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Community Event What do you want to see added to the game?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Chickenfinity, Jan 27, 2022.

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  1. Ikasy_

    Ikasy_ Official Dilck Spokesperson CHAMPION

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    What i really have thought for a long time was lacking is the recognition of the dilcks. They have been oppressed for far too long. Make them canon! Lemme introduce you to the story of them, but first let me tell you the purpose. All the Dilck Foundation wishes to do is to at least release a few dilcks back to their rightful spot in almuj. It doesnt matter whether it is statues, rare mobs, or even if you allow it, a secret discovery. Now let me tell you about the dilcks!

    A Fruman traveller slowly rose from his fetal position. Hours spent cowering by a boulder wouldn’t have done his back any favours, he thought, as he dragged his weary body out of the cover and wiped his sand-encrusted face and tunic. The harsh bite of Almuj sandstorms have rendered the area lifeless and barren, after all, and he was simply glad to emerge relatively unscathed. He’ll parch his thirst, and carry on with his adventure.

    A sinking horror enveloped him as he opened his satchel. All but one of his food rations had been swept away by the sandstorm.

    After hours of aimless wandering he came across a whimpering, injured raven in the sand. What a strange creature to find in the desert! Dark as the night yet as weak as the traveller himself. It would be a simple meal, he thought, as he drew his dagger.


    He faltered. A sheltered city boy in the Fruman walls, he had never killed or drawn blood, let alone this beautiful and helpless creature. He chose to offer the weak bird a drink, some seeds from his pouch, and his tattered tunic as a comfortable nest. He may well suffer the same fate as the raven, but at least they could bring each other comfort in their final hours.

    As morning came, the bird seemed far more alert, circling above the traveller's head. Curious, and with nothing to lose, the traveller followed its path. Perhaps there were berry bushes among the cliffs, or vantage points he could use to spot land! He picked up his pace with reinvigorated determination.


    But the bird seemed to have other ideas. It led the traveller away towards a cave opening. The traveller was relieved to hear the splashing of a fresh spring; he immediately reached for his dried flask. However, he hesitated. He felt watched. Moving his gaze to the center of the room, he saw a statue.

    The traveller had seen this bird before in a child’s folk story, yet this statue was living, breathing, and stoic. A Dilck.


    Legends have lauded this ancient bird-golem. It brought untold riches to those who offered tributes; and thus, became revered bastions of society.


    In the 11th Century BP, the reigning Desert Emperor grew jealous. Dilcks stole his thunder, and rendered him a mere figurehead of his statehood, and a puppet-leader among his people. The genocide of Dilcks, led by the Emperor, forced them underground, and into caves beneath the desert. Documents have cited their extinction for centuries.


    Enraptured by the creature, the traveller fell to his knees, pressing his face into the hot sand.

    ‘My raven tells me you fed and sheltered him.’ The Dilck spoke, though its mouth did not move. Was this telepathy? ‘You are weak and have no food left. Why did you shorten your survival to prolong his?’

    “A raven in a desert is a rare spectacle,” the traveller spoke, voice hoarse and dry. “But in truth, I do not know. My heart said to offer him peace, for every creature on this earth deserves every chance to live.”

    The Dilck seemed pleased with this. ‘Wise words,’ it spoke, shuffling closer to the traveller. ‘And what would you do with a creature condemned beneath the ground?’

    “Great Dilck,” the traveller looked up at last, gazing upon it. “I have journeyed far and wide across provinces that sing folk songs about your kind. The world no longer condemns your existence. The Emperor has turned to dust and the lands are now peaceful.”

    Deafening silence ricocheted around the cavern walls. After a short moment, the Dilck channelled his thoughts yet again: ‘We require more than words and songs. Our bodies have been weathered by the sands of time. I will grant you supplies and a safe journey to the next city, but we are too weak to emerge from our caverns.’

