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The Southern Earth <The Forum MMORPG> V1.5.1 Season 2 Super-Bosses

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Jackkoh, Jul 13, 2021.


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  1. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    "The Southern Earth's fate is on your hands..."

    Yep! The biggest Forum Boss-Battle Game there is! Also is a MMORPG game.
    This game has a lot of items, and lots of bosses for you to hunt! (even Super-Bosses) Want to join? Check out our Tips on How to Play section for more info!

    If you have any questions/suggestions/ideas;​
    Contact me on the forums/discord.
    (Discord Tag: Jackkoh#0971)

    Need to say this one first, this is inspired by @Wommby .
    If you want to join this game, then leave a comment. We really need more players in this game so please join. Having you will make this game more fun.
    Reading every spoiler is recommended.

    *Note that all the "random" things are calculated by a custom program.

    Upcoming Updates: (texts in italic means that they're not guaranteed yet)
    V1.5.2 - The Spell Update (9 Spells for each Class)
    V1.6 - The Quest Update (Quests to make Exploring more fun)
    V1.7 - Assassin Update (4th Class)

    There is so many items in the game, that it lags when I try to type with them in here. That's why there is no "weapon list" or anything related to that in the thread. Anyways,
    There is 7 types of Rarity in the game: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Treasure, and Mythic. You will start with a Common weapon closest to your level. For the detailed information check the Info section below.

    Currently in the game, there is 3 Classes. Warrior, which has lots of Defensive capabilities and decent Damage, Archer, which has superior Damage but low Health, and Mage, which has great spells and healing capabilities, but lack Damage.
    As you progress, you will unlock the ability to choose different Classes. You will start out as Warrior.

    There is mainly 3 types of things you can do in the game:

    The first is Bosses. You can fight bosses with up to 3 players. Bosses are the most common thing you will be doing in the game, and there is a boss every 3 - 4 levels. Just comment which boss you want to fight, then I will reply to the comment. Then, there will be further instruction.

    Second is Grinding. You don't have to do anything to Grind, contrary to Wynncraft. Just tell me which Grind Spot to grind with, then you can be AFK while your character Grinds loot. When you get back, tell me to end the grind, then I'll calculate the loot. I don't recommend doing it when you can to Bosses or Raids, as Grinding loot is not as great as those two.

    And the last is Raids. This is a team-based challenge, but is solo-able. When you initiate a Raid, there will be Waves of enemies attacking. Splash is very beneficial with Raids. You will want to use Classes with crowd-controlling abilities to do Raids quickly. Raids may take a long time to complete.

    There is also Gathering as a side activity to do. Gathering can make a lot of gold and make you explore the world more. Crafting Items will probably be added soon, so leveling up Gathering might be a good thing to do.

    Want to join now? Leave a comment down below which Class you want to use, and I'll reply to you with the basic gear.

    Rarity Colors:
    Common: 300% from raids, 75% from bosses, 7.5%/hr from grinds
    - Quite Bad. Very cheap on the shop. (Considered very common)
    Uncommon: 180% from raids, 45% from bosses, 4.5%/hr from grinds
    - Decent. No Bonuses. (Considered rather common)

    Rare: 120% from raids, 30% from bosses, 3%/hr from grinds
    - Damaging. 1 Bonus. (Considered uncommon)

    Epic: 72% from raids, 18% from bosses, 1.8%/hr from grinds
    - Strong. 1 Bonus. (Considered rare)

    Legendary: 36% from raids, 9% from bosses, 0.9%/hr from grinds
    - Destructive. 2 Bonuses. (Considered very rare)

    Treasure: 16% from raids, 4% from bosses, 0.4%/hr from grinds
    - Catastrophic. 3 Bonuses. Sometimes has a custom ability. (Considered extremely rare)
    - If triggered but couldn't get because of the level range having no Treasure rarity items, the system will refund 5,000 Gold into your bank regardless of bank caps.

    Mythic: 4% from raids, 1% from bosses, 0.1%/hr from grinds
    - Demonic. 4 Bonuses. Always has a custom ability. (Considered ridiculously rare)
    - If triggered but couldn't get because of the level range having no Mythic rarity items, the system will refund 30,000 Gold into your bank regardless of bank caps.

    In Req, S means Strength, A means Agility, I means Intelligence, and E means Endurance.
    so I15 means the weapon/armor requires 15 Intelligence to use.

    Weapon Name (Level ??) ?? Damage*/**
    Req: S5 A5
    *Bonus 1
    **Bonus 2

    You will get 3 of the following: Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots, and Weapons every time you get loot.

