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SPOILER The 2.0 Quest Survey Results & My feedback on 2.0 quests

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Da Homeboi, Sep 8, 2022.


Best new boss in LI?

  1. Titanium R.A.T. R-4X

    13 vote(s)
  2. Titanium R.A.T. R-4X

    2 vote(s)
  3. Titanium R.A.T. R-4X

    8 vote(s)
  4. Titanium R.A.T. R-4X

    3 vote(s)
  5. biased poll but Titanium R.A.T. R-4X anyway

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  1. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    So a while ago in the 2.0 subforum (it had 1.20 logo for it omg literally unplayable!!1!) , I made a thread for a survey about 2.0 quests (shouldn't have put that poll there because too much attention was gathered at it.

    But now, the time has come to show the results of the 2.0 Quests. 25 Quests were included on this poll, and here I will show each of the results, as well as providing a bit of my own opinion as to why they are the way they are.

    Also SPOILER WARNING for people who want to experience these quests on their own.

    Let's do this. (I'll be going in order from lowest to highest level btw).

    Average Score: 7.7/10
    Lowest Score: 4
    Highest Score: 10

    Honestly, exactly what I expected for this quest. Not at the #1 spot, but pretty high up there. Honestly, it has an overall great quest structure, the interactions with the NPCs are nice, as well as having some of the funniest dialogue in Wynncraft. Unlike its predecessor, A Fighting Species, this feels like a sound conclusion to the Orc War storyline. Unlike the old quest which is basically: 'orcs bad go fetch this and kill that leader guy k thx bai', the new quest has fun features, and while I did not fight the main boss at level, it does seem to be fairly challenging for the level it is intended to be fought at. All in all, this is one of the quests you absolutely should do if you can.

    Also feedback from parts when I asked what parts people liked, one person wrote the task stage, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

    Overall Rating: #5
    Average Score: 6.7/10
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 9

    This is one of the more 'side-quest' quests in my opinion. The old one was alright, it was good, but it used a done to death cliché. The new Murder Mystery, however, while I wouldn't say is amazing, is definitely a pretty noticeable improvement. This time, you have a more thorough investigation at the beginning, then go to Rohem and he tells you to grab a snake symbol and head to the sewers. The puzzle has been improved with it no longer needing you to drop an item on a pressure plate, and instead you flick a lever, talk to the guy Rohem said was the murderer, confront Rohem again, and then do an investigation again this time on Rohem's property, and he gets arrested. What also really is a nice thing added is that you can play blackjack in the city sewers too, which is definitely on a hard to hate list.

    Overall Rating: #17
    Average Score: 9.1/10
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 10

    Who is surprised to see this absolute masterpiece of a quest get an astounding rating? It has fun and compelling gameplay, and I'd say that this time, unlike other quests that think they are movies *cough* Headless History *cough* the characters are actually likeable and the story is overall just perfect, making it less of a drag than other movies- I mean quests. The boss fight is also really amazing too, and this does feel like a great horror quest. Unlike other quests which I did say specific things, I really want everyone reading this to experience it themselves. Which is no surprise why it is

    Overall Rating: #1
    Average Score: 7.2/10
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 10

    This is one of the less-touched-upon quests in 2.0. The main things that got changed were the puzzle and the pirate queen boss fight. Flight in Distress is honestly pretty good, and I like the new touch-ups they did. Not much to comment on here.

    Overall Rating: #11
    Average Score: 6.8/10
    Lowest Score: 4
    Highest Score: 9

    The Ultimate Weapon's 1.20 incarnation was basically a parody on fetch quests, which I'd say was... alright. It wasn't actively being a fetch quest to be a quest, but rather as a parody. The new Ultimate Weapon is now no longer just jokes on fetch quests, but also to various other Wynncraft features. These pretty much include, from what I have seen: Fetch Quests (still staying, but now only a quarter of the quest), Talking to several NPCs back-to-back, Easy tasks, and absurdly long names. And yes, you still get 7 LE for doing this quest through Dodegar's Ultimate Weapon.

