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Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    if you ever need help with raids or dungeons, lmk and we can fix a time to do them
  2. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Thanks. I have never done a raid. My biggest problem in dungeons is usually parkour.

    Still undecided about which build would make the most sense in a boss fight. I really like the Geyser build for general running around exploring/grinding. I used it in Aldorei's Secret Part II, which is mostly a really long cut scene where you are given an opportunity to screw up the dialog. But finding my way around has always been a challenge and the area you are running around in is filled with hobgoblins and other mobs. I got so turned around at one point that I was killing dragonlings at Thanos. I have lots of walk speed bonus and I have windy feet. I have been launching myself with escape every now and then and can really cover some ground quickly. I can even do the Olinus "you don't really have to fight these mobs" thing, weaving through them like an overpaid kick returner. And I have the "no fall damage" boots, so I jumped off a cliff when I gave up and went overland, scaling one side by escaping straight up then tapping S, working my way up ledges. Really like this build.
    But I can carry the Post-Ultima in inventory and change pants for a boss fight if it makes sense. I don't have to adjust points and lose no health doing it. I didn't bother for the (air quotes) boss fight in Aldorrei 2.

    That quest had a nice payout in both emeralds and xp and I am well on the way to lv 79. Finishing the Gert 1 quest and/or the lv 78 slay will probably put me over.

    I did make a few minor adjustments for 78 with the points and switching a ring (could have done that earlier):
    changing pants for more significantly more punch:
    but losing the health regen, not getting as much mana regen, giving up some walk speed and a chunk of ehp. The first build barely handled a few teleport to explosion incidents that would have killed me in the power build.
  3. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    since 2.0 nerfed agi and def, which overall lowered ehp, health is more important than ever
    better to use a build with higher ehp than one with marginally higher damage

    OOOOOOH wait if you want a better bracelet for ehp you should use "Call to Concord", i tried it with the geyser build and it bumped up the ehp to 17k with lots of skill points still left over
    and then for necklace, I wouldn't really recommend ensa's faith. If you've finished the wynnexcavation series, you should be able to get one of the royal amulets, which are all pretty good for that level. If you want ehp, then grab the royal blazing amulet
    so something like this could work

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Spectre
    > Adamantite
    > Geyser
    > Passus Lux
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Call to Concord
    > Royal Blazing Amulet
    > Maelstrom [f6]

    and yeah, I would recommend putting a t6 fire powder on your bow, it doesn't cost much and its some more damage
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Marginally? There is an up to 10k difference in arrow storm between the 2 builds, though I guess there is a case for calling it marginal since there are few cases where that matters. The reason for "up to" is because if I ever plan to swap out during a quest, I probably wouldn't change up the points, though if there is a good enough spot I guess I could.

    I haven't finished excavation D. I died just short of the boss room. I took a wrong turn into a dead end and got swarmed and unhorsed (was following advice not to do that part on foot). I watched Olinus to see if I can learn the route. It seemed pretty obvious; I guess I just got flustered. But I went ahead and watched the boss fight and decided I was not quite ready. I should try again. BTW, I think that may be a case where the power difference could matter; in most boss fights I have done so far, it seems like that if you are ready for it you get one free shot at the start.

    I browse the market a lot and I do ID potentially relevant drops. Market is getting tougher for prime items. Prices are climbing faster than my balance as my level and as I am learning to be pickier about items and rolls, things are harder to find.

    I haven't gone beyond t4 in powders yet.

    There is a lot I really don't understand yet.
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    and I decided to pry open my wallet for the very small price of VIP to get more slots. Not really playing, but bounced out to put up a few more items and peek at the market. There was a Call to Concord with a wynntils rating of 80% on rolls for 954e. It is now mine.
  6. Endistic

    Endistic Acolyte Enjoyer HERO

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  7. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    hey its counted as supporting the server
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  8. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I have joined and left a lot of others. I almost did here because the learning curve to really get into it is steep. I have been more of a Witcher type rpg player, where things are not as complicated. I am also cheap; as an example the Witcher games were on my steam wish list a while before I was notified of a drastic sale and paid around or under $10 each for 2 and 3. As you say, I am a supporter and I can always ante up a bit more in the future if I really do stick around long term.
  9. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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  10. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I do notice the (no agility) ehp is significantly lower on a lot of builds, often barely more than base hp.

    The whole idea of rating builds with wb really seems to be more of a general idea than an absolute because of rolls. Most of my recent builds have favored spells over main and my selection of items reflects that. My Specter helmet has a bad overall rating but that's because it inflicts a big deficiency on main but a nice spell increase. I do use main, but it's mostly a "every little bit helps". Around Cinfras, the annoying little white cubes are about the only thing I take out without a spell being at least partially involved. When I have an angel up, there are some mobs that blind side me do make contact before dying, while ones I hit with main in front of me do not. I really like the health regen on the more defense oriented builds as those kind of hits as well as the ranged weapons hitting me a couple of times before I am able to return fire chip away at health on some of my more powerful builds and they do more damage.

