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Hello! (again)

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by EsoraOgramira243, Feb 5, 2023.

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  1. EsoraOgramira243

    EsoraOgramira243 Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello! In-game, my username is MargauxTheArtist, but my online alias is Esora Ogramira (she/they)!

    I used to play on this server pretty frequently a few years ago, but once I reached a certain quest in my main profile, I decided to quit playing because that quest was essentially impossible for me to complete without having to leave the area and do something else. Which, that particular quest forbade me from leaving the town I was in (which I can't remember the name of the town or the name of the quest anymore).

    Anyhow! I recently decided to try playing Wynncraft again with the new updates to gameplay. I'm playing as a Warrior going down the Paladin archetype!

    Of course, now I can't get into the first dungeon, despite having all the prerequisites to enter said dungeon (the quest, the level, the key, and everything). So, I'm kinda stuck again. ^_^;
  2. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Hello! Welcome back! Hope you have a good time! Did you have the key to the collecter? Once you do then jumó down the hole.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Welcome back to Wynn!

    (forget about being stuck on a few things for now) What do you like the most about the game? What stands out to you?

    If you encounter any problem (like the current one) there is the Questions subforum (or this thread, we don't mind). For the dungeon, how exactly are you stuck? Does the dungeon open? Does the Collector accept the key?

    PS: do you have any images of the Nether from your previous playthrough?
    EsoraOgramira243 likes this.
  4. EsoraOgramira243

    EsoraOgramira243 Newbie Adventurer

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    I, unfortunately, never made it to the Nether. I quit playing after I hit level 32 on my first character. iirc, leveling up got to be pretty difficult and lengthy at that point. Which was wayyyyy before the most recent updates to gameplay.

    And about the dungeon, I got that figured out! Buuuuuut, now I'm constantly dying to the boss. ^_^; At Level 16 with the boss being Level 15. (That boss hits incredibly hard and incredibly fast. So hard and fast that I can barely even land a hit or two on him before I need to run, or before I die, lol! I have no idea how everyone else has managed to kill that boss at just Level 9, but somehow, I still don't have the skills needed to kill that boss! XP)

    Regarding what I like most about the game is the semi-open-world concept of it! I LOVE being able to just run around and kill things in games like these (hence why I like Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Kingdoms of Amalur being a lesser-known RPG computer game with a similar set-up to Skyrim)! I find it pretty cathartic with all the stuff that's going on in the world and in my personal life (and by personal life, I mean I'm in the lengthy process of moving out of my eight-member household with my young, neurodivergent nephew and niblings and moving into a supervised apartment where I can live as independently as my equally-neurodivergent self can. My neurodivergent niblings have very different sensory needs than I do. My nephew [the oldest of the kids] and my youngest nibling are very sensory-seeking, while I and my oldest nibling [the middle child] are very sensory-avoidant, so I spend way more time sitting in front of my computer than I should because I don't like dealing with the noise that all three of them make when interacting with each other! XP).

    What stands out to me about Wynncraft is the worldbuilding! As someone who's currently working on a high-urban fantasy-adventure story (one that used to be a Minecraft fan-fiction, but one that never really fit into the Minecraft setting), I find the worldbuilding of Wynncraft to be very intricate while also remaining as true as it can be to the core of what makes Minecraft Minecraft! I know that there are areas that have Creepers and Pigmen/Piglins/Zombie Pigmen/Zombie Piglins, and I LOVE how the people who wrote the story behind Wynncraft really incorporated those creatures into the worldbuilding! It's incredible how unlike Minecraft Wynncraft is, and yet how very much like Minecraft it is!

    As much as I love playing on the server, I also think it would be kinda cool to see how an official Wynncraft resource pack/mod and map for singleplayer use would play! Not that I don't like playing on the server though!
    Krooza and TrapinchO like this.
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    WELCOME BACK TO WOINCROIFT did you remember to punch the grooks on the way back in?

    also about your very long paragraph can we take a moment to appreciate how wynncrafts manages to make a better rpg than minecraft dungeons which whole point is supposed to implement some story into the game
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    unfortunate, perhaps you still have screenshots of the old detlas? I am a collector of sorts, especially regarding old/removed areas of the game.

