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Guide The way I do Nol (some potentially helpful info)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Fleega, May 30, 2022.

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  1. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    Sorry if this guide is like, REALLY hard to read, it was meant to just be a few points but it ended up becoming enormous and changing writing style halfway through, it even took me two days to finish it.
    Clearly, this is very much based on opinion and has a couple of assumptions, your thoughts may vary. I did what I could, but there's probably a buttload of errors.

    General things:
    Melee is not super great in NoL, you can still use it, but the range from spells is obviously good for hitting several enemies at once and from a safer distance. The mobs in this raid, like the others, can do deceptively high damage, and anything to help yourself avoid being hurt is very appreciated.
    Rainbow with decent amounts of skill points across the board works pretty well with the buffs in my experience.
    Even though the raid is unlocked at level 79, doing it right away will be extremely difficult, and I would kind of recommend against it unless you're just looking to be carried through it for the sake of having it completed
    if you're serious about it just try to make the best build you can and dodge like a god, maybe focus on taking purely the defensive buffs? Maybe you can even make a guide to consistently defeating NoL at low level.
    If you found a party with party finder, using UWynn to check how old your world is might save you from the server restarting before you finish, if it's over like 5 hours old or something it might reset on you, I don't think there's a specific length of time where a world will reset, but 4 hours old should be more or less fine.

    Selecting raid buffs is extremely hard to suggest for since it's entirely based on your build and even your skill to a degree. Like the other raids, if you have a specific plan based on getting specific buffs, you'll be relying on RNG to give you that exact layout, which could work out greatly or backfire hard and leave you either very vulnerable or very weak or even completely useless, so it might be worth having 3 or 4 different situations planned out.


    Take a good look at these here and try to think "what would benefit me the most?", and also keep in mind that you might get screwed and have no buffs that help, in which case just try to pick the one you think will be the most effective, it took me doing the raid several times before I settled on my general choices per room and based situationally on what I have, haven't, and might not get.
    Room 1 and 2 only have a single buff for survivability, being ophanim 1 and 2, both giving +50 agility individually.

    If I'm feeling a bit unsure about how the raid is going or might go, I'll sometimes take ophanim 1 just to make more sure that I survive since someone living is better than nobody living, generally I will take throne 1 though for the intel bonus and I guess the 10 mana steal is nice too, if it isn't there I will take anti 1, but I use Collapse which works extra well with explosive impact for clearing out mobs. Very rarely do I take seraphim 1, but I have done it now and then (let me also mention here that Exploding still works if you don't have explosive impact, killing mobs causes the explosion as well which can help with clearing enemies out a bit as well, this isn't exclusive to killing them with melee either, if you have exploding and you kill a mob with a spell, they will explode as well... I don't actually know if when a mob dies to poison that that activates exploding, I know exploding can't activate poison, but the other way around is a mystery to myself as well, I want to say it wouldn't? But it might)

    Cherubim 1 is kinda whatever, 150% melee is a bit hard to utilise against the raid mobs due to aforementioned high damage, and the part 1 boss considering its speed, in part 2 of the boss battle the mob is burst ranged and does fairly high damage, so being up close is pretty dangerous, however the 50% speed will actually help with dodging and keeping up with the boss of part 1 as well, so it balances out a bit.
    Seraphim 1 is pretty decent, 55% spell is an alright buff and recasting spells due to Sorcery can quicken killing stuff even further.

    I personally like taking ophanim 2 if it appears due to 50 agility being pretty useful, but especially for the 350% extra health regen, which is absolutely huge, with a fair amount of health regen, you'll be getting a thousand or more back every time you naturally regen, if it's not there I'll generally settle for cherubim 2 for the 1k life steal, even though it's not that great, since its pretty easy to lose more health than you get from it instead if you keep getting hit while trying to heal from it.

    Room 3 has 3 buffs for survivability, since there are 5 buffs in total per room and 3 to select from, you will always have at least a single one to pick from.

