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POLL - Have your Tomes/Discoveries ever been wiped?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by BlueTheSniper, Oct 25, 2022.


Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more games, or games (unlimited games) and no games?

  1. Yes, I have experience a tome wipe

    6 vote(s)
  2. unlimited bacon but no more games

    3 vote(s)
  3. games (unlimited games) and no games

    13 vote(s)
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  1. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    I'm curious to see how many players have suffered this bug.

    I've reported one of my TWO (yes this is my third tome wipe - and before they fixed it in the upcoming 2.0.1 patch) past tome wipes. I've lost probably up to 10 mythic tomes - I lost 5 this time - and 3 guild tomes total. It's not the end of the world but it sure is frustrating and even more tedious to gain back those tomes; ESPECIALLY because I have 0 knowledge of anyone who has had their tome wipe issue resolved.

    This is the most information I've ever received on this topic :woozy_face;

    I appreciate your kindness but no, tech_Cypher, I don't think runes which I can already afford will compensate for tens of hours of what I find to be generally boring content (isn't TCC also way harder? Idk I havent done TCC in 2.0 lol)

    Member of staff who doesn't appreciate my ill faith because I could've submitted a bug report - feel free to tell me this is fixable (at least for my most most recent: archer).
    At least my my NOL tomes survived ig...
    Nukewarmachine and Merduh like this.
  2. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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    Poll be like: :saltedhigh::saltedhigh:
    EPIC67890 likes this.
  3. Merduh

    Merduh mergoat CHAMPION

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    You're not alone. I have experienced 2 tome wipes in the last few months. I've lost lots of mythic tomes, and those are hours I won't get back. It's sad to see no matter how dedicated a player is to the game, staff will not offer any sort of compensation.
  4. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    My only comment on this is it's probably due to the fact that it's hard to believe a legitimate claim from a false one, and while I agree that there definitely should be compensation, it's just... really difficult to try and do so. What if someone lies about losing tomes? I don't know if there's a way to "check" what tomes a specific class may or may not have had, but assuming there isn't, it just simply can't be proven to be a legitimate claim, and support needs to be fair and equal to everyone. Now, if it is possible to see what tomes a class had at one point, I absolutely would support resupplying them with said tomes in an UN-ID form (will this happen? Probably not), but this does feel extra punishing since Tomes are very difficult to get due to the amount of time it takes.

    Tldr: I understand why the no refund rule exists, but tome wiping and TM bug are situations where I think that rule should be temporarily set aside since a vast amount of players are suffering from it
    Merduh likes this.
  5. Merduh

    Merduh mergoat CHAMPION

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    It definitely makes sense why they can't just trust anybody who comes along saying they've lost (x) amount of tomes. However, at some points, it's just a matter of common sense about why someone would lie about that.
    I feel like the staff has no reason not to trust well-known and respected members of the community, such as Blue. Most people have the ability to judge whether or not someone is lying, as it's usually pretty obvious. I understand how this practice would be unprofessional and risky. But I honestly think risking giving someone compensation even though they may have lied is more worth it than not giving any compensation at all. There's always going to be that risk factor, but it honestly comes down to picking your poison.
    Alongside this, it's not like people who lie about this can make any profit out of it. Tomes are untradable. How I see it: Risking giving someone tomes who may be lying >>>> Risking losing players due to no compensation for hours of work
    lemonalade likes this.
  6. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    I also cannot see my daily objective. I assume it's MAYBE there? Because I heard the twinkle sound of it resetting logging on for the first time today. Hopefully that gets fixed in the patch...

    Merduh likes this.
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