    Overall Rating: #15
    Average Score: 5.9/10
    Lowest Score: 3
    Highest Score: 9

    The Bigger Picture is one of the quests I consider to be barely changed at all. The overall structure is mostly the same, they just added a short and neat cutscene of you shrinking, added checkpoints to the parkour, and improved various models. Also that Razorouse King guy is now the Colossal Rat's evil twin.

    Overall Rating: #24
    Average Score: 6.4/10
    Lowest Score: 3
    Highest Score: 9

    The Hunger of the Gerts Part I was pretty dated. The new version, I'd say, has improved quite a lot of the dated features. The pumpkin carving minigame feels very nice and creative, and the last section where you run through a tunnel 'eating' (killing) animals to progress, and later learn that the Gylia Watch is planning on starving out the Gerts. While I would say that these are pretty great highs, it does have some stuff holding it back, such as on one of the stages where you talk to a Gert, and while he does give hints, if you can skip talking to him altogether and know the solution, then there's no point in doing that, and you still do use quest helmets, although the only thing I'd say that might be difficult with it is the 'eating' (killing) section from earlier.

    Overall Rating: #22
    Average Score: 7.9/10
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 9

    The funny rat and bird man is at it again. First terrorizing the seas with the Colossal Rat, second funny bird woman doing actual terrorism in Corkus, and now onto rivals fighting over the mysteries of Lake Gylia. Korun (quest-giver) says that he wants to find the secrets to Lake Gylia, and what's keeping him motivated is his rival, Nikoler Tesla (not his real last name but I wish it was). Exploring Nikoler's house is pretty neat, and the BTD section is definitely one of the quest highlights in the Gylia Plains, and the new Heart of Gylia builds are absolutely astonishing, and you also encounter Nikoler Tesla. You chase after him, and he tries to take a shard of the meteor, but he gets stuck, and now, you have three options, save Nikoler and maybe get a car brand named after you (boomer humor), yoink the meteor shard and leave Nikoler to die (you monster), or just run out of there yourself (you idiot). The final quest reward depends on what you do, saving Nikoler gives you the most emeralds (and some prof stuff if you go back to Nikoler after the quest), while yoinking the meteor shard gives you more variety in items, and if you just ran out of there, then you get the worst stuff. Honestly, alongside ARtP, this quest also has some great dialogue, which is also why it scores pretty nicely at a solid

    Overall Rating: #4
    Average Score: 4.6/10
    Lowest Score: 1
    Highest Score: 9

    Now this... To say I was disappointed would be an immense understatement. I was downright miserable about this quest, alongside the whole of Gert lore. To Imaxe's credit, this was a rushed quest, so I will (and you too should) not hold it against him. However, I'd feel that delaying it for another update would have been a better thing to do. This quest does not feel like a sound conclusion, it is FAR too short, and overall just taints my whole outlook on Gert lore. Mark of the Meteors was by far a great discovery in 1.20, showing how the Villagers turned into Gerts, and I was hyped to see what they would do with the lore surrounding that discovery, and Part I was honestly really great. It has pretty boring mechanics, easy minibosses (yes they are minibosses but this just feels too easy), and just doesn't feel like a sound conclusion. If there would be one thing I think most people can agree on: this should have been delayed. Yes, it could be stuck in development hell, but a disappointing conclusion coming out in a week compared to an amazing ending coming out in a year is a pretty easy choice to me.

    Also, yea this turn into a bit of a rant. There is other stuff too about HotG2 that isn't great (why do we help the Gylia Watch after learning they're starving out the Gerts), but again, please do not harass any CT member for any content you did not like. That does nothing at all, and instead give constructive feedback.

    Overall Rating: #25
    Average Score: 6.8/10
    Lowest Score: 1
    Highest Score: 10

    Now, for the good stuff about this quest, I do like the post-quest stuff, which is seeing Olon in Efilim, and I like the settings tossed in too, it's a great way to incorporate Cinfras and the Canyon of a Lost in a quest based on the War of the Realms storyline, and I'd actually say the gameplay can actually be pretty good at times.

