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Community Event [WINNERS ANNOUNCED] The Unofishial Quest Writing Contest!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jan 21, 2023.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Do you like quests? Have you ever wanted to write a quest? Do you want money? If so, then you're in luck. I'm giving 96LE to the winner of this contest and will be giving additional LE to the 2nd-6th place winners! All you have to do is create a quest and impress me with it.

    The title should be mostly self-explanatory. You'll need to create a custom quest that could realistically fit in Wynncraft today, and you'll need to describe it in enough detail that someone could clearly understand what all the stages are. The quest will also need a specified name, level, and rewards.

    However, there's a catch. The quest can't be about anything, it needs to follow a specific prompt. That prompt is as follows:

    It's a pretty broad theme and I think there's a lot you can do with it, so I'm interested to see what gets made.

    How to enter:
    All entries must be posted in the comments along with your username (unless I know it already). Yes, this does mean that other people can read your entry, but I've held contests similar to this in the past which used this, and it wasn't a big deal.

    Each submission must have been made by only one person.

    How this will be judged:
    I will be the judge of this contest, and I will be using the following scoring system.

    [5 Points] - BASICS - The quest has a name, level, and rewards listed.
    [25 Points] - DETAIL - How clearly I can understand how the quest plays out. Ideally your entry should have descriptions for all stages, as well as dialogue!
    [20 Points] - CREATIVITY - Self-explanatory
    [20 Points] - ENTERTAINMENT - Does the quest seem like it would be fun to actually play?
    [15 Points] - STORY - Does the quest have an interesting and compelling story?
    [15 Points] - THEME - How well it follows the theme of "law".
    [10 Points] - BALANCE - Are the challenges and rewards in the quest fair?
    [10 Points] - FEASIBILITY- How well it fits into Wynncraft (This means no colossal lore changes or insane mechanics).

    1st Place - 96LE
    2nd Place - 64LE
    3rd Place - 40LE
    4th Place - 24LE
    5th Place - 16LE
    6th Place - 16LE

    Thank you @Tealy/Ambrosia for donating 64LE to the prize pool!

    Your quest must be posted by 1:00PM CST on February 18th. This will give you all 4 weeks to come up with something.

    @Da Homeboi
    @highbread (real)
    @Señor TopHat
    @Violet Knight

    Additional Notes:
    • Going overboard with detail doesn't mean you'll get a better score. As long as I'm able to visualize how the quest would work, that's good enough. You don't need videos or pictures or anything.
    • Adding onto this, long quests aren't necessarily better either.
    • You can only submit one quest. That being said, if your entry is part of a questline you made up, feel free to have as much background detail as you want about those other quests.
    • Feel free to come up with custom lore or locations, but if it goes too extreme like adding new provinces, I'll take points off for feasibility.
    • I'm aware that English isn't everyone's first language, so if the dialogue itself isn't perfect I don't mind. What matters more to me is what it's trying to convey and how it affects the story.
    • If a bunch of quests you all submit all seem similar to one another, that WON'T affect the creativity score. What will affect that score is stuff unique to what's already in the game. Blatantly copying stuff from pop culture will affect the score too.
    • Even if you've posted your quest already, you're allowed to edit it until the deadline!
    • You are allowed to completely rework or replace an existing quest to no penalty to points.
    Of course, let me know if you have any more questions, and most importantly, good luck and have fun!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2023
  2. 3:

    3: farlands pumpkin farlands pumpkin HERO

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    There once was an illegal fish. His name was Frank. (He broke law(s))

    Username: LarzLapiz

    i'd like to donate 3le of the 1st place prize to frank for making this story happen if that's possible
    wxhlf, MlecznyHuxel99, itay_ and 4 others like this.
  3. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    can i enter
    Deusphage and Erebuis like this.
  4. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    can i enter
  5. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    yeah, I don’t have an issue with gms or other ct entering
  6. Femboy Orphion

    Femboy Orphion Bi Furry Femboy (Average Wynncraft Player) HERO

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    This looks fun. Time to pull out the Charon lore rework. Define law. Can it be about the "laws" of soul magic
    WithTheFish likes this.
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Yeah, I’d count that
  8. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Ooooh time to bring out the quest I made for my gm application that I never finished!
    WithTheFish likes this.
  9. CatFan105

