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Is this tricky trade allowed?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by throwaway1, Oct 31, 2022.

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  1. throwaway1

    throwaway1 Newbie Adventurer

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    Hey guys!

    I'm 17 years old and live in The Netherlands, which means I don't have access to any of the payment methods necessary to obtain a rank.
    However, I am still eager to purchase one. So I thought of a plan that would allow me to get the rank while still providing the server payment for it.

    I was going to find someone who would buy me the rank in exchange for LE. That way I get the rank and all of the money still goes exactly where it's supposed to; the server.
    But this raised questions about whether it can be considered an IRL trade. The way I see it, all of the monetary gain is still on the server's side, so it should be just fine. I would be exchanging virtual goods (the LE) for a virtual good (the rank). Some disagreed with this, saying the rank is considered of real-world value since you'd have to pay for it. I can definitely see it from this point of view as well, so it really is a tough call whether this should be allowed.

    I would like to throw in an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER which is that this trade has NOT taken place. It was my original plan, but I wanted to first find out whether it's allowed before even finding someone willing to partake in the act. I also do not condone IRL trading in any way, shape, or form.

    Ultimately it's a matter of perspective.
    From my perspective, I am dealing with nothing more than virtual goods.
    From the other person's perspective, they are buying something with real-world cash for virtual goods, which is undoubtedly considered IRL trading.
    So would this be considered a one-sided IRL trade?

    Again, I think it would be alright since the server is the one with the monetary gain, but it's really not my say in any of this.
    Let's all hear each other's opinions in a respectful manner!
  2. ster

    ster Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  3. doggc

    doggc Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    This is quite Henry he hdhdhsjsjsnksjsjd hauser Najaf he hdhdhsjsjsnksjsjd jfc bd f fr f Ed gftff
  4. Wackolo

    Wackolo the converger CHAMPION

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  5. throwaway1

    throwaway1 Newbie Adventurer

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    An argument would be nice
  6. ster

    ster Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Maybe ill write one later but the answer is no..
  7. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Disclaimer: I do not represent Minecraft or the Wynncraft staff :screamcat:

    Hello everyone :sunglasses:! Thank you firstly to Bitlet for posting such a thought-provoking topic regarding trading in-game items (LE) for real money ($$$). I would like to explain my interpretation on why this topic is strictly enforced in 2 ways: A) the simple way and B) the legal way.

    A) Using simple/Layman's terms to enable the general audience to understand
    Wynncraft is created from Minecraft. (Wynncraft would not be possible without Minecraft)
    Minecraft is owned by a business called Mojang (Microsoft).
    Mojang paid money to protect the game they created under law.
    Because Mojang owns Minecraft, only they are allowed to decide what happens to the game.
    Mojang does not let people use their game to get money unless they say "yes, you are allowed".

    B) I will now try to explain this issue using quotes from official documentation.

    As a quick refresher, here is the game rule word by word (last checked on 31/10/2022) regarding buying/selling in-game items for real money on Wynncraft:

    Why is this rule here to prevent us from buying/selling in-game items for real money?
    This rule prevents us players and Wynncraft as a business, from breaking the EULA. Upon installation of the game, everyone (no matter what you are using the Minecraft software for) would have had to accept the EULA for Minecraft.

    What is an EULA?
    An End-User License Agreement (EULA) is legal contract/binding document that describes the terms and conditions for using a software product.

    Why is there an EULA for Minecraft in the first place?

    As quoted directly from the Minecraft website (https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/eula):
    The EULA is there to protect the reputation of the game. It protects the intellectual property of Minecraft, which is "a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB".

    Here is how the Australian government defines a registered trademark (https://business.gov.au/planning/protect-your-brand-idea-or-creation/trade-mark):
    It further states as quoted from the official website (https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/terms#terms-brand_guidelines):

    Wynncraft is a game-server that uses the fundamental programming of Minecraft (thus using the Minecraft software). Minecraft is a trade mark of Mojang, thus Mojang reserves the right to decide whether Wynncraft is allowed to use Minecraft for monetary gains using their intellectual+software property. It is only moral that Minecraft reserves the right to this decision as Wynncraft wouldn't have been made possible without Minecraft.

    Other considerations to be aware of:
    - Trading in-game currency in exchange for real money provides a player with an in-game competitive advantage compared to other players. Not everyone has access to monetary spending for games, which causes an unfair advantage for those have the opportunity and autonomous decision-making to monetary spending for games. It enables the party with money to have access to better resources, which would not make it moral.

    As the concept financial gains potentially relates to other ethically-complex topics at hand such as child labour (particularly in a game directed at a younger audience), I will only slap the term here as a related topic to money. Feel free to browse up this topic if you're more interested.

    THUS, trading LE in-game for real money is strictly enforced in Wynncraft and not allowed due to the legal consequences and potential ethical considerations. :smilecat:

    Thank you for taking your time to read this :sunglasses: I hope this has helped clear some things up.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  8. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    "- Players cannot grind, or gather, items and LE for others in exchange for store rewards,"
    This is a direct quote from the wynncraft rules.
    The trade is giving one player LE in exchange for a rank (store reward).
    That directly violates the rules.
    Simple as that.
  9. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    wynncraft only accepts paypal right? what if you sent the money to someone without using paypal and they bought it for you? ik thats an absurd idea just to get a rank but hey
  10. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Really the only way you can get a rank without paying real cash is if you have a friend/family member who likes you a lot or you win a rank in a giveaway
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