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Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I guess I will have to go back at some point. I picked the bone wand, which I think is dragon. That's a good one for me. Angel could be nice also; I pretty much always have one up. But that ends up being cast somewhat infrequently compared to bomb. Bomb is pretty much my somewhat precise single arrow for taking out mobs with ranged weapons. I got shrapnel with my last ability point and that helps. Now sometimes I land short and still get them.
    It looks like I am back there, like it or not. I did /kill and was in Llevigar when I saved. I just loaded again and I am back at the school being lead to class. I guess I will do the puzzles. Completing prior comment, missing due to range or mob moving does sometimes cause me to take extra shots.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
  2. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    This kinda sucks I couldn't really figure it out and a video I found uses different choices, so I tried quitting again. I went to Troms and started a quest there. Got killed. Disconnected for a bit, Reconnect, back in Grootwarts. I read the wiki about the thunder puzzle and the answer is to move the tesla devices and I don't know how. Right click, left click, no joy.
  3. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    right click the button on the tesla device then press the button on the next square, the electricity stops at the one that doesnt have buttons and laucnhes to the next square
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Hopefully that quest can just be ignored unless it throws me back in again. The last couple of reconnects it has not. Running around the jungle, I got a bunch of drops and I thought something good might have fallen in my lap, but it is hard to figure out.
    Here is a potential for 64, where the leggings I found would work:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > Millennium
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Marsh Runner
    > Mirror
    > Marble
    > Great Brace
    > Wolf Crest
    > Clairvoyance [t4t4]

    I am not sure why it has that giant jump in calculated HP. But look at bow power and compare it to what I have now:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > Millennium
    > Kratke
    > Marsh Runner
    > Mirror
    > Marble
    > Great Brace
    > Wolf Crest
    > Clairvoyance [t4t4]

    Huge drop-off. I am guessing that's because of the amount it had to drop strength to get this combo to work.
    swapping in a couple of other things I have closes the gap, but not enough. I still don't understand how it is coming up with so much more health. I almost wish I had not found them.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > Millennium
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Marsh Runner
    > Mirror
    > Marble
    > Bovine Cuff
    > Rycar's Swagger
    > Clairvoyance [t4t4]
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I really thought I was done, then I opened my daily loot box.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > Millennium
    > Kratke
    > Bad Wolf
    > Mirror
    > Marble
    > Great Brace
    > Wolf Crest
    > Clairvoyance [t4t4]

    Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
    Numbers are crazy nice. I will add air powder to get rid of the deficit there.

