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Lootruning Build Help

Discussion in 'Questions' started by truepixelation, Jul 16, 2021.

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  1. truepixelation

    truepixelation they/them CHAMPION

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    I was wondering if anyone could help improve my lootrunning build. Hopefully I did the screenshots right since I've never done it before (if I didn't could somebody tell me how to do it?) I'm trying to lootrun in the silent expanse and im having trouble killing the enemies that lock off chests. I have half a stack to spend on improving it so I hope you can come up with somthing :)
    I forgot to mention that I'm working on getting a mage to a high enough level to lootrun.If my build is unsalvageable I would like a rodoroc lootrun route for wynntils cause I cant find one :(

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  2. vForGiveLess

    vForGiveLess Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    You should get loot quality accesories!
    You should also consider upgrading your chestplate to one with loot quality.

    Maybe also upgrade you weapon into a more comfortable weapon to lrun with.
    You should loot for weapons with nice WS, while still not having trash damage. (Slider comes to mind as a prime example.)
    Other than that, nice lrun set!

    As for the rodoroc lootrun, you can find every lootun route in the "Lootrunner's Guild" on discord.

    EDIT: Mage is probably a superior lrun class, since you can cover a lot of distance with the teleport. This is very usefull for when you lootrun the sky islands/void expecially.
    truepixelation likes this.
  3. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    fyi, loot quality has a soft cap at 40 and loot bonus has one at 80. you should definitely get one lq accessory to hit 40lq.

    for loot bonus, use diamond dust as the chestplate. i also recommend buying the dagger called nativitate, which is from a merchant on santa island. swap to that when opening chests. if you do that, you don't have a reason to use lb items in your helmet and remaining accessory slots - instead, focus on mana regen and walk speed so you can run (and fight) more efficiently. one item in particular that i'd recommend is the helmet third eye

    and like the other commenter said, slider is the best ws weapon available

    if you need an invite to the lootrun discord you can dm me, there's a lot of resources in there
    truepixelation likes this.
  4. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    theres no lq cps btw

    It should look like this if mage

    WynnBuilder build:
    > No Helmet
    > Diamond Dust
    > No Leggings
    > Moontower
    > No Ring 1
    > No Ring 2
    > Anya's Penumbra
    > No Necklace
    > Warp []
    Helmet should be a crafted 10mr helm, legs should be crafted lq legs, rings should be crafted lq rings, and for the necklace, you use anything really, so most likely contrast or anything that gives mr/lb /lq neck
  5. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    The best crafted loot bonus chestplate/helmet can get up to 72% loot bonus I believe and a good chunk of walk speed with just one unicorn horn and 5 glimmering coins

    For mage and warrior specifically, Idol and Warp are obviously the best, but Gale's Sight (helmet) and Renda Langit (Necklace) are really great investments if you're looking to still infinitely fly, without owning a 25 stack+ mythic, which makes a huge difference in terms of speed.

    40% loot quality is generally what you want to aim for, so like Poke said, having a piece of jewelry to get there, or investing in 21% boots and leggings, would be well worth it. For the rest of the jewelry, I'd recommend Kaze and or Follow the Wind for more walk speed

    If using Assassin or Archer, they both have very good upwards movement and the fastest ground movement (speed 3 for archer and speed 5 for assassin). Having Gale's Sight doesn't do much, so you can mimic the chestplate recipe for the helmet.

    In general, I'd say build straight into Intel and Agility only for lootrunning, the other stats don't do much at all. The cheaper the spells, the better efficiency you'll have.

    I don't really have full builds or recipes off the top of my head, but if you want more specifics, do let me know!
    Also, if you are looking to use mage/warrior with Gale's Sight and Renda Langit, I'd consider using mr jewelry like Suppression to help keep your mana up, and make sure to be using a weapon that gives mana regen, like Tide Binder for warrior or maybe Bonder for Mage
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