    What was the issue?

    That is usually strategy, hit once or twice and hide behind a wall. Also having a good armor and health potions is nice.

    Yeah, that is one of the best aspects of the game. There is a ton of stuff in the map, so going off-road will almost always reward you with a chest or a piece of lore.
    Also the fact that you can get basically anywhere. Have you tried getting to Ahmsord? It is level 100 city at the other side of the map. It takes some skill to get there, but it is not impossible (especially with a friend).

    And you have seen just a small part of it so far. There is much more to the world! Just wait before you see Nesaak (which I consider one of the best areas ingame).
    also there is this bunch if lore nerds that are trying to redo it from scratch out of boredom and frustration cough I mean trying to do an in-depth analysis...

    How is it going? Will you publish it one day?
    Also, are you thinking about doing fanfictions from Wynn once you get more acquainted with it? A wanderer's journal might be interesting.

    That sounds fun to live with. How does your neurodivergence manifests?
    EsoraOgramira243 and Krooza like this.
  7. Ellphant

    Ellphant [they/them] stop and smell the flowers, won't you? HERO

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    WELCOME BACK! I hope that you manage to get that boss. I believe in you!

    As TrapinchO said, there's the Questions subforum and plenty more places to help if you ever have questions or the like :)
  8. EsoraOgramira243

    EsoraOgramira243 Newbie Adventurer

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    I never actually thought to take any screenshots, sorry! ^_^;

    I've just been running circles around Witherhead while he keeps shooting projectiles at me. I've tried hiding behind walls, but they go away pretty quickly, and his minions keep sneaking through the holes in the walls.

    I'm actually planning on turning the series of stories into a webcomic! I'm still working on the first draft of Volume 1, but so far, I have four volumes planned out for the first arc, and four volumes thought out for the second arc. And in the universe that each arc takes place in, there are four different planets that are connected by magic portals that were created by the ancient magic of the two creator deities of the universe. So each of the four volumes for each arc will take place on a different planet while on the same timeline! The first arc involves ten young adults, eight of whom are immortal deities reborn and two of whom are demigods reborn, along with another young adult who's destined to become a demigod and a 5,000+ y/o demigod who's helping two of said young adults who are two immortal deities reborn. The actual plot is much more complicated than that, but Volume 1 of Arc 1 is turning out to be a very long story at around 500+ pages!

    Writing a Wynncraft wanderer's journal of a fanfic sounds like a great idea! I already have an idea for a Wynncraft fan-made animatic, one that involves a song by the musician Aviators. That song is called The Traveler's Song, and it's based off of TTRPGs. I feel like it would VERY much fit with a Wynncraft animatic!

    I'm autistic and have inattentive ADHD. I was kinda lucky in that I was diagnosed as autistic at a very early age, because my symptoms manifested when I was, like, two-and-a-half-years-old. I've only had two jobs so far in my life, both of which involved working around a LOT of people and/or very loud background noise. Which, I've discovered that I don't do well in manufacturing jobs because of the constant noise of the machines, and I don't do well with fast-paced jobs, either. I'm also very detail-oriented, which is very helpful when it comes to my art and my writing. When the niblings have their cousins over for a birthday party or a family get-together, I tend to get burned out very quickly by all the constant noise they produce. As much as I love all eight of them, I often have to beat an early retreat to my room and just veg in front of my computer (just like my dad, who thinks that he's autistic and ADHD, too). I've taught myself how to make eye contact over the years, but I still find it difficult to focus on what someone's saying when I make eye contact with them for too long, lol!

