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I get it, wynncraft does not have a place for players who suck at the game.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by DragonEngineer, Sep 10, 2022.

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  1. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Not all of us are good at the game, some of us cannot do LI solo reliably or breeze through TNA easily.

    That's why we still find fun in doing profession and loot running, at least we can get rewarded for dedication.

    But the fact that with the addition of TNA, T3 dernic materials are in the reward pool, which going to seriously inflate the supply of T3 dernic materials in the trade market, which means the price is going to drop.

    You all remember what happened to sky island materials when raids (specifically TCC) were added in 1.20 right? The prices of THE sky island materials drop quite a large amount.

    We spent so much time grinding profession, and it wasn't exactly a fun experience either, just to have it be ruined in 2.0 update.

    At least before 2.0, there was incentive to grind the T3 dernic materials because they sell good in the market, or craft LQ or XP stuff that also sells pretty well.
  2. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    move to vip plaza?

    edit: nah real talk though having t3 dernics as raid rewards is pretty awful. having them in tcc is equally bad imo but that's a bit too late.
  3. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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  4. ???

    ??? ??? GM CHAMPION

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    Simply lootrun harder
    japhes and JasonScorpio like this.
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    so by admission, proffers and lootrunners are bad at the game


    (im not too knowledgeable about this sort of thing so im not sure but i think proffers still make more from selling op crafteds anyway)
    FelixTape likes this.
  6. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    How much Dernic materials does TNA drop anyway? I thought it was nerfed?
  7. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    I ran TNA a few times and I noticed that dernic materials spawn in stacks of 1-2 and about 1-2 stacks of them spawn per raid chest. This averages around 2-4 dernic tier 3s per raid, and all types can be obtained, including gems. It isn't a ton of materials you're getting, but with everyone running TNA the prices are already dropping quite hard, most being under 32 eb per material now (gems are the only one still above 1 le average but that's bound to change with time).

    I personally don't sell the materials I gather but over time I suspect the same fate is going to happen with dernic materials like it has with the level 100 ones. I personally don't think they should even be a reward for such a difficult raid (I'd rather get more emeralds, amplifiers, or even runes) but it is what it is I guess.
  8. Werveh

    Werveh numba 1 shaman CHAMPION

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    lol 10 char
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    My favourite genre of forum post is when proffers spend thousands of hours doing something they don't enjoy and then complain that other people don't have to spend thousands of hours doing something they don't enjoy.
  10. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    I'm failing to understand the logic here. Shouldn't the hard challenge be rewarding precisely because it's hard? Like you said, people who do not or can not do raids and do profs instead already have access to T3 mats. But people who do raids and not profs still can't earn these items, despite you admitting yourself that it's the harder thing to do. Shouldn't the people who are able to complete these challenges be rewarded in kind for their effort, same as people who do professions are rewarded for their effort?
  11. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    The problem is that the prices will drop due to the huge supply
    Kinda hard to explain this without also having to explain economics, but imagine that there's 1 shiny rock in the universe, it's worth 1 million
    Then imagine that there's 1 million shiny rocks in the universe, it's worth 1 dollar
    The profers simply don't want people outside of their community to get easier access to materials so that they can make bank by selling it on the trade market
    Edit: oh yeah I'm not saying that they're in the wrong for wanting to make a quick buck with profs, just that the way this issue is being brought up in this thread is not... the best.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
  12. Monkey_Suit

    Monkey_Suit Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    We can all see that gathering professions are not in a favourable position at the moment, with all the time and money required to level them up. However fixing this tedious grind doesn't mean that we should just dump expensive and hard to obtain materials in the raid reward chest. Leaving tier 3 mats in a raid chest is just an unjustifiable quick fix to professions in their current state. But even if we were to remove materials from their peril, raids would still need to have some kind of reward for all of our toil right? Yes, raids are hard, and yes, raids should reward us for completing such a challenge, we can all see that, but, this doesn't mean that we have to make gathering professions completely redundant? Surely there are other rewards that can be taken advantage of instead of materials.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
    DragonEngineer likes this.
  13. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    I'm already well enough aware of basic supply and demand, there's no need to explain that to me. And you've basically pointed out the problem I have with this thread already, right here:

  14. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It's more of a serious talk I guess, there was already some feedback about this in beta.

    Ok maybe not so much fun in profession grinding because it's still awful, but it's still something we can do.

    was it necessary to insult people as "bozo"?