    • Defense decreases the physical damage taken, but it does not decrease the magical damage taken.
    • Resistance decreases the magical damage taken, but it does not decrease the physical damage taken.
    • Combat is Turn-based. You get the first turn, if you attack (write a comment following this frame: I will attack <BossName>.), then you can use a spell. and then the boss will attack (I will reply to your comment, note that it might take a long time for me to react.). Then you get to attack and vice versa.
    • Grinding is different to Boss Fights, as you can do them as you are afk.
    • You can only use one spell per turn if there is no exceptions.
    • If you die, then you will lose half of your Gold. This does not take your Bank gold though.
    • If you die during a Grind, then you will not get the loot from the point of your death.
    • Auto-fighting (or AutoCombat) is only possible when Me or the Player is about to go offline for a long time. Ex) sleeping, going for a trip, etc
    • Gadgets are one-time use items with powerful bonuses. They can be bought at the System Shop.
    Combining weapons/armor pieces requires the same weapon/armor and gold.
    Gold costs vary a lot by the rarity of the weapon/armor and the level of the weapon.
    If an item has 0 stars, 1 Modifier.
    1 stars, 2 Modifier.
    2 stars, 4 Modifier.
    3 stars, 8 Modifier.
    4 stars, 16 Modifier.
    (it's 2 squared by the number of stars)

    (70 Gold + (30 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier
    (150 Gold + (60 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier
    (400 Gold + (120 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier
    (900 Gold + (250 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier
    (1,600 Gold + (400 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier
    (3,500 Gold + (850 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier
    (10,000 Gold + (2,300 x Item Level) Gold) x Modifier

    Combining 1-star Level 10 Rare Chestplates =
    = (400 + 1,200) * 2
    = 3,200 Gold
    Combining 2-star Level 15 Treasure Weapons =
    = (3,500 + 6,000) * 4
    = 38,000 Gold
    Combining 0-star Level 20 Mythic Boots =
    = (10,000 + 46,000) * 1
    = 56,000 Gold

    * - 12.5%
    ** - 25%
    *** - 50%
    **** - 100%
    ***** - 200%
    * - 40%
    ** - 80%
    *** - 160%
    **** - 320%
    ***** - 640%
    * - 100%
    ** - 200%
    *** - 400%
    **** - 800%
    ***** - 1600%
    * - 300%
    ** - 600%
    *** - 1200%
    **** - 2400%
    ***** - 4800%

    Events are temporary bonuses, which can give you tons of different effects.

    List of all the experience requirements.
    K = 1,000
    M = 1,000,000 (I hope the time comes when I have to use this unit lol)
    Level 1 - 2: 50 XP
    Level 2 - 3: 100 XP
    Level 3 - 4: 200 XP
    Level 4 - 5: 320 XP
    Level 5 - 6: 470 XP
    Level 6 - 7: 670 XP
    Level 7 - 8: 930 XP
    Level 8 - 9: 1,260 XP
    Level 9 - 10: 1,670 XP
    Level 10 - 11: 2,180 XP
    Level 11 - 12: 2,820 XP
    Level 12 - 13: 3,620 XP
    Level 13 - 14: 4,620 XP
    Level 14 - 15: 5,870 XP
    Level 15 - 16: 7,440 XP
    Level 16 - 17: 9,340 XP
    Level 17 - 18: 11.7K XP
    Level 18 - 19: 14.5K XP
    Level 19 - 20: 18.0K XP

    Trade goods with other players!
    Click each spoiler to see what items players are selling.
    • If you are trying to sell an item, comment below what item you are trying to sell, and at what price.
    Agile Sword (Level 7)
    Price: 999 Gold
    Brutal Spear (Level 2)
    Price: 100 Gold
    Shielding Spear (Level 2)
    Price: 100 Gold
    This player isn't selling any items.
    This player isn't selling any items.
    This player isn't selling any items.
    This player isn't selling any items.
    This player isn't selling any items.
    This player isn't selling any items.
    Anything in his inventory.
    This player isn't selling any items.

    The Shop is a place where random items are sold by Me!
    The Shop is refreshed once in a while. It's not gonna be completely regular though.
    [Warrior] Plain Blade (Level 11): 28 Damage
    Price: 1,200 Gold

    [Archer] Normal Crossbow (Level 15): 44 Damage
    Price: 2,500 Gold

    [Mage] Experienced Wand (Level 12): 27 Damage*
    *Increases XP earned by 35%.
    Price: 3,800 Gold

    [Mage] Wand of Decay (Level 13): 37 Damage*
    *Decreases Max Health by 50.
    Price: 5,800 Gold

    [Archer] Thunder-Charged Bow (Level 9): 33 Damage*/**
    *50% Chance to hit twice (the second hit deals 50% damage).
    **50% Chance to deal double damage.
    Price: 9,000 Gold

    [Archer] Golden Shortbow (Level 9): 41 Damage*/**/***
    *+3 1st Spell Cast Limit.
    **Increases spell damage by 30%.
    ***Increases XP earned by 30%.
    Bought by @Seraphine_pawn

    [Warrior] Andúril (Level 15): 48 Damage*/**/***/****
    *Increases XP earned by 40%.
    **+3 2nd Spell Cast Limit.
    ***Increases spell damage by 40%.
    ****35% Chance to dodge attacks.

