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Boltslingers discussion/journal

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Well, not quite that much in game with less than perfect rolls, but the next step is figuring out what can be swapped out to give up some of it for enough power to kill more powerful mobs and bosses in a reasonable time frame. if I took that build to visit Qira, I think I might actually win, but I would have to pack a lunch.
    I have to correct myself on an earlier statement about the incompatibility of Cluster and TT builds. TT can drop right in with the point currently set for Cluster.
    shacers likes this.
  2. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    paladin moment
    very paladin moment
    if you actually want to deal some melee damage there's this
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Centipede
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Greaves of the Veneer
    > Nether's Scar
    > Breezehands
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Contrast
    > Undying [f6f6]
    not bmonk though
    cancer and hetusol can actually be used in spell builds really well
    the problem is the leggings and the boots
    as well as the accessories to an extent
    also mana costs
  3. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Some further tinkering with bmonk's toothless tank...

    I thought RotS might be interesting. It is. A little more power and a different way to regen quick if it drops a little fast, but hpr is still good, even with RotS' big deficit.

    I noticed there weren't any red Xs in Undying, so I dropped it back in there and it works. Using same numbers:
    kinda cool; still functional more or less as expected.

    I opened the bank and hovered over various spears looking for ones that would work, put them in the hot bar and used the compass to see what kind of numbers they came up with. Lots of meh until one really surprised me.
    Yeah, over 10k uppercut from Tisaun's Proof. With a normal build that would be pretty bad. This is not a normal build.

    Road test was in order. Soloed scrapyard and it held up pretty well. A couple of times I switched to RotS, but that was really more of a test than an urgent need. i might have dropped 20%, maybe even 25% at one point and switch to RotS to charge, but just getting in the clear for maybe 3 seconds got health back from the minor dips. I had an objective up to slay 140 lv 100+ mobs. Before the test it was 26. That was from separately testing Undying and RotS. After the test with Tisaun's Proof it was 79. Really interesting how these builds work out. In the more normal build, Tisaun's Proof was three spears ago, with others being clear upgrades. But varying reqs or attributes that just don't mesh well with this build knocked them out of the running.

    I did go out the entrance a few times, but it wasn't really because of trouble, just breaks. I wasn't in there to grind and didn't care for the non stop intensity for no real reason. It also gave me a chance to gauge how it did when there were few enough to keep track of (the ones that followed me out). It does take 3 or 4 spells to take out fresh ones, but took out multiples at once of course. I ended up with a FF key, so at least one of them wasn't a scrapyard mob. Doing that, I would sometimes run out of mana and health didn't really budge from them running back and forth through me. I could also take a non stop barrage of the projectiles some of them throw without health dipping. I cut down a couple with main and it works but as expected it is not quick.
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    did most of LI but quit before the last two room because the pace soloing bosses with the build is really slow. Flew back to dock over the hill from scrapyard. From the top of the hill overlooking scrapyard, I flew in and dropped down right in the middle. Always wanted to do that. Soloed scrapyard a couple of minutes and then left and went back to Corkus.

    I think I might go the other way next and play around with a power build a little on the glassy side. I may also play with the option of going back to undying and even more regen with the tanky build. I was concerned about whether I would be a team player using that kind of build in a raid, but apparently drawing fire is a role in defeating tough bosses.
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    dude i hope one day i come across you in TNA, i never get anyone who can draw fire
  6. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    now I am kinda wishing I had trudged on through LI to get another diamond solar ring. I did get a silver solar ring, which I cold use reverting to just tanky and forgetting power exists, and a gold solar necklace that I will likely never use; Contrast ruins its existence. A lot of the stuff from LI is more about points to make things work or elemental bonuses. The most value I see there is in regen. But you don't have to go far down that path to have all sorts of regen stuff. If I switch to the silver solar ring and carry the Undying spear, i think everything with have something for regen.

    even carrying Tisaun's and using the Hustle Core ring there were times I would take damage and have a spell blow me high up in the air and be fully healed by the time I landed.
  7. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    but why damage when ehp
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Hetusol
    > The Golem
    > Statue
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Photon
    > Clockwork
    > Contrast
    > Undying [f6f6]
    > (Has Tomes)
    even more paladin moment

    statue op
  8. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    wow - I had no idea such a thing existed. My mind goes to archer - with windy/stormy feet and frenzy - you might actually have some mobility. or not.

    In this warrior build, with other stuff piling on more reduction, it's difficult to imagine doing anything but charging to cover any distance. I assume you put the Photon in to add a little walk speed and generate a little more mana for charges. Doesn't really seem to need points.

    This helps address walk speed, but doesn't completely fix it, still more regen, some power, but adds in a piece that might be outside my budget...