    “Then allow me to protect you!” said the traveller. “Great dilck, the world deserves to know of your existence once more. I shall create a guild of people, and dedicate ourselves to your sanctuary. Grant me safe passage to the next city and we will protect you. I give you my word.”

    ‘Very well,’ said Dilck. ‘Return with your promise of safety, and we will emerge. Not all will follow, but those who do will recognise your generosity and give you great riches, health, and luck. My raven will accompany you, and it shall be my eyes and ears.’

    The traveller upheld his promise. Riding to every town and village square he would shout day and night, drawing fighters and healers to join him. As notoriety grew alongside their forces, they named themselves the Nefarious Ravens – a nod to the raven that gave them purpose, and a warning to all who decided to cross them.

    For reference of what a dilck looks like i have attached a picture of the headquaters where the dilcks at the moment resides in safety.
    starx280, Poprony, Enderae and 13 others like this.
  2. Gagnon Paul

    Gagnon Paul ded

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    I know it's really hard to implement but I think the option to upgrade spells or maybe even change them slightly would be very refreshing and would balance out classes.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  3. 13threemc

    13threemc vote kanye 2020 CHAMPION

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    IDK, Class specific quests would be fun I think.
    PercyTW likes this.
  4. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    Wizard Fortress 2
    Fox, EpsilonDown, PercyTW and 2 others like this.
  5. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    You are beyond saving
  6. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    The lusty avo maid
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  7. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    I think one of the biggest changes I'd like to see would be the removal of raid buffs, while I can understand the idea as to why they were added, it's become especially apparent how flawed they really are, with certain buffs like Stonewalker 3 and Cherubim 3 completely trivializing the bosses of their respective raids. Raids are meant to be incredibly hard team-based challenges that are supposed to require proper preparation and skill to do, having it boil down to "haha yes let me just destroy the boss in 30 seconds because I got the buff that makes me completely overpowered." has become incredibly frustrating and dull, not to mention the fact that it's entirely chance based, which can also result in players blaming the game for not giving them the buff they wanted when they die to the boss. So what would need to be changed, well obviously the later sections of raids would need to be downscaled in difficulty for compensation, not to such an extreme degree that it makes no difference then compared to now, but enough so that the average raid group can get through just fine. And while this while inevitably will end up angering a lot of people, mostly the ones overly dependent on these buffs, it'll feel significantly more fair compared to having a single chance based perk decide the fate of everything.

    In terms of more QoL things for raids, the most crucial one should be one that halts server restarts while players are in raids. I don't think I need to explain why this is a problem, having an entire raid ruined simply because you couldn't finish it in time will feel like a complete waste of time, as well as the runes spent on the raid, and while it is possible for people to finish raids before a restart, not everyone can manage as well. Obviously the only solution would be interrupting the restart timer until the group finishes, or at least extending it a reasonable amount for any group to finish. The only problem I could see is that raids are still in the same server as an entire WC, meaning the restart would get postponed for everyone else as well, and while I don't think this is a bad thing, it could potentially be annoying to just have a world restart abruptly as soon as the raid group finishes, it would certainly make the group's run much more bearable rather than being forced to rush to make it in time.

    Lastly, and this is simply just a personal thing I want to see, is have a performance list show up at the end of a raid, showing things like the overall time, deaths, and damage to the boss, it'd help for things like speedrunning as well as people looking to improve in terms of their build and skill in the raid, plus I just want to see how much damage I can do to a boss.
    Fleega and cmosier like this.
  8. SleepingXor

    SleepingXor Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    More professions
    Sar and nip nop like this.
  9. scootingscooter

    scootingscooter Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    make lootrunning client side please

    maybe reduce the amount of loot and increase chest cooldown but make it so others can just yoink your runs

    this way you can log on without fear of opening that 1t4 chest and seeing 4 items in it

    reduction of loot for obvious reasons, people can expect full chests every lr so it might be too op

    cooldown so you can do an lr once every 2hours or so(sure its less for sweats but its a tradeoff)

    also maybe add mythics to raids :')
    1/50 chance or whatever for the people dont really like lootrunning
    syrun97, Ingo and That_Chudley like this.
  10. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP

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    I think my biggest gripe with the game is our lack of money-making methods. I didn't really feel like making this post, but with how fundamental of an issue this is I feel like it ought to be addressed.