    Also, everyone in my immediate family is neurodivergent in some manner of speaking. My mom has bipolar and thinks that she's autistic, too. My eldest sister strongly believes that she's autistic and has some form of ADHD. My two older brothers also have ADHD, along with my second older sister. My third older sister has chronic depression with mood swings (from depressed to not-depressed, which I experience, too, from time to time). And almost all the rest of my niblings are also neurodivergent, too, because at least one of their parents is neurodivergent! So my family is living proof that neurodiversity is very much genetic! And I honestly wouldn't have it any other way! :D
    TrapinchO likes this.
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    No problem! I guess I will find another returning player to rob them of their images :)

    It does take some skill, but I am sure you will do it!

    That sounds really ambitious! Also an interesting thing, to have literal gods instead normal/powered humans as the protagonists.

    wow. please teach me how to be this productive

    Great! By the way, what I meant by "wanderer's journal" was to keep a diary (probably a quick one) as you play the game. I have not done it myself (but I plan it for my next two game playthroughs), but I think it is a really interesting concept.

    Does it show in other ways other than noise-sensitivity, introvertness, detail-orientation and high creativity? Forgive me my curiosity, this is an interesting topic for me and I just can't help myself.

    The manufactures must have been painful. I don't like much noise either (albeit to a lesser degree) and I did not like them. What are you doing now, if I may ask?
    By the way, do you like to listen to music? Or is that "noise" too?

    Yeah... Sadly that and practice are the only options.

    This is interesting for me, actually. I heard about it, but never really had the experience with focus myself. What does it mean exactly? Does your mind just begin to wander around? Or do you still "focus" but just... can't understand?


    PS: you don't have to remove authors from multiple quotes, we get only one ping per message :)
    Krooza likes this.
  10. MargauxTheArtist

    MargauxTheArtist Queen of the Frogges VIP+

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    Hey, this is still Esora, just from my old account! Which I thought had been deleted for inactivity, for some reason! Turns out I'd just automatically been logged out for the inactivity! It's still the same /EsoraOgramira243/MargauxTheArtist, I just... have two different accounts by mistake, lol!

    Ooooo, I'd love to, buuuuuut I don't have the working memory to be able to pull that off very effectively. XP

    I'm currently unemployed. My confidence took a hit when my previous job coach asked me if I even wanted a job after I was let go from the manufacturing job. XP I've already told one of my current job people who works with that job coach, so it's probably already been taken care of!

    And yes, I do listen to music! My favorite bands are Guster (an acoustic-y alternative band) and Starset (a hard rock band with a lot of space and sci-fi themes to their music! Plus, they even have LORE behind their songs AND have an entire book that covers the scif-fi dystopian lore behind their first two albums, Transmissions and Vessels, which involves an exoplanet called Earth Proxima or "Prox!" Their most recent two albums, Divisions and Horizons have much more sci-fi dystopian lore that's focused on future events on Earth!

    This message is gonna be kinda short, 'cause my focus is kinda out of whack and I'm starting to get a bit of a headache. XP
  11. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    For your information, alts are not allowed on the forums (rule 3) (even accidental one I assume), so it might be a good idea to close one of them.

    welp... you can still try though

    Never heard of them, but I will definitely check them out!
    MargauxTheArtist likes this.
  12. MargauxTheArtist

    MargauxTheArtist Queen of the Frogges VIP+

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    I have no idea how to close an account, and it seems like nobody can delete an account from the forums. Sooooo... yeah. I'm already abandoning my newer account, but I don't think it's possible for me or anyone else to close it. Unless they're a mod or an admin.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  13. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It might be a good idea to contact one
  14. Krooza

    Krooza Professional dumbass HERO

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    Are U a mod?
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Luckily not. But feel free to contact me either way :)
    Krooza likes this.
  16. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    wait since when were you fw
  17. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Like a year or two ago. Colin retired two (or three?) FWs later and it never got cancelled. You can look up the thread.
    shacers likes this.
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