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Lore/Story A young evil

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by SirKiddo, Jul 9, 2022.

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  1. SirKiddo

    SirKiddo Oh hey, your reading this? Neat. CHAMPION

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    Paid commission by @Corvusio

    Suddenly, a light burst forth from the darkness, a glimpse of reality. A strange, rather small condensed bit of dark energy looked around the world for the first time. It saw other bits of dark energy, and a few much larger, much more fully formed gatherings of dark energy looking at the newborn dernians. One of the much larger groupings of dark energy got up and picked up the fresh-born dernian, and took him to a house. Thus began the life of Corvusio, with no idea what he would go on to achieve.

    The first few years of Corvusio’s life felt like a haze, reality was so… new to him. Everything he saw, everything he interacted with, it was all too strange. His parent spoke in a language he did not understand and try as he might, it was very hard to learn. Eventually, he began catching on to phrases, and soon he too could speak, albeit nowhere near as well as his parent… was it a parent? Corvusio did not understand the relationship with his caretaker. They taught him things as best they could, including his name, but he did not know anything about them, or why they felt the need to do this.

    Another matter for another day, he figured. As he began to learn to speak the language of his parent, he began to understand other things too, about the world he seemed to suddenly live in. Apparently, there was an even greater being of this dark energy, something or someone everyone around him looked up to. Everyone who spoke of this being was immensely proud of it and seemed to enjoy the knowledge of this being existing, even if they would never personally get to meet it. Corvusio hoped one day he too could meet whatever everyone was so excited about, if even for a moment. From what the others his parent met with were saying, it is truly awe-inspiring to even look at this being of darkness.

    A few days? Months? Years? Corivuso was still not entirely sure how time worked, it seemed to be such a strange concept that he did not yet fully grasp. A few units of time after this, Corvusio was engaged in some sort of learning program. He met other dernians similar to his age and learned a fair deal of things. He learned the land he lived in was called dern, he learned there was currently some sort of war going on, and he learned, most importantly, about the dern beast. All the while, he became closer to his caretaker, and learned his tragic background story one night, over a conversation at the gathering place, after asking a question he had no idea he would dislike the answer to.

    “Why did you decide to raise me, all the other Dernians I see are raised by pairs of caretakers, usually in groups of four or five young dernians” Corvusio asked. “That would have been me too, and I think you are old enough to begin to understand. I was one paired with another caretaker, and I intended to go on raising future generations of dernians. But an attack by the light left my partner dead, and though I was offered a position in the army, a fighting life is not for me. I decided instead to raise the younger generation one at a time, knowing I could not handle larger groupings of dernians like paired partners can. You might not understand this fully, but perhaps one day you will. And before you ask, I know you will ask eventually, my name is Yualiso”.

    Corvusioneeded time to reflect on this, this made him feel something… bad. Whatever he was feeling, he certainly did not like it. He had begun to feel a lot recently, more than he can ever recall feeling in the past. He began to think about a lot of things, and the thought that crossed his mind the most is what is the light. How could the light kill his dad’s partner like this, why would it do such a mean thing. Whatever this light was, he knew he would never join sides with it, whatever it was. How little did he know…

    More time passed, and Corvusio still had less and less understanding of time. The more people told him about the passing of time the less he understood, but he figured he would get it eventually. His schoolmates picked on him for not being raised in a standard family unit, but he did not mind his situation so much. He knew his caretaker cared about him, and that was more than enough for him. His schoolmates seemed a lot less developed than him, they seemed to understand less about the world they lived in than he did. He did not know what to make of this, but he figured eventually they would catch up, and he would have others to talk to.

    One day, a massive number of dernians gathered in the town square. Corvusio made his way into the crowd and suddenly was grabbed and lifted into the air. Although he initially panicked, he knew it was his caretaker within seconds and the panic settled down. “Watch closely Corvusio, you are about to witness greatness,” Yualiso said. Corvusio waited for what felt like a very long time when suddenly a massive entity began walking its way through the town. People cheered, and many cries of joy were shouted in its direction. Corivuso had never seen anything like this and was impressed by not only its size but the mere feeling it gave off as it passed him by. Suddenly he noticed something.

    It felt like the dern beast was staring directly at him. He could not shake the feeling it was looking into his very soul, and he had no idea what to say. No one else seemed to have noticed, and before he could tell what to make of it, it was already over. This left him feeling both uneasy and inspired. As the dern beast walked through the town, a voice so loud Corvusio nearly had to cover his ears shouted a proclamation.

    “Citizens of dern. For too long has the light tormented us, taunted us, tortured us. Many of us here have lost partners, childhood friends, and much more to the light. Today that changes. Today I have set in motion a plan to finally rid us of the light. To finally win us an advantage in this war we so long have sought. Today is a day in history, and you would do well to remember that you are on the winning side” the voice shouted. As Corvusio looked down at Yualiso, he could see a look of concern. Why was he concerned, this was amazing news, he would finally have his revenge. He turned his attention back to the dern beast.

