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Old Player Returning - Need Update Summary

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Baron_Sengir_, Jul 14, 2021.

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  1. Baron_Sengir_

    Baron_Sengir_ The Rebellious Rodoroc Recluse VIP+

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    Hey! I played Wynncraft for a while a long time ago. I stopped playing around the time Corkus was released. I'm a level 89 player.
    Can anyone give me a quick summary of what's changed with the server since then? I see there's housing, some weird gathering system, and ofc Corkus and the one I don't remember, The Silent Expanse.
    I know that the major update patch notes section exists, but it's hard to read and doesn't give me a good idea of how those changes actually affect the game.
    Also, none of my teleportation scrolls work anymore. Do I really have to go and manually travel everywhere to reactivate them? ;-;
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  2. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    1.17 - Added dungeon quests that give lore to the dungeons, and added and reworked some quests

    1.18 - Added a profession system. Professions can be used to get her resources that can be used to craft custom items, level up professions to craft better resources and craft better items.

    1.19 - Added the silent expanse: An endgame area of Wynn that was corrupted by dern. Added several new quests, including the two currently best ones: A Hunter's Calling and Misadventure on the Sea. Also added the new shaman class.

    1.20 - Reworked a lot of Gavel as well as many of the quests. Also added housing and raids, which are essentially 4-person dungeons.
    Baron_Sengir_ likes this.
  3. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    City discoveries were “reset” or something along those lines when 1.20 came out, so you’d have to revisit each city again unfortunately
    Ninja_VK and Baron_Sengir_ like this.
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