    However, there is some stuff not good about this. I would say what it is, but this thread made by General Skien does a far better job at explaining it than I do: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/my-issue-with-2-0-aldoreis-secret-part-2-extra-thoughts.301387/

    Overall Rating: #14
    Average Score: 7/10
    Lowest Score: 4
    Highest Score: 9

    Even though Fallen Delivery was said to be a majorly reworked quest, I'd say it's more on the minor side. The main things that got changed was that mercenary camp, so instead of it being battle and somewhat parkour at the same time, it's battle and parkour at different times, which feels less confusing. I'd say the main thing that got changed was Ernold's fight, which is now no longer a fight, instead, it is now a section where you have to right-click him at just the right time to yank the scroll out of his hands. While this is better than a slightly underwhelming boss fight, I can see it getting frustrating at certain points. I will say however that the post-quest content is also pretty neat, kind of. You basically got these items called 'Experimental Teleportation Scrolls' and what they would do is send you to a random place on the map, but the problem with this is that it was very easy to break most content through these, so instead you now did it through Gawrick, which feels a lot more clunky and inconsistent. However, the pocket dimension are pretty cool, so yea.

    Overall Rating: #13
    Average Score: 6.3/10
    Lowest Score: 2
    Highest Score: 9

    The new General's Orders received pretty cool changes, the dialogue and purpose of some of the NPCs is honestly pretty funny, and I'd say for dialogue humor, places in the top 3 for 2.0 quests. HOWEVER, the main gripe that holds it back is that they removed the boss fight in place of a mobile game ad. No, it's not advertising CAID: Dernic Myths (as much as I wish it did), but instead it's a 'Only 0.00001% of people can guess who's sus!'. My main problem with this is not that it exists, but instead that they threw away an awesome concept, fighting a shapeshifter, with an easy guessing section. While also somewhat unrelated, I hope that the Corpus Accipientis returns for a later update, because it is pretty weird having the Corkus Accipientis in the Bronze Tier while not being based off anything currently in the game.

    Overall Rating: #23
    Average Score: 6.6/10
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 9

    From the Bottom received minor polishes in 2.0, mainly with dialogue and the items traded to instead not be random fantasy items (and also bob's diary for a reason), but to instead to items related to Dwarven History, which does make more sense in my opinion. This is also kind of a 'side-quest' quest also, and is pretty nice to do.

    Overall Rating: #19
    Average Score: 7.3/10
    Lowest Score: 1
    Highest Score: 10

    This is meant to be the replacement to the Thanos Vaults AND Belly of the Beast, and honestly, it's a pretty great fusion between the two. There are very fun mechanics like the squid game, the cannon maze, the minecart section, all of it. Also the miniboss you fight is pretty cool that it has a semi-script spell. Honestly, it's a pretty great quest to toss into Thanos, as well as being a great fusion between two somewhat dated quests.

    Overall Rating: #10
    Average Score: 7.1/10
    Lowest Score: 3
    Highest Score: 9


    In all honesty, the remake is actually really amazing to a somewhat forgettable quest in the Canyon of the Lost. The first major change is a new, and actually pretty cool parkour course in your mind. It does use some pretty cool mechanics like illusion and reality blocks, as well as gray blocks that change the position of some blocks around it. Really the only gripe I have is that it has snake blocks, which I feel make it a bit too dragged out, but otherwise the parkour is fine. The trash dimension of Volmor is also pretty cool too, and it tests if you have ever crafted anything before.

    Overall Rating: #12
    Average Score: 6.5
    Lowest Score: 1
    Highest Score: 10

    "THE MAD LADS DID IT GAMERS, [canyon guides in place of ur] DOESN'T SUCK ANY MORE!" - Shots' Wynncraft Magnum Opus

    This quote honestly perfectly encapsulates every person's feelings towards Canyon Guides. Even though this quest was put under 'minorly reworked' I refuse to consider it so, and will take that argument to my grave. This quest is no longer just a walking simulator, and it actually has stuff happen besides walking. Seluc now hates you, which I absolutely love, he now suffers for the pain and torture he inflicted on us all ever since Canyon Guides came out. And again, I'd say this falls under the 'side-quest' category, but I'd say that's no reason to look upon this quest unfavorably.