    Burning Strike
    Cast Limit: Replaces Furious Strike.
    Ignites the Flame of the West, dealing 300% Damage with the next attack.
    Price: 110,000 Gold
    You can only buy up to 2 per item.

    #1: Energy Drink
    Price: 100 Gold, 3 in stock
    #2: Electric Whip
    Price: 100 Gold, 5 in stock
    Same as Events. All of the players get the bonus, only one have to pay.

    #1: Double XP (1 Day)
    Price: 16,000 Gold, 3 in stock
    #2: Double Gold (1 Day)
    Price: 11,000 Gold, 3 in stock
    #3: Double Loot (1 Day)
    Price: 16,000 Gold, 1 in stock
    #4: Double Damage (1 Day)
    Price: 14,000 Gold, 1 in stock

    A list of all the classes and their abilities!
    The Warrior is, just like in Wynncraft, really tanky and defensive. Although it doesn't have much damage output, it can survive for much longer than other classes.

    Damage: ■■■□□ (Physical)
    Defense: ■■■■■
    Starting Health: 100 (Great)
    Defense: 30% (Great)
    Resistance: 0% (None)
    Spells: ■■□□□
    Utility: ■■■□□
    Difficulty: ■■□□□
    Spears - 2
    Swords - 4
    Unlocked Level: 1
    Cast Limit: 4
    You block the next attack with your shield, increasing your whole party's Defense by 50% for 1 turn.
    Upgrade #1 (Level 10) Thorn Guard:
    You sharpen your shield, and it now deals 100% of your weapon's damage when you block. (Physical)
    Upgrade #2 (Level 20) Iron Guard:
    You harden your shield, and it now increases the Defense by 75% for 1 turn.
    Furious Strike
    Unlocked Level: 5
    Cast Limit: 3
    Concentrating your strength, the next attack deals double the damage. (Physical)
    Upgrade #1 (Level 15) Stunning Strike:
    You increase your strength, and the Strike now has a 30% chance to stun the enemy.
    Upgrade #2 (Level 25) Enraged Strike:
    You get experienced at Striking, and now the Strike deals triple the damage. (Physical)
    Battle Cry
    Unlocked Level: 10
    Cast Limit: 2
    Splash: 1 (0)
    With the power of justice, you shriek at your enemy, stunning them at a 30% chance. Your whole party get 10% extra Defense for 5 turns as well. This spell does not get counted for the single spell per turn rule.
    Upgrade #1 (Level 20) Battle Shriek:
    Your voice is louder, increasing the chance of stunning the enemy to 60%.
    Upgrade #2 (Level 30) Strengthening Shriek:
    You become a skilled warrior, and the Battle Cry now increases the Damage by 10% for 5 turns as well.

    The Archer deals a lot of damage. It has a lot of damaging spells, too. But, it will die more easily than other classes.

    Damage: ■■■■□ (Physical)
    Defense: ■□□□□
    Starting Health (Level 1): 60 (Low)
    Defense: 5% (Low)
    Resistance: 5% (Low)
    Spells: ■■■■□
    Utility: ■■□□□
    Difficulty: ■■■■□
    Bows, Shortbows, Longbows, Crossbows - 1
    Unlocked Level: 1
    Cast Limit: 3
    Splash: 4 Enemies
    You shoot a bunch of arrows in a cone-shape, dealing 200% of your weapon's damage. (Physical)
    Upgrade #1 (Level 10) Double Burst:
    You increase the quiver's size, and you are now able to shoot two rounds of arrows, each dealing 125% damage for a total damage of 250%. (Physical)
    Upgrade #2 (Level 20) Enchanted Burst:
    You enchant your arrows, and the Burst now weakens the enemy's next attack by 30%.
    Unlocked Level: 5
    Cast Limit: 4
    The quick reflexes of the archers give your whole party a 50% chance to dodge the next attack.
    Upgrade #1 (Level 15) Long Dodge:
    You train further, and now the dodge chance lasts for 2 turns, 50% chance on the first turn, and 25% on the second.
    Upgrade #2 (Level 25) Dodge of the Wind:
    You have learned the physics of gale itself, and now the dodge chance is 75% for the first turn, and 30% on the second.
    Hail of Arrows
    Unlocked Level: 10
    Cast Limit: 3
    You make a request to the gods, hailing down arrows at your enemies. For 2 turns, arrows will rain on enemies, dealing 100% of your weapon's damage per turn. (Magical) This spell does not get counted for the single spell per turn rule.
    Upgrade #1 (Level 20) Arrow Apocalypse:
    The hail becomes more lengthy, and now it goes on for 3 turns.
    Upgrade #2 (Level 30) Enchanted Hail:
    The hail now has a 25% chance to weaken enemy attacks for 50%.

