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A Look into Wynncraft's Infinite Multiverse Theory.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LeviLips96, Sep 9, 2021.

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  1. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    A Look into Wynncraft's Infinite Multiverse Theory.

    I just realized that Matteo_Games also made a theory on the multiverse theory (SPOILER - The Overworld Multiverse Theory (aka Infinite Overworld Theory) | Wynncraft Forums), I only remembered this exists while I was already done with the
    writing of mine, so ...... yea? Here you have my own take, this time mostly showing some of the physics and mechanics of the Multiverse.

    * Yellow = Light
    * Purple = Dern
    * Green = Healthy World
    * Red = Corruption
    * Gray = Death's Realm
    * Blue = Strong Neighbor Connection
    * Light Blue = Weak Unlinked Connection
    * Lines = Portals (Connections)
    * Circles/Ovals = Realms

    1. General Overview:

    You may know this theory from the Wynn Lore Iceberg (https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-wynncraft-lore-iceberg.281301/), and as the name implies, this theory assumes there are an infinite amount of Overworld like realms.

    The war of the realms is unending, and thus the number of battlefields (i.e. overworld realms) is also unending. Apart from the Overworlds, there are the realms of Light and Dern, which connect to all other realms through portals. The Overworlds form an infinite chain of realms, each only connecting to their overworld neighbors, and to the influence realms. There are also unique cases such as Death's Realm, which is connected to the Overworlds, but not to the 2 realms of influence. Thus, overall, the structure of the Multiverse should look like this:

    Overall Structure of the Multiverse.png

    We currently only know of 4 such Overworld Realms; our own Overworld, the Nether, the Realm where Gateway Island is located, and the Dark Realm found in Fantastic Voyage.

    2. Structure of one Overworld Realm:

    Possible structure of a single overworld realm:

    Realm Structure.png

    Each Realm is represented by a "bubble of space", containing a solar system like structure; an Earth like body where all the portals are located, both portals to the influence realms and to the neighbor realms, a Sun which the earth orbits, a Moon orbiting the Earth, and many asteroids freely roaming the realm's space.
    Perhaps there are also other planets, though with no portals since only the Earths contain the portals, some realms may have 2 or more moons, or a binary star system, we just don't know. This is based on the observations made in the worlds we know exist.

    3. The Void:

    We know the Void is "The Space between Realms". It should be everywhere outside the Universe Bubble of each realm, maybe the stars we see in the sky aren't actually Sun-like stars, but gates that take you out of the Realm's Universe Bubble to the void.

    {!} What about the void under the bedrock?

    The Void exists outside of each realm's bubble, but we know if you fall under the world, as it happens in Gavel's Sky Islands region, you reach the void, and this is not a roadblock for this interpretation. I assume that each Earth is structured like this:

    Planet Structure.png

    I assume each earth has its interior, beyond the bedrock layer, composed of Void, and at the very center we may find a wormhole, that transports anyone who falls inside to the outer void.

    4. What about Corruption?

    Corruption is the result of Light and Dern's clashing, thus, it does not have a home realm, and it does not have a beast to represent it (For the purposes of this theory please ignore the Forest Guardian's words when it mentions a "Realm of War", that addition broke some stuff we were certain of beforehand, corruption has no realm to house it like Dern and RoL do, it just takes over every next Overworld). Corruption is an infection, a mindless force that spreads through the chain of realms. Thus there appears an effect I named the Chain of War.

    > How does the Chain of War work?

    Overall Structure of the Multiverse + Corruption.png
    Chain of War.png

    All the realms are linked to one another. All the overworlds are linked to the Realm of Light and Dern, and to their respective Neighbor Realms. The War of the Realms slowly transforms each Overworld Realm, completely turning them into corrupt wastelands. This slowly takes over the next world over, currently our own Overworld is in the process of being turned into a corrupt world, it's predecessor being the Nether.
    Probably by the time a realm is fully corrupted, both Light and Dern pull out their connections to that realm, as to not get corruption spread to their realm (corruption should be able to spread in the influence realms too.)

    {!} The Nether was once just like our own World?

