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Community Event The Speggtacular Item Making Contest

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spenchilada, Mar 20, 2022.

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  1. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP Builder

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    Entry: Category 1
    Submission: Hypnosis
    Hypnosis is an Earth-Water relik revolving around the infrequently (never?) used archetype of 'burst spell.' Its main gimmick is the nuking of Intelligence as well as the Aura cost. Effectively, the player is only able to use Aura if they have at least 29 intelligence (if you don't understand why, play with it a bit; the funky 3rd spell IDs make it unusable below 29). Because of the -95 Intelligence penalty, it's going to be incredibly difficult for you to get your other spell costs to a usable state. This is where "burst spell" comes from- you get high aura damage, but you can only spam it a few times before running out of mana. For that reason, you're getting infrequent 'bursts' of high-damage periods.

    Here's my favorite Hypnosis build. It has questionable EHP and mediocre sustain, but hits 1 mana 19k auras!

    i had some fun playing with this and making sure it was balanced, so here's a few other builds i've made with it
    EWF: this one sacrifices some ehp and damage for much better health and mana sustain. rip ws though
    ETW: who needs to survive anyway? this build nukes your ehp and health sustain for some awesome 24.9k auras!
    EW: this was one of the tests i did to make sure that stacking earth dmg% wouldn't be broken, and i think it's pretty funny. this one gets 26.8k auras in exchange for hitting a grand total of 8k ehp

    Entry: Category 2
    Submission: Warped Continuum (yeah another relik i know)
    Warped Continuum is a hybrid cancelstack (which imo is pretty unique on its own) weapon. It has a few notable gimmicks:
    - Super Fast base attack speed with +12 tiers
    - Unable to cast totem, with good Aura cost and Geocentrism
    - -100 walk speed (and some pity jh)

    The idea for Warped Continuum is to get very high damage while relying on Geocentrism to pull mobs closer to you. Originally, I didn't want the negative walk speed, but it was the only way I found to make Geocentrism relevant (looking at you, Narcissist!). Because of the funky way Shaman's melee works, it becomes very important to keep mobs close to you during combat (you lose 2/3rds of your damage otherwise), which is why it's important to take advantage of your Aura spell while using Warped Continuum. Since nothing like this exists ingame, it was super hard to balance this guy ("is this too much damage? are you too much of a sitting duck?"), but I think the weapon deserves its Aftershock-levels of damage because of how low your movability is.

    But enough rambling, let's get onto the builds. Here's the build that I think showcases Warped Continuum the best. It hits 41k melee damage, and because of Statue manages to scrape together 37k EHP. The main difficulty with this build is the lack of health sustain (and, you know, walking). It also has +1 total attack speed for roll leniency.

    in my multi-day efforts to make sure this guy was balanced, one of my main concerns was players cancelling the walk speed and getting super high damage with decent walk speed. thus EFA Warped Continuum was born, hitting (after some well-needed balancing) 21k dps with 32k ehp and only -6% walk speed. thankfully, lumina tstack is objectively better in basically every way, but i think this is still pretty funny.

    was gonna post to category 3 as well but mn nnn i cant think of any fun major ids (i am not a major id guy at all). i still might take a stab at that if i ever get the chance
    btw, i think no one posted to old category 3 because there's no ingredient maker/custom ing crafter. i was totally going to then realised i couldn't (so sad)
  2. Penguin7922

    Penguin7922 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Entry: Category 1
    Submission: Desecration


    The theme is losing health to increase damage, either from:
    - Negative lifesteal (compensated by raw melee and courage)
    - Mob damage (compensated by thorns and endurance)

    The base is very high (735), 68.5 higher than TFF fatal (666.5) which means % dmg is very potent.
    It essentially has -46% fire dmg because of the -defense
    Thorns and reflection deal 1.5x the health lost by an attack and can be boosted by courage to 3.75x health lost. Charms can increase dmg received.
    The wand benefits greatly from spell % because of the high base, water dmg % and cheap heal cost to increase survivability and make use of its gimmick.
    Small list of items that pair especially well: Intensity, Ceramic Shell Greaves, Paradox, Capsid Frame, Umbral Mail, Demon Tide.

