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WYnn(the province)'s lore and storyline problems

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Daktota, Nov 16, 2021.


What do you think of this?

Poll closed Nov 25, 2021.
  1. I agree

    9 vote(s)
  2. I don't agree

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  1. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    You are a soldier, a recruit, brought into the army to fight against the corrupt, you talk to the king and boom, you are just free, no commander no orders no supervisions. As many characters say, you are more of a mercenary than a soldier. And guess what, it doesnt matter, cause the corruption is just a dead husk at this point, theres lore and quests talking about how the corruption matters and is this big thing but you never fight it, sure you smack 10 or 20 weak zombies but its nothin, no war no battles. no army. Just beating a dead horse. If you are gonna try to make it a threat and build it up and introduce it as the main story and just do nothing with it why is it there? The war ended so long ago, first bob just beat their main commanders ass, then villagers gave humans magic to even further beat up the corrupt, then the golems are there to just make everything safe, all of the cities are either well established towns with no threat, standing proudly, or just ruins. Theres no storyline to be had in wynn, theres no action. You want a soldier in a war, you are a mercenary doing chores for random people. you dint fight against hordes or powerful corrupt, you beat up some random footsoldiers with sticks. Its so underwhelming. They should show it as more of a old threat and not a actaul threat or make it a bigger threat and show you actaully fighting back.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  2. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check.
    but that is not what I have found.
    it is the small everyday quests completion of ordinairy folk that keep the darkness at bay.
    small acts of kindness and love

  3. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    What are you talking about? The player defeats many major corrupted enemies, such as Charon, Arakadicus, Theorick and Garoth (the latter two not being that much of a threat to the province in their current state).

    The Corruption is shown to be a constant issue and threat all around the province. The first thing the player sees when stepping on the Emerald Trail is zombies attacking the fort: that's Corruption. The south side of the Detlas suburbs is a large battleground against the undead: that's also Corruption. In fact, most enemies you encounter in the Wynn plains are only there because of Corruption.

    The war against the Corruption has calmed down after the Villagers' arrival, but the big war still exists, as it's shown in the game. Sure, Bob beat Bak'al, but as revealed in RoL 5, Bak'al is back and recovered.

    But sure, I can agree with the fact that Wynn's storylines are quite scattered and unconnected. There's not one yet, but I'm sure that there will be some sort of a major climax quest involving the Corruption war coming in a later update, and I hope that the quests in Wynn will get some general improvement, especially in the early-game (why did you have to make deja vu level 27??)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
    Thega, IceBear, TS_potato and 7 others like this.
  4. The Fool

    The Fool Nobody Wants to Know Him HERO

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    Corruption? War? What are you talking about???
    This is a game about opening chests and desperately looking for purple boxes.
  5. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    They tried to add big battles into the game a while ago, called Swarms. They were so extremely laggy and broken that they got removed shortly after. As for the fact that the Ragni Soldier doesn't have a huge impact on the world: that's because it's a multiplayer game. Certain things can't be changed for only some players, as it would conflict with the perspective of others (for instance, the Portal can't change over the course of a questline, as players who haven’t done it would see something they're not supposed to).
  6. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    WYnn(the province)
  7. Macha_cafe

    Macha_cafe Newbie Wybel tamer HERO

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    The truth is that both of Bak'al and The Eye are not the ringleader of Corruption. Then...

    *New raid moment*
  8. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Ok i was a bit ranty on this one and its making sense to be more. I just feel like we dont have a climax as you said. I agree with you now
    A quick thing though, Yes we fight corrupted, but theres no threat. its not like they are attacking anything, they are mostly just chillin. And you said when you first join zombies are attacking ragno, my problem with that is that in that same example the zombies are easily wrecked by a rookie who just got a weapon or the golems. I know it makes sense to have the starting city be safe but they should show the corrupted maybe almost taking over a town, sure there are attacks but they are quite easily fended off. The only time we see towns getting actaully broken into are when bakal is there. Maybe have a quest where a small town is being attacked and losing and you need to try to get rid of the source of the attack. kinda like corrupted village but show the physical threat of it
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2021
  9. Dia axe

    Dia axe Well-Known Adventurer

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    You may not think the corruption is much of a threat until you access corrupted dungeons and you take 5 seconds to think about them
    ComradePando likes this.
  10. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Those are alt universes tho
    luckeyLuuk and Ninja_VK like this.
  11. Dia axe

    Dia axe Well-Known Adventurer

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    How do you know?

    It could be the future
    luckeyLuuk and ComradePando like this.
  12. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Wynn does have a few problems lore-wise, so I kinda agree with this.

    This I actually kinda agree with, the player never really does anything with an army, but if I had to give a reason why, it could be that it might take away from the open-world feeling.

    The Corruption is not a singular entity, it is more of a hive-mind that acts on its own. It has no leader whatsoever. Sure, as stated before, there are main villains that do 'serve' the Corruption, but there is no 'king of the corruption.' The closest thing we have to that is Bak'al, and even then, he cannot make every corrupted obey his will, such as the Corrupter of Worlds.

    Again, I also agree with this quite a bit. Bob, if anything, is a one-dimensional 'good guy'. He never goes through any growth or emotional struggles (sure, killing Momo might be considered, but as it was written in Ragni's Library, Bob probably just went 'k mom ill do it'). And also, if anything, I hate 'Chosen One' character arcs with little growth, which Bob's arc heavily resembles.

    There are actually a few cities that are not doing too well: Olux, Gelibord, Lexdale, and Tempo Town. There might be a few more cities I forgot, but these cities all have their own problems that are quite common among cities not doing too well. (Olux, Gelibord, and Lexdale are all nearly at poverty with the Decay ravaging their crops, Tempo Town is a poor city in general, as their residents are all called "Homeless {thing}")

    There is actually an over-arching storyline within Wynncraft, which is told to you roughly in the mid-endgame. There is actually some action within the story, you do beat up some very powerful creatures (I won't specify bc don't want to spoil a lot more and also b/c there's a few and I'm too lazy to list them all).

    In the end, I'd probably say that where most of Wynncraft's story issues come into play is because that, despite this game having updates like "1.x", I'd argue Wynncraft story-wise is more like a public beta. The story will get refined as development continues. Yes, there are a few plot holes (which again, bit too lazy to list), but the story is enjoyable enough to me.

    If I had to guess, they probably are the future. There is no known 'cure' for Corruption (Ice does not remove Corruption, it only slows its effects), you might argue 'why are we fighting this if there is no way to kill it,' but the people who are leading the armies don't know that. So it might be like a hundred (maybe even a thousand) years into the future, but this is mainly just unconfirmed speculation.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  13. Dia axe

    Dia axe Well-Known Adventurer

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    The war is certainly slowing the corruption. Wynn would be an extension of Dern if the armies didn't fight back. Maybe there is a way to stop corruption by say, killing the Dern Beast.
  14. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Actually it is implied that the mountain range surrounding the SE is actually the reason why Wynn has not been taken over by Dern yet. The Cosmic Magic is the only thing containing the Silent Expanse's influence.

    But yes, the war slows down corruption (by preventing corrupteds from spreading it iirc), but Corruption grows like a weed, it is impossible to remove the entire problem if it is not attacked all at once in a quick, decisive move.
    luckeyLuuk and Emogla3 like this.
  15. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    the fortuneteller is the best quest in the game

    no i will not elaborate fuck you
  16. Dia axe

    Dia axe Well-Known Adventurer

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    What about the mines entrance? They could easily get through if it wasn't blocked up and there was no armies protecting wynn
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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