    “So many of us here long have wanted an end to this bitter war, and with THIS” he showed a seed brimming with darkness to the crowd “the tide of the war will have changed. No longer shall we suffer this petty back and forth with the light, no longer shall we fight in this endless mockery of what was once a war. In 1000 years' time, the light will be no more. This is my promise to you” the dern beat bellowed. The crowd went mad, the roaring of the cheering of the crowd was so loud you could not hear yourself think.

    Still, Corvuiso could not help but look at Yualsio and notice that same look of concern, that look of worry he had never noticed before. Whatever was bothering Yualiso, he figured he would tell Corvusio eventually, the two had grown very close. What happened with the dern beast, was of more immediate concern, however. Did the dern beast target Corvusio, or was it simply his own imagination. Corvusio would rest until tomorrow, and see what the morrow would bring.

    Today was not an ordinary day, however. His father woke him from his rest and brought Corvusio to a group of dernian elders. He had no clue what was going on, and the eldest of the dernians spoke. “Corvusio. Today is the most important choice in your life. Once a dernian reaches a certain point of maturity, they must choose a path in life. You will decide that path, right here, right now, in front of the consul” The eldest finished. Corvusio waited for more, but he realized the eldest had finished talking.

    So many thoughts went through Corvusio’s head, and he felt light-headed and dizzy. Why was there no warning of this, why must he make this choice now? He looked around and all eyes were upon him. He felt intense pressure, the likes of which he had never felt before. Were they serious? Was this some kind of joke? He began to think about what he really wanted, and he realized he did not know. He had no idea, and yet here they were asking him to decide the rest of his life. He could only hope if he chose poorly he could change it later.

    “I think I want to be a mage” Corvusio nervously stated. “I think isn’t enough. Do you want to be a mage or do you not want to be a mage” the elder demanded. “I… I… I want to be a mage” Corvusio said, somehow more confident than he had ever been. “Very well, your mage training will begin tomorrow, you will not see anyone you know now, besides perhaps your caretaker, from this point forward” the elder stated”.

    The next day, as promised, Corvusio began his mage training. He began to learn to channel the magic he saw around him, and, also as promised, none of his childhood friends joined him. He had been taken to an entirely new area, one so far from his home that it felt like he had traveled for days. He knew he should feel upset, and yet he felt… excited? This was a new chapter of his life, and he was ready for whatever faced him next.

    A few years passed in his mage training when a well-decorated dernian came and delivered him a letter and said “I’m sorry for your loss, this is entrusted to you”. It was a deed to a house, his childhood home, and a letter informing him his caretaker was dead. He had died in the new incursion into silent expanse, at the hands of an ohmlic mage. Corvusio had heard of this attack, but he knew many people were opposed to it, as the Olm had done nothing to deserve this unprompted attack. It seems this did not stop the dern beast, as he proceeded with the attack anyway and had, just yesterday, launched a full-frontal assault.

    This enraged Corvusio beyond belief. How could the dern beast go against his own people's wishes to attack a seemingly innocent group of people? How DARE he cost the life of the only person Corvusio truly trusted. Who did this dern beast think he was, and the same awe Corvusio had once felt as a child was now turned to rage. But what was he to do? He knew he never stood a chance of actually facing the dern beast, and decided to quietly lament the loss of Yualiso. He held a small service in his room and burned a candle, Yualiso had always liked candles much to Corvusio’s confusement. He had never understood the purpose, but for some reason, Yualiso burned them anyway.

    As Corvusio became better and better at being a novice mage, he never let go of the rage he had felt towards the dern beast. He wanted to drop it, but the horror stories he had heard from the silent expanse made it nearly impossible to do so. He began working on his first portal, something that he had been practicing for ages, and as he stepped through he felt an immense presence sweep over him and a voice simply say “That rage. Remember it”.

    As Corvusio awoke in a freezing tundra… wait? It seems someone has already told the story from here…
  2. Corvusio

    Corvusio Dernic civilisation has a deep history ! CHAMPION

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    I rate this PURPLE / 10 !
    fungamerlol and MalieJ like this.
  3. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    are you saying that this corvusio person is also a canonical character in wynncraft lore? if so, who?

    also, how much do you get paid to write these
  4. SirKiddo

    SirKiddo Oh hey, your reading this? Neat. CHAMPION

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    Corviuso is a wynn rper, you can find them rping on wynncraft roleplaying thread and before that existed #wynncraft.
  5. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    No, I mean, you mentioned Corvusio awakening in a freezing tundra. Is this supposed to somehow connect with Wynn lore? Who has already told the story from here?
  6. SirKiddo

    SirKiddo Oh hey, your reading this? Neat. CHAMPION

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    he did. When he was rping, this is roughly where it started in the wynn discord. This is just his orgin story.
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I have to say, I really like it, especially the portrayal of Dern as a normal, working society.

    Out of curiosity, how much did it cost?
  8. SirKiddo

    SirKiddo Oh hey, your reading this? Neat. CHAMPION

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    i cannot discuss client payment details
    TrapinchO likes this.
  9. ugaosur

    ugaosur Newbie Adventurer

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    you can find them rping on wynncraft roleplaying thread and before that existed
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