    CatFan105 Blue guy

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    I’ve had an idea for a quest in my head for a while now
    Don’t know how well it’s translate and I’d have to workshop it a bit, but I think it could be cool
    WithTheFish likes this.
  10. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    my idea is for a level 72 quest "eye of the storm" that rewards the player with 725000 experience points, 6106 emeralds, and a legendary necklace called "abyssal amulet"

    the quest will start in the kander forest in a ruined church type structure, where the player is told by a priest of the church that many of their order have turned to darkness and begun worshipping demons. while he is speaking, a shout will interrupt him, begging mysterious captors to let them go. the priest asks the player to save the captive.
    the player will then go find the captive in the ruins outside of the building, where the npc is found in a crypt, about to be sacrificed to a hellhound. after killing the hellhound and freeing the captive, they will tell the player that out of the three men that captured him, only two remain. the third one will say (from outside of vision) that they took the captive's things, as a sacrifice to their lord.
    the player returns to the priest, telling him of the player's success. the priest will tell the player that the third captor stole an "eye of blood" from the captive, and asks for the player's assistance in retrieving it. the priest tells the player that they are likely at lexdale, a town controlled by the cultists.
    the player goes to lexdale, where they find someone sympathetic to their cause, who tells the player that the cultists are trying to summon a demon called naragath. the player enters their house for a better view of a giant hand reaching out of the earth, summoned by the cultists.
    the npc tells the player of a wizard that could help, and tells the player that they can sneak out through the tunnel in their basement.
    in the tunnel, the player learns that the cultists knew about the tunnel, and must solve a puzzle similar to that in the fortuneteller to escape.
    when they reach the wizard, he tells the player that the cultists stole a scroll, and that they are hastening the summoning. the wizard tells the player to retrieve his spells and tools, so he can protect the player against the pit of despair (where the summoning is).
    the player will fight a miniboss near the wizard's house and retrieve the spell scroll. the wizard then casts a spell on the player to allow them safe entry to the pit.
    the player enters the pit, and runs through a large section of hostile mobs before reaching another npc, who was caught trying to steal back the eye of blood from the cultists. the npc transports the player to the ritual chamber, where the cultists finally complete the summoning, and naragath thanks them for their service. the npc asks for icons of naragath from the cultists to weaken the demon enough to be fightable, and the player kills the cultists to retrieve the icons of naragath. the npc casts the spell using them, and the player leads naragath deeper into the pit.
    the npc tells the player that the eye of blood is keeping naragath strong, and it must be separated from him. the npc instructs the player to fight the demon and bring back the eye of blood, so that the npc can banish the demon.
    the player will fight the boss (naragath) and return the eye of blood to the npc, who teleports the player back to the surface, allowing the player to return the eye of blood to the wizard for safekeeping.
    at the end, the wizard congratulates the player and tells them that the cultists left lexdale.
    Emogla3, Beanie Boi, wxhlf and 18 others like this.
  11. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    Erebuis, cmosier and one_ood like this.
  12. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    This quest seems awesome! I’d love to play it if it was in the game.
  13. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Yeah that quest seems pretty cool. It'd be a shame if it another quest about witch trials in lexdale won instead of that.
    one_ood likes this.
  14. Namakobushi

    Namakobushi Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    The Stricken City (as a parallel to The Hidden City of the same level)
    Level 88
    2850000 exp points.
    The Mech's _____ (untradable fabled weapon)
    1024 (or more) Emeralds
    Random Ingredients

    Requires completion of Mixed Feelings and The Envoy Part 1.

    People should be more outraged living in Corkus. Death at every corner (caused by your own people/ancestors). Government isn't doing much about it. Patriots are causing a lot of disturbances. As seen earlier when the docks literally went up in flames. Perhaps some censored history can be revealing itself too . . . And what is the Corkus council doing about it all???
    Law theme through being outraged at the law-making body of Corkus. As well as perhaps making it better for the Avos via some new laws at the end. As well as promising to end the factory. Rebellions are quite law-based too. Governments. Yah.

    Stage 1: Talk to Eixam
    (Ik, creative name)
    Head over to Corkus's southern gate and talk to a Corkian citizen standing off to the side, just inside the city. His name is Eixam.
    [1/3] Eixam: Oh, mo'in soldier. I'm afraid I'm short on time to talk to you. In fact—I am completely out of it.
    [2/3] Eixam: So, with that . . . if you'll excuse me, I need to meet my mates over there.
    Eixam turns and points to a gathering group of Corkians on the opposite side of the street (via jumping up and down, as well as punching the air repeatedly). Shiny armor sparkles on their chests. They hold nice weapons that they somehow got their hands on.
    [3/3] Eixam: Ay, uh, don't be intimidated by them and their weapons . . . we're new Corkus recruits—yeah!
    Text: Something is suspicious about them. Perhaps you should go check them out?
    Eixam walks over to the group of Corkians. The game does not give you back your free will yet. You enter a cutscene and closely view the Corkians.
    [1/2] Corkian: Who's that follow over yonder? Another patriot come to join us?
    [2/2] Eixam: That's the Wynn representative. Should we maybe . . . clobber them?
    Option 1: *Begin to head over to them, to dispose of them.*
    Option 2: *Wait to see what the Corkians do.*
    Option chosen doesn't matter . . .