    Yes, and you need not look further than the Forgery for proof. The Chain of War is continuous, the nether fell victim to it, our world shall follow it's path sooner or later. The Forgery shows the far future of our own World. We see corruption is everywhere, there are future portals to Corkus, Galleon Graveyard, and all of Wynn, since corruption got to Corkus it's safe to assume it'll eventually reach Gavel too one way or another, thus corrupting the whole world.
    Another way we can prove it's an actual future and not some alternate reality is that the Forgery was built by Rune Guardians, as it uses runes to access it's Future Corrupt Dungeons. Olms also had access to Rune technology (they had access to a Tol altar), and we know they tinkered with time magic, thus it would seem Runes have time altering and traveling properties. This proves the corrupt future The Forgery shows us is the actual future, and will sooner or later become a reality. Thus, we can assume the Nether was once not corrupt, and now the Chain of War theory has more leverage.

    5. The last piece of the puzzle:

    The most troublesome piece of this theory was the Dark World we visit in Fantastic Voyage, but I think I figured out why it's such a unique and different situation.
    This Realm forms a triangle formation with our World and with Gateway Island's Realm. In the Infinite Chain this should not be possible, so I introduce the term of
    realm un-linkage.

    {!} What is Realm Un-linkage?

    Sometimes, one force of influence takes over a realm entirely for unknown reasons, the best example of this being the Dark World. It Seems completely overtaken by Dern's influence. Originally, this realm was placed in between our World and Gate Realm, keeping the chain like normal. When Dern completely took over, the Dark World broke from the chain, still being attached but somewhat outside of it. This situation should look like this:

    Realm Unlinkage.png

    In this image, Realm #2 is originally neighbor of both Realm #1 and Realm #3 and part of the Chain, also being part of the Chain of War's queue. However, after Dern somehow completely takes over, it shifts out of the Realm Chain, keeping connections to it's old neighbors, though somewhat weaker, as we saw in Fantastic Voyage, when the portal from Gate Island Realm to Dark World broke after passing. Realm #1 and Realm #3, originally it's old neighbors, now become each other's neighbor on the Realm Chain, Realm #2 also loses it's connection to the force that lost, and is kicked out of the Chain of War.
    This effect should not be limited to full Dern realms, as the War of the Realms is unending, and the overworlds are infinite, there should exist a lot of such examples, some full of Light and others full of Darkness.

    <*> Afterword:

    I loved thinking about how the bigger world of Wynncraft may work, and I hope you all enjoyed this somewhat scientific interpretation as much as I did.
    If you have anything to criticize or to add, please do so, feedback is welcome!

    > Oh also because there are infinite Overworlds somewhere out there Bloomi exits. Also Hypixel Skyblock is Wynn canon.
  2. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    I’m tripping balls after reading a long post about a block game
    LeviLips96 likes this.
  3. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I think of it like this: The Void isn't directly connected to realms. It's not like you could just drift in space and end up in the Void. The Void is "outside" space and can't be reached without a special gateway.

    The thing under the Sky Islands is a massive horizontal "portal", which gradually fades from overworld to Void. It wouldn't make sense in the lore of Wynncraft that going downwards into the earth would lead to the Void (eg. miners would've reached it multiple times by now). The Colossus broke the barrier between realms, and a similar thing also must have happened behind EO (likely why the Dern Portal could break into SE).
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Da Vinci? Is that you?
    LeviLips96 likes this.
  5. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    What is happening
  6. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    Hopefully we'll get more information on the way realms work in a later update, probably Dern, unless Fruma's secretly another realm, and the gateways to Fruma are actually portals like the nether portal (Is there anything that discredits this theory? If not, then it's my new headcanon)
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  7. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The dark realm does not appear to be a parallel realm but rather Dern itself

    It isn't confirmed, but judging from the fact that Bob went there, and the fact that returning to the overworld from there brings you to just outside the Silent Expanse, it's likely that it was his route into Dern.

    That also strongly implies that ''Nilrem'' was aware of the multiverse.

    I think it's likely that Gateway Island is just somewhere far-off in our realm rather than another realm entirely, simply because Bob was able to write letters to Nilrem from there. However, that does also raise the question of how he sent the letters to him from some other place in our world, though, so maybe.