    There's a lot of people above me talking about how lootrunning is underwhelming, who clientside chests should be implemented, etc. I fully agree, but I don't see any reason why we're so attached as a playerbase for lootrunning. After all, it was a system made years ago with the purpose of giving some reward for exploration- it was never intended to be exploited like it has been and from a design standpoint it makes no sense for this archaic system to be the best money-making method- let alone the only viable one (relatively).

    Don't get me wrong- lootchests as a concept are great. They're a system that makes it easy for staff to add rewards for "mini-dungeons" as I call them (see: Detlas Suburbs tower), a way to incentivise players to wander off the beaten path, and they are still exciting to see for a player who isn't actively looking out for them (lootrunning). They're amazing for what they were designed for, but as a primary money making method have several gaping holes in them:

    - Multiplayer competition: When someone loots a chest, that affects the same chest for everyone in that world. I'm sure we all know what that's led to.
    - Set routes: As it is, lootchests have predefined locations and you can always expect a lootchest to be in a certain place (excepting it having been recently opened). This completely and utterly kills any exploration value that lootrunning could have given, since self-proclaimed free thinkers can just follow the blue line and get all the chests.
    - No in-betweens: In the lootrunning world, there are two types of chests: ones that have mythics, and ones that don't. Ones that are worth a ton of money, and ones that are worth nothing. This issue was somewhat remedied with emerald pouches, but even still people just gloss over most chests. When you open a chest, there should be a good chance you feel like you've gotten a genuine reward.

    I see people lobbying for clientside chests, and I do hope the competitive aspect is removed completely; but a question I always have left is how exploration will still be encouraged. There are chests scattered near paths and far off them; the reason why, right now, chests off-trail are better is because other players will take easy-to-access chests and reset their loot. Clientside chests would break this balance and, frankly, I still don't know a solution. (This also excludes the many other issues of how to balance chests, but those are generally well known.)

    As for the issue of set routes? I think that lootchests should have many more possible spawning locations, but only be able to occupy so many chests at once in a specific region. That way, while chests still only spawn in certain locations, they're much less predictable and feel more like a treasure. But this still leaves a gaping issue: While path-following will be less effective, it's still by far the most efficient way to get chests. Again, I don't have a solution for this.

    And then there's the issue of the huge gap between "good" chests and "bad" chests. This one, I feel, has a less complicated solution (though still a tricky one to fix): Add more items to chests! Again, pouches were a good start, but right now there are no other items that are reasonably common but feel like treasures. Unidentified items can be valuable, but they're not consistent enough (rolls + not knowing what item a box can be (stardust doesn't count)), and often it's more efficient while lootrunning to just ignore them. Fabled items could be a small part of the solution- they're currently in a bizarre state where there's so few of them that each fabled is worth very little- but I feel a wider diversity of "treasures" from lootchests would make for a much more interesting experience. This is where my argument sort of falls short, though, as I don't really have any other specific examples. I have ideas in mind, but I'm saving those for later (you'll see why).

    ...yeah, why go through all of that work just to try to fix a system that's inherently broken?

    And here's where my main point actually comes in. Lootrunning is boring, and even if these problems magically got fixed tomorrow, having one dominant "meta" money-making strategy is in itself boring. I want to have a wide array of options for making money in the game, and all of the fixes to lootrunning in the world couldn't change the fact that we simply need more options.