    The buffs are anti 3 with 80 defense, cherubim 3 with an incredibly helpful 70 defense AND agility (+70 to every skill, in fact, so it gives you better living chances, more damage, and more spell spammability all at once), and ophanim 3, with 10,000 health... but it also forces you to take guardian, which might end up getting you killed even faster instead if you're next to the other people and they all get hit at once, with or without you also taking the hit yourself, you can very easily die instantly to Orphion by taking 2-6 people's damage all at once, but guardian I believe is affected by defense and I've heard rumors of agility also working on it but I can't completely confirm that.

    For room 2, seraphim still gives 55% spell damage but also gives 5 mana regen instead of sorcery now, However throne 2 also gives 5 mana regen, and also 10 mana steal. Anti 2's 100 strength is a decent amount and 9k poison is also alright, but you probably shouldn't take it if you have someone with a poison build since you'll probably get in their way, unless that's exactly what you want to do but I really personally wouldn't recommend messing with others in a raid of all things, I've joked about doing it plenty of times but I've never actually done it, since I actually want everyone to win.

    In room 3, seraphim still gives 55% spell damage bonus, now gives 7 mana regen instead of 5 and additionally 130 dexterity, which isn't bad. throne giving 70 intel and transcendence means you can cast spells wildly and probably never worry about running out of mana, I think like only one time ever, I took ophanim 1 and 2 and then this just to have the 100 agility, 350% hpr and unlimited spellcasting. Anti 3's 2 attack tier I guess is nice but meleeing as already explained sorta pales greatly in comparison to melee in this raid, the 300% sprint helps you with not accidentally killing your mana, but you'll probably only ever run that much if you're chasing after Orphion when he's rushing down an Archer.

    The Challenge Rooms:
    Stand in the middle of the doors when they are opening, if you don't stand centred you can get stuck in the doors when they open and will need to do /kill. The order of the doors opening is forward, left, right, sometimes I see that people are missing and then find them all the way across the room at another door, so I just added this part here as a joke. Using charge right after entering this room will throw you to the ceiling, if you land after doing this, even if you didn't cancel charge, it can still actually kill you. I sometimes hear about archers falling to their deaths upon entering this room and I have no idea why, but I think it could maybe be because of the same thing happening here, even though escape and charge aren't affected the same way by the specific thing that causes this to happen to warrior

    Somebody should look up to watch for any thunder clouds that are coming during these levels, if you see them coming, use war scream/uppercut/uproot/bomb arrow(and maybe arrow shield* and multihit?*, I haven't tested or seen that done yet) to blow them away *In the decaying overseer room, since you can't use your second spell, you probably won't be hitting these with those two spells unless you get launched anyway.* The thunder clouds aren't very dangerous in the first cloud platforms room since they appear to have gotten nerfed in release, so practice on these I guess, but in the second cloud room and the overseer room, they deal massive damage every time they hit (and they can attack fairly fast and several times), if they pile up they can near-instantaneously kill everyone at once, or just a few people or one person.

    This is the easiest room in the whole entire raid, hell, it might be the easiest raid challenge, period, it's actually nice to see a mostly more-or-less balanced raid room for once.
    Of course, look for the particles like the instructions say (It can be hard to see or read these sometimes, but here it should be easier than most other raid challenges.)
    Try to avoid falling off, I think the raid will fail if all but 1 person or everyone falls off? Maybe it only happens if someone is dead, or it's when there's only 2 people left and the other one falls off even if the other is still fine? I'm not sure, one of these cases may or may not cause you to fail the raid. movement spells can help you get back up unless your name is archer.
    You can actually walk onto the first cloud at 11319 1202 (I might've missed a - in these coords lol) rather than jumping (Yeah this is more of a joke thing than actually helpful, it's not that hard to jump 1 block, if you keep falling here though doing this instead might make you happy, I always do it because I think it's funny.)
    Don't stand in the particles for the platform when it appears, this seems to cause you to be unable to activate the counter more often (sometimes you might also just randomly not be able to, I think if the leader disconnects when going into this room, it becomes impossible to progress as nobody will be able to make the counter tick and you need to literally restart right from the beginning, at least you didn't spend too much time only to find out you're screwed, but you still lose your uth runes.)
    If you are standing on it and see the timer isn't going, walk off and tell the others to try it instead, though it's kind of easy to not even realise or notice the timer hasn't been counting down.
    When the platform is there, arrow shield typically will throw all the white player mobs off instantly if you're standing on it.
    If you're on a decaying cloud, you just take some damage every second, it's not super threatening, but it's still a noticeable hit.