    I walked out the gate of Troms and took a few shots rom thee little mobs with the ranged weapons and this build can take a punch.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
  6. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    its kind of normal to go up a thousand or so hp per 10-15 levels after you reach 1000ish hp
    oh also if you still want to keep your funny damage you could bring over some of the items in your previous build that gave so much damage into your new one, its quite common for endgamers to use lvl 80-90 items in their builds, one of my builds even used scarlet veil which is like lvl 50 at lvl 103
  7. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    One of the builds linked has numbers that make no sense to me:
    That was replacing the Kratke leggings I have with ones that have 550 more hp and wb says my health would jump about 1500. This was before the bad wolf boots showed up. But the numbers for bow power dropped a fair amount, so I am not doing that. Now that I have the bad wolf boots, it tells me I can't add the leggings (when I get to 64), which makes sense because of the boots and the bow already requiring so many points on different skills and I can't get 3 that high. But it still shows what the numbers would be if I could and there is a drop off in bow power. But again it shows a pickup of over 1200 hp even though the hp difference between the Kratkes and Kelight's Shield is only 550.
    I will hang on to the Keilight's leggings; they might still be the best available at 67, when my bow choice will change (I have a Spectral Slingshot in the bank)
    Not rushing to make that happen. Struggling mightily with parkour in Taproot, but it is one I can struggle through (watched video after a few failures). Also it seems important. And the time demands I was expecting soon will have me cutting back, which I should do anyway. I have been a little obsessed. Maybe more than a little. I do feel like I am to the point where I am playing at the level I hoped to when I started. Fun afternoon raking sticks and leaves. Green ones. I am in inland NC.
  8. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    ROL 2 - Taproot does seem like it is important for the backstory and it has quite the reward. Not trying to grind, but it almost pushed me to 64. In fact, if I want to try a lv 64 quest, I can probably walk toward the start and be able to do it when I get there. The parkour was a pain for me, but some of it was workable with escape and/or leap. The gate guard didn't survive 2 arrow storms. That was a 5 second fight once he came down off the rock.
    I am not going to try that switch of gear to get the jump in hp because of the bow power drop off. I need to learn to understand all that better. The current build can handle some damage. Not just because it's over 5,000, but it seems to drop slower unless it is something major. It looks like I might be about to drop it slightly under 5,000 though. The ring I have that the photon will likely replace gives me 90.
    as expected, once unlocked, the Photon's positives outweigh the Marble's 90 hp and I am back ever so slightly under 5,000.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > Millennium
    > Kratke
    > Bad Wolf
    > Mirror
    > Photon
    > Great Brace
    > Wolf Crest
    > Clairvoyance [t4t4]
  9. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    When you put powder on your armor, make sure that you put at least two tier 4 or higher powders of the same element on, so that you can get the passive powder special.
  10. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Dang - another "wish I had known". I had it in my head that was a bad idea. Fortunately, I did it anyway with the Bad Wolf boots - 3 a4 powders. It seemed to make sense for the overall build. Weird thing with same powders on weapons - I am not really all that crazy about chained lightning. I forget to use it and it needs charging as soon as I shoot without it. When moving, I have to switch away and then back to the bow to get heading and location and whenever I shoot, I have to do it again. The charging % gets in the way. I really need to start using potions more. I have a lot of them. I should probably fire sale the low level ones.
  11. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I didn't set out to grind on purpose, but I ended up doing another couple of quick levels. I went down to Troms to do the lv 65 slay mini quest. Trying to find things off the main path there is always a pain for me. Turns out it is right along the hint path for a quest and easy to get to from the village, but I meandered around using heading and coordinates until I found it. Beacons are not incredibly useful in Troms because of the ridges, trees and structures limiting when you can see them and the layout makes abandoning paths and going overland impossible in most cases. There are some shortcuts that aren't obvious.

    Anyway, once I found the slay post, I started killing the idols that drop the metal pieces you need 18 of. Turns out the drop rate is really low; I think I had to kill well over 100. Someone dropped a double xp bomb and my combat xp bonus on the build was 42%, so by the time I finished, I had made it a significant portion of the way to 66.

    I decided to do an on level quest and got royally lost doing Lost Royalty, trying to do it without peeking at the wiki or resorting to a video. Turns out it is in a very nearby spot I didn't know
    existed, so I meandered around again, trying to find a way over or through the ridges on either side of it. Finally looked it up and went to the first location. I did not have trouble getting to the second/main location, but got pretty lost inside it and ended up killing dozens of temple guardians. Then I got the reward and points and I had jumped into 66.

    I did another loop of the trails to checkout a couple of places I had stumbled on and then went back to Gavel. I rode all the way to Olux and then walked in the open from there to Gelibord and talked to the NPC that starts ROL 3, but didn't really start it yet. I decided to take another run at a cave just north of Cinfras with that build, partly because I would love to get in one and partly as a benchmark for the next build. I walked in the open to Cinfras, using a lot of health potion but not dying. Once there, I headed out the north gate toward the north cave and was killed before I got there. I think I am going to have to modify my style to be more defensive for mobs in that area.

    Walked back to Gelibord and was getting so close to 67 that I did do a little purposeful grinding and hit 67. I went into Gelibord and switched out to the new build and stopped there.