    ETFA (10 remainder skill points put into dex):
    Spell costs: 2/2/6/4 (5mr 10ms)
    First pulse heal: 2.8k raw hp
    15.4k sfast melee / 19.4k with courage
    15.4k meteor / 26.8k with courage
    28.7k ehp with agility / 17.3k ehp without agility

    ETWF (42 remainder skill points put into dex and str):
    Spell costs: 1/1/2/1 (6mr 6ms)
    First pulse heal: 3.6k raw hp
    4.8k sslow melee / 5.3k with courage / 13.0k firequake
    16.0k meteor / 26.5k with courage
    16.5k ehp
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    Leafish and Qzphs like this.
  3. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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  4. MeltedMagma

    MeltedMagma Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hypnosis is way too broken not just for spellspam but for tierstack as well
  5. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    not true

    doesn't look like it's too strong in tstack: Hypnosis, Lumina
    cmosier likes this.
  6. Leafish

    Leafish slowly going insane from loot running HERO

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Nephilim
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Second Wind
    > Nether's Scar
    > Breezehands
    > Darksteel Ring
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Hypnosis [e6]

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Tisaun's Valor
    > Second Wind
    > Crusade Sabatons
    > Breezehands
    > CR-1AcAb7J7J7J7J9m91
    > Prowess
    > Recalcitrance
    > Hypnosis [e6]

    keep in mind that ashock is ~30-40k dps and is already considered to be one of if not the best mythic relik
    edit: changed the builds a bit. its actually even better than I thought
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
    Enderclaw and Qzphs like this.
  7. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    ashock has no tome reliance, no crafted reliance, slightly better survivability and courage access
    i think it's close, right?
    Leafish likes this.
  8. Leafish

    Leafish slowly going insane from loot running HERO

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  9. MeltedMagma

    MeltedMagma Well-Known Adventurer

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    i mean
    aftershock gets like 35k dps unboosted with a decent ehp build
    Your hypnosis I can get a tome reliant build with over 50k dps unboosted...
    not mentioning how broken scarlet veil is with shaman due to bugs with explosions
    Enderclaw likes this.
  10. Wintel_

    Wintel_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Entry: Category 1
    (rushed submition cause i remembered this existed lfg)


    Build (Slow Hybrid):
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Brainwash
    > Sparkling Plate
    > Second Wind
    > Slayer
    > Summa
    > Breezehands
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Static Necklace
    > Perseids [f6t6t6f6]

    very specific td and main raw melee numbers are the date of the meteor shower :thumbsup:
  11. Spenchilada

    Spenchilada Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    There have been 36 entries so far! There are just under 24 hours left for the entry period, so please get your entries in soon!
    Enderclaw likes this.
  12. Penguin7922

    Penguin7922 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Entry: Category 2
    Submission: Poltergeist


    The theme is scream, hit and run.

    The base is pretty low (373.065), 6.885 less than FF undying (379.95) but has lots of raw dmg through warscream and cheap 1/1 bash uppercut (similar to panic zealot low base cheap cost)
    The purpose of 1/1 bash / uppercut is so that miscasts don't destroy your mana, however, it also has the potential to deal okay dmg in offensive builds.

    The main ways of boosting dps are from heavy melee and str / dex sp.
    Raw spell and spell % are not very effective in increasing warscream dmg because of the low base and low warscream spell multiplier.
    Tstack / fast hybrid is not very effective because of the low base and no powder special (imagine undying without health sustain / tank / courage) and time spent melee-ing is time away from screaming.
    One funny note, centipede only reduces warscream dmg by ~1/4

    Bonus intel is to support non % spell cost / non etfa.
    Negative %hpr is to curb morph hpr (this is the legitimate reason because the item behaves like the nothing)