    Movement spells can make getting up on the pillar pretty easy, spamming charge from the top of the small staircase can get you up, or doing teleport I think twice at the right angle should land you right on it, double escape should be high enough to get up from the side or also even from the staircase as well I think, haul obviously can make it if you're able to control it properly, vanish should be able to make it by just standing to the side and looking up and doing it once maybe twice, alternatively as warrior, crouching uppercut can get you up from the side as well.
    Any class but archer should be able to get back onto the platform without touching the ground by using movement spells after you get blasted off if the team fails to stop the crystal decay.
    Obviously, if you're on the floor please try to kill the mobs under the blackened crystals.
    Standing at the very back of the room and staring down at either the left or right side of the area should let you see all 3 crystals of that side of the room at once, which will let you very easily run to any of them that are decaying and save them, if none are decaying from your side instantly go to the opposite side.
    Watch the health of whoever is standing on the pillar, if you notice it is getting low, try to distract the rainbow antumbral hazes to shoot down at the floor where you are, since they're high up the projectiles should mostly miss and you can even stand behind the crystals to block their shots, you can also try to teleport up as a mage and hit them with heal or toss your totem at them, or swap places with them, or use heart of the pack for some reason, or use rally charge to heal them.

    Obviously, look for the particles indicating where to kill the crystals.
    Don't rush, kill the crystals slowly otherwise you might end up killing the 1st and 2nd or the 2nd and 3rd or even all three of them at the same time which will get the counter stuck at 1/3 or 2/3 killed when all 3 are dead, this just wastes everyone's time with needing the timer to hit 0 and then try killing all the crystals again next time they respawn, and you could end up even needing to kill them all several times depending on how much this keeps happening to you.
    If the clouds with the particles aren't close enough to someone, the mob you need to kill can fail to spawn/despawn, whatever it is that keeps happening, making you unable to kill all 3.
    The wrathful storm in the middle of this room is what spawns those deathly thunder clouds, but it will only spawn them when taking damage.

    Anyone who hits the boss in the straight ahead path gets a crystal, so if you attack it and run away and let someone else kill it, you'll get a crystal too.
    You can use spells on the left side, so you can cast charge 3 times (or more if you need) to get across the entire parkour, or teleport multiple times by looking up by like 25 degrees and skip all the platforms. Every time you take a crystal from finishing the parkour you have to wait 6 seconds to get another, and this affects everyone, so it's better for just one person to do it alone, if multiple people are doing it by jumping, falling off resets it and will make everyone else fall off as well, unless the platform they were on is where a new platform appears as well. Shaman can't use its movement spell across since you can't use anything other than spell 2 here, and shaman needs to use spell 1 to use spell 2, assassin will probably just take longer if you use vanish than if you did just doing the parkour the regular way, archer, probably can't make it all the way across, but you might be able to jump and skip several platforms if your control over escape is good.
    The right side is very slow. If multiple people go in and someone leaves, the crystals stop spawning and whoever else is there will have to walk back out and in again to get them to start appearing again.
    Occasionally the centre crystals can glitch out and stop appearing, you'll all have to die or change world and restart the whole raid if this happens. Having someone stand in the centre to keep them loaded keeps this from happening.