    The Mage is the ultimate support, being able to heal others while dishing out a lot of damage using its spells. It lacks physical defense and damage, though.

    Damage: ■■□□□ (Magical)
    Defense: ■■■□□
    Starting Health (Level 1): 80 (Medium)
    Defense: 10% (Medium)
    Resistance: 20% (High)
    Splash: 4 Enemies
    Spells: ■■■■■
    Utility: ■■■■□
    Difficulty: ■■■□□
    Scepters - 1
    Sticks, Wands - 2
    Staves - 5
    Unlocked Level: 1
    Cast Limit: 4
    You cast an aura of refreshment, healing everyone in your party for 20% Health and improving the damage dealt in that turn by 100%.
    Upgrade #1 (Level 10) Boosted Refresh:
    The refreshment is strengthened, now boosting the damage dealt by 150%.
    Upgrade #2 (Level 20) Long Refresh:
    The healing is lengthened, now healing 20% Health at the first turn, and 10% Health at the next turn.
    Unlocked Level: 5
    Cast Limit: 3
    Splash: 2
    You cast a fireball, about to burn everything alive and destroy everything. The fireball deals 400% of your weapon's damage instantly. (Magical)
    Upgrade #1 (Level 15) Burning Fireball:
    The fireball now lights your opponent on fire for a long time, dealing 50% of your weapon's damage every turn for 2 turns. This effect stacks. (Magical)
    Upgrade #2 (Level 25) Strong Fireball:
    You cast the fireball with such force that your opponent has a 30% chance to get stunned.
    Unlocked Level: 10
    Cast Limit: 3
    Splash: 1 Enemy
    You cast a electrocuting spell, stunning the enemy for 1 turn.
    Upgrade #1 (Level 20) Electrocution:
    The Stun now deals 200% of your weapon's damage as well.
    Upgrade #2 (Level 30) Shock:
    After the Stun, the enemy's damage dealt is decreased by 50% for 1 turn.

    The main challenge of the game! Fight bosses to gain loot!
    TIP: A boss does two Main Attacks and then a Super Attack.
    Zombies arise, for the Zombie Captain has brought them to surface! The Zombie Captain shall summon them all, and bring you to your demise!
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 1
    Maximum Party Total Level: 12

    BOSS: The Zombie Captain
    Health: 50
    Defense: 0%
    Resistance: 0%
    Spear Swing
    Swings his spear at players, dealing 25 Physical Damage to up to 2 players.
    Arise, Zombies
    Summons 3 Zombie Minions, each having the following stats:
    *Note that if you attack the Zombie Captain, one will die. If you attack the Zombie Minions, all will die.
    Health: 1
    Damage (Physical): 8
    Defense: 0%
    Resistance: 0%
    If a Zombie Minion dies, they have a 50% chance to heal the Zombie Captain by 3 HP.

    Level 1 - 4 Normal Weapon/Armor: 75%
    Level 1 - 4 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 45%
    Level 1 - 4 Rare Weapon/Armor: 30%
    Level 1 - 4 Epic Weapon/Armor: 18%
    Level 1 - 4 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 9%
    Experience: 90
    Gold: 200

    The Knight who drives the Corruption, the Knight who brings Darkness, He shall bring Dark to your soul, and Corrupt it all!
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 4
    Maximum Party Total Level: 21

    BOSS: The Fallen Knight
    Health: 220
    Defense: 20%
    Resistance: 0%
    Dark Charge
    Charges at a single player, dealing 30 Physical Damage and 25 Magical Damage.
    Corrupts everyone's weapons, effectively weakening them for 75% for 1 turn.

    Level 4 - 7 Normal Weapon/Armor: 75%
    Level 4 - 7 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 45%
    Level 4 - 7 Rare Weapon/Armor: 30%
    Level 4 - 7 Epic Weapon/Armor: 18%
    Level 4 - 7 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 9%
    Experience: 280
    Gold: 510

    She roams the earth, brewing her harmful potions as she looks for targets... She has recently found a new target...... You.
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 7
    Maximum Party Total Level: 30

    BOSS: Wild Alchemist
    Health: 400
    Defense: 0%
    Resistance: 20%
    Vial of Agony
    Throws a harmful potion, dealing 80 Magical Damage. Can hit up to two targets.
    Life Steal
    Throws another harmful potion, dealing 80 Magical Damage, and healing the Wild Alchemist for 80 Health.