    ETWFA (Dawnbreak) 27 remainder skill points put into int and def:
    Spell costs: 1/1/1/2 (11ms)
    Warscream: 7.3k
    4.1k sslow melee
    6.9k els / 3.5k without agi
    86.7k ehp / 44.5k without agi
    46 ws / 3 jh
    Major IDs: Greed

    ETWf (Blind Thrust) 20 remainder skill points put into def:
    Spell costs: 1/1/1/2 (1mr 10ms)
    Warscream: 9.3k
    Uppercut: 9.6k
    Bash: 6.1k
    5.0k sslow melee
    0.3k els
    18.3k ehp
    15 ws
    Major IDs: Greed

    Air dmg %: 3539 -> 5847 (warscream hits less times than it was originally designed around)
    Spell dmg %: 0 -> -40 (to make it a little more warscream oriented)
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    Leafish likes this.
  13. birdmade

    birdmade Well-Known Adventurer

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    Entry: Category #3

    Deep Thought <- Click Link Here

    Deep Thought is a Fabled ETA Dagger with high spell damage percent and high mana steal, along with negative mana regen, to encourage a spellsteal and vanish mana dodge playstyle. It also encourages building to counter its high vanish mana cost, without worrying about spell costs with its low spin and multihit mana cost. You kinda also need mega skill because in some builds you are mana dodging and using pandemonium so thats literally 2 timers you need to keep track of.

    Deep Thought has 520 base unpowdered.

    Major ID:
    +Idiomatic: Your "Madness" ID uses your previous spell casted.

    This Major ID replaces the random Spell/Melee/Powder Special cast from Madness with your own Spell/Melee/Powder Special that you just casted previously permanently. Madness starts out casting random spells, until you cast a spell. Now, Madness will repeat what you just casted until you cast a different attack. Yes, you can cursestack with this. <3

    Getting Time Rift and Pandemonium together for PandeRift is already a lot of careful skill point balancing, along with the sorcery powder special and 2nd spell recast removal, making this require a lot of planning for a rainbow build. Sorcery will not recast madness powder specials or 2nd spell.
    (who made this change smh)

    0 Int ETA Deep Thought <- Click Link Here

    > Brainwash
    > Cardiac Arrest
    > Leictreach Makani
    > Flashing Boots
    > Malachite
    > Agave
    > Enmity
    > Staccato
    > Deep Thought [t6t6]

    7k spins, 18k multihit, 28k smoke bomb unboosted with 18k ehp. 13 mana steal with 2/1/1/2 cost.
    Rainbow Pande Deep Thought <- Click Link Here

    > Morph-Stardust
    > Far Cosmos
    > Leictreach Makani
    > Silt of the Seafloor
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Draoi Fair
    > Pandemonium
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Deep Thought [w6w6]

    Morph is needed, 3/8 morph reduces 2nd spell cost. :doom:

    5k spins, 14k multihit, 21k smoke bomb unboosted with 42k ehp. 7 mana steal with 1/1/2/4 cost. (who uses smoke bomb anyway)
    HM Rainbow Pande Deep Thought <- Click Link Here

    > Darksteel Full Helm
    > Crystal Coil
    > Earth Breaker
    > Dawnbreak
    > Prism
    > Prism
    > Pandemonium
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Deep Thought [e6e6]

    HM Rewind is that you?

    16k melee, 4k spins, 12k multihit, 19k smoke bomb unboosted with 28k ehp. negative 4 mana regen, 11 mana steal with 2/3/3/4 cost. (me standing still doing 16k dps from infinite quake recasts)
    Rainbow Panderift Deep Thought <- Click Link Here

    > Caesura [w6w6]
    > Time Rift [w6w6w6]
    > Struggle [w6w6]
    > Ventus Tail
    > Prism
    > Prism
    > Pandemonium
    > Diamond Fusion Necklace
    > Deep Thought [w6w6]

    lfg panderift

    7k spins, 18k multihit, 28k smoke bomb unboosted with 22k ehp. negative 8 mana regen, 5 mana steal with 1/3/1/2 cost.