    Whoever takes the crystal doesn't actually get debuffs, I'm not sure what you were supposed to get or if you even were supposed to get anything, but you don't.
    Whoever takes the crystal should probably be someone who is able to survive decently, since if they die then you have to go back to the start and do it all again.
    Make sure you are able to see everyone, sometimes other players turn invisible, and using Wynntils generally seems to make this happen even more often, if you can't see every person, DO NOT TAKE THE CRYSTAL, stand back and let someone else grab it, standing too close to it when someone else clicks it might make you take it instead, if you can't see people, say so and ask them to check their /use menu for any disguises they can turn on and off, that will make them appear for you again generally.
    Floor 1 and 2 aren't that hard, just kill the enemies, especially the winged ones that move, their multihit can throw you around and make it difficult to guide the person to the crystal (and of course the mobs themselves will be blocking your view of the particles since they're kind of big), they can also hit whoever has the crystal with multihit when you've guided them to the appearing crystal and throw them away from it and cause you to "fail" to guide them to it, spamming knockback spells while standing on the spot can keep them away if you're not quite capable of killing them. If you're shaman in this room, use totem and then aura to yank all the mobs to one spot, it makes it way easier for everyone to kill all the mobs, if someone has anti 1, this will also make it easier for them to rack up a lot of explosions at once and really deal some damage, aura also locks the mobs in place a bit so uppercut won't send them so high, same for other spells with kb. If you have the crystal, try to make sure you follow whoever is running straight to a spot, and not the people who are focusing on killing enemies. On floor 3, the maturation catalyst can be kind of annoying, try to kill it asap, if you can't, whoever it is targeting should run away from the crystal spot and whoever has the crystal should pay attention to if people are focusing on killing it rather than going to the crystal, if they're standing up to the wall fighting the thing when it's right on top of them, don't go up to them, they're clearly preoccupied and the crystal location also cannot be that close to the wall anyway, there are actually a few set locations it can spawn in. Shamans can use totem to sort of guide the person with the crystal, but don't automatically assume that they will. See if they say they are or not, if you're planning to use your totem to guide the person, tell them.
    On the final floor, polychromatism is very damaging and has burst ranged and also has teleport and explode, meaning it might knock everyone away from the crystal just as it appears.
    Also, use a movement spell before landing when changing floors since you will take fall damage when getting launched to floor 2 and 3, not floor 4 though, that fall is too short to hurt you. If you lag and smack your head when going up you might also want to do it to not take the fall damage. After a few seconds you will be teleported up automatically if you're stuck on a lower floor than everyone else and put right into the middle, so just be aware of that since it could possibly get you killed, though I don't think you could really prepare for it.

    Stop moving when it says stop moving, I see people miss this warning all the time. If you get launched, because movement spells are given +1 million or +100 thousand spellcost or whatever, you cannot stop taking fall damage unless you have lightweight on or can quickly put something with it on, but if you're warrior, you can actually use crouching uppercut midair before landing to stop yourself from taking fall damage, you don't even have to hit a mob with it to jump back up, just casting it will work.
    Again, make sure whoever takes the crystal is likely to survive, if they die you have to restart and wait for the entire bridge to recreate.
    Dropping items along the path is a good way to help people see where to go, if you get a lot of untradeable items like perhaps the feather key from ??? they will stay there as other people can't pick them up, usually emeralds will do though. Again, if anyone can't see anyone, ask your raidmates to turn on and off disguises from /use if they possess any, otherwise you can use emeralds to guide them or spells to mark the ends of the paths. If your guide is being useless, you can use spells that leave particles that fall and land or create blocks like ice snake/crystal reptile and bash/holy blast, or just turn on f3 and look down and run straight when it says you're looking at minecraft:barrier on the right side of the screen and stop and turn when it stops showing up.
    There's two ways to actually do this room, the way you were supposed to, with going with the bridge as it generates, or you can actually just have everyone wait at the starting spot while the bridge generates so that mobs can't spawn.
    If everyone gets to the end while you're not supposed to move nobody will take damage for moving if you get to the powerups room, if you get to the end alone when you were supposed to not be moving you can move into the overseer's mouth to reduce how high you're sent and won't take fall damage, make sure to step back out and onto the green though or you won't be able to get teleported out when everyone else makes it. Funny fact, on the right side of the platform you start on in here, there's a 1x2 gap in the wall you can walk into, I like standing there.