    Level 7 - 10 Normal Weapon/Armor: 75%
    Level 7 - 10 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 45%
    Level 7 - 10 Rare Weapon/Armor: 30%
    Level 7 - 10 Epic Weapon/Armor: 18%
    Level 7 - 10 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 9%
    Level 7 - 10 Treasure Weapon/Armor: 4%
    Experience: 800
    Gold: 1,500

    The Ground shakes near where he lives... Having a nickname "The Walking Death", he will not falter to stomp everyone who challenges him.
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 10
    Maximum Party Total Level: 39

    BOSS: The Super-Giant
    Health: 800
    Defense: 25%
    Resistance: 0%
    Me Stomp
    Stomps everything, dealing 135 Physical Damage to all players instantly.
    I Charge. Angry.
    Charges at a player, dealing 160 Physical Damage and stunning the player for 1 turn. (50% chance)
    Death Earthquake
    When the Giant dies, he falls to the ground. Not lightly. Deals 160 Physical Damage to all players after death.

    Level 10 - 13 Normal Weapon/Armor: 75%
    Level 10 - 13 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 45%
    Level 10 - 13 Rare Weapon/Armor: 30%
    Level 10 - 13 Epic Weapon/Armor: 18%
    Level 10 - 13 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 9%
    Level 10 - 13 Treasure Weapon/Armor: 4%
    Experience: 1,550
    Gold: 2,800

    The one-eyed beast of The Lab, who once killed his maker... Has watched you for long... Now it is time to take action!
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 13
    Maximum Party Total Level: 48

    BOSS: Horrific Cyclops
    Health: 1,000
    Defense: 25%
    Resistance: 5%
    Log Smash
    The Cyclops grabs a very strong piece of wood, smashing up to 2 people with it. Deals 180 Physical Damage and 30% Chance to stun.
    The Cyclops throws a hard rock, targeting the lowest health player. Deals 200 Physical Damage and 50% Chance to stun. Activated every 2 turns instead of 3.

    Level 13 - 16 Normal Weapon/Armor: 75%
    Level 13 - 16 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 45%
    Level 13 - 16 Rare Weapon/Armor: 30%
    Level 13 - 16 Epic Weapon/Armor: 18%
    Level 13 - 16 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 9%
    Level 13 - 16 Treasure Weapon/Armor: 4%
    Level 13 - 16 Mythic Weapon/Armor: 1%
    Experience: 3,400
    Gold: 5,000

    The one that made the Horrific Cyclops... And also killed by it... Has risen from the grave for revenge. On any that might see him.
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 16
    Maximum Party Total Level: 57

    BOSS: Dead Scientist
    Health: 1,100
    Defense: 10%
    Resistance: 25%
    The Dead Scientist injects his old formula into his enemy. Deals 220 Magical Damage and weakens the enemy by 30% for 2 turns.
    The Dead Scientist uses his trick. For that turn, the damage he receives will be directed to the enemy. Activated every 2 turns instead of 3.

    Level 16 - 19 Normal Weapon/Armor: 75%
    Level 16 - 19 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 45%
    Level 16 - 19 Rare Weapon/Armor: 30%
    Level 16 - 19 Epic Weapon/Armor: 18%
    Level 16 - 19 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 9%
    Level 16 - 19 Treasure Weapon/Armor: 4%
    Level 16 - 19 Mythic Weapon/Armor: 1%
    *Note that weapon drop percentages can stack. Ex) you can get a normal and epic weapon with the same boss.
    Experience: 6,120
    Gold: 11,000

    Grinding is a very simple way to gain loot, as you can do them while you are AFK.
    It was a peaceful, fair village. Villagers of the town never had to fear for any surprises, or attacks. But at the age when the world was about a hundred thousand years old, something struck the town.
    "I see something in the horizon..." the Watchmen of the Village said.
    "Come on, let me see." His captain said.
    But what the captain saw shook him to the ground. The infamous Zombie Captain is come.
    "But... He should be in the northern areas of the World! Why is he bothering with the southern peoples?"
    But for the Zombie Captain and his undead army, borders were meaningless.
    "Captain, I think we should prepare for battle..." the Watchmen said, frightened for the first time in years.
    "Yes, we need to prepare for war! CLOSE THE GATES! PREPARE FOR WAR!!"
    The gates were closed, an uncommon sight in the Village. People were scared.
    "The Undead is coming! HIDE!!!"
    Arrows pierced the air. The walls boomed with the wall-destroying forces and machines of the Undead.
    Finally, everything exploded. The Undead have planned to strike the food storage of the Village. What's in the food storage? Oil. They fired flaming arrows, an entire part of the village exploded within seconds.
    The Zombie Captain entered the Village. No one he kept alive. He and his armies destroyed every house, and killed everyone and everything. Only the ones who ran before the attack survived. The Village was burnt to the point of ashes and the ground was red. The Walls were strengthened and today, it stands as a fort of the Undead, and a beacon of fear for the Villagers.
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 2
    Maximum Party Total Level: 21
    Currently Grinding:
    Level 1 - 7 Normal Weapon/Armor: 7.5%
    Level 1 - 7 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 4.5%
    Level 1 - 7 Rare Weapon/Armor: 3%
    Level 1 - 7 Epic Weapon/Armor: 1.8%
    Level 1 - 7 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 0.9%
    *Note that weapon drop percentages can stack. Ex) you can get a normal and epic weapon at the same time.
    Experience: 20
    Gold: 36

