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[RESULTS] Profession Opinion Poll

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Iotados, Oct 19, 2022.


Would you like to see this done again next year?

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  1. Iotados

    Iotados Almighty Sentient Strawberry CHAMPION

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    About a week ago, i put forth a small opinion poll on professions, this thread is a brief review of the poll and contains a link to the results table (both raw and formatted) for people to look over. There is also some info on a future poll.

    First, thank you to those who responded, heres a short break down of those who responded and the year they joined, the actual numbers can be found in the spoiler below.

    2022: 5 (5.9%)
    2021: 10 (11.8%)
    2020: 16 (18.8%)
    2019: 5 (5.9%)
    2018: 3 (3.5%)
    2017: 7 (8.2%)
    2016: 13 (15.3%)
    2015: 4 (4.7%)
    2014: 17 (20%)
    2013: 2 (2.4%)
    Don't recall: 3 (3.5%)

    Yes: 78
    No: 7

    Nothing to really say here, their isn't a clear correlation i case see between join year and this question.

    From here we break into the two different sections: the profers and the non-profers.
    Of all 86 respondants, 78 said they do professions and the remaining 7 said they do not.

    78 respondants said they do, intentionally, grind profs.

    Yes: 8 (10.3%)
    No: 70 (89.7%)

    I love them: 9 (11.5%)
    They're alright: 22 (28.2%)
    50/50: (26.9%)
    Not a fan: 19 (24.4%)
    I hate them: 7 (9%)

    Yes: 5 (71.4%)
    No: 2 (28.6%)
    I put this question in just for curiosity, didn't expect any meaningful data. I think a better margin may have been level 60 the normal "grind starts" point. The two responses are a 2022 join and a 2020 join.

    50/50: 4 (57.1%)
    Not a fan: 3 (42.9%)

    I love them: 9
    They're alright: 22
    50/50: 25
    Not a fan: 22
    I hate them: 7

    A few other takeaways; amongst most of the optional responses a lot of people mentioned how professions were 'grindy', 'monotonous' or were 'p2w' i.e. unfeasible without bombs. That is all paraphrasing of course. You can see and study more of the responses via the below link.

    Open Data Promise
    Below is a link to a Google Spreadsheet with:
    A) The orignal raw responses with the name and timestamps omitted
    B) A condensed version i did; please take this one with a grain of salt because i was trying to do IRL stuff and this.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet; use the "data" tab to reach the filter views!

    For most, the reading ends here. For those interested in a more in-depth form keep reading.
    Hi there! Iota here,

    Over the past few days i've been slowly putting together a larger, more comprehensive form that should let people give a lot more feedback as profers and non-profers. However, this may take some time and i want to make sure its as good as i can get it before i publish it.

    This wasn't my best work; some questions were vague and it was overall small and badly named at first. The fauly lies on me. I was correctly called out for this by someone in the original thread and after reading what they said i have taken on their feedback—i hope—and am making this next form better.

    If anyone has any questions they might want to see, please send them along to myself. I'd be happy to add them.

    Many thanks, Iota.

    And thats us! If you were expecting statistical breakdowns err... sorry? not really my area of expertise so i figure open data access is better and will be more useful down the line.

    Thank you again to all participants!
  2. Endistic

    Endistic Acolyte Enjoyer HERO

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    Reserves while i read
    starx280 likes this.
  3. Iotados

    Iotados Almighty Sentient Strawberry CHAMPION

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    I might add some extra comments later on; but right now i'll just let people discuss—i wanted to get the results out so people can look at them before anything else
    starx280 likes this.
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