    Overall Rating: #21
    Average Score: 6.7
    Lowest Score: 4
    Highest Score: 10

    Did I just another very boring CotL quest made into a decent quest?! I sure did. This is also something I'd consider to be majorly reworked instead of only being minorly reworked. This time it's no longer find a place and walk to it and back, this time you actually have stuff to do to find these guys, and it's only three now, which I'd say is a pretty good plus. You find a guy who has... Ornithophobia (definitely didn't seach that up on google), another one who instead of liking the heights now is deathly afraid of them, and Gordon who is in a house about to collapse. Like other quests here, definitely a side-quest, but still, pretty good nonetheless.

    Overall Rating: #18
    Average Score: 8.3
    Lowest Score: 3
    Highest Score: 10

    Two words for a tldr: Holy. Fuck.

    Glitch took one of the most forgettable, blandest quests in Wynncraft, and turned it into an absolute masterpiece in some of the greatest quests in Wynncraft.

    Every character, even though they are only used in this quest (except you and the colossus), have so much personality and character. The dialogue is also really great as well, the mechanics are fun and sometimes truly push the limit for what's possible with Wynncraft's new scripting tools.

    The minigame to unlock the bird cage is reminiscent of the clicking minigame from The Feathers Fly, the minecart section was perfectly challenging to me, not that hard to the point where existing was harder, nor too challenging to the point where you'd grab a sledgehammer and destroy your computer. And the mining section was also pretty great, and did feel reminiscent of vanilla minecraft, which while it might be liked upon for others, I actually liked, and the horror part of actually fighting the Canary. It is absolutely amazing. It has a great mixture of horror with light hints of humor to a degree. And not to mention the secrets found throughout the mine. I'd go as so far to say that this is the magnum opus of the Canyon of the Lost quests.

    Overall Rating: #3
    Average Score: 7.7
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 10

    Cowfusion is one of the quests that according to what Brace said under the 2.0 changelog, got entirely changed. You still meet Drale, and there is new lore about these guys called Wocs. Veekhat was obliterated, and there is a mini-dungeon in the Woc Base, The Pit. This quest is honestly pretty cool, though I'm indifferent to this and the old version. I will say the old version has a point the new one doesn't have, and that is the milking machine. If that could be kept in the Woc Base as a little easter egg when you are a cow, that would be pretty cool. Other than that, Cowfusion is defintely a fairly solid rework, although again, it's somewhat indifferent from my perspective of it.

    Overall Rating: #6
    Average Score: 7.4
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 9

    This is also minorly changed, and is still a highlight of the Canyon of the Lost. The 'TOMBSTONE' thing was changed to be a quiz, which is honestly pretty funny, although the old puzzle had several cool easter eggs, so maybe bring that back as a hidden room. The Krolton fight also now makes you kill 2 more weak pillars to collapse the room, which is honestly not really that bad. Also several souls of certain characters (rip Giant Rat), appear in the mansion which is honestly some neat references tossed in there. Oh yea and also QoL distance teleportation.

    Overall Rating: #8
    Average Score: 6.8
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 9

    This quest was alright, and it's still alright. Minor QoL stuff was added (alongside hive looor). Not much to say for QoL improvements.

    Overall Rating: #16
    Average Score: 8.7
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 10

    Even though this was minorly changed, this has quite possibly the greatest polishing of any minorly-reworked quests. The start and end were the only parts that got the most changes. The residents of Jofash are honestly pretty amazing? Why, well...
    You know what, I’m glad you asked. Lots of people these days are going crazy for that ‘all-natural, multiple grains, bred ethically’ garbage. Really, I wish some of those nutters sit down and take a good bite of some raw, authentic Rye, or a hearty whole-wheat. That’s the stuff that puts hairs on your chest, my pappy used to say. Good, strong, proper bread from out in the fields. We used to be farmers, you know. Out near Maltic. WHEW! Glad I moved here though! Not many places serve better rum than good ol’ Jofash! Back to the point at hand, though, bread. Man oh man I feel like I could go on forever about this. You know what people always miss when talking about bread, the CONSISTENCY! The consistency is consistently the most im- Oh, haha, ‘consistently,’ didn’t even mean to do that. Heheh...