    At 67, I have swapped out to this build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Spectre
    > Millennium
    > Kratke
    > Bad Wolf
    > Mirror
    > Marble
    > Remikas' Authority
    > Electric Torc
    > Spectral Slingshot []

    and will do a couple of benchmarks, not just to see the difference between it and the prior build, but also because I have an alternative with more total hp and a faster health regen but less punch, particularly in arrow storm. It's not just a tweak; a couple of major components, helmet and leggings, are swapped out and while the hp and regen are higher, agility ends up being much lower due to bonuses in the first build. Neither build has much wiggle room; remaining skill points are 2 and 1 respectively. Prior build had 13, which was enough to play around with to get significant differences. Anyway, the more conservative build:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Call of the Void
    > Millennium
    > Kelight's Shield
    > Bad Wolf
    > Mirror
    > Marble
    > Remikas' Authority
    > Electric Torc
    > Spectral Slingshot []

    I suspect I am going to end up using the second one and modifying my play style for areas that I have trouble with using the first and that may be a lot of areas.

    And the standard disclaimer applies; I could pick up something that would make a significant change in possibilities. I would love to pick up some bling (rings, bracelet and/or necklace) with spell bonus that would work into the second or defense into the first. Interesting note about bling - unlike bows and armor, I don't see the point in upgrading all that often. I am getting about 750 hp from mine and except for my most recent one the major bonuses are in percentages, so as numbers go up, so does their impact. I still have other rings and necklaces that might make sense to swap out for their bonuses, giving up a small amount of hp. One of them is level 37, a Sandust.

    Sandust for Mirror gives me 4 more points to play with, but at the cost of 175 hp. Swapping to Photon for a slight power boost and faster mana regen is more likely to be worth it. I also have some Wavelength boots in the bank, but they seem more like a tweak that costs me more than it gives me, though in the conservative build applying the extra skill points it gives me all to strength gives me a pretty good spell boost, especially in bomb.

    I look at current and upcoming level bling and see different tradeoffs that don't seem that much different and big price increases. I am very active on the market, but I price to move and look for deals, which are becoming harder to come by.

    Ability tree is not really going to change for a long time. I had stomp for a while and really didn't use it. When I resort to escape, I am usually in pretty serious trouble and sometimes want height in addition to max distance. I am reminded of a line in Gumball Rally, a movie about a cross country race. An Italian gets in his car at the start and immediately snaps off this rear view mirror saying "Whtasa behind me is not important." I tend to play that way. Anyway, to get further down the tree, I have to get Fierce Stomp and Geyser Stomp at 2 points each. I can bank the first 3 points in water mastery, fire mastery and precise shot, but when I tried those in the past I didn't really notice much difference. I would rather apply points downward to reach sow storm and all-seeing panoptes. That is going to take a long time. The significant reduction in available time starts today.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
  12. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    I see that you seem to like to go to Cinfras a lot. It's fine for testing builds, just note that mobs of your level give more xp than higher leveled mobs. Btw your builds are looking great!
  13. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    On level quests are in/around Gelibord now, so it is a pretty short hop, especially on horseback, which my personal rule now allows me to do. It's the handiest market from Gelibord. I walked over yesterday largely as a test and the mobs closer to Gelibord are on level. Closer to Cinfras there are mobs that can take half my hp (yesterday's, which was lower) on one impact. I didn't always see what they were; some came from behind and angel did take them out but didn't stop them from making contact first.

    I will do some tests tonight. Another test is Reclaiming the House, which I have not progressed far at all in. It starts with a battle with stronger orcs than I have encountered before with ranged weapons and spells, including blindness. Due to their capabilities and where they are when it starts, my play style is an issue. I think escape and bomb are going to be needed a lot to get past it. I will do some testing tonight.

    I am more serious about not pushing it to progress, though. I was planning to be slower getting from 65 to 67, but had that surge from the slay, quest and wandering that got me tantalizingly close to being able to use the builds I had everything banked for. I don't have anything ready/planned for further levels right now. So nothing has me chomping at the bit to level up.
  14. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I meant to say thanks. It's a game within a game. I have started going almost entirely legendary when possible. It's partly because I think there are more really good items as far as hp and bonuses. With a few notable exceptions, they are almost entirely positive; only a few minor deficits in what I have now. But they tend to force you to pick and choose because of skill point requirements. Another advantage is that if I plan ahead and watch the market, I can usually find every piece I want at a reasonable price. they are there for high prices just about all the time, but there also seem to be people who do what I do and are pricing lower just to keep be able to move on. I want to cover the identifier fee for drops with a small profit. When you post something, it suggests a price and I usually change it to about 60 or 80 percent of that and it's gone by tomorrow. I am riding a T1 horse and squirrelling away my emeralds because I figure one of these days I am going to have to bite the bullet on something that just doesn't ever seem to go cheap.

