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Seriously, why did this need to be changed?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Croissant, Oct 14, 2021.

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  1. Croissant

    Croissant emo loser VIP

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    So I've been back in-game recently because of the new event (what can I say, I'm a sucker for cosmetics lol) and I noticed something: Ensker's been moved. This guy's the starting npc for the Stable Story quest, if you don't remember him. He used to be outside the barn in ternaves, and now he's like... 10 blocks outside of detlas?? What? Why? I know that some of the quest npcs for early-game stuff have been moved to towns to make them easier to find, but this didn't seem to be a particularly hard one? There's signs to point you towards ternaves, a path that differs from the one leading to the savannah, the questbook said to go to ternaves specifically, and with the new quest beacons, none of that even matters anyway! When I brought this up to a friend, he said that it might be because of the stronger savannah mobs that might get players when they attempt to go to ternaves now that the quest level's been lowered, but that can't be it. The mobs in the savannah have also had their levels lowered, and if you follow the many directions, they won't even spawn near you! Only mooshrooms and the other detlas plains mobs will. It's the same thing with the Apprentice for the Potion Making quest. He's been moved to near the trade market in detlas, when you can literally see the starting place for that quest outside the one detlas gate. I know this is such an odd thing to be bothered by, but seriously, why? What's the point? Not all new players are idiots, and even if they were, there's a handy questpoint beacon now to guide them. Thanks for coming to my rant.
    I'm not too sure what section this should be in, so if this isn't technically a question, sorry about that.
    luckeyLuuk, nip nop and Tahwoh like this.
  2. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    It’s probably because of the quest level change
    It used to be 34 or so but it was changed to 15
    It would make sense to move him to a level 15 area so ppl aren’t struggling against mobs 2x as a strong
  3. Croissant

    Croissant emo loser VIP

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    The surrounding mobs (black road, savannah) also had their levels lowered when the quest level got lowered. Even then, the ocelots in the savannah don't spawn near the road to ternaves.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Sploofie

    Sploofie professional idiot VIP

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    As the changelogs explained, the goal of the change is to make it better for new players. Quests start making players travel more once they get into that level range (such as Arachnid's Ascent), and a horse would be very convenient here.
  5. Croissant

    Croissant emo loser VIP

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    Yeah, I definitely agree that having a horse in the early game makes it way more enjoyable to walk around, and I think lowering the level of the quest to obtain horses is a good change. But he just didn't need to be moved. Ternaves is close to detlas, a pretty safe walk for low-level players since the changes to the mobs, and stable story is literally one of the only times you ever need to go to ternaves (I think the only other time is in meaningful holiday). And you still go there for the quest. But now the npc has two barns.
    luckeyLuuk and Ninja_VK like this.
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