    So here's some options that I think have large potential to be expanded upon and be made viable sources of money:

    Currently, raids are a somewhat viable money source: They give amplifiers, (rarely) horses, and some emerald blocks. There's also tomes and charms, but since they're soulbound, they don't really have an effect on moneymaking. I love amplifiers as a "treasure" concept, because they help everybody! Raiders profit from selling them, mythic rollers profit from selling their buffed items, and mythic users benefit from better rolls. That being said:

    - They're not used frequently enough to be able to made more common.
    - T1 and T2 amplifiers are practically worthless, and T3s are several LE each. If anything, I'd rather T1s and T2s be less common, or somehow motivate people to use them on more items (therefore increasing demand).

    There's also T3 materials, and while I'm not really experienced enough to comment a lot on them, I just want to say that it's pretty stupid for raids to be better for T3 materials than actually gathering them. They should probably be rarer than they currently are?

    Also, this has been said time and time again, but I feel like mythics should be added to the raid pool. Of course, they're the ultimate "valuable treasure" item in the game, and it feels insane that people who sink hundreds of hours into raids just don't get mythics. I feel like the biggest response to this claim is that "raiding is more fun than lootrunning, so it should get less rewards." And to me, this doesn't make any sense at all: Why should players get punished for trying to have a good time playing a game? Lootrunning is far more monotonous (well, as it is), and making it more rewarding than more fun alternatives actively promotes players not having fun.

    The forgery chest is an excellent start!!! I honestly find forgery running to be one of the most fun activities in the game, because you get so much diversity from running seven different dungeons (well... cls exists.......) that it doesn't feel monotonous in the slightest.

    As has been said before, the rewards should be buffed somehow. Personally, I'm an advocate for buffing the mythic chance (doubling?) as forgery is insanely inefficient for mythics, as well as buffing the amount of runes and keys you get. The reasoning for the latter is that, not only is forgery a huge time investment, it's also a huge money investment. Forgery runs are expensive as hell, and by the time you get a mythic you're probably at a net loss. I want forgery to be more or less self-sustaining, so one forgery run can mostly (or at least roughly) provide for the next. Would also be cool to see the forgery chain be made some sort of "currency" for the forgery, allowing you to buy tradeable (!!!!!!) items which could be an alternate money-making method.

    While forgery has had a good start, individual dungeons... have not.

    Right now, when you complete a dungeon, you don't really feel "rewarded" in the sense that you're excited for rewards. The one vague exception is if you've been grinding for a merchant reward and just got enough items. I feel that every dungeon should feel special, and that players should be able to look forward for their upcoming shopping spree.

    My first suggestion is to make merchant items tradeable, and to instead have a dungeon completion requirement (much like current quest requirements). This way, dungeon runners can make some money from selling useful items (like The Nothing, Centipede (i hate cls i hate cls i hate cls), etc.) and people who want the items don't have to slog themselves through many dungeon runs if they don't want to (a great example is Hashr's Claw, where by the time you've gotten the item you've already probably levelled quite a few times). However:

    I also want to see more items from dungeon merchants that aren't just gear. Some examples I've thought of:
    - Unique potions (see: Bremminglar Battle Brew)
    - Cheap, useful consumables (see: Reindeer Leap, Speed Surge, etc.)
    - emeralds lmao

    This ties back to the "treasure" concept I mentioned in the lootrunning section: Items that are somewhat common but useful, that feel rewarding to obtain (also, I want to quickly mention that fragments should get more use (consumables costing fragments would be pretty cool)).

    Also, buff item rain! I know it's more of a 'joke' than a genuine mechanic, but it has a bunch of potential to feel genuinely rewarding. Items like Witherhead's Bow, which are only obtainable via dungeon rain, are a good start, but there are too few of them and they're far too uncommon to make each run feel rewarding. Hell, you could even throw in some dungeon fragments to make you feel like you've gotten lucky when you get more than your guaranteed three.

    Can we just remove the RNG mechanic from horses already?