    The Rainbowoak Forest. A place filled with wonder. The very trees grow rainbow leaves, and the animals peacefully run around. Until the arrival of the Fallen Knight, the place was completely peaceful. But, of course, one day, he arrived to the woods.
    Elves lived at the forest. They built houses on trees, and made their defense there. But one day, the Elves saw someone that is not clearly an Elf come to the borders.
    "Why did thee come to our woods?" an Elf cried at him. But there was no answer. The Elf cried again. But then, the knight looked at him, and unmasked himself. The Elf was stunned. The eyes of the knight can corrupt a person, animal, or Elf. Right after he corrupted the Elf, the fell armies of the Knight came on horses. The Forest stood no chance.
    Elves began to notice the sound of hooves on land. Some of them followed the sound, and was quickly corrupted. The Forest started to corrupt. The Elves saw the corrupted Elves in shock and left the Forest. The Forest began to rapidly corrupt because of the departure of the Elves.
    Now, the Rainbowoak Forest is not what it would seem. The Fallen Knight lives in it, and many of his dark armies reside. Elves have not set foot in the Forest ever since the Darkening. The Forest lies dead and dark.
    Players Required: 1 - 3
    Minimum Level Required: 7
    Maximum Party Total Level: 36
    Currently Grinding:
    Level 7 - 13 Normal Weapon/Armor: 7.5%
    Level 7 - 13 Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 4.5%
    Level 7 - 13 Rare Weapon/Armor: 3%
    Level 7 - 13 Epic Weapon/Armor: 1.8%
    Level 7 - 13 Legendary Weapon/Armor: 0.9%
    Level 7 - 13 Treasure Weapon/Armor: 0.4%
    *Note that weapon drop percentages can stack. Ex) you can get a normal and epic weapon at the same time.
    Experience: 110
    Gold: 190

    work in progress :D

    Raids are meant to be done with other players, but it is possible to solo them.
    You cannot attack the enemies that are further behind while the front ones survive.
    Your spell's Cast Limits are all doubled.
    Players Required: (1) 2 - 4
    Minimum Level Required: 2
    Minimum Solo Level Required: 8
    Maximum Party Total Level: 40
    Maximum Level Possible: 15

    Zombie x 5
    Armored Zombie x 3
    Zombie x 8
    Armored Zombie x 3
    Zombie Archer x 2
    Zombie x 10
    Zombie Archer x 5
    Zombie x 8
    Armored Zombie x 8
    Elite Zombie x 3
    Armored Zombie x 5
    Elite Zombie x 5
    Zombie Overlord x 1

    Health: 10
    Damage: 5
    Defense: 0%
    Resistance: 0%
    Splash: 1
    Health: 20
    Damage: 8
    Defense: 20%
    Resistance: 0%
    Splash: 1
    *Behind Zombies, Armored Zombies, and Elite Zombies.
    Health: 10
    Damage: 10
    Defense: 0%
    Resistance: 10%
    Splash: 1
    Health: 30
    Damage: 12
    Defense: 30%
    Resistance: 10%
    Splash: 1
    Health: 500
    Damage: 40
    Defense: 30%
    Resistance: 30%
    Splash: 2

    Level a = Your current level minus 4.
    Level b = Your current level plus 4.