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Hetusol
    > The Golem
    > Statue
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Photon
    > Clockwork
    > Contrast
    > Hero [f6f6]
    > (Has Tomes)
  9. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    haha statue go brrrrrrrrrrr
    and yeah its probably usable in some archer builds with high walkspeed and its really funny
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    On occasion, Statue + Stratiformis can work out interestingly.
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  11. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    guess ill request this build
  12. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I keep experimenting with rings to give me some fiddling room with my tanky build. I have 4 in the mix - Diamond Solar Ring, Silver Solar Ring, Hustle Core and Detective's Ring. A possible swing of 23% spell damage or 24% hpr or 150 raw hpr or 1550 hp with various combinations across that range. Even with the hp and hpr cut for the sake of the spell power, it is still pretty tanky. I can still solo scrapyard, but have to be more careful but take out more mobs easily. This is all with Tisaun's Proof as the spear. I can swap in Undying for more hp and hpr but significantly less power, but regen really seems adequate with Tisaun's. RotS is also in the mix; I can swap to it to do a few quick charges if I need a quick fill up from a bigger drop or want to use rally to help someone else.

    I actually made a few emeralds in my testing. I joined a scrap party hoping to try using rally with RotS (hot swaps) if some people got low away from the totems and maybe do some buff sharing, but they were a low level (for scrapyard) bunch and stayed pretty tight to the totems. After a while they were ringed with a band of knee deep emeralds that I waded around in trying different things. It is still surreal to me to just walk around in there pretty much paying no heed to the mobs as long as I don't stay in one spot and get swarmed.

    But the statue boots are not part of my plans.

    Getting to that odd stage of the game where I am really not completely sure what my plans are. I need to try TNA. That was a driving force in putting together the tanky build.
  13. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Bmonk did tna and eo. tna 4 times dying twice and eo once dying in the boss room late in the fight. didn't get the wretch. oddly enough, due to timing, only my first tna run was in tanky. I didn't die and I think I did the tank job more or less right. Then I switched to a new build that can fly better to try eo. you need aerodynamics and low charge spell cost, but the parkour is totally flyable. you have to follow the narrow twisty path of the platforms. the last one took several tries.

    I found out one the nicest things about tna - even though I died twice, all 4 raids were successful. I am up about 15 le for the night in emeralds awarded plus a chestnut horse I sold immediately (undercut going rate only very slightly to sell quick). Several tier VI powders, some tp scripts, corkian amps, a good tome upgrade and some runes. plus the keys and fabled accessories I am learning are hardly worth getting IDed.

    flying bmonk build. points aren't quite right. I had to fiddle with last few to keep everything on. It's actually a pretty good general purpose build. I am getting the hang of using aerodynamics to charge in a loop, getting away and circling right back for a backside undercut. And the breakthrough has nice spell boost along with the cheaper charge.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cancer֎
    > Libra
    > Vaward
    > Pro Tempore
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Photon
    > Breakthrough
    > Contrast
    > Infidel [w6w6w6]
    > (Has Tomes)
  14. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Personally, I would argue against conventional wisdom here. IDing with a T2 amplifier and blacksmithing is a mean loss of less than 1 EB per item if I remember correctly, which doesn't take that much to cancel out in the long run. It's not that uncommon to roll one with good stats and make back 1-2 dozen blacksmithed ones (or roll a really good one and net several LE).
  15. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    please why am i the only one who fails in tna... every time its 3 squishy damagers and me, who only has a shadestepper and riftwalker.
  16. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    The first time I went with a guild member whose build is about half mythic and a couple of decent pfinder drop ins. that's when I played tank. The other times I went with 3 guild members with a lot of experience, though in one of them 3 of us died pretty early in the boss fight. Oddly enough, it was kinda nice to have that happen once. The 2 times I made it and the one I almost did, I didn't really see/learn as much at ground level fighting/running for my life. The archer left pretty much soloed Greg, putting on a clinic of how to play boltslinger at end game level. That was pretty cool to watch from the dead raid team member view. And I still got my goody bag...
    TinyCookieJar likes this.
  17. TinyCookieJar

    TinyCookieJar Well-Known Adventurer

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    who was the archer that soloed Greg?
  18. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    yeah boltslinger with damage buffs is really really really good
  19. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    And I tried pfinder today and went 0-4, only reaching Greg twice. I never died in early rooms. Once I was the only one that didn't and the other time no one knew what to do in the berry room. I kinda knew, so when no one took the berry for several seconds i went ahead and took it, but everyone just wandered around and no one led me to the place where I was supposed to kill the void thing. In fact I had to defend myself, which I do know is not how it is supposed to work. I thought one group was going to make it. 3 of us were fighting Greg for fair amount of time and then I was killed and the last two were holding up pretty well until suddenly they weren't. I was watching health go up and down and one of them was killed at almost full health. The other boss fight was very short. Greg is tough; I will be doing what seems like very well with some dips that don't require potion and a couple that do and then I will get hit while sipping potion.
  20. TinyCookieJar

    TinyCookieJar Well-Known Adventurer

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    That's funny because you've been playing boltslinger for longer than LifeSwap
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