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Horse Breading

Discussion in 'Questions' started by ItsYummy, Sep 4, 2022.


Does the level of the horse affect the chance of success in breading?

  1. Yes

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  1. ItsYummy

    ItsYummy Skilled Adventurer

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    Does the level of the horse affect the chance of success in breading?
  2. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    It does not unfortunately

    The rates are consistent:
    20% chance for a higher tier
    50% chance for the same tier
    30% chance for a lower tier
  3. BrokenRealities

    BrokenRealities Undefined Variable

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  4. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    You know what, I’m glad you asked. Lots of people these days are going crazy for that ‘all-natural, multiple grains, bred ethically’ garbage. Really, I wish some of those nutters sit down and take a good bite of some raw, authentic Rye, or a hearty whole-wheat. That’s the stuff that puts hairs on your chest, my pappy used to say. Good, strong, proper bread from out in the fields. We used to be farmers, you know. Out near Maltic. WHEW! Glad I moved here though! Not many places serve better rum than good ol’ Jofash! Back to the point at hand, though, bread. Man oh man I feel like I could go on forever about this. You know what people always miss when talking about bread, the CONSISTENCY! The consistency is consistently the most im- Oh, haha, ‘consistently,’ didn’t even mean to do that. Heheh... Back to the topic at hand! Consistency! The consistency is consistently the most important part of any good loaf. Overusin’ so-called “refined” grains is a sure and done way to get runny slop that’s not fit for the pigs. Come to think, you shouldn’t feed pigs refined grains anyway. It’s hard on their digestion. Of course! Digestion. A topic I’ll get to later! Anyway, whole grains are where the money’s at! I’d swear it on these plants. What you want is a thick-crusted, chewy loaf that you can savor! Not some frail morsel that collapses under its own weight. Why, the things I’ve seen... In particular, have you seen some of the scraps sold at Ahmsord? Ridiculous! I’ll let you in on a little secret. The Sky’s Kitchen is great and all, but what passes for bread there is intolerable. No substance at all! What you’ll want to do is get it straight from the fields, right from the soil! Well, not literally, but from the countryside! Leave breadmakin’ to those who’ve been workin’ with grain before they could walk on two legs! Heck, I bet even I could do better than those snobby sauciers. Right. Digestion. The fiber in whole-grain bread is a lifesaver. Did you know that whole-grain bread has four times the fiber of white bread? Now you do! Helps keep you full and fit. Want to avoid lookin’ like a loaf of white bread yourself? Fiber’s your man. Nothin’ beats a rich, fresh-ground fresh-baked loaf with a slab of flat-iron steak. Red meat and fiber make a real man, as my pappy once said. Oh, how time flies. Where was I? Right, white bread. That stuff’s poison, I tell you! Not a lick of nutritional value! It’s more milk and sugar than bread! Hardly somethin’ you’d want to eat, never mind something for which you’d pay extra! Those hawkers can pretend that it’s an upper-crust good all they want, but we all know that it’s just a waste of dough. Heheh, I did it again! Sorry, sorry, I’ll get the train back on track. Heh... Bread’s probably the most versatile food. You can make it from just about any type of grain. But just because you can doesn’t mean that you should. Who could stomach somethin’ like “Oatmeal-Bran Fusion Delight”? WHO WOULD EVEN MAKE BREAD OUT OF OATS?! Just a waste of food, in my opinion. Sure, it may be like the hottest new culinary sensation now, but it’ll die out like any other idiotic fad in just days. I’m positive that nobody’s eatin’ it for the taste, that’s for sure. Like “Seven Colors of the Grainbow,” or “Hearty Hemp-tastic,” and don't get me started on 'Pain au Cinfras'! But really, Oatmeal-Bran Fusion Delight is among the worst. Oh! That reminds me about a better use for oats. If you want to avoid bein' three sheets to the wind after a busy night of Jofash Rum, then eat a hearty bowl of oatmeal. Sounds crazy, I know. But it actually works. Take it from me; I've tried it! While anythin' made of grain helps, oats are particularly good at this. And I'd bet my bread that you'd rather eat oatmeal than Oatmeal-Bran Fusion Delight, whatever that's supposed to be. Though it seems like you just can't get a good loaf of bread nearby. Sure, there's sailin' biscuits, but that hardly qualifies! I can't stomach the fancy stuff, so I just make my own. Not only is it cheaper, but it also tastes much better. It isn't too difficult. Besides the obvious, you'll just need some salt and yeast. Grab something to write with, y'hear? Take some notes! Ready? Right, let's get started! The less ingredients you use, the closer you'll get to makin' a real loaf! Not the wannabe poundcakes eaten by wannabe spendthrifts. There's a common misconception that you need sugar for yeast to start risin'. Not true! Give it some time, and bread without sugar will rise just as well. If you want somethin' good, you need to put in the time and effort for it! Get it right, and you'll have the perfect taste and texture for nothin' more than a few hours of your time! Let me make it clear: you don't want sugar in your bread. It'll do a number on its taste and your teeth. I'll cover the taste first. The sugar fights with the raw, savory flavors of an otherwise respectable loaf of bread. It also fights with your teeth. Bread's quite sticky as it is, and the sugar doesn't do it any favors. Why, I can still remember the time that I got a cavity. Cried my eyes out, I did. Eventually, my pappy had enough, and he went for the ol' string-on-a-doorknob trick. He got me good there, though it took him a few tries. Ah, it seems like I got distracted. Back to the topic at hand. You aren’t goin’ to get quite as much of an effect on your digestion than coarse-ground whole-grain bread. It keeps most of the fiber intact, after all. You know how fruit juice contains next to no fiber because none of it goes into the juice? It’s the same deal with white bread. Fruit juice was banned in my household. As my pappy liked to say, a real man