    the thing is, with this build deep thought can get 19.8k spins with vanish curse and max concentration. It can be recasted with time rift's sorcery, and then every 3 seconds guaranteed spin can get triggered again from madness, which can also be recasted by sorcery, and you see where im going, ending up with a whopping 51.4k effective spin damage. (sorcery 1.3x multiplier x2 from madness)

    i hope someone gets the name reference

    i love u spegg
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    514425 and Enderclaw like this.
  14. Enderae

    Enderae Wanderer of the Realm VIP

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    Category 1
    Earthquake - WynnCustom (wynnbuilder.github.io)

    Earthquake is a EF mythic dagger made to counteract the lack of melee mythics for Assassin. Most other assassin mythics are just used for spellsteal, like Cataclysm and Nirvana. Grimtrap is the one other somewhat melee mythic, also being an Earth dagger.

    It's a simple melee weapon, with little complication.

    tstack build

    heavy melee build
  15. crturt1e

    crturt1e Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    The concept of this item is that you are forced to play with agility and 0 defence, meaning you need to try and avoid getting hit as you could randomly get one tapped, hence the walk speed. The item also has some mana steal for mana sustain and greed/stealing for health sustain. The build shown is a fairly basic spell steal build for the item using mainly just WA but also so ET, creating a nice balance of damage and agility based EHP. With lore because based.

    This is a multi-hit spam dagger which is designed to be used for fast hybrid. The build shown allows it to do both sufficient melee and multi-hit damage, while being unable to cast spin attack/smoke bomb and not doing so much damage that it would be considered unbalanced. With lore because based.

    This item utilizes thunder and earth to deal very large amounts of spell damage while also having a decent amount of melee damage with super slow attack speed. This of course means that it is extremely difficult to build this item with EHP , so the primary usage would be guild wars. The build shown utilizes both spell and heavy melee, but has no sustain which is because it synergizes with the major ID: Morale Boost. Morale Boost has the unique ability of regenerating full mana every time a powder special is cast, meaning you don't need to build around mana sustain. The sorcery major ID given from Time Rift also synergizes well with this as the additional melee hits it casts will help to charge powder specials and thus regain full mana.
    Penguin7922 and Leafish like this.
  16. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Architect of the Realm Item Team HERO

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    *Rushes to calculate 11:59 EST to my timezone*
    ok good I still have time

    Category 2:
    Uh, well, I, look, I think that this is balanced for level 70 I think probably not but still
    Circle of Protection
    Well I suck at Archer builds but here goes:
    Out of all the possible builds, I chose Heavy Spell...
    Category 3:
    Ok so this is my item, Omniverse. This item was originally built to have Madness (the Pandemonium ID), but then I reread it and realized that I need to make up one of my own, so here goes:
    And then the build (keep in mind, this does use 3 mythics):
    Omniverse Build
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
  17. _Soi

    _Soi Lament Nerd VIP

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    Entry: Category [1]

    Name: Cirrostatic Reasoning: The name is divided into 2 parts. Cirro as in cirrus clouds, the highest and fastest traveling clouds in the real world, and static in like static electricity to represent the thunder element. Type: TA mythic wand


    [lore]: Long, wispy strands of clouds flying high in the sky weave themselves together into this ethereal stave. The clouds themselves hold their form as if static in time, but the charged magic entrapped within augment the user's movements to blinding speeds.

    Originality: There are no TA mythic wands currently, and the only wands with TA reqs are just rare and unique non-meta wands within the lvl 80-90 range.