    Stage 2: Subdue Assailants
    Text: Why are those Corkians walking towards you? Perhaps you should run? . . .
    The group of 8 Corkians suddenly rush over to you and attack you! They have the collective strength of a mini-boss, and will take multiple of the strongest of your spells or melee attacks to defeat each individual. It's time to practice some self-defense.

    Their surprise attack leaves you with half of your HP. Watch out! They can inflict a lot of pain . . .

    Not that you can feel pain—unless you're playing Acrobat and click too much. Or maybe you'll die in your 7/8 morph + Overdrive and then slam your keyboard against your monitor.

    Stage 3: Witness Destruction
    "Corkus Patriots" begin to riot in the city, despite the small group that you disposed of prior. Normal citizens enter the chaos too, sick and tired of the countryside being ravaged by mechs. Many refugees have been fleeing their homes for the big city—but they want to live out in the fields and the chalk-white cliffs. Some people have also realized that Corkus is in the wrong for having treated Avos the way they have, and are targeting their hate towards the government.
    This is revealed in little snippets of dialogue you hear on your walk through the streets—shown below. As you wander through one of the streets and watch neat little cinematics break out. Like sacking the potion shop or bank, and fancy electromagic fights. Berserker Brew too!!! (Like in Mixed Feelings.) Particles everywhere! Explosions! Nice sound effects!

    You reach the intersection of Corkus's streets. The following dialogue can be heard as you move around, towards where you need to go (see next stage).
    [1/4] Corkian 1: Freedom from the mechs!
    [2/4] Corkian 2: I don't want to be oppressed any longer!
    [3/4] Corkian 1: What is the Corkus council doing about it?
    [4/4] Corkian 2: Absolutely nothing! The Five Gears Diner and its town were just overtaken!
    . . . . . .
    [1/1] Corkian 3: We subjugated the Avos! They helped us survive in the beginning. Gave us land. And this is how we've repaid them? Leveling their cities and forcing them into the cliffs?
    . . . . . .
    [1/3] Corkian 4: Stop bringing in tourists!
    [2/3] Corkian 5: They're ruining us! Causing all sorts of problems, they right are! We would be much better off without tourists around!
    [3/3] Corkian 6: We cannot continue saving ourselves if Wynn trash keeps coming here worsening our problems!

    Stage 4: Reach the Council
    You need to parkour among barricades and debris in the streets in order to reach the castle. Damaged or entirely blown-up buildings block the way, as well as wooden barricades from the council, set up closer to the castle. You will need to find a way through and around—opportunity for extra rewards! The main path will be: left, to the west gate. Then up through the alley and around, through the northwest section of the city. After, across the northern street, then into the plaza in the northeast. Down to the east section of the street, then east into the castle.
    All the enemies here will have the damage of strong level 88 enemies, but will be nearly invincible (large amounts of hp), because it's not a good idea to kill them (you could if you wanted to). . . . Though you ARE a heartless war-crime committing murderer. No need to stop now. IN FACT, you should join the rebellion for some long-needed BLOOD— DURING THIS STAGE you can further ENTER THE SACKED BUILDINGS and go along alternate routes to search them for more loot. This will require some minor puzzles (like cracking locks from safes—like, you're inside the lock and must figure out how to make all the things aline in some . . . thing idk—or disarming explosives set by Corkian patriots via a puzzle, maybe the entirety of it takes place in a chest. Or requires you to move some cubes around like in Enter the Dojo but 2d—perhaps like in The Fortuneteller (rip quest)) and parkour. You will get some emeralds and ingredients-you'll-never-use-(or-sell)-™.

    Stage 5: Inform the Council/See How They're Handling the Issue
    In the council room, the members are seated in their chairs ( they are different from the ones in The Feathers Fly). Upon entering the room, the dialogue will activate.
    [1/8] Corkus Council Member 1: Who are you? Oh, you're [playername], aren't you? The Wynn representative?
    Option 1: The Corkus Patriots are on a rampage.
    Option 2: People are unhappy about Corkus's past with the Avos.
    Option 3: People are tired of the mechs destroying their homes.
    L, illusion of free will!
    [2/8] Corkus Council Member 1: Yeah, we know about the rebellion.
    [3/8] Corkus Council Member 2: And it's getting worse. Completely out of hand! . . .
    [4/8] Corkian Council Member 3: I think I need a drink, this is too much . . . too much!
    [5/8] Corkian Council Member 4: What can we do?
    [6/8] Corkian Council Member 1: We don't have the mechs or the soldiers to quell it.
    [7/8] Corkian Council Member 2: Perhaps I can give another absolutely radiant speech?
    [8/8] Corkian Council Member 5: Oh, I know! [Playername], Wynn representative, can you get to the clocktower and broadcast this message? Hopefully guard mechs will come to aid our cause!
    Option 1: Yes
    [1/1] Corkian Council Member 5: Wonderful! Thank you! We might have a chance at stopping this riot.
    Option 2: No
    [1/1] Corkian Council Member 5: Oh . . . I had really hoped that you'd help us. Every one of us needs to be down here and figuring out how to stop the rebellion. Or this might mean I actually need to go and take a walk . . .
    (nothing happens. Interact again with the council member and say yes this time.)