    Not really what I meant (the proffers and lootrunners are bad at the game part), at least there's should be something for every for all skill levels to succeed. Like some people succeeds through lootrunning because they get lots of mythics, and get rich by selling them.

    Yea but you need to get to at least level 100 (Sky Islands level) or even level 110 (Dernic level) to even access the highly valuable materials there. I'm not sure if Sky Island materials are still worth a lot after Dernics were added in 1.19, but from what I can see it just adds like 3 durability which I feel isn't super significant, but people do want the best of the best nowadays.

    Then for each Prof gathering runs, assuming you are gathering dernics with T12 tools which can collect 320 nodes. You usually would only get like 0 to 3 T3 materials (from experience), or more if you are lucky, assuming at high level, each node takes like 4 seconds to gather, so it takes over 20 minutes to gather 320 nodes, and that's not including walking to the next node. Then to craft items with T3 materials, you need like 6 or 12 of the T3 materials, or 3 or 6 if under Prof Speed bomb, but you have to pay real money for those. So to even craft 1 item with all T3 materials, you need to gather like 1000 nodes. This low supply and high demand is what makes it T3 dernic materials so highly priced.

    I'm not exactly sure how long it takes to run each TNA, i heard somewhere 10 to 20 minutes, if the T3 materials are consistent drops like what Undyne said then maybe it's on par with gathering manually. But the fact that you don't have to go through the level 1 to 100 gathering prof grind means it's much more accessible to more players, which means more players are going to get those T3 materials, which means increased supply, and leads to price drop.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
  15. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    Yes, that's the point. Both the people who do professions and the people who run raids are gaining the same reward, just with a different means. For professions the difficulty is relatively low (by your own admission) but the time investment is high, thus making the effort you put in proportional to the amount of time you spend on it. For running raids the difficulty is relatively high while the time investment is low, so the effort you're putting in is proportional to the skill required to complete the raid in the first place.

    I will admit I have no love for the professions system and immensely dislike its RNG gathering elements, as well as the seemingly ludicrous time investment for someone who wants to do other things that are not play Wynncraft all day. I've gotten my archer to total level 1061 and gave up because I found doing professions too tedious and boring. So yes, I will welcome a faster way to acquire the materials required for professions. I don't have any trouble clearing endgame content such as LI, EO, the Forgery, and TCC, and have access to a large amount of runes and keys so admittedly hearing about the large rewards does benefit me a lot more than someone who thinks they cannot consistently do these things, but you have to remember that people who spent time getting "good" at the game still spent time doing so, whether that was mechanical skill, creating builds, or buying high-end items. Easing up profession accessibility to these people is just a good idea in my eyes, and not only because it benefits me.

    I remember when people complained that the Forgery had a mythic drop chance. I remember when people were complaining that people were spending hours in the Seavale Reef grinding treasure to earn money before that got nerfed into the ground. It seems to me that whenever a new way that pops up to make money or acquire rare items in Wynncraft that isn't just doing lootruns for hours people will complain.
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Plus TNA is the hardest raid in the game and requires great teamwork. It’s definitely not noob friendly at all and a lot of players either don’t reach the endgame or do raids anyway. So even if the price decreases, it’s not like the CT is handing them out for free. Raid rewards have been a bit lackluster too, so they need all the help they can get in my eyes.
    DragonEngineer likes this.
  17. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    The dernic mats were nerfed down pretty dramatically from what they originally were, you used to get quite a lot every time but now it's only a small ish chance for a few mats per raid. But now they are going to be totally removed from the loot pool real soon. I know some people think the rewards were fine but too many people after release of been concerned about the inflation that they are just being totally removed. If the loot nerfs for TNA are too much they could be adjusted in the future.
  18. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Also like.. the point of the market is so people who DONT wanna do profs can get access to mats without having to grind, this helps with this.
    itay_ and DragonEngineer like this.
  19. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    This is why disliking posts should be a thing on forums.
  20. Prisme

    Prisme Well-Known Adventurer

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    First of all, the TNA boss fight is not that difficult, since most of his attacks are either telegraphed or easy to dodge. The only attack that is killing me right now, is the attack named "The Void Howls", which deals a lot of true damage, without any telegraphs, and only shown by a miserable purple circle, which is easily covered by the particles of other attacks. I agree that not all players have the appropriate mythics to breeze through the boss, but you do not need mythic to dodge it's attack. Li can be easily beaten without mythic too (with certain archetypes), since the damage output has skyrocked in 2.0.
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