    EDIT - the other half of that "partly" comment - another reason I like legendary is there are fewer items and it makes it simpler to pick through possible choices. They seem pretty well thought out; you can pretty much always balance things out with items at or near the same level but sometimes have o pick focus piece to build around because of a high skill point requirement.

    On a completely different topic, I got a new toy I will have to try out later; a foot pedal that will generate a keystroke. i am going to set it up to do space bar and see if I can do parkour any better than with my uncooperative left thumb.
  15. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    so im not much of a builder, and when i can see what is good or not is usually only lvl 100+ builds where i can compare to my assassin, so i wont comment on builds lol.

    "got royally lost doing Lost Royalty" lol

    so yeah slay mini quests are weird and any mini quest is usually boring and somewhat hard to complete, i took over 20-30 min trying to complete one in nesaak, not much or a mini quest that one.
    nice progress, your leveling is pretty fast for your first class (at least compared to mine)
  16. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Got a chance to jump on for a little bit last night. With the new build (below), I made it to the cave north of Cinfras. It was not easy and it was not a stealth mission, which had been my plan. I went inside and was surprised to see no mobs. Go down a little ways and a very forgiving parkour (could climb out of the water onto next platform if you missed) ended with a climb up. Still no mobs. Then you get to an open area with a an opening on one side with a sign that says "warning - level 85" and a chest with a consolation prize in front of an exit portal. I left. Above it was an open area with a lot of mobs on a flat round surface that's basically a big red circle. I was able to handle them, but it was dicey. Went down in some weird cave that was more like an underground structure where i ended up coming out at a different place. *Lots* of mobs but they didn't survive angel and a bow shot or two. Then went back to Gelibord to refill healing potion and bank some booty. Went north to a cave that had crushed a dream a few days ago. Cleared it. Went over toward Olux and down to the start of Reclaiming the House, which was giving me fits with the last build. It was still hard, but I cleared them all out.

    All of that in maybe an hour or maybe an hour and a half with pauses. Will take up Reclaiming the House for next steps if I am able to tomorrow night. Very pleased with it. Have not tested the plan B build and likely won't. The power in this build seems necessary for survival. North of Cinfras, mobs were showing up all over; there was no sneaking around. Arrow storm will take out 3 or 4 at a time.

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Spectre
    > Millennium
    > Kratke
    > Bad Wolf
    > Photon
    > Marble
    > Remikas' Authority
    > Electric Torc
    > Spectral Slingshot []

    Early AM, got on just to see if anything sold (something did) and post something else. I am pretty much always doing fire sale prices now, so it goes pretty quick. I just don't like paying hundreds to get something identified and letting the blacksmith have it for maybe 25% of that. So I am "parking" in Cinfras next to bank and market while quests are mostly Gelibord area. I did the "long as I am on a minute" justification to do a quick run.

