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lost arachnid quest?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 13, 2022.

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  1. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I started the arachnid quest and got all the way through getting the lava and delivering it. the cave was then opened and I went in and was killed. I no longer have the quest listed and my completed count did not go up. As stupid as it sounds, I am having trouble locating the entrance without the beacon, which I can't turn on.
  2. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    the cave with the dungeon right?

    X: -171, Z: -1820 here i found this on the wiki
  3. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I will check it later. I am not sure if it is listed as a regular cave. It opened as part of the quest. Even with beacons, sometimes the hardest part of quests seems to be getting there. I have stumbled into some pretty intense gatherings of mobs going overland and I get turned around a lot going roundabout on the paths.

    EDIT - thanks for the pointer about the wiki; I had not been using that. I found it in the quest. the step before going in the cave is "Report to Captain Enduyn with the lava at [-192, 44, -1822]" and he asks that I go into the cave, which is right there, and finish off the spiders. He also mentioned that tunnel that had been closed to me earlier was now open to me. It's a shortcut to where the quest started. If I knew exactly where the other end was it might be easier.

    Still a mystery as to why the quest is no longer on my list in any status.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  4. Demonair

    Demonair I got a new building business! HERO

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    Well the quest gives you access to the dungeon entrance so maybe the quest will be completed after you beat it. This was not the case when I played it but now the update is out maybe it is
  5. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Yeah, reading wiki, I found that the spider's cavern uncovered is the infested dungeon, which you don't otherwise get "offered" keys to until combat level 18, which I am now. When I go in that direction now, I am attacked by a black mob with a key that is a pain. It's very fast and seems to stay behind you. I have managed to pick up a couple of keys to get back in. I think I will bank them until I get a couple of more levels up and get better at doing the click combos right more reliably. I have been taking some beatings doing stuff at the top of my combat level or above. I have take wrong turns and ended up in areas where just traveling is tricky.

    Anyway, it is still weird that it doesn't show the quest at all in my list.
  6. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I was taking the wiki's word for it (I think that's where I saw it) that I would see it with a check. I hadn't really noticed others disappearing, but they have been. I have a bunch open. I only looked close at that one because I felt like I wasn't done; there was no reward or note of finality. I will go back into the dungeon soonish. I have 3 keys now and will likely end up with more. I keep crossing paths with the mob that has one. I have lost a couple also, getting them and then dying with a low soul count before I stash it. Losing items, especially armor, is really slowing my roll on getting quests done. I don't have the dexterity I once did, but I have more patience. I got through games like Ori and The Witcher by chipping away at some challenges, dying many times over the course of a few hours before making it through. Wynncraft imposes some pretty severe penalties for that approach. Losing armor is the worst; I have to go back to somewhere with a bank and armorer (though sometimes I have alternative armor stashed). Trying again without it is not a recipe for success. I find myself grinding the mobs near city gates at times, though I notice that as my level goes up some tougher mobs stray into areas where I never saw them at a lower level.
  7. Demonair

    Demonair I got a new building business! HERO

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    You should know about soul points. They are cyan coloured items at the right of your hotbar.
    You lose 2 if you die and you lose 1 for using tp scrols or skill reset scrols. You will also gain 1 soul point per every 20 min in game and 1 point per hour offline. There is usualy a limit which at your lvl should be either 10 or 11. The lower amount of soul points you have when you die the more items you will lose. Its good to stay above 6 soul points cus under that you will lose armour and other gear.

    If you craft gear or use tools then they will have durability that will wear down untill it reaches zero. It will then become imposible to use. You can repair it by scraping other items at the blacksmith for scrap. You can use that scrap at the blacksmith to repair tools or armour that is crafted
    Also now that you are a higher lvl you should do more higher lvl quests. They are more fun and give more xp than grinding for mobs. Plus they offer lore, interesting stories, puzzles, and boos fights.
  8. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Yeah, I learned about watching soul points the hard way. One reason I haven't finished some of my quests is that after a maybe 3 deaths, I start losing things. I have started keeping a few scrap items instead of selling them all just to decrease the chance of losing armor, but it still happens sometimes. I really like the boltslinger approach, but it takes some practice to get better at evasive moves that still allow me to be dealing damage and not just running, which obviously not really an option with a boss. Between getting double shot and triple shot I did fall behind; double shot was almost a regression when fighting something like the potion boss that moves too quickly to reliably hit with a spell; I needed to circle and keep firing and using the angled shots of double shot, that was difficult at best. When I got triple shot, I took him out easily.