    I think the concept of having to get lucky for higher horse tiers is incredibly stupid: Sure, gambling can be a good mechanic in games, but gambling for something as mainstream and accessibly earlygame as horses is just asking for trouble. We've all seen the level 50 who's gone broke because they tried horse gambling, and it isn't a fun sight to see. By making a gambling mechanic for something as important as horses, players are practically forced to gamble and that is just doomed to fail.

    It's especially annoying because I see so much potential in horses. We already have the horse levelling system with XP, and I think we could come up with some other unique system to replace the RNG system for horse tiers.

    My idea was to have "training centers" for horses in towns such as Ternaves, Bucie, and Thesead (because lategame (Thesead juggler uses a horse ok)) where players could complete short minigames like obstacle horses, races, etc. to "train" their horse and eventually level it up a tier. Not only would it be miles more fun than what we have right now, it could still exist as a (reliable!!) moneymaking method so long as tiering horses up isn't particularly easy.

    If we really wanted, there could even be a system so that to get a horse from Brown -> Black you need to go to Ternaves; Black -> Chestnut Bucie; and Chestnut -> White Thesead. That way it's also tied to level progression.

    Seavale technically exists for money? But it currently has some flaws:
    - Monotonous gameplay: You're swimming around collecting items. Even lootrunning is more fun than this.
    - 0 progression involved: The only thing that makes you more efficient in Seavale is the breathing helmet, which is far below Seavale's intended minimum level.

    To make Seavale more exciting, I want to see different mechanics being used for different items. Perhaps lower-value items could spawn around in the water as always, while some of the more valuable treasures could be hidden away in mazes of kelp, or behind rocks that break when spells are casted, or guarded by minibosses with varying levels of difficulty. Maybe the Ultramarine Set would be found in four separate caves (like Sarnfic but better lol), and new water-related gear for all level ranges could be found hidden amongst shipwrecks or be dropped by seagulls passing above.

    As far-reaching as some of these ideas are, they'd definitely provide a lot more gameplay to Seavale and make it more exciting as a money-making method.

    As for progression, I think it would be neat for several ocean quests focused around Selchar or Seavale to bar entry to certain regions of Seavale with more money inside. Possible levels for these quests could be levels 34/37 and level 56 (these are all levels with no existing quests). That way, higher-levelled players would be able to get more money from Seavale than early-game players, which is good since it's not particularly balanced for a level 8 to make as much money from Seavale as a level 100.

    tl;dr: read it smh

    you know the more i look at this the more im tempted to put this in the feedback forum but ah well
  11. hirotoy0

    hirotoy0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Dilcks are super pog and cute you should put them everywhere
  12. Venkleftis

    Venkleftis Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    actual end game content :aa:
  13. Venkleef

    Venkleef Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    i agree with venk
  14. Venkleftis

    Venkleftis Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    thanks venk
  15. venktree

    venktree Newbie Adventurer

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    i also agree with venk.
    and also with venk.
  16. RussetMantle

    RussetMantle Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  17. BabyAlchemist

    BabyAlchemist Travelled Adventurer VIP

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  18. RussetMantle

    RussetMantle Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Realm of Light TP scroll when???
  19. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    The lusty Ava maid
    ThedumbOX likes this.
  20. Chickenfinity

    Chickenfinity CHAMPION

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    I love your idea about tome storage! Peeps would definitely find tomes worth keeping rather than throwing it away right after the raid and will for sure open up tons of my bank space!

    Relisting or even bumping a market listing without having to dump it back in your inventory is for sure something I would benefit from. I can't even count the amount of times I had to create a new class to store my bank items to be able to take the listing out!

    Trade history would be so cool! But there are things like recording the trade or market purchase if you suspect something is off.

    War practice towers have been something I've always wanted as well! Not only for testing out builds and varying difficulty, but also to better introduce new guild members to warring.

    Right now, ocean warring is painful if you aren't using a build with mana or something similar! Something to tackle that would be boats, but even those are slow for the war timers!!
    That_Chudley likes this.
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