloud around himself and a pull spell that he will use to pull players toward the damaging area. After defeating the second phase, the player will enter another crystal mini-phase. After breaking out of the crystal, they will fight Garvan’s third phase, where his AI becomes burst ranged instead of ranged and the damaging area expands. After defeating his third phase, the player will enter another crystal mini-phase. After breaking out of the final crystal, they will fight Garvan’s fourth and final phase, where a secondary damaging area fills the entire arena and will deal damage equal to 3% of the player’s current health every 5 seconds.


    Ardulf’s battle is composed of 5 phases, with transitional mini-phases between them. The main phases of his battle will be similar to many other melee bosses, where the player will have to deal a certain amount of damage to Ardulf while he attacks with melee and spells. During the transitional mini-phases, Ardulf will jump in front of the player, who will be given a knife, and have a close-quarters knife fight with them. The player will have to left & right click when told so to defend themself from Ardulf’s attacks and avoid taking damage. After blocking a certain number of hits, the player will be given an opportunity to attack Ardulf, knocking him back and moving the battle on to the next phase.

    Skyraider Queen

    The Skyraider Queen’s battle is composed of 7 phases. In phases 1, 3, 5, and7, the player will fight the Queen as a melee boss. In phases 2, 4, and 6, the player play a minigame where they will have to keep their airship from being destroyed by cannonballs from the other ship by blocking them with their own cannons. After one of these phases has been completed, the Skyraider Queen will jump back onto the airship and the player will have to fight her next phase.

    Lari & Dullahan

    Lari & Dullahan’s battle consists of 5 phases. Phase 1 is fought against Lari, and the player will have to deal damage to her fairly quickly, as she regains 3% of her current health every 5 seconds. Once she has been defeated, the player will begin phase 2, which is fought against Dullahan. Dullahan will not regain health but will become stronger as he takes damage. After defeating Dullahan, the player begins phase 3, which is fought against both of them. They have the same health regeneration as Lari in phase 1, and a joined health pool along with their traditional ones, so as long as a certain amount of damage has been done to both and the player has dealt a certain amount of damage overall, the player will move onto phase 4. In phase 4, the health pools are larger and the regeneration rate applies to the joined health pool, effectively doubling the rate of regeneration. In phase 5, their health pools are separated again and the player will have to defeat both of them individually. In addition, their regeneration rate increases to 5%. In phase 5, if Lari has lost enough health that the next hit landed would kill her, the damage will be redirected to Dullahan.

    Elphaba & Lucio

    Elphaba & Lucio’s battle consists of 6 phases, alternating between fighting with them and fighting against them. In phases 1, 3, and 5, the player has to do a certain amount of damage to the dark geist, the creature from AJB, before the gateway collapses, the arena goes dark, and the player has to fight Elphaba & Lucio. The dark geist will be stationary, shooting out projectiles every few seconds but not much of a threat, as it is meant as more of a rest period in between phases 2, 4, and 6. In said phases, the player will have to fight Elphaba & Lucio, who take on characteristics of the creatures that killed them, namely iritacks for Elphaba & obsessors for Lucio. After finishing one of their phases, the arena returns to its previous state, the boulders covering the gate shift to the sides, and Elphaba & Lucio return to their normal states. In the transition from an odd-numbered phase to an even-numbered phase, the dialogue “The ringing in your ears becomes unbearable.”will appear. In the transition from an even-numbered phase to an odd-numbered phase or the end of the fight, the dialogue “The ringing lessens slightly.”will appear.


    Aledar’s battle consists of 5+ phases, all of them roughly the same. After defeating a phase, the player receives the sacrificial blade and must strike Aledar, who now stands still and does not attack, with it, before Aledar returns to his previous state and the player must fight another phase. The battle ends once Aledar has been struck 5 times. After a phase has been defeated, dialogue reading “[1/1] Aledar: Do it. Strike me.” will appear to signal to the player what to do.

    Boss stats

    [NOTE]: I am stupid and don’t know how balanced, if at all, any of these are. If any of them seem absurd, that probably means they are, so take these made up numbers for made up battles with a grain of salt.







