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Post 1.20.4 thoughts on Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TravusThaSlime, Sep 27, 2021.


Do you agree with this?

  1. Nearly every single one, yes.

  2. Some of it.

  3. No, you are wrong mostly.

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    But we’re talking about stuff that would require to rewrite hard coded stuff like animations and mob models; so it’s irrelevant that Mojang considers plug-ins as mods. Plus people commonly differentiate between plug ins and mods anyway; even Wynncraft says it doesn’t require mods on its website.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  2. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    It's a really weird server since it used to require mods but then they changed over to being completely vanilla, probably to get more players, which is how it is now. That's a fairly recent development though. They also handed the project over to new developers but that's even more recent and also probably unrelated.
    I was just pointing out that not all server mods require client mods and that Wynn is definitely modded. I'm also not sure you couldn't do that stuff using plugins, I'm not sure the exact scope of what you're looking for but animated mobs is possible with geckolib;


    It needs a fabric server to run but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible without one, you would just need a complex plugin.

    Adding this on after: Just because something is possible in general doesn't mean it's possible or practical to implement in Wynn, without knowing exactly how Wynn works there's no way of knowing if a tool like this could actually be implemented.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
    JaydonTheWarrior and Dr Zed like this.
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    When they advertise "100% mod free" they obviously mean no client mods required.

    I don't know whether or not Wynncraft built their serverside custom or uses plugins, but my guess is they used a bukkit derivative as a baseline, because that would explain a lot of the "unavoidable" bugs.
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Huh… didn’t know about that. So what exactly cannot be modded then?
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Almost anything is possible in theory, the issue is just performance and efficiency so some things, although possible, just aren't worth doing. The main issues is that the Mojang provided server code which is the basis for Spigot, Bukkit (mostly dead now iirc ) or whatever custom server mod Wynn is using isn't made for this sort of project and entirely custom servers didn't exist.

    It's never going to happen, but if they wanted to open the door to a whole lot more potential they would be better off switching the base of their server to Minestom, recoding everything from scratch in the process though at that point it wouldn't even be the same game.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  6. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Wynncraft does not use the vanilla server.jar. So no matter what they are modded on serverside. Wynncraft actually uses their own version of waterfall

    Wynncraft uses a custom version of waterfall. This is how it does clientside blocks so well, and how it allows for future blocks on a 1.8 backend. The world loading is changed so much that calling it anything but custom is wrong.

    This can be confirmed by doing the /bungee command ingame, which will return "This server is running Waterfall (Wynn) version 1.9-1.17+ by md_5"

    Why would world edit need carpet? It runs in java, not scarpet. Are you thinking of fabric, or Bukkit/Spigot/Paper?

    Serversided modding can be done on modloaders like fabric or forge, or they can be done on plugin loaders like bukkit or sponge, or they can directly mod the server.jar, however, this is generally really messy when distributing due to copyright and the EULA, and can also be quite unsafe and cause desyncs.

    All that needs to be done to make a mod serversided is to make sure the client and server understand each other fully, and to prevent desyncs.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Bungee is a server which connects you to other servers who use spigot or some other server (Paper or bukkit) all of which are just modded servers. The actual servers the players are playing on are still entirely based on the Mojang provided server code.

    The first custom server to pick up any mainstream adoption was Minestom which came out early last year and wasn't really in a usable state until recently. There probably aren't any mainstream custom run servers yet but they should hopefully start popping up soon. I've seen some cool tech demos and it would be a shame if they never came out.

    Ah yes, not carpet, fabric. It also runs on all the other things you listed. Thanks for the correction!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
  8. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    but carpets are made out of fabric
  9. SomeRandy

    SomeRandy Well-Known Adventurer

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    This reeks of self entitlement. "I got to 100 the hard way and I hate that you get to the same level but faster"
    I don't care who this crokee person is nor does it interest me.
    As a war player myself, warring, claiming the territory and use its boosts for my gain is the fun in war.

    Again, This reeks of self entitlement. "I got to 100 the hard way and I hate that you get to the same level but faster"
    You could smell the hate just by reading these. You put 1k hours the hard way, so why should the rest of us suffer? Profs are barely useful anyways, there's no real incentive to grind profs unless it's for weapons since those are actually useful.

    Offer better content over new content. I'm not saying make doing professions more easy but to make it more interesting. Listen to feedback on this please.
    - Make professions hard again. Adding GXP armor/accessories was needed since professions were so time consuming to level up but it makes players who did them without GXP feel terrible and their achievements undermined.
    These 2 don't go together. One is saying listen to the players aka make them not a chore, while the other is crying about how "fast, easy" getting to 100 is. so make them a chore again.