    Orphion/Parasite boss fights
    The guardians/withers/plagued doctors (I think, that name might be wrong or it's a different mob entirely or there might even be another healing mob as well, it's quite hard to pay attention to absolutely everything in the entire fight) have the heal spell, the guardians will basically never actually be an issue though, it wasn't until multiple hundred runs that I ever saw them once use heal.
    Orphion's damage: 11800-12300 neutral, 100-115 thunder, 50-50 air
    Step back after being pulled by Orph if you can even get away in time (strong explosion attack deals 400% damage, which amounts to 47200-49200 neutral, 400-460 thunder +/- your thunder defense 200-200 air +/- your air defense i think, but if the calculation for mob spells is actually +400% and not x400% (since i'm not completely sure what one it is) then it'd actually be 59000-61500, 500-575 thunder, 250-250 air)
    Orph has poor telegraphing/the telegraphs he does have are very difficult to learn or even notice in all of the chaos, you'll probably get hit by stuff randomly and not see it coming, trying to keep back as far as you can possibly be while attacking him is safer, but it might make him run around the room a whole lot more.
    Have someone try to clear out mobs, it might save somebody.
    Always pay attention to chat for warnings, and any that appear middle-screen as well.
    Give extra warning when being crystallised (typically saying "c" in chat is what players will use), and especially while you are if nobody is helping, if you are crystallised and dying, granted no mobs are getting in your way, try to spam using healing potions and try to face a block (usually the floor will be your best bet), this can let you use them when otherwise they would fail, it could let you tank an entire blood ruin.
    You cannot attack when crystallised, this includes melee and spells, pets cannot attack the crystal due to it being considered a passive mob instead of an aggressive one. Any spells cast before being fully crystallised will still finish.
    If you are crystallised and you have pandemonium, you can eventually save yourself since it will still keep casting spells.
    If you spam spells and have sorcery, if you're lucky and they repeat enough, you might get out alone once you become crystallised.
    As assassin, before being frozen, by using vanish and smoke bomb, if your damage is high enough and your timing is good, you might be able to get out.
    Throwing totem before being frozen might also be able to save you but I don't know for sure, aura can also add a bit more damage, as well as the totem hitting the ground as well.
    Activating arrow shield before being frozen can also hit it and if you shoot arrows directly upward with arrow storm they can fall down and hit it as well.
    Mage at best without sorcery can hit a single meteor and its afterburn effect after being frozen.
    Hit 2 of bash might be big enough to hit it if you're running towards it after casting it, or all of uppercut can also hit it if you do it just before you get crystallised, these last two probably won't save you though.
    If two people are alive and someone is crystallised and then the other dies, the crystallised one won't be automatically freed, if you are the last one alive and get crystallised, you instead just lose 90% of your health or something like that, which will mean that basically anything in the raid will be able to kill you. Just like how you can with the eye's wretch explosion or panic zealot's damage tick, using a potion before the hit gets you should make you start healing a bit or a lot right as the hit gets you, depending on your timing, which could save you. If you have crafted consumables with health regen they might be useful to use before it if you have ophanim 2 since you will heal much more health, if for whatever reason you, like me, have chocolate coins left over from the blizzard event, you can try spamming these immediately after taking the hit to heal yourself 250 health per use, the faster you can press, the more you can heal obviously.
    Actually save people when they're crystallised. If you know you can take temporarily running into a blood ruin and survive, feel free to rush right in and get someone crystallised while in one out and get out immediately. You can see when someone is becoming crystallised as they will be surrounded by white particles and start slowing down before becoming completely frozen.
    And of course, mentioning that, if you see the floor under you turning red, not the movie, move to a different quadrant of the arena, you can tell when one will begin to activate because of a lightning strike sound and a big pillar of fire particles with an explosion right in the middle of one of them, as well as a lot of smoke particles across the entire thing I think, though that might only be there after it's already fully active. They also become more common the less health Orphion has.
    If you get launched by crystal, you'll have to use a movement spell/crouch uppercut to stop the damage, if you're an archer and your internet isn't at the right amount of ping to where you can use escape midair, you're screwed. I hope you have something with lightweight either equipped or at hand to swap to, if you have double vision on your hotbar and have a free slot, you can shift click your other bracelet off and quickly either shift click double vision on or close your inventory and right click on it to put it on, this is kind of dangerous though because if your hotbar has no space you can't shift click it off and you will have to manually click the other bracelet on and double vision on, if you're carrying lightweight boots, you should be able to shift click it off even with a full hotbar, just shift click on the other boots to get them off then swap on the ones with lightweight with either equipping method. You can keep the lightweight item on or put your original item back on instead. If your build falls apart from taking off items in order to save yourself due to sp changes (and make sure you can even still put the item you want to save yourself on after removing the other thing to have a slot free to equip it), you might want to just deal with it and let them fall off and then quickly throw everything back on after you land since it's better than dying at least. Pandemonium might also save you with doing charge or tp or something midair while falling, but this is relying on some rather extreme luck and I wouldn't hold out for it to happen, if it does, cool. I've heard that getting hit by blood ruin when falling might stop you from taking fall damage but I don't know if that actually works or not. I've accidentally taken off my necklace a few times in NoL while getting crystallised and had to try to re-equip half my items before being killed or getting frozen lol
    I feel like I'm missing some other really useful information from this section but I can't think what it is, sorry about that.
    Try to keep watch on your health and learn how much damage you take from things to know when it's time to heal, I usually have people wondering like "woah how are you surviving" and it's literally just that I know when to start running away.