    Stage 6: Scale the Clock Tower
    After saying yes, you must climb up to the top of the clock tower. Once there, you use a device to order mechs, akin to A Hunter's Calling. Will require some parkour, with the gear-moving mechanics we all love! For a bit of a twist, though, there will be a device to pick up that changes the rotation and movement of the gears and other mechanisms in the tower, which you will need to use to properly navigate the clock tower. It is like FF's parkour but a lot more interesting—mainly because of that device. AHC'S parkour to the clock tower was a bit pathetic.
    Movement spells will be disabled.

    Stage 7: Fix the Device
    Yet the device is broken, so you need to complete some sort of wire puzzle to fix it. It shouldn't be some short, pointless puzzle though. Something like the one in D&D 1 except maybe with an element of randomness to it so you can't Wiki it every time. Once you do that, the mechs try to quell the rebellion, except . . .

    Stage 8: Witness Destruction (part 2)
    While not the command's intent, the mechs start attacking and killing Corkus citizens. Somehow, Antikythera has changed the commands. Antikythera-chan starts speaking through the mechs about terminating the threat (which is currently the rebellion, and by extension, the whole of Corkus society).

    Stage 9: Destroy the Mechs
    You are tasked to remove the mechs, as well as beat up some people with weapons to get them to stop. A final, very powerful (boss strength) mech drops an unidentified fabled weapon of your class (untradeable of the quest. Mage needs more late-game fableds. And so do a lot of them, except maybe Shaman). You also find 16 EB among the wreckage of the mechs.

    Stage 10: Try to Quell the Rebellion (with words)
    You spread the word by interacting with multiple Corkians that Corkus will be more open to their past, as well as find a way to stop the mechs: you. A tall promise, yet the people are hopeful, as you had bashed in the heads of many mechs in front of them. This persuades some of the Corkus Patriots to stand down, thinking that the Wynn soldier may help save their country. In appearing strong and stable, if the secret of the rogue mechs is out, that Corkus may finally be internationally recognized as a province (or some other logically logical form of logic that does the job).
    [1/5] Corkian 1: Can the Wynn representative really help us?
    [2/5] Corkian 2: They may be the key to getting us and the Corkian council out of our situation.
    [3/5] Corkian 3: They can certainly destroy the mechs with ease!
    [4/5] Corkian 4: Yes . . . perhaps tourists aren't so bad after all. They do have their positives . . .
    [5/5] Corkian 1: Yet, what can they do to help the Avos? They're not a Corkian sinner who oppressed the Avos. That's not something the Wynn fellow can make amends to.

    Stage 11: Return to the Council Chamber
    You are given dialogue options upon entering the room.

    Option 1: Corkians are still unhappy. What are your plans to help the Avos?
    [1/3] Corkian Council Member 1: Actually, we wrote up this letter while you cleaned up the rebellion and those mechs. It's for the Avos Chieftain.
    [2/3]Corkian Council Member 2: Hopefully it sets some things right . . .
    [3/3]Corkian Council Member 3: Can you send it for us?
    Option 1: Yes
    [1/1]Corkian Council Member 3: Splendind
    Fast travel to the chieftain occurs.
    Option 2: No
    [1/1]Corkian Council Member 3: Oh . . .

    Option 2: I did swimmingly. *flexes muscles*
    [1/5]Corkian Council Member 1: Indeed you did! But—there is one more thing you need to do.
    [2/5]Corkian Council Member 2: See, people are still upset about our past treatment with the Avos.
    [3/5]Corkian Council Member 1: And so, we wrote up a letter for their Chieftain that might tie up some loose ends.
    [4/4]Corkian Council Member 2: Hopefully.
    [5/5]Corkian Council Member 3 Can you send it for us?
    Option 1: Yes
    [1/1]Corkian Council Member 3: Splendind
    Fast travel to the chieftain occurs.
    Option 2: No
    [1/1]Corkian Council Member 3: Oh . . .