    [since professions were so time consuming to level up but it makes players who did them without GXP feel terrible and their achievements undermined.]

    Big LOL

    Oh hell no.
    No No No. Getting mythics was so easy I kept getting them while half asleep.

    - client sided chests
    - Similar to the daily chests, but numbered aka 2 T4, 1 T3. etc/ (meh)

    Eco = Low
    Admins: Add an item to help the eco
    Players: oh no rip eco

    No, these were actually needed. The conversion is nice too. Finishing a dungeon drops a lot of emeralds and not having to throw them away feels nice for once.
  10. TravusThaSlime

    TravusThaSlime TravisNH Media CHAMPION

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    Read my updated info throughout the thread
    starx280 likes this.
  11. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    First of all, paper is not vanilla in the slightest. It rewrites soo many things (and breaks them too). Mob AI, generation, spawning, redstone...

    Second of all, I said waterfall (wynn), which isn't the same as normal waterfall (the bungee fork of paper). As I said, wynncraft actually does have some of their own modifications to mojang's code.

    Also, I'm realising now that custom server.jar isn't the correct thing to be talking about. Sure, it's not exactly custom if its mostly mojang's code. I think I wanted to say that it was personalised, and some changes were made directly to the server's code instead of using events in a plugin.

    Minestom is kind of cool though. Thanks for showing me that. Multithreading and open source is cool, and I'll keep that in mind for my own projects.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Of course it's modified, it's heavily modified but that's kind of the issue, the lack of efficient multi threading and the unnecessary data being sent back and forth among other issues because of how the Mojang server code works is the real issue or limit to what Wynn can do, not really Minecraft. As for waterfall, I don't think Bungee or the base Waterfall are Mojang code at all, I'm pretty sure it's the Spigot team who made bungee and somebody else who branched off that to make waterfall. From what I understand they're custom but they only exist to redirect players between Minecraft servers so them modifying Waterfall isn't really the same thing as them changing Mojang code for the servers you're being connected to.

    But yeah the multi threading opens a whole lot of doors since it allows for much more resource intensive features without needing to rely on a single core to do basically all the processing. There are some other really nice features in minestom as well if you can work with the fact that it doesn't come with any functionality built in. I think in a couple years there will probably be at least a couple new MMO servers relying on it, that might just be me being hopeful though :/
  13. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    This is the most fucking detailed thread but tbh I’m losing track of what’s happening lol
    FoxxoChan, Sg_Voltage, Dr Zed and 2 others like this.
  14. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Doesn’t the Sodium mod have multi threading and other performance boosters?
    Wait nvm it’s only clientside
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    tbh with the exception of SomeRandy's post this thread seems to have gone off-track to discussions about whether the server is modded
    ThedumbOX and Sg_Voltage like this.
  16. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Yeah, while sodium is still cool, stom allows for serverside multithreading. It's actually wild how much potential it has.
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    What’s even more wild is that Mojang doesn’t just pay the developers behind Sodium or Minestom or Optifine to optimize their game even though it’s literally sold more copies than any other game in history…
    Sorry about that :-/
    I guess to bring it around; even if Wynncraft had the necessary tools for animations and modeling, they’d still have to make most of those animations and custom models from the ground up, let alone making them good and stand out from the rest. And ultimately it would just a whole lot of work with mediocre payoff at best because most people care more about gameplay when it comes to playing Minecraft and to a lesser extent with Wynncraft. So I don’t fault the CT or Grain for a mediocre story and appreciate the best bits. Even when they do lore or area revamps people still keep asking for another revamp *cough* Gavel *cough.*
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2021
  18. MineMasterRC

    MineMasterRC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    How did this go to
    Discussion about stuff---> Lore bad---->Is server modded---> Other server that are modded
  19. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The mods coming in and saying they're writing a response started the fall of the discussion of issues with the game since I think most people want to wait and see what they have to say. Responses were also getting comically long (sorry) and I'm guessing nobody who wasn't already invested and most people who were didn't want to read a small novel to participate. I think people were talking about lore from the start but I also got the impression most people agreed about its most critical issues so there's no real point in having a heated or longwinded disagreement about that. From there the whole modded thing came up because somebody said Wynncraft is limited by Minecraft, probably as a response to either the lore or gameplay having issues. The thread feels like it's kind of fizzling out so I think people are just talking about whatever right now tbh.

    Wild thread though, definitely one of the best, or at least most productive in a while.
    starx280 and MineMasterRC like this.
  20. MineMasterRC

    MineMasterRC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Literally #wynncraft
    Sg_Voltage and starx280 like this.
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