    I am getting my best experience on the road. I go to cities like Almuj that are suggested for higher levels but have one entry/exit that is well within my capabilities. Then I go out other gates where there are harder mobs. Usually an Escape and Sprint when the hearts begin to flash will get me back to the gate or close enough not to be overtaken and if I die I will be back behind the gates, but I have to watch soul points just like a boss fight, the big difference being that I usually can escape when it is obvious I am about to die. I also hole up in structures with a door and quit playing for a bit leaving my player just standing there to get enough soul points if I need them so I probably won't lose anything if I go back out and die; just a free tp back to the city.

    Getting into Almuj is dead simple even when you don't have nearly enough xp. Just Detlas to Tavarnes and then up the rock steps to the wall. An empty walkway all the way into town with some amazing loot boxes. I wasn't allowed into the bank there yet, so I had to retrace my steps to store it in Detlas. When doing that, I was attacked by some pretty persistent and hard to kill ender mites inside Tavernes, which I think were triggered by my visit because it did not happen on the way in. I have some useful potions and good armor for some upcoming levels. Mobs I managed to kill in areas that are over my head tend to drop items that are likely to be good for my level or eve above it.
  9. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Ouch - just got a hard lesson. I had watched a playthrough of the stable (get your horse) quest and the player said you don't actually have to fight the mobs on the way in, just run past them and they won't follow into the boss room where you can start the fight with full health and mana. Sprinting in, I got bumped a couple of times and one of them took my bow. That really seems unfair. I had 11 soul points - max at level 24. I did not make it to the boss room; I could have, but I wasn't there yet. So it very well could have been my strategy to get them all behind me in a bunch, turn around and use bomb and storm. That actually could be a reasonable strategy. I did have the bow in my hand. I had not taken much damage at all. Is this really something that occasionally happens as part of the game or a glitch? I once threw my bow earlier when I was clicking to fire it. I was able to pick it up that time. This time, I ran back out and looked for it but didn't see it.
    And it was my favorite - a Meridian as mentioned in the prior post. :tired: I did think it was a possibility when dying with a low soul count, so I have been hanging on to alternates. I had actually been debating whether I preferred it or the Wildwing I also have; I have learned there is more to it than DPS, which favored the Meridian. Other factors favor the Wildwing, which is now my favorite, of course. I upgraded it with air powder so between the angular shape and the air swirls, it's a much cooler looking bow...
    It's crazy that I am level 24 and now a little gun shy about returning to a level 13 quest.
  10. Demonair

    Demonair I got a new building business! HERO

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    I should have said this in the last post but i was afraid it would be too long. If you use the comand /itemlock while holding the item you will not be able to drop it
    Also as im writing this you are online
    I reccomend doing the tunnel truble quest at the entrance of deltas as its a fun early game quest and unlocks instant fast travel from ragni to deltas. It starts at the main entrance of deltas bdw.
  11. Demonair

    Demonair I got a new building business! HERO

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    Bumb time!
  12. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I was confused on that one and got turned around and left at the wrong time, thinking I had to go to the ranch instead of realizing I was there and just needed to go through the other hole.. I redid it. It was a bit silly at my current level. Cast arrow shield, which has guardian angel, and just stood around waiting for the miner to blow the next hole. I had also left the Ragni sewer quest undone originally because I suck at parkour, so I went ahead and did that also. I should probably go get the milk and eggs for the cook at some point, just for the sake of completeness. I left it with an eye roll; seemed like more tutorial and I was eager to do battle.