    Stage 12: Give the Letter to the Avos Chieftain
    The letter grants the Avos permission to expand, and to live in Corkus cities or land, if they so choose. Plus, Corkus will work towards disposing all the rogue mechs. Also L, you thought you'd get paid?
    [1/4] Avos Chieftain: Hmmm, what do you want? You're no Corkian.
    [2/4] Avos Chieftain: This is interesting indeed. However, what will they do if we expand? Will they just go back to slaughtering us and taking our homes?
    [3/4] Avos Chieftain: And can they actually stop the factory . . . will they actually stop the factory?
    [4/4] Avos Chieftain: We are sick and tired of the Corkians's promises. But perhaps this one finally carries with it some weight. There is not much hope left for us to hold onto anyway.

    The quest completes. See all the way above for the rewards.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2023
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Forgot to mention: even if you've posted your quest already, you're allowed to edit it until the deadline!
  16. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Name: Justice's Fable
    Level: 26
    Info: Replaces ‘The Corrupted Village’

    Stage 1: Talk to Juri in Elkurn.

    [1/2] Juri: Have you heard? Apparently a ghost has been spotted in the ruins of that village over to the west.
    [2/2] Juri: There’s no way, right? Would you be willing to go check it out? You look tough, so if there really is a ghost, you might be able to handle it!

    Post-Interaction Dialogue:
    [1/2] Juri: Ah, sorry, I won’t be going with. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m actually scared of ghosts!
    [2/2] Juri: Just thinking of one in those ruins... auegh! It gives me the shivers…

    Stage 2: Look for a ghost in the ruins west of Elkurn.

    The village ruins replace the Corrupted Village.
    Upon entering the village ruins, a ghostly figure appears in the air with a loud thundering sound and flies over to a building that appears to be a court.

    Stage 3: Follow the ghost.

    Aside from being worn down and weathered by time, there are a couple new buildings added to the former Corrupted Village: a graveyard and a large court. Outside of the court are several gallows.
    The graveyard’s headstones list the name of the deceased, and a crime they had committed. If you are so inclined, you can partake in a little bit of trolling and rob the graves for emeralds.

    Upon entering the courtroom of the court, the player will find a skeleton holding a gavel at the judge’s bench with the surrounding area corrupted. On top of the bench is a book titled ‘A Tale of Justice’, and upon interacting with it the following dialogue plays along with a cutscene, portraying the book’s text:

    [1/3] Storybook: Once upon a time, there was a wandering adventurer who traveled the world.
    [2/3] Storybook: One day, a strange man approached him. He was told of a warning not to approach the nearby village, for it would fall to a deeply rooted corruption from within.
    [3/3] Storybook: The adventurer had a strong heart filled with justice. Believing the corruption the man spoke of to be simply crime, he vowed to solve the issue of the village and save it from collapse.

    Stage 4: Talk to the residents of the village.

    The player is teleported to the outside of a version of the village taking place in the past, taking the point of view of the adventurer. It’s populated with “Uneasy Inhabitant”s, which are passive. Several NPCs are also inside the village, and can be interacted with to progress through this stage of the quest. Two examples of likely several have been given below to give an idea on what such dialogue would be like.

    [1/2] Concerned Mother: As of late, our food has been dwindling more and more. If this keeps up… oh, the children are already hungry, how will we feed them…?
    [2/2] Concerned Mother: Even worse, the village head hasn’t been seen for months – just what in the world is he doing?

    [1/4] Tense Farmer: Ever since the village head went into hiding, his guards have been collecting our crops and animals.
    [2/4] Tense Farmer: The guards told us the head wanted to solve inequality inside the village, so our harvests would be confiscated and distributed evenly across the residents.
    [3/4] Tense Farmer: …Hah. Such a thing doesn’t add up at all. In the past we’ve always had enough for everyone, and it’s not like us farmers have had smaller harvests all of a sudden. Something’s going on.
    [4/4] Tense Farmer: Look around. Everyone’s hungry now. So much for his great plan.

    After talking to enough residents, the player will be blinded as the following dialogue is played:

    [1/3] Storybook: The adventurer entered the village. Asking around, he heard nothing but the woes of the residents. Hearing such cries, he was assured their suspicions had been correct.
    [2/3] Storybook: His travels weren’t for naught. So many years of wandering the world strengthened him greatly.
    [3/3] Storybook: Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he chose to break into the village head’s home to uncover his wrongdoings.

    Stage 5: Enter the village head’s home and find evidence of his wrongdoing.