    You zone out of the thread for a moment...

    Let’s continue! Have you ever seen a baker wearin’ a fancy hat? Have you ever wondered how that corresponds to how well they bake bread compared to somethin’ else?

    Anyways, back to the main topic at hand, the parrot following you around is a pretty neat touch, and the Gateway Passage. My god, Deusphage knows what she's doing when building it. I actually felt sad for Relend, but hey, he may be reunited with his old friend at the end.

    Overall Rating: #2
    Average Score: 7.3
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 9

    Unlike all the other quests in the changelog, I seriously cannot tell at all what changed. Maybe the new Void? But then it would have been in the 1.20 changelog. I cannot give any criticism on this pretty good quest if I can't see what changed.

    Overall Rating: #9
    Average Score: 7.5
    Lowest Score: 5
    Highest Score: 10

    The way to obtain the stuff for the ingredients got changed. Not all of them, but some. The main ones were the Voidroot, with the island being bigger and having more stuff on it (forgot if you were already blinded), the Skyhigh Raspberry, with you using cannons to shoot yourself up instead of climbing a beanstalk, and the Blue-Ring Grook Egg, with a new cutscene added. Other stuff that got minor changes was the Zork Rinds, which is now just Moonsalt, the Snail Slime, with you needing to wait for Usnail Bolt to finish, which while it can be funny, it does feel a bit tedious, and the Sunrise Flour, with you needing to farm it using a Gathering Scythe (not sure if it was like that before). Honestly a pretty great exploration quest and in my opinion, the 'right' way to do a fetch quest.

    Overall Rating: #7
    Average Score: 6.5
    Lowest Score: 4
    Highest Score: 9

    The stuff that got changed is no longer needing a quest helmet, and instead giving an item to a Skyraider. It can either be emeralds, ingredients, or a miniboss drop. The mansion entrance was also changed too, and the strange egg you find there was a neat touch.

    However, the main thing I'd say that was added was the post-quest content, being four different Skyraider-related NPCs being founded, one in Cinfras, the others in the Skyraider Base. Each item they give is pretty neato.

    Overall Rating: #20

    And with that, here is the tl;dr for the quest rankings.
    Disclaimers: Just because a quest is labeled as #23 does not at all mean it is a bad quest. I'd say for the most part, almost every quest had some positive changes one way or another. Also, quests that had tied scores will be ordered based on which one I like more gameplay-wise.

    1. Hollow Serenity
    2. Fantastic Voyage
    3. The Canary Calls

    4. Purple and Blue
    5. All Roads to Peace
    6. Cowfusion
    7. Recipe for Disaster
    8. Beyond the Grave
    9. One Thousand Meters Under
    10. The Thanos Depository

    11. Flight in Distress
    12. A Marauder's Dues
    13. Fallen Delivery
    14. Aldorei's Secret Part II
    15. The Ultimate Weapon
    16. Enter the Dojo
    17. Murder Mystery
    18. The Lost
    19. From the Bottom
    20. Royal Trials
    21. The Canyon Guides
    22. Hunger of the Gerts Part I
    23. General's Orders
    24. The Bigger Picture
    25. Hunger of the Gerts Part II

    And I might as well plug the survey here again. I won't be updating this for newer responses, cuz I have my school back in session, so yeah.

    Survey link if you want to take it:
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Oh shit, a lot of these got pretty high ratings. Looking forward to trying them out.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    hollow serenity was incredible but i wouldn't say it's #1

    i suspect the reason canary calls placed so low is the mining part. it's still my personal favourite this update
    ocu and Emogla3 like this.
  4. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    So hyped to try some of these after I come back from school today
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  7. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    god dammit @ocu you beat me by 0.4
  8. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer CT Manager QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    Thanks for the thread, love seeing the all the quests get some feedback and discussion alongside the ability tree <3

    Just for info because you're right that a lot of this stuff isn't noticeable, some more subtle improvements for the less-reworked quests like 1000 meters under, bigger picture etc is things like: fixing teleports so you end up facing the right way, highlighting paths with lighting and colours, updating dialogue with blue text to show objectives, adding checkpoints (entering the submarine at Ahmsord for 1kmu when you're halfway through the quest now puts you back at the stage you were at), and making sure there's plenty of feedback such as sounds/particles/colours whenever the player interacts with stuff.