    These are Orphion's supposed spell comboes:

    spellCooldown: (3 1 1 1), (3 2 0 1 1), (0 1 1), (0 1 1), (2 1 1 1), (3 1 1 1), (3 2 0 1 1), (0 1 1), (0 1 1), (2 1 1 1), (2 1 0 2 5), (1 2 0 1 1 5), (1 2 0 0 5)
    damage: (22 25 50 50), (300 300 0 200 200), (150 150 300), (150 150 300), (22 25 25 55), (22 25 25 50), (300 300 0 200 200), (300 150 300), (300 150 300), (50 50 50 75), (0 0 50 75 90), (0 0 50 0 0 400), (0 0 5 0 400)

    Don't ask me what the cooldown numbers means, I don't know it's mc ticks or something else.

    Don't bother killing the sanitising void, bring its health down if you want but don't kill it, it's pointless and will just waste time since it'll respawn after a few seconds anyway, and you won't be able to save any trapped players until it respawns if someone gets trapped in it before it comes back if its dead before it finishes pulling a player.
    Be careful when saving someone, if it is firing when they are freed, it is possible to get hit by the projectiles it is firing and die quickly. You cannot be hurt by these if you are trapped in it while it's shooting, it's only if you aren't trapped that they can hurt you.
    If you can get the parasite into the middle somehow, this is helpful for anyone with explosive impact, as they can hit both the parasite and the void at the same time for increased damage, this is collapse (and hesperium I guess) and melee shaman's chance for big damage.
    Don't stand next to the parasite when it starts doing the exploding animation (a lot of white particles flying out of it) the moment this starts, the raid will be counted as finished even though it still will have about 80000 health left or something like that, and it can still attack during this time, you lose your raid buffs when this happens and can hilariously die immediately after winning, I don't know if dying to this as the last one alive will actually cause you to fail or not, in the case of not finding out and being pissed off, don't let it happen.