    The player is tasked to enter the home of the village’s head. Inside the home, “Village Guards” spawn and will attack the player. A storeroom containing a huge amount of food is located within the basement of the home, and the player will need to fight through enemies to find the storeroom, where the village head can be found eating. Upon finding the storeroom, a cutscene will play portraying the dialogue below:

    [1/7] Storybook: The adventurer successfully captured the village head, who had been engorging himself with food in a crazed manner.
    [2/7] Storybook: With his crimes in the open for all to see, the villagers inevitably rebelled, putting him to death and jailing his guards. Overjoyed at the end of their predicament, they threw a party to celebrate the adventurer and his deeds.
    [3/7] Storybook: Still in fear of the strange man’s warning becoming fact however, the adventurer made a bold move. Gathering the residents around the campfire, he made an offer to the residents.
    [4/7] Storybook: “With your permission, I can serve as a judge. There will be no more corruption under my watch.”
    [5/7] Storybook: With the previous deed the adventurer had done, the residents were more than happy to grant his wish. The former home of the village head was torn down, and in its place stood a courtroom, a symbol of justice.
    [6/7] Storybook: With his new position as a judge, the adventurer took justice into his own hands, and the village prospered once again, protected from injustice.
    [7/7] Storybook: The End. (text slightly obfuscated)

    After the dialogue, the player is returned to the courtroom in the real world. The storybook is gone.

    Stage 6: Leave the village and let it rest.

    Upon reaching the exit of the court, the ghost (bearing resemblance to the adventurer) will momentarily block your path. After disappearing, a loud cracking sound plays, originating at the judge’s bench, and a trail appears leading back to the court’s courtroom.

    Stage 7: Inspect the sound at the judge’s bench.

    The skeleton has fallen off of the bench, and in its place is another book titled ‘A Tale of Justice, Pt II’. Interacting with the book triggers more dialogue and a cutscene.

    Stage 8: Witness the story’s end.

    The final segment of the quest is purely a cutscene portraying dialogue as it appears. The atmosphere is notably darker, and the Adventurer’s NPC name is changed to Judge.

    [1/13] █████: As time went on, the adventurer, now judge, was kept busy with reports as incidents continued to occur among the townsfolk. Simple scuffles at first, then fights, and as time went on, even murder over simple altercations.
    [2/13] █████: Perhaps if the judge gave it a bit more thought, tragedy could have been avoided. Unfortunately, he began to crack.
    [3/13] █████: With the increasing quantity and severity of crimes, the judge lost faith in his judgements. “What if I fail to uncover the truth? What if I cannot tell innocence from guilt?”
    [4/13] █████: The stress began to weigh on the judge. He knew the villagers believed in his judgment. Indecision could cause further unrest among the people. As a result, for the second time, the judge made a bold move.
    [5/13] █████: “From now on, all are guilty,” he thought to himself. “Surely if one were to be accused in the first place, they must have been at fault.”
    [6/13] █████: Blinded by their faith in the judge, or alternatively too afraid of the judge to speak out, many of the villagers turned a blind eye to the change. The crazed and nefarious among the people, however, did not.
    [7/13] █████: False accusations flew around. Among the flurry of charges, only some were true.
    [8/13] █████: Absorbed in his mindset, the judge made no note of it, and continued to cast his judgment onto the people. Dozens were punished and put to death by no fault of their own.
    [9/13] █████: After years of such madness, the remaining clear-minded townspeople decided to leave. They left behind the deceitful and the oblivious, consigning the village to self-destruction as the people brought each other to mutual doom.
    [10/13] █████: There is no moral to this story, no lesson to be learned. The tale you have heard today is simply the cruel fate that befell this village, a reality that came into being nearly one thousand years ago.

    After the cutscene ends, the screen goes black, and the ghost, now known to be an apparition of the judge, appears in front of the player.

    [11/13] Judge: Looking back, that man was right. Only in death was I able to realize the madness that spread across the village, the corruption that plagued it so. All along, I pursued the end of a different corruption. In reality… well, it should have been obvious, I suppose.

    Dialogue Option A: I’m sorry.
    Dialogue Option B: Do you regret what happened?

    [12A/13] Judge: I did not show you this story to garner an apology. The only ones deserving of such a thing are the victims of this tragedy, not the very cause of it all.
    [12B/13] Judge: Do fish swim? Regardless, what happened, happened. Despite how much I may hope they would, my regrets will never change the past. With you witnessing this story, I can only wish you would choose better than I had.
    [13/13] Judge: Thus, the tragedy finally ends.

    Quest Complete
    4,800 Experience Points
    +1 Unfulfilled Regret (Quest Item for Temple of Legends), uses Glowstone Dust texture

    Upon completion of the quest, the player is brought back to the courtroom. The floor beneath the corpse breaks, and a hole opens to reveal a network of corruption spikes below the village, most dense by the village head's house. Interacting with the spikes shows the following text and grants a small reward:
    The source of all the madness. With their mentality warped in different ways, the people turned fanatical, wrathful, delusional, their frame of minds altered in a way only corruption could be responsible for.
    +1 Corruption Shard (Ingredient)

    Completion of the quest also unlocks further dialogue with Juri:
    [1/3] Juri: Wow, you really went over there! Was there actually a ghost?

    Dialogue Option A: Sure was. It’s all taken care of.
    Dialogue Option B: Not a thing.