    At the end of the day, it's all about how I fared out running around, in quests and boss fights. Fighting style matters a lot.
  11. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Did my first raid - grootslangs. I didn't really know exactly what was going on, but shot up a bunch of mobs through several rooms, finally dying when I fat fingered the 1 key and was trying to cast spells with a potion bottle. I had been in Cinfras, so I hopped on my horse and headed back.

    On the way back to Cinfras, I noticed the sign sparkling where I had not done the myconid mini slay. I am using the wynntils alpha for 1.18.2 and it doesn't always get mini-quests right, so I had missed that there was one at 73.

    I had done a quest earlier, plus a secret discovery, so I was already pretty far past 79. Once that slay pushed me really close, I went to run the gauntlet in front of Thanos with xp boosts and someone threw an xp bomb on top of that. I made 80 on the way there. There is a mix of mobs, mostly weirds and ferlocs, that is definitely a grind with care section. There are 2 weirds (I think, based on appearance) that show up every now and then that are very difficult to kill. One will teleport you and the other spams projectiles and will chase you a very long way. Anyway, messed with them a bit and then did some runs in front of Thanos, then decided to try going in. It was a little disappointing; I thought it was a cave and it's just a tunnel. No loot chest at the end and it actually has less mobs than the road out front.

    But I found the dwarf town and then leaving found the upper military base. I was afraid of wandering too far east and have lightweight (no fall damage) boots, so I just jumped off a cliff into the lower base, then jumped down from the building to the compound that is at one end of the road in front of Thanos, then headed back to Cinfras.

    I am confused by my build. I had some better numbers when I played with this at 79 and swapping out the ring from Marble to Martyr seemed to make sense based on the specific bonuses they have. Now I am seeing less damage than I did earlier. Not sure why. This held up pretty well.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Spectre
    > Adamantite
    > Geyser
    > Passus Lux
    > Photon
    > Martyr
    > Call to Concord
    > Ensa's Faith
    > Maelstrom [f4]

    I might even try a little lower spell power build, with a little more main punch and plenty of ehp:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Gale's Sight
    > Adamantite
    > Geyser
    > Passus Lux
    > Marvel
    > Martyr
    > Call to Concord
    > Ensa's Faith
    > Maelstrom [f4]

    at 81, I could do this:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Fenmask
    > Adamantite
    > Geyser
    > Passus Lux
    > Marvel
    > Martyr
    > Call to Concord
    > Ensa's Faith
    > Maelstrom [f4]

    More hp, but lower ehp despite having every number green. Spells roughly the same. But the alternative with Gale's Sight has a big xp bonus and the crazy walk speed. I have all the stuff for these alternatives.
  12. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey, I ran into you today in Cinfras. was going to ask you if you wanted to do some dungeons but you went afk
    one thing is that I feel like you're changing your build too often. it ends up depleting your bank account a bit. good builds can be used for a good while. For instance, I used the same level 87 archer build until like level 102
    another thing is that if you want to gain xp from killing mobs there are certain grind spots that are made for that. The provide mobs with higher xp but when killed, they give more xp. There are also often special mobs that when killed, give even more xp. you seem to be at the level where waterfall cave grind parties could do really well, so look in finder if that ever comes up
    also i just checked how long you've played because you seem to be very active, and I've realized that you've spent 1/3 of your life playing wynncraft since when you first logged on the server
  13. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I thought I saw you in the bank at Cinfras and then gone. I have been kind of addicted and had a lot of time on my hands recently, but time in game isn't really super accurate. You might find me standing at the market for hours at a time. I have actually been surprised at how long I can stay connected doing nothing. Since I got into building, I do check the market every now and then when not really playing and I am not really doing anything else on that computer lately, so I just leave it connected until I am bumped (if I ever am). But I have played a lot.

    I have been messing around with builds a lot as that has sort of become its own game. I have done builds on both extremes and it is really difficult to get a handle on the right amount of power versus protection. I understand the idea of continuing to use one for a while and as counter intuitive as it sounds, that's something that drives changing up so much; trying to figure out what that one should be.

    I do need to start doing dungeons. Poor parkour skills really hold me back. I can generally handle the combat.

    I noticed a grind spot marked on the map south of Cinfras, but not really sure I am finding it.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  14. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    whenever I get into a difficult parkour part in dungeons I just use escape spell and I can skip a good portion of the parkour, whether vertically or horizontally. Or just take it slow.
    and the grind spot south of Cinfras should be waterfall cave, so if you see a pond with an orange shore and a cave in the middle, that's it. During dxp weekends, there's typically gonna be a few parties in there just grinding lol. That's where I got my assassin like 10 levels in a couple of hours.
    shacers likes this.
  15. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I do use escape when I can, which is pretty often. Also leap if there are good sized platforms, going from middle to middle. And I can manage a few of them if they aren't too long. Arthritis in left thumb is an issue. I got a single key foot pedal and that helps but I don't have the timing down yet.