    Playstyle: Introducing the EXTREMELY NICHE playstyle of TA rawstack tp hybrid. The ONLY other wand that I can think of that is able to fit within this category is warp (ignoring epoch cause it's not a wand and archer melee is L), and while at first glance cirrostatic is just a rebranded warp with no raw -hpr and -mr, I’ve purposely made the wand to have distinct differences in its design and purpose. It does have a max of -11 tp cost and a substantial 130% ws, but that comes nowhere close to warp’s -70 to -130 tp cost and 234% ws, meaning cirrostatic doesn’t infringe upon warp’s (mostly) intended purpose of being the pure flying / movement wand, while still complementing the rawstack tp hybrid playstyle. It has a massive +meteor% cost and high -earth% not only to fit the theme but also to balance the item by discouraging the use of meteor in any generic TWA or TWFA spellspam / spellsteal. The large +thunder% also boosts teleport dmg to encourage usage of teleport for additional dmg. The -99 strength also discourages usage of EA rawstack items and instead use TA, which also serves to differentiate itself from quetzalcoatl. The 5 powder slots serve as a way for the player to sort of customize the wand. Because of the high thunder% and low base, how many thunder powders are added can really play a roll on the damage output, so the player can choose from using t6t6t6t6t6, f6t6t6t6f6, etc.

    TFA rawstack tp hybrid (queen's headpiece, windshear, AND ambiv usage :hearteyes:)
    WynnBuilder build:
    > The Queen's Headpiece
    > Windshear
    > Sagittarius
    > Thunderous Step
    > Aliez
    > Breezehands
    > Diamond Static Bracelet
    > Ambivalence
    > Cirrostatic [t6t6t6t6t6]

    Some attempts at heavy spell (mostly here to show that it doesn't work as well)


    Edit: wow some of these entries have insanely extreme stats, might have normalized my wand too much lmao. Perhaps I'll un-nerf a bit.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    Leafish likes this.
  18. Penguin7922

    Penguin7922 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Entry: Category 3
    Submission: Dynamite


    Major ID: "Fuse - Totem lasts 6 seconds and explodes dealing 800% damage when it expires. Uproot no longer refreshes totem uptime."
    - The blast radius is 5 blocks (half of totem buff range)
    - Peaceful Effigy: Totem lasts 12 seconds
    - Furious Effigy (Not possible to combine in game): Totem lasts 3 seconds
    - Elemental conversion is 20% to fire (same as totem smash)
    - The detonation dmg is 8x the totem smash dmg (or about 8x uproot / haul)

    The theme is to drop a bomb, lure mobs with movement, aura or uproot and then watch them kaboom.
    It naturally fits into fire builds but it doesn't have a req because I thought it would be a cool fire dmg side for other archetypes.
    BIG spell multiplier for any heavy spell players and also works for regular spell builds.
    Lapis rings can abuse it a bit (I don't think it's too problematic but them getting a slight dmg nerf would probably help).

    ETFA (Ambivalence + Crusade Sabatons) 4 remainder skill points put into def:
    Spell costs: 9/1/18/12 (6mr 6ms)
    Detonation: 62.1k
    3.3k normal melee
    73.5k ehp / 46.5k without agi
    90 ws
    Major IDs: Fuse

    ETFA (Slayer) 22 remainder skill points put into def:
    Spell costs: 3/1/2/6 (6mr 6ms)
    Detonation: 32.0k
    Aura: 7.8k
    1.0k sslow melee
    47.9k ehp / 18.7k without agi
    108 ws
    Major IDs: Fuse
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    Qzphs and Leafish like this.
  19. 514425

    514425 Well-Known Adventurer

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    So what do you get when you multiply nine by six?
  20. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Entry: Category 1

    Final Goodbye

    Lore: When you’re out of hope, and running out of time, there is always one more option. You may win the battle, but you will not survive.

    This dagger was made for those who are way too good at the game. I was inspired by Grandmother which uses rage 1hp builds, so I did something similar but with more damage and no defence or agility either. As well as this, with Assassin you need to be much closer to the enemy, so it’s pretty much as glass cannon as is physically possible.

    Like the lore implies unless you are a god at Wynncraft you won’t survive too long with this dagger, however the insane damage (I tried to balance this okay but honestly I don’t know if it’s op or not) tempts the risk.

    The uncounterable hpr is to get down to 1hp instantly, so the 400% earth damage can be utilised. I’ve also added hp so you will always be at 1% hp or less (it’s also funny). Other things like the spell costs and intel are so you can dedicate more armour to getting lots of strength and dexterity and also making use of the 4 attack speed tiers you are given. I gave smoke bomb extra cost just so people don’t sit in vanish and use it.