    [2A/3] Juri: What? Really? Wow, I knew you could handle it.
    [2B/3] Juri: Phew… I-I mean, of course not, haha! There’s no way a ghost would be in a place like that!
    [3/3] Juri: Thanks for going through the trouble of looking. It's only right to reward you for your troubles.
    +192 Emeralds
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
  17. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    time to post my kickass denied/ignored gm apps unless i'm lazy
    one_ood likes this.
  18. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    [will edit this in one or two weeks when I actually have time]

    I need to figure out a way to somehow weave AI art into the lore of wynn.
    Caissop and Maxie teamup sounds like a good premise.
    one_ood likes this.
  19. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    Quest: Whereabouts of The End
    Introduction: This is a twist taken on the silent expanse’s ??? “Black Sans” character. It takes place directly after A Hunter’s Calling; the player is not given a choice not to start the quest after AHC is finished, and so it is a knock-off continuation of AHC. I have a vast fascination for SE and this is mostly discovery writing. Enjoy!

    ???: “You have gone beyond an end.”

    ???: “Unsatisfied… to bring others an end, or to be brought to your end, endlessly.”

    ???: “To THE end, we will take you. Find the root of the end, of the beginning.”

    ???: “To an ultimate end, for our end, we will begin the end…”

    Stage 1: After completion of AHC, the player is sent to a black area that merely consists of several narrow paths that lead to doors of light. The player is standing in the center of the void on a platform of the same light that the paths and doors are made of. All but one path are disconnected, and the player can only go through that one path and door.

    Stage 2: After going through the door, the player will be sent to Detlas in an alternate world overtaken by corruption– AHC’s world. Following a path from Detlas, the player will be led to the roots of corruption, where a puzzle involving a weapon of the hero of yore can be used to destroy the portal. “???” appears to tell the player how to destroy the portal with the weapon, and the player must bring out the weapon from the ground by causing the portal to erect another spike where the weapon is.

    ???: “Though once reanimated, he tried to bring about an end.”

    ???: “Failure, incompetent. There was no end to be brought, thus the end was reached.”

    ???: “From his catastrophic end, you could bring about an end.”

    ???: “Mindless to the end, though it isn’t. Provocation, incentivization, aggravation. The portal will open the path to its end. Open the path to its end, to our end.”

    Stage 3: The player solves the puzzle and is able to take the weapon to destroy the portal, but the portal is indestructible. “???” Appears once more, teasing the player’s failure before tearing the world apart and sending the player back to the void area.

    ???: “A failure to end. There is no end to be brought, thus we reach the end.”

    ???: “A portion of THE END, for the whole of THE END.”

    Stage 4: The player is in the void area once again, but they kept the weapon they created in the form of a heavenly spear called “Tasim’s Regret”. The “???” figure appears once again to riddle the player.

    ???: “The end beyond your end. Regretful, or bewildered, it is an end.”

    ???: “The ones that couldn’t end have reached the end, and so, you will reach the end.”

    ???: “An end from dark, an end to light. There is no more to end.”

    The previous path turns gray and the player’s only option is the new path.

    Stage 5: The player is in Llevigar, though black instead of white. A world overtaken by the realm of darkness. The exits of Llevigar are blocked, so the only path left is to the upper levels of Llevigar. Where the bank is supposed to be is a cave and an obelisk of darkness. The player enters the cave and they are met with another puzzle.

    ???: “Faces of an end, will they put an end to your end?”

    ???: “To reach the end, you must end…”

    Stage 6: The cave leads to a giant chasm filled with a series of narrow tunnels, each containing 0 to 1 mirror. The main part of the chasm contains a larger mirror spanning the entire front wall, which the player needs to break in order to advance.

    The first mirror in the tunnels tells the player to destroy it, and upon destruction, a doppelganger will spawn to fix it. Every time a mirror is destroyed, an NPC will be spawned to fix the mirrors and the player will be given a shard of the mirror. If the doppelgangers fix a mirror, the player loses a shard. The player has to destroy 6 small mirrors in the tunnels and take the 6 shards to destroy the largest mirror and advance to the end of the cave.

    The mirrors are far from each other, and going with movement speed alone will not suffice, so there are various void holes that lead to the tunnels with the mirror if you find out the correct order of void holes.

    Stage 7: The player completes the puzzle and enters the rest of the chasm where a portal of darkness lies, and an earring of gold is placed on a pedestal before it. Upon taking the earring, “???” appears again.

    ???: “Doubtful, envious, guilty. She thought of preventing an end, yet only brought an end.”

    ???: “We have reached our end. Darkness without light. A world without an earth is a world that cannot end, for you cannot end what doesn’t exist.”

    ???: “A testimony of the end, before the end.”