    It's kinda thankless work but a lot of the Gavel quests were bad offenders for stuff like this, in general they should all feel much smoother to play now and (esp. new) players will find them more enjoyable!

    it also means im the silent hero for doing this for 10 different quests whilst the gms of the super-polished fancy ones get all the praise but oh well i got promoted and they didn't
    EPIC67890, Jackkoh, Uniimog and 11 others like this.
  9. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    and in the process you had to remove all your karma and let me overtake you <3
    DrBracewell and That_Chudley like this.
  10. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Geez, these are some harsh rankings. I think this really goes to show that the community is pretty damn split on “wow, this is good storytelling” and “DUMB CUTSCENE, WHY CAN’T I SKIP IT????”

    Also, the “who’s the imposter” part of General’s Orders, I think, was a master stroke in comedy. As soon as they started fighting I thought “huh, wonder if I’m going to have to discern which is the real one.” But the subversion of the trope (which is a semi-cliché at this point in my opinion) with it being so ridiculously easy and the real one calling out the faker for being such a damn idiot was hilarious to me.

    Boss fight would’ve been cool… but a sequel would be even cooler. We kill it? No sequel. We don’t kill it?… sequel??? Maybe it takes the form of the player this time??????

    Also, not even mentioning the secrets in Canary Calls is criminal.
  11. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Yeah, a better thing that could've been done with General's Orders is chasing after the Corpus Accipientis and then fighting it.

    Also, yeah Finding Meaning is by far some of the heaviest writing and without a doubt probably going to be most debated part of wynncraft lore.
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Finding Meaning is a quest?
  13. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    No thats the stuff you get from the secrets in canary calls.
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  14. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    i have located the list of new quests/additions. less go time to not sleep 4 dayz
  15. weaselfan

    weaselfan Well-Known Adventurer GM CHAMPION

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    Flight in Distress was fun to improve! I'm glad you liked it!
    Da Homeboi, cmosier and ocu like this.
  16. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    Here are my very late CotL quest feedbacks

    The Canary Calls: Everything would've been so great if that mining part was INSUFFERABLY LONG. Please reduce number of levers you need.

    The Lost: Really glad it got reduced to 3, I always couldn't find the last one

    All other reworked Canyon quests were awesome. Kudos
  17. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    So Temple of the Legends got minorly changed, so here's my thoughts on it:

    My score: 5/10

    So Temple of the Legends still sucks, but it did get pretty minor improvements, which is actually pretty great. The main thing that got changed overall is some of the dialogue. The new CoW lore is that it's no longer a mining captain that got corrupted, but rather, it was the first creature to emerge from the portal. I do like the new change to it, although I kinda liked the original lore of it being a mining captain.

    Second-most major thing that got changed was the Light Dust Cave. It's now no longer just running simulator, this time, you have to defeat 3 waves of enemies, each wave being broken down into 2 waves, and then at the end, you fight 3 minibosses at once. I like these changes, since while I haven't experienced it at level, it does add some more engagement towards the quest.

    And lastly, the Coral of Nelfors now spawns in select locations. This I honestly could care less about. It's nice if you're somebody just exploring the Seavale Reef for the items there (since you can't sell the Coral), but it can be minorly frustrating to look for it. However that's more of a minor nitpick, so eh.

    Everything else is pretty much the same. Very long travel distances, several quest requirements, fetching, Corrupter of Worlds is still cool.

    Technical Placement: 24.5
  18. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    still honestly baffling to me how fantastic voyage beat shit like canary calls and all roads to peace

    i mean im not complaining tho
  19. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi scream at me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    If I had to guess why it's probably cuz Fantastic Voyage was an already great quest, and the 2.0 improvements just made it better.
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  20. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    I added mobs with heavy wave spell to the boat section.
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