    Final Goodbye Build (Everything Spam)
    Final Goodbye Build (Everything Spam, Super Slow Edition)

    This is a hybrid build using spell spam and using the given attack speed bonus to add melee damage for high dps. There's a super slow version too if you wanna go all out with the spell spam.

    For some reason when I link these builds it takes away the earth damage from rage, so if you are looking at this, please add 400% earth damage!!!


    Entry: Category 2


    Lore: Some believe that a dimension exists in which the meteors caused the end of everything. Not much is known about this place, except this recovered relik, which seems to have been created by the meteor's cosmic magic by pure chance.

    I made this item a while ago but decided to remake it for this contest with a little bit more thought behind it. I’m quite a fan of reliks that break down the mechanics of shaman like Immolation and Absolution does, so I brought them into this build. Firstly, similar to Absolution, if you get a very lucky roll you can reach the water damage cap for maximum totem heals, this can be used with the expensive but powerful totems you are given to counter the hpr, or counter the hpr first and use it for extra hpr or helping others. Another thing I liked putting on here was the very high walk speed, which can be used instead of haul. Also some builds from this weapon can be totem spam, so it’s important you get where you need to go fast.

    One thing that stands out a lot is the extreme spell damage on the relik, as well as the stupidly high damage you can get from the spells. This weapon is made for pandarift due to its Madness Major ID so you need very high damage to make up for the lack of spells you are able to do, however if you are lucky enough to get a meteor or something similar, as well as the same spell again due to Time Rift, you’re looking at a lot of damage.

    Armageddon Build (Madness+Sorcery)
    Armageddon Build (Totem Spam)

    Most damage affecting stats like spell damage and even fire and thunder damage on this are almost useless due to the spell damage on the relik, so when building you are mainly countering what you want to counter like hpr and totem cost, as well as adding sustainability, rather than actually adding damage. As well as this, having almost no stat requirements makes people free to do what they want, without the worry of the item being too overpowered due to its already large stats.

    The totem spam is another thing you can use, each totem does about 55k damage, however getting the cost low enough and mana high enough is a challenge. You will need to rely on the damage ticks (which are about 11k btw) as well as the Madness Major ID, which is less affective now due to not having Time Rift.


    Entry: Category 3

    Completionist Lvl 1
    Completionist Lvl 50
    Completionist Lvl 100
    Completionist Lvl 106 + All secret discoveries/profession quests/etc

    Lore: This mysterious helmet only exists to help those who are weak become strong and powerful. Wearing this throughout your adventures is told to improve the piece itself through learning from your experiences.

    MAJOR ID: +Completionist: This item will develop with continuous use throughout your journey, then after will alter in strength depending on your current combat level and other statistics

    Completionist Lvl 1 Build
    Completionist Lvl 106 + All secret discoveries/profession quests/etc Build

    This item could be described as a trophy of things to say you’ve beaten Wynncraft. The helmet itself isn't too exciting, but it’s meant to be used for grinding from level 1 to 106, upgrading along the way.

    This item would be found being dropped by around level 1 mobs as well as around level 1 chests. This item's stats do not have a range. At first the item will only be able to be used at level 1, so to upgrade it to max you must make a new class and complete every discovery (that is possible to get after putting it on), quest, dungeon, prof/slaying post, and get to combat 106. The item would then fluctuate in power when putting it on different classes depending on their stats, with a maximum power of however high you've upgraded it to.

    This item would hopefully be useful in lootrunning (getting every lootrunner to do every quest and do profs might save the economy idk) and also levelling/grinding XP. It also gives a few skill points and mana regen early in the game and lots of combat xp.

    The builds are just some general ideas on what the item could be used for, however I think the point is that it is used as a status symbol, as well as an all rounder that would fit into a build if you didn’t know how to fill a slot.


    Thanks for the contest Spegg!!!!

    I spent way too long making these
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
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