    Level a - b Normal Weapon: 300%
    Level a - b Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 150%
    Level a - b Rare Weapon/Armor: 120%
    Level a - b Epic Weapon/Armor: 72%
    Level a - b Legendary Weapon/Armor: 36%
    Level a - b Treasure Weapon/Armor: 16%
    Level a - b Mythic Weapon/Armor: 4%
    A Level-up not depending on your current level.
    3,500 Gold

    NEW FEATURE! V1.5.1​
    These are really strong bosses meant to be fought with friends.
    Armies have surrendered under his power... The Demonic Mage has been feared by every living soul in the entire Southern Earth, and for good reason. He will destroy everything in his dark reign.
    Players Required: 1 - 5
    Minimum Level Required: 7
    Maximum Party Total Level: 65

    SUPER-BOSS: Demonic Mage
    Health: 1,500
    Defense: 10%
    Resistance: 20%
    Whip of Sorcery
    Whips enemies with darkness, instantly dealing 100 Magical Damage. Can hit up to three targets and 30% Chance to stun for 1 turn.
    Meteors of Chaos
    Throws Meteors, dealing 180 Magical Damage to all enemies.
    When a boss falls below 25% Health, it automatically initiates their Resist Attack.
    If enemies are above 20% Health, brings their health down to 20%.
    Armies of Corruption
    After death, the Mage summons 3 Dark Souls with the following stats.:
    300 Health
    50 Damage
    2 Splash

    Level a = Your current level minus 4.
    Level b = Your current level plus 4.

    Level a - b Normal Weapon: 300%
    Level a - b Uncommon Weapon/Armor: 150%
    Level a - b Rare Weapon/Armor: 120%
    Level a - b Epic Weapon/Armor: 72%
    Level a - b Legendary Weapon/Armor: 36%
    Level a - b Treasure Weapon/Armor: 16%
    Level a - b Mythic Weapon/Armor: 4%
    A Level-up not depending on your current level.
    6,000 Gold

    Gathering shares the same XP requirements as the main XP Chart.
    You have to travel to the locations with the gathering nodes to gather them.
    If you want to gather a resource, comment which resource you want to gather.
    Level 1 - 5: Stone. Found at The Caverns, Rocky Plain, Grassy Fields, and Brown Forest. Gives 20 XP.
    Level 6 - 10: Copper. Found at Mt. Central, The Undead Mines, The Caverns, and Blue Lake. Gives 95 XP.
    Level 11 - 15: Iron. Found at The Mountains, The Deep, Mt. Central, Mystic Ravine, and The Caverns. Gives 280 XP.

    Level 1 - 5: Oak. Found at Brown Forest, Rocky Plain, and Grassy Fields. Gives 20 XP.
    Level 6 - 10: Birch. Found at Riverside Forest, Brown Forest, Long River, and Blue Lake. Gives 95 XP.
    Level 11 - 15: Pine. Found at The Mountains, Riverside Forest, Lower River, and Light Passage. Gives 280 XP.

    Level 1 - 5: Wheat. Found at Grassy Fields, Brown Forest, and Polois. Gives 20 XP.
    Level 6 - 10: Corn. Found at Blue Lake, Grassy Fields, and Riniria. Gives 95 XP.
    Level 11 - 15: Barley. Found at Rich Farmland, Long River, Light Passage, and Miner's Haven. Gives 280 XP.

    Level 1 - 5: Bass. Found at Calm River, and Grassy Fields. Gives 20 XP.
    Level 6 - 10: Trout. Found at Long River, and Blue Lake. Gives 95 XP.
    Level 11 - 15: Salmon. Found at Lower River, and Long River. Gives 280 XP.

    Earn Ascension Points by Ascending!
    You can only Ascend once per season, and everyone is forced to Ascend at the end of the Season.
    Use Ascension Points for permanent upgrades and items that will not be deleted at season end.
    +5% Per. XP Bonus
    Price: 3/6/9/12/15 AP
    +5% Per. Gold Bonus
    Price: 3/6/9/12/15 AP
    +5% Per. Defense (stacks)
    Price: 3/6/9/12/15 AP
    +5% Per. Resistance (stacks)
    Price: 3/6/9/12/15 AP
    +5% Per. Damage
    Price: 5/10/15/20/25 AP
    +5% Per. Health
    Price: 5/10/15/20/25 AP
    +5% Per. Double Loot
    Price: 8/16/24/32/40 AP
    +5% Future Ascension Point Gain
    Price: 10/20/30/40/50 AP
    1 Extra Per. Skill Point
    Price: 10/20/30/40/50 AP

    Random/Optional Item Pulls are only available on -5 ~ +5 your current level's items.
    Optional Item means that you can choose what Item that you will get.
    1 Random Legendary Item
    Price: 5 AP
    1 Optional Legendary Item
    Price: 7 AP
    1 Random Treasure Item
    Price: 10 AP
    1 Optional Treasure Item
    Price: 14 AP
    1 Random Mythic Item
    Price: 25 AP
    1 Optional Mythic Item
    Price: 35 AP

    This is a list of all the Gadgets in the game.
    Gadgets are one-time use items with powerful bonuses.
    Increases the Damage dealt in this turn by 50%.
    Decreases the boss' Damage dealt in the next turn by 75%.
    Stuns the boss for 1 turn.
    Bought at April Fools
    Makes the boss fart. Literally.
    Bought at Halloween season
    Scares the boss, instantly ending the boss fight, without rewards.