    It was quick; maybe 15 minutes. Ran out the west gate and there is a spider cave just south of the bridge on the east side. There are a lot of mobs with ranged weapons around there, but this build really helps; all that agility and defense means I get a dodge or two and can take a few hits, which buys me time to locate the mobs and hit them with a bomb. the mana regen keeps them coming.
    Anyway, ran on into the cave, cleared it and went back to Cinfras with a load of loot.
    The Nesaak one I gave up on doing as a single activity since the drop rate was so low. For the next couple of days, whenever I dumped (sold) my craft item bag contents, I looked at it first and pulled out snowballs (or whatever it was) and banked them until I had more than enough then went back to the sign and completed it.
    A lot of my stuff has xp bonuses. That's not why I pick them, but it seems to be a value add tacked on to a lot of other bonuses I want like mana regen or walk speed. wb says my total xp bonus is 65%. Playing into the night , I often am on servers where double xp bombs are thrown. I also tend to walk a lot where there are on level mobs and take them on. Where I am walking is often to a cave. I have a lot of players run by me when I am in caves, but I usually don't run there either. I try to keep moving at least fast enough that respawns behind me aren't a problem. I don't have to worry about ones I didn't kill behind me because there usually aren't any. Every now and then I do have to run when the number and strength of mobs is too high. So I kill lots of mobs even when I am not purposefully grinding.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
  17. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    also, even though it feels a little like cheating, I am going to start looking in the wiki for secret discoveries. I just haven't been finding them. Hopefully doing a few will help me to figure out what to look for that I have been missing. I think I might know, but not sure. Sometimes an NPC sparkles and I have "talked" to a couple and they say something that sounds like the start of a quest that I figure I will get to at some point. I have had NPCs that sparkle tell me to come back when I am the right level. I see that a lot when I press on into areas over my level. I also get pushed back out of some caves, tombs and houses. The cave I went in yesterday was interesting. I am not sure whether it would have let me past the warning sign (level 85) had I tried. usually there is no visual cue until I am tossed back out.
  18. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    thats some pretty good xp bonus, also your lvl 68 now so you can do my favorite quest now temple of legends yay.

    no but actually most people would say ToL (temple of legends) is a bad quest because it has a lot of fetch segments, but i like it and the story also the boss is hard so probs wait a few levels before doing it if you actually want to. also have you done any wynnexcavation?

    i think you might become a classbuilder lol
  19. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I have mixed feelings about the fetch stages in quests. It does provide some checkpoints. So if I try it and do get killed, if I try again later i will likely be able to continue right before or very close to the battle, right?

    I have done 2 of the excavations. I am not crazy about the puzzles. I want to run around and shoot mobs. Finished Reclaiming the House. It's a quest that makes me feel like my level is more than I really am right now. It wasn't easy even with the lv 67 gear. There is no way I could have done it at 61. I had trouble at 65. I probably could have struggled through it, but I put it off. The early stage with fewer orcs was actually harder for me. It was in tighter with multiple tough orcs with punishing attacks. The later stage had way more orcs, but most were cannon fodder for angel. I just ran around shooting them and when one in white was headed my way it was arrow storm time. It took out every orc between me and whatever wall I was facing I did have to take a few sips of health potion when one of the stronger ones blindsided me, but my health never dipped as far as it did in the earlier battle stage.

    I am finding building to be really interesting. Rolls is really changing things up. I have 2 Maelstroms in the bank. It's a fast, powerful level 70 bow. It has negative health, but some good bonuses. There are fairly wide ranges on all that. I have one that is -401 health and one that is -676. Seems like a slam dunk, right? The higher deficit one has 17% walk speed bonus and 10% spell bonus while the lesser deficit has 9% and 6%. OTOH, the lesser deficit one has 18% main attack bonus compared to 10% for the high deficit one. Overall, I think I will prefer the lower deficit. But I can see the benefit of having both, so I won't get rid of either before I get to where I can try it. Not in a hurry really. I got interested in hidden discoveries and peeked at the wiki since I am not finding them on my own. I figured I would at least get an idea of what to start looking for. I am glad I did one south of Gelibord as it is more Lari backstory. I did a couple of others also. They weren't as interesting and I had been hoping for battels. Anyway, between doing those and finishing Reclaiming the house, I jumped up another level. Also deciding to walk over to Cinfras again instead of riding. Even though I am questing around Gelibord, I am using Cinfras for my market town. On the horse it makes a lot of sense. On foot, it is kind of pushing it.
    and I just walked over to the market and bought a 3rd Maelstrom that I like better than the other 2. -423 health, +19% walk, + 17% spell, + 9% main. All of them also have varying elemental damage but those aren't really swaying me. I guess I will put the -676 one on the market...
  20. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    is this a hint of another lari fan? AHHHHHH

    i like puzzles. isnt reclaiming the house the one where you attack a orc captured fort? because that was literally impossible, eeven with a teamate
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