    Stage 8: The player is teleported back to the void room, with the third path open, and the second path grayed out as well. The player has another item: “Lari’s Fright” which appears to be the earring on the pedestal.

    The player enters through the third door.

    Stage 9: The player is teleported to the front of the cathedral in the Olmic city before it was ruined. It’s prosperous in a bright world. The buildings were made of bleak greek-like marble and lined with corinthian bronze. Inside the cathedral are the Olms, seemingly in the middle of a prayer, with a preacher at the back of the cathedral. Above the preacher lies a tooth twice as large as a saber tooth, gold in color and gleaming with righteousness. The olms are dead silent, and their eyes are bright white. As the player reaches the preacher, “???” appears again.

    ???: “They thought they could escape the end, but they’ve only brought about another end.”

    ???: “He sought to prevent the end, but he became the end.”

    ???: “With the essence of his former self, you may bring about their end.”

    Stage 10: Take the tooth. After the player takes the tooth, the Olms will start rallying around the player. Only with the tooth can the player kill them.

    Once all of the Olms in the cathedral are killed, the priest mini-boss spawns. After killing the priest, he’ll drop an item that’ll lead to the observatory and a holy book.

    Stage 11: At the observatory, killing 5 Olm astronomers will spawn the director of the observatory as a mini-boss. Killing him will drop an item that’ll lead to a large house in the city, and a compass.

    Stage 12: In the city hall, three pedestals are present alongside each wall. To the right is a pictograph depicting the solar system. To the left is a pictograph depicting heaven. And to the front is a pictograph depicting a bottomless pit.

    Putting the compass and the book in their places will “unseal” the panic zealot, though with 1 health. Killing it will drop itself, which goes on the bottomless pit pedestal.

    Stage 13: Once all of the items are in place, fall towards the end.

    ???: “An end without his end. We provided you with an end, and you chose another end.”

    ???: “Light without darkness is as meaningless as a shepherd without sheep. We cannot bring an end to what has ended.”

    ???: “We gave you the option to end, and now, you may choose to meet THE END”

    ???: “Whether it’s our end or your end, this is THE END.”

    ???: “Peer into the abyss and reach… THE END.”

    Stage 14: The world collapses unto itself and the player falls into a bottomless pit.

    An endless spiral of void towards the end, but there is an end. The tooth from before transforms into “Orphion’s Delusion”

    Stage 15: Bring about its end.

    In a stage of void, “???” appears to bring about the final end.

    At the far sides of the void room are the three previously entered doors of light, each now grayed out, but the paths persisted.

    ???: “You may bring about our end with the relics of the end.”

    ???: “The end… of the end.”

    Periodically, beams of light will shine somewhere in the room. According to the color, you can use the weapon with the matching name and color to reflect the light onto the doors.

    Red - Tasim’s Regret

    Purple - Lari’s Fright

    Yellow - Orphion’s Delusion

    In the meantime, ??? will cast spells with a heavy indication and delay. The game will warn the player to hold one of the items, and if the spell hits the player when they’re not holding the respective item, they will die immediately and reset the fight post-dialogue.

    To reflect the light to the door, the player only needs to hold the right item at the right color and interact with the beam for 10 seconds. After which, the first door and a third of the room will light up.

    ???’s attacks will see minor changes in size and velocity after the first door.

    The second door reflection will require the player to hit the beam with the item 10 times, and every time the player hits it, ??? will cast a spell.

    Once the second door is lit up, another third of the room lights up, and one door remains.

    ??? changes position to the center of the room instead of the front end, with the spells affecting the entire room.

    The third door reflection will require the player to imbue the item with the light and interact with the last door to light it up and the final third of the room.

    At the center of the room, a bright chasm cracks and ??? ceases the attack.

    Stage 16: Make a choice.

    ???: “To what end… Will you bring us our end or leave to your eventual end?”

    The player will either leave this LSD trip or kill black sans.

    Killing ??? will require one hit from each item, which will consume them upon use.

    Killing it:

    ???: “You’ve chosen to end, to bring about the end…”

    ???: “And so, we have finally reached… THE END.”

    The player is teleported back to the portal to darkness and the quest is completed.


    Black Skull:

    Stats: none

    Name: Advocate of The End.

    Sparing it:

    ???: “You’ve chosen to cease the end…”

    ???: “Thus we have reached an endless end… THE END.”

    The player is teleported back to the portal to darkness and the quest is completed.


    Weapon [based on class]

    Stats: none

    Name: Legacy of The End

    I didn't really think this too hard, I pretty much just sat down for an hour and jotted down stuff as quickly as it came to mind. I think that's the fun of it. Of course, I still tried to not go too crazy with this, but perhaps I did make it a little too melodramatic.

    Thank you for this wonderful competition, witfis!
  20. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Withthefish should get a prize for that pun in the title
    WithTheFish likes this.
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