    I did not know there was a cave in that pond. I will have to check that out later. I had been killing a bunch of the slow mobs with the hammers that regen slowly or the goblins on the hills above. neither seemed like grinding. I think the lv 80 slay is over that way also. I did find the hidden discovery nearby looking for a ground level entrance. That was about the easiest one yet; I literally stumbled on it.

    Do you have a link for the lv 87 build you used for so long? I am actually angling for putting something together around that level that should carry me a while. I have a couple of Torrential Tides in the bank. Both rated close to the same overall with different pluses and minuses. From speculative builds, it looks like it will carry me a long way. I also have a Firestorm Bellows that I could be using now, but I haven't found a single build that I like more than ones based on Maelstrom. I dearly loved my Thunderbolt builds back in the 40s and 50s. It took me a while to get re-acclimated to "just fast".
  16. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think it was that ttide build that I sent you like a week ago or smth
    but again that was in 1.20 and when I had like 10k more ehp and the game was more simple
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Seagazer
    > Dark Shroud
    > Ensa's Ideals
    > Detective's Ring
    > Photon
    > Squid Anklet
    > Royal Stormy Amulet
    > Torrential Tide [w6]
    nvm I made some adjustments
    and honestly you could use ttide up to the level where you can use orange lily
    but that is more of a spell oriented bow
    but if you want melee you can use anthracite ballista, which is what I would recomment
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Scarlet Veil
    > Calidade Mail
    > Leictreach Makani
    > Nether's Scar
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Breezehands
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Diamond Solar Necklace
    > Anthracite Ballista []
    very good as you can see
    plus you can just hold down right click and boom boom stuff dies lol
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  17. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Found that cave. I am not sure I was in there a full minute. next time I need to hang around the entrance a little longer, picking some off and getting a better idea of what I am getting into. Full assault mode didn't work. There are some fast mobs in there.

    I did some big time tinkering after the discussion in the build thread because of course I did. Worked great over by Thanos doing the hobgoblin slay and dealing with the panda mobs nearby. Was fine in the tunnel under Thanos. Took a turn I didn't notice coming in from the west side the other day and started ascend, realized it, turned around and found my way out. I notice that now that they are on level, I get a lot more decent drops from the mobs in the area. I got the best IDed set of the Kaerynn's Body and Mind that was on the market and they were still under 500 each. The health regen is really quick. That's what I was really trying to check out. Pretty good punch in the build also. hp is less than stellar though. But this was more of a test than anything else.

    I don't think a different build would have changed the result in the cave; that was more about how I tried to handle it.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Kaerynn's Mind
    > Kaerynn's Body
    > Post-Ultima
    > Passus Lux
    > Photon
    > Detective's Ring
    > Call to Concord
    > Ensa's Faith
    > Maelstrom [t4]
  18. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    At lv 84
    crazy numbers. still died in the waterfall cave.
    Starting to get self conscious about bugged quests; I am doing something that makes them happen more. I play different versions and it still seems to happen a lot. Latest is Canyon Guides. I get the NPC started u the trail; earthquake, he falls off. I go down there and right click and he doesn't show but the dialog starts anyway. I kill 9 hobgoblins and start heading toward the trail in case he will jus show up. Doesn't. Go back to carrot patch. No longer twinkling. Gp up to tthe top of the trail and the NPC repeats the opening bit but there is no teleport back (was going to see if he reset to there). back down, looked around. Disconnect, reconnect. Gone...

    Quests that are bugged in a way that prevents finishing:
    Elemental Exercise
    Misadventure on the Sea
    Blazing Retribution (also blocks All Roads lead to Peace)
    Frost Bite
    Lost in the Jungle
    Realm of Light 3 (also blocks 4 & 5)
    Acquiring Credentials (also blocks Flight in Distress)
    Canyon Guides

    8 with blocking problem plus 4 more I can't start because of some of those not being done.

    I love the game, but this is annoying. In some of them, I made a mistake and it is recovery that is messed up.
  19. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    bugged quests are a pain in the ass
    however the xp from those quests can be easily made up though
    however items and places unlocked cant :(
    i had a whole dungeon restricted because of a bugged quest once
  20. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Lost in the Jungle, ROL3 and Acquiring Credentials were particularly annoying as they are basically done. I have been told that ROL 3 is a known problem that might be fixed so I should retry it after a few updates. I didn't exit the dining room fast enough and the door closed. Only thing to do was distribute cake and food again, first door opens and do the parkour and run back in the upside down room. 2nd door opens but there is nothing behind it and you're stuck. Going back to the castle puts you back in the room, so if that does get fixed I should be able to finish. I think guardian angel causes some issues. I sometimes have it still active entering a room where I need to click something and get an item and I will end up with 5 of the item because angel hits it like a machine gun.
    My most common mistake is not realizing when I need to move on and in some cases how. I killed several bosses multiple times because I didn't leave quick enough and they respawned. In ROL3 I killed the hardest boss twice but I am pretty sure the way out didn't open the first time. But that was before the issue that hung me up.
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