    The quests seem to be a bit quirky/buggy with giving locations and moving on. I killed the pigman overlord 5 times before I realized that it would just be a "pigman skin" and not a "pigman overlord skin" and the quest wasn't updating to say I needed to return to Thomas. The really odd thing about that is that I had a pigman skin already. Earlier I had started the quest and got lost getting to Thomas, stumbled into the pigman cave and killed the overlord, not realizing it was anything more than just a harder grade of pigman. Then I put off finishing it. I actually did arachnid before it, just assuming I would get a good look at the mountain and probably die. Not sure how much of this thread you read, but I died in the cave/dungeon and didn't realize that was actually past the end of the quest; it disappeared because it is complete. Didn't/doesn't feel like I completed it since I haven't done the dungeon yet. I should probably do that next.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  13. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    to warn infested pit (the dungeon) needs a lot of aoe to get through the first kill room, most people die there including me because they dont have enough area damage, and archer is one of the lower aoe classes in my opinion
  14. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    also, I am not sure of this but I think it was my lack of doing earlier quests that kept the count I was seeing fail to increment. It was an objective at an earlier level. Not sure and doesn't really matter.
  15. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    That's where I died when I completed (without realizing it was complete) the arachnid quest. I think I have a better shot at it (pun intended) now, with a stronger bow, triple shot and arrow shield upgraded to guardian angel. But I may still die the first time (technically the second I guess, but the first time was such a quick death I don't remember anything about the area).

    Besides the bow, I have some pretty decent armor now. Health capacity is at 590, but that drops quickly with some of the tougher mobs, especially if I get caught in a bunched up mass of them. Even low to middling swarms have done me in somewhat recently. Also higher level mobs sniping me gets me in trouble quickly. I really question how they come up with the difficulty rating for classes, though I have had a couple of people tell me archer will get easier later when I have more abilities and get better at using them. But I might find some of the ones rated to be more difficult even harder; I am really not a very good player but I am improving. I play most games on easy because my manual dexterity is not that great. My answer for that has been to stay a few levels behind on quests. Just because one comes available doesn't mean you need to do it right away, though it does slow levelling up as the xp points are lower. I got a lot of my xp from walking and killing pretty much every easy mob that crossed my path and sometimes veering off to take out a few more. Now that I have a horse, that isn't happening as much, though I can certainly dismount or just choose to walk some areas. Walking out gates and running around killing nearby mobs isn't moving the meter as much as it used to.
  16. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    yeah as you progress xp doesnt go up as much which is dissapointing, sometimes it takes me 10 minutes to get from 98 percent to 100 percent in the levels 70-100 areas.

    killing mobs on-level gives more xp, not just any high level mob. 590 health should be good and using guardian angels and arrow bomb should help a lot.
  17. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    It does seem to throw a few on level into the mix into unexpected places, but a lot of them are snipers that I never even spot before I take off because health is dropping.

    I was about to go into the ravines again yesterday and noticed I was really close to levelling so I did some grinding on pig men and zombie horses near the gate and it took longer than I was expecting.

    Guardian angel feels like cheating with lower level mobs, but it just helps some with the on level or higher. But it is my play that is keeping me doing quests that lag behind my level. I am okay with that.
  18. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    angels are op, sometimes all you have to do is spawn them and just escape or grapple around the boss till it dies, as long as its not a primarily ranged attacker
  19. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Just died twice in there. I have 11 total soul points right now, so that took me down to 7. The wiki says I should have 0% chance of "other items" with 7, but hover says different. It says 5%. Still long odds, but it did make me a little nervous because it doesn't respawn you in the nearest city; it respawns you near the pit entrance. My horse is my concern. Very unlikely I would have trouble on the ride from there to Nemract (I didn't) and if I did, low odds I would die and low odds it would take anything. But the next time I try it, I will run down there with nothing but armor, a bow and a key. And only try twice. Yes, I am probably being cautious to the point of paranoia, but I have seen the prices on horses and riding is so much better than walking. I have bows that are okay-ish in reserve and more decent armor. Even if I went through it somehow, I expect more would come my way one way or another. But another horse seems far less likely until you get into those stratospheric numbers in your account, which I guess happens later in the game(?).
  20. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    yeah dont risk the horse it costs too much
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