    If you want another idea for a realm, here's one: The odd version of the Canyon of the Lost seen outside the airship in The Hidden City. You just randomly end up there, and hear of events unseen from notes left behind. Plus, Ardulf was just trying to go from Eltom to Thesead, so how did he end up there?
    Yes, the fact that there's a giant allocated square of land for fruma on the map.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  8. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    A CT who works on the lore also said in the lore discord that "[he believes] it's implied to be Dern"

    I mean, we find an unfinished letter on Gateway Island, but there's no implication that he sent it from there. Since we know of nobody who went to Gateway Island alongside Bob, I always thought that he wrote the letters on the island, then went into the portal and back into Wynn carrying the letters, and once he was back in Wynn he either gave the letters to Nilrem himself or had someone else deliver them. In that case, the theory of Gateway Island being in another world still applies, as it would finally explain why there are two Dern Portals in the wynn world (answer: there aren't), and it would explain why nobody besides Goldenclaw has ever found the island. Even the Seaskipper emphasizes that he has never EVER found the island, and he has explored the entire ocean. The way we get into the island itself is also pretty sus (we just fall into a whirlpool and instantly end up in the island, though that may be a gameplay thing only).
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  9. Sploofie

    Sploofie professional idiot VIP

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    The only way to test this is to jump into the void with an HPR build.
  10. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    ignoring the bob stuff (i don't have a clear enough idea on what the implications of all that stuff are to comment on it) i really think it's way more similar to SE than what dern seems to be - both the general build design and the mobs (yes, i know fantastic voyage is pretty outdated, but still) are way more reminiscent of SE's design of darkness having invaded the area than true dern's gray floating island thingies (as seen in slykaar's realm and in the path to darkness)

    also the portals are very clearly nether portal-style rather than how weird/unique the light and dern portals are, although this could definitely just be because it's outdated

    also also that's a really big area we go through in fantastic voyage for it to be in dern and not accessed again later, ik dern is currently bigger than rol but it's not that big

    (and it just feels wrong that we would go to the true endgame place 10+ levels before endgame and then just leave and nothing comes of it)
  11. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    I fixed your model of the multiverse:

    I think the structure isn't some giant web, with chains and paths and such; rather, the multiverse is just, well, THE MULTIVERSE. They are not in some larger plane, but instead occupy the same space, but are simply in different dimensions and realities. The void is not some physical pathway; it is just a rip in the fabric of reality. The void is like a meter long hallway that you must walk ten thousand meters to cross. I agree with Emolga: the Ahms void is just a giant portal, not some wormhole in the center of the earth that transports you to outer space or something of the like.
  12. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    Okay, nobody asked for this, but just for funsies, I'll clue you all into my headcanon for Wynn's world layout.


    This is a meme I saw on twitter some months ago. I don't know the original tweet, but I think it's funny and intriguing. Wynn has overall a pretty established structure of what is canon/real in terms of places (we know that Corkus, Wynn, Gavel, Fruma & RtD are physical places), which is kind of like the center part of the world.

    I think what really appeals to me about this headcanon is how mystical it feels - on the outer layers you have mystical places that exist only in legends and religions, it gives off the vibes of the whole 'all mythologies are real' genre (see: American Gods (have not read), PJO universe, etc.). I think it would be cool (though it's definitely not true or super based in the established canon) if places like Death's Realm, Galleon's Graveyard (since it's hinted that Galleon's Graveyard kind of moves around the oceans), but not realms realms (Dern, Realm of Light).

    The other reason this appeals to me is that rectangle dream is terrible and garbage and this layout lets me hold out hope that rectangle dream is only a figment of my imagination.
    LeviLips96 and DaCorruption like this.
  13. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    where's wynn in this map :doom:
    Quint likes this.
  14. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    they really named a ocean after mfing solitaire LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO
    Quint likes this.
  15. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    What's Wynn?
  16. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    Ok this unironically looks so fucking cool. Thanks for sharing this. I'd love a game made on this map.
    starx280 and Quint like this.
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