only drinks hard spirits and the sweat runnin’ down his face! Though I wasn’t allowed to have the former, not yet at least! Heheh! So I drank milk instead. Say, if you haven’t done so already, try bread dipped in milk! Go on! There’s nothin’ quite like it. Don’t accidentally drop the bread into the milk, of course. You’ll end up with a bloated mess with the consistency of a sponge. And you should know by now that consistency is everythin’! While we’re on the subject of milk, do you know some folks can’t drink it? Oh, yes, they can try, but sooner or later their belly will protest. It’s the same deal with bread! Stick with whole-grain, nothin’ added. That way, you don’t have to worry about surprise milk appearances and whatnot. You got that? Let me know when you’re ready for more. Say, you know what? I oughta talk a bit slower to help you digest what I’m sayin’. Oh! “Digest”! I did it again! Heheh... Right, then, somethin’ that really peeves me is people who use bakin’ powder. What’s wrong with some good ol’ yeast? Too little of it, and it’ll go plum flat in the oven. Just a little too much of it, and your bread’s going to be as bitter as wormwood! The only way to get a size that’s just right is the long way! Wait until the yeast works its magic, and bake it right as it reaches its good size. There’s also nothin’ quite like the smell of yeast as it causes the dough to rise! Works up quite the appetite, it does. Some people put the cart before the horse and think that yeast works like bakin’ powder. Try that, and you’ll end up with scorchin’-hot bricks in your oven. No, you have to do it right, and doin’ it right means leavin’ some of the work to the yeast. Unless you like flat breads. I can’t see why anyone would, though. Bread’s supposed to be puffy and chewy, not some dough jerky! Though that may not be the case for other pastries. For one, I’ve never once heard of a pie with a chewy crust. Really, the beauty in bread lies with it’s simplicity! No complicated steps, no chances for the dough to rebel. Certainly not as fickle as somethin’ like a cream puff. If you treat the dough with respect, the bread will respect you in turn. It’s simple stuff, really! No finnickin’ around with stiff peaks, or needin’ half a dozen bowls to mix in, or getting a flaky dough just right, and not to mention that just about everythin’ needs butter in some shape or form! Really, what’s with it? It’s not like the stuff grows on trees! Makin’ the pastry shiny. Makin’ it taste rich. Makin’ the dough thick. There’s no end to it! Bread’s so much simpler to handle. Though some people insist upon puttin’ butter in the bread. Not just on it, but in it! There’s more butter than bread at that point! I don’t have anythin’ against butter itself, mind you. It’s great on toast! Just I think it oughta stay on the toast rather than in it. Not to mention that there’s a time, place, and occasion for it. If you put butter on everythin’, you’re goin’ to get sick of it real quickly. Eat it in moderation! Your tongue and your emerald pouch will thank you. Of course, there’s always margarine, but why settle for somethin’ inferior? You shouldn’t settle for anythin’ less than the quality you’d expect from your bread! Though, now that I look at it, bread does get a reputation for bein’ a breakfast food. That’s ridiculous! It’s got a place in every meal of the day! Sandwiches? They’ve got bread in ‘em. Casseroles? Any respectable one has it as a shell. Breadsticks? It’s in the name for cryin’ out loud! Done right, and it’s also great as a side. I already mentioned having a fresh-ground fresh-baked loaf of whole-grain with a slab of flat-iron steak, but really, a well-sliced loaf and some dippin’ butter can transform a family dinner into a banquet! They’re almost as versatile as potatoes! Actually, even more so, I’d say! As my pappy liked to say, a real man’s got to earn his daily bread through his own toilin’. As you can see, I’ve taken his advice to heart! ...I feel that I’m missin’ somethin’ important that I wanted to discuss. Hang on for a bit, would you? Ah, of course! I can’t believe that I forgot! I wanted to cover some thoughts about bread consistency. Namely, the two extremes: too chewy, and not chewy enough. I already spoke on hardly chewy bread plenty, but there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. And in this case, bread chewiness is a good thing. You don’t want your bread to be too chewy, got it? Too chewy’s a step right towards bread that’s outright rubbery. Your teeth’ll bounce right off it! Sure, too much give in the dough’s awkward and sets you up for bitin’ your own tongue, but too firm of a loaf can lead to much of the same. They always say never bite off more than you could chew, but you oughta be careful not to bite off any less than that, either! No, just right and chewy’s what you want. Don’t settle for anything more or less! Hmm, come to think. You seem really interested in discussin’ bread with me! Lean in for a second, would you? I’ve got somethin’ important to say. Listening? Right! Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to shout in your ear. You’re just about the only person that I’ve been able to have an honest conversation about bread with. Usually, bread gets brushed off as some kind of dull fodder. Dismissed as too borin’ and too plain, I tell you! That’s what leads to unnecessary excess as people try to make it into something that it’s not. But us? We’re different, we’re visionaries, and we know the truth about what really makes a good loaf! Tell ‘em off, I say! They can’t follow the thoughts of bread enthusiasts like you and I otherwise! Ah! Right, never did I get to answerin’ your question. About my favorite type of bread, that is... Plain ol’ coarse-ground wheat. Sure, it may be simple, but if you were payin’ any attention at all, you’d know for sure why that’s everythin’ that I’m lookin’ for. And that just about sums up the basics! Let me know if you want to hear anythin’ more.
  6. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    vip plaza is migrating
  7. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    oh no​
  8. OriTheSpirit

    OriTheSpirit Feesh Time 24/7 CHAMPION

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    also for the record you always lose a horse no matter what
  9. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Blood sacrifice
    shacers and OriTheSpirit like this.
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