    AI type



    Potion throw, heavy charge

    Elemental stats

    Defense: all; Damage: all






    250,000 (+100,000 per phase)

    AI type



    Heavy charge, heavy multihit

    Elemental stats

    Defense: Fire, thunder, earth, air; Damage: fire, earth






    750,000 (1,500,000 if the player accepted bribe)

    AI type



    Heavy charge, charge chain, heavy explosion, heavy flamethrower

    Elemental stats

    Defense: Earth, water







    AI type

    Turret1: RapidRanged; Turret2: Burst ranged; Core; N/A


    Push, summon, target, heavy explosion, heavy arrow storm, heavy wave,heavy flamethrower, meteor

    Elemental stats

    Damage: Fire, thunder






    500,000 (+250,000 per phase)

    AI type



    Heavy charge, charge chain, heavy explosion, heavy multihit

    Elemental stats

    Defense: earth;Damage: earth






    500,000 (per phase)

    AI type

    Ranged, BurstRanged (Phase 3+)


    Meteor, Heavy arrow storm, heavy wave, pull (phase 2+) spiritual strike, spiritual barriers

    Elemental stats







    500,000 (per phase)

    AI type



    Heavy charge, heavy multihit,heavy vanish

    Elemental stats

    Damage: Air, thunder


    Skyraider Queen




    500,000 (per phase)

    AI type



    Multihit, arrow storm, explode

    Elemental stats

    Defense: Air, earth, fire; Damage: Air, thunder






    333,000 (phase 1) 700,000 (phase 5)

    AI type



    Heal, arrow storm, ophanim, heavy teleport, vanish, thundercloud, meteor, push, pull, (phase 5: heavy wave)

    Elemental stats

    Defense: all (phases 1, 3 & 4); Damage: Water, air, (phase 5: thunder)






    666,000 (phase 2) 1,000,000 (phase 5)

    AI type



    Heavy charge, heavy teleport, vanish, meteor, heavy multihit, push, pull, (phase 5: heavy flamethrower)

    Elemental stats

    Defense: all (phases 2-4); Damage: Earth, fire, (phase 5: thunder)


    Lari & Dullahan




    1,000,000 (phase 3:) 1,500,000 (phase 4)

    AI type


    Elemental stats







    AI type



    Heavy charge, charge chain, heavy multihit,

    Explode, bash

    Elemental stats

    Defense: All; Damage: Thunder, fire







    AI type



    Heavy charge, heavy arrow storm, heavy wave, heavy flamethrower, meteor

    Elemental stats

    Defense: All; Damage: Earth, fire


    Dark Gheist




    1,000,000 (per phase)

    AI type



    Heavy explosion, push, pull, heavy wave, heavy flamethrower

    Elemental stats

    Defense: all






    1,500,000 (per phase)

    AI type



    Heavy multihit, heavy vanish, heavy charge, heavy flamethrower

    Elemental stats

    Weakness: all; Damage: all
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2023
    Nukewarmachine and WithTheFish like this.
  15. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    @WithTheFish can you make this in memoriam of Big Island
  16. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    or pen island
    shtnck eyh ckhhe likes this.
  17. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Haha :skulrmoji:

    Edit: thank you kind Wynncrafter "oinuk" for the updoot! Wholesome
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
    one_ood likes this.
  18. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Me who hasn’t started :skull:
    Shiny_Bridge likes this.
  19. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    47 hours left to enter!
  20. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Took a long time to write, well not really, just been quite busy :p

    My Quest:
    On Independence's Edge: Link cuz tis a long one!

    Someone has been studying international law recently... ahem i mean interprovincial.

    Notes, yes I have a few, post quest notes for anyone who might be interested. I thought for a while what to make a "law" themed quest about. It felst most relevant to have some sort of court proceeding, but I wasn't initially sure what to do. But I currently study the course International Law, so instead of looking back to what I've already studied and such to implement, I felt I could almost use this as an "excuse" for studying.

    Because yes, in one way or another all the arguments that you actually make are based in some form of real or relevant law. For example the "Selchar Convention" in the quest is a simplified version of the actual "Montevideo Convention" which is used to determine if a territory is to be regarded as a state or not. Might be a fun fact. Also the right to self determination is also a contested principle because it is not widely agreed that any people should have a right to secede from a motherstate just because they want to, but all the arguments in the quest are based on current and relevant discussions in international law, albeit very simplified and broken down into smaller bits.

    I also wanted to experiment with the new options system to make it up to the player to decide the outcome of the quest. Also this would make it hopefully more fun to play, when you argue with arguments youve found, or incentivize players to idk check a guide to know the best way to do it ;)

    I really enjoyed this contest, however, I wish I had personally had more time to spend on it, been a bit too busy than I would've liked, but I did what I could with the time I had, really glad the extension happened!

    Ign: olinus10 / olinus10_alt
    Dc: Olinus10#4030
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