    After finishing the boss:

    After you kill the parasite, Orphion will appear on the opposite side of the arena to the exit door then run over to it and even jump over the hole where the void was, his model is usually messed up when he does this which makes him look really funny, if people leave sometimes his model vanishes, but he's still actually where he should be. Everyone can right click on Orphion to pet him, he'll probably just say something angrily at you but occasionally they might be a bit less annoyed about it. If he is clicked two times by anyone, anyone who clicks him after that will get teleported out of the room, I don't think it is supposed to make you miss out on the rewards, but I feel like I've heard people lost the ability to get them afterward when this happens.
    Standing to the side of Orphion after he turns around (which is actually just teleporting underground and then back up again if you watch it happen), his body parts will all be rotated individually to look at you, making him look even more messed up.

    After the raid finishes, don't instantly rush out since you might miss the rewards chest appearing since it isn't instantly there. You probably won't get out of the room before it appears, but I'm mentioning it anyway.
    You can actually close the chest after everything finishes rolling and it will instantly put everything into your inventory rather than having to click every single item out individually.
    Don't accidentally close the reward chest before everything finishes rolling, it will instantly stop rolling and delete all your rewards.
    For whatever reason you can apply curse to the reward chest's name display, it doesn't do anything.

    You can blacksmith the unided tomes/accessories and materials if you don't want them, I see people just throw them away but they still add up a little bit of emeralds if you do this.

    Well, that's everything, I had to break it into spoiler sections because otherwise this would be just way too big and hard to comprehend, it probably already is hard enough as it is due to how sort of rushed this was in a way (despite it taking so long I had to stop and start working on it again the next day).
    With 2.0 coming out soon a lot of this would probably become outdated or useless, but oh well.

    I hope I helped? If you have anything to add or point out or refute, you can put it in the comments, people reading this can check there as well for anything extra too I guess.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2022
  2. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    so what ur saying is save curse and dont use it until this part of the raid. dope.
    luckeyLuuk and Fleega like this.
  3. Little Ghost

    Little Ghost Your resident vessel CHAMPION

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    dumping my own thoughts, but otherwise this was a nice read

    clouds room 1 plats are funky bc i realised u might have to be standing in roughly specific spots on the plays for the counter to activate instead of just…. being on it generally, so if counter isnt going and nobody realises i like to jump on, shift walk around it until i find the counter timer activation spot lol
    room 1 clouds does tend to fail if 2 people are dead and 1 person falls off i think

    enemies spawn on room 1 clouds every 20s mark (some at initial plat activation on 60, then again at 40, then at 20)

    i agree w/the thunder clouds, i’ve always wondered why those fuckers could deal so much in 2nd / 3rd rooms… now i know

    raid buffs…. i feel like no matter the build, cheru 3 is always the best - followed up by anti. healers should definitely take opha unless ur me ig

    niche specific for maze room: if u got a nirvana, u can get the overseer to yeet u and then start spamming vanish to skip the entire room. this is the only reason i use nirvana

    it’s also generally better (and safer) for everyone to wait 2-3 cycles (2 if ur racing against the reset), being yeeted isnt a problem if theres a healer - and if ur at the end just rush to the green section even if it says dont move. it’ll tp everyone before anything

    not necessarily anything important, but sometimes on occasions there’ll be a double ruin (or even a triple, but i’ve only seen it once) which makes for a fun time
    dont quote me on this - but i swore i’ve seen double ruins happen if people are doing So Much Damage to orphion the fight progresses really fast

    i can say i’ve died multiple times to parasite explosion and still won, so i think theres a pretty solid chance u can still win but im not fully sure either
    Fleega likes this.
  4. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    Oh yeah, a lot of this is stuff I'd learnt myself as well but forgot about in writing. This is why I added the bit to the end saying people should also read the comments here. I did 2 runs after not doing NoL for like a month just to jog my memory so everything I wrote was just what came back to me at the time.
    Is saying that I just straight up remembered basically of this off the top of my head bragging lol, I didn't even do every room in those two runs, I just had it all in my memory still
    Little Ghost likes this.
  5. Little Ghost

    Little Ghost Your resident vessel CHAMPION

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    yea i feel u lol

    also i mean, ig when u play a whole lot u do tend to just have it stored sometimes jvabdms
    Nukewarmachine and Fleega like this.
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