    Joined: Pre-Beta
    Selected Class: Archer
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 4 (60/320)
    Gold: 800
    Ascension Points: 2
    5% XP
    5% Damage
    5% Future AP
    Health: 96 (96)
    Damage: 19.845 (20)
    -10% Damage
    +25% XP Bonus

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 0
    Agility - 0
    Intelligence - 0
    Endurance - 2
    Remaining - 4

    Plain Leather Helmet (Level 1): 20 Health
    Defending Plate (Level 2): 42 Health*
    +2 Endurance
    *-10% Damage.

    Experienced Trousers (Level 2): 34 Health*
    *20% XP Bonus.

    Well-Oiled Bow (Level 2): 21 Damage

    Bow (Level 1): 15 Damage
    Mass-Produced Bow (Level 4): 24 Damage x 2
    Quick Bow (Level 3): 22 Damage*
    *50% Chance to hit twice, dealing 50% Damage.
    Flawed Leather Helmet (Level 4): 32 Health
    Well-Sewed Helm (Level 2): 28 Health
    Plain Leather Chestplate (Level 1): 21 Health
    Flawed Leather Chestplate (Level 4): 36 Health
    Old Plate (Level 4): 41 Health
    Plate of Agility (Level 2): 41 Health*
    *30% Chance to dodge.
    Greaves of the Beginner (Level 3): 34 Health x 2
    Plain Leather Boots (Level 1): 20 Health
    Battle Sneakers (Level 4): 37 Health*
    Req: S2
    +3 Strength
    *20% Damage
    Joined: Beta
    Selected Class: Archer
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 2 (40/100)
    Gold: 200
    Ascension Points: 17

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 0
    Agility - 0
    Intelligence - 0
    Endurance - 0
    Remaining - 2

    Bow (Level 1): 15 Damage

    Mass-Produced Bow (Level 4): 24 Damage
    Epic Bow (Level 3): 30 Damage*
    Req: I3
    *25% XP Bonus.
    Well-Sewed Helm (Level 2): 28 Health
    Flawed Leather Chestplate (Level 4): 36 Health
    Plate of Agility (Level 2): 41 Health*
    *30% Chance to Dodge attacks.
    Experienced Trousers (Level 2): 34 Health*
    *20% XP Bonus.
    Plain Leather Boots (Level 1): 20 Health
    Joined: Version 1.0
    Selected Class: ?
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 1 (0/50)
    Gold: 0
    Ascension Points: 12

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 0
    Agility - 0
    Intelligence - 0
    Endurance - 0
    Remaining - 0


    Joined: Version 1.1
    Selected Class: ?
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 1 (0/50)
    Gold: 0
    Ascension Points: 1

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 0
    Agility - 0
    Intelligence - 0
    Endurance - 0
    Remaining - 0


    Joined: Version 1.1
    Selected Class: Warrior
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 2 (40/50)
    Gold: 200
    Ascension Points: 2

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 0
    Agility - 0
    Intelligence - 0
    Endurance - 0
    Remaining - 2

    Spear (Level 1): 10 Damage

    Mediocre Spear (Level 3): 14 Damage
    Spear of The Gods (Level 4): 23 Damage*/**
    Req: I5
    *20% XP Bonus.
    **20% Damage.
    Plain Leather Helmet (Level 1): 20 Health
    Flawed Leather Leggings (Level 4): 34 Health
    Joined: Version 1.4.1
    Selected Class: Mage
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 9 (1,268/1,670)
    Gold: 9,590
    Ascension Points: 0

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 10
    Agility - 5
    Intelligence - 2
    Endurance - 8
    Remaining - 5

    Health: 102
    Damage: 67.2 (67)
    +30% Defense
    +140% Damage
    +2 2nd Spell Cast Limit

    Fragile (Level 6): 5 Health*/**
    +4 All
    *60% Damage.
    **-40% Health.

    Boulder (Level 7): 71 Health*/**
    Req: S5 E5
    *30% Defense.
    **30% Damage.

    Brute Force (Level 7): 57 Health*
    Req: S7
    +3 Strength, -1 Intelligence
    *30% Damage.

    Battle Sneakers (Level 4): 37 Health*
    Req: S2
    +3 Strength
    *20% Damage.

    Fiery Staff* (Level 6): 28 Damage*
    Req: S2 E3
    *+2 2nd Spell Cast Limit.

    Plain Stick (Level 1): 8 Damage
    Normal Wand (Level 3): 10 Damage x 2
    Mediocre Staff (Level 6): 15 Damage x 4
    Common Wand (Level 8): 18 Damage
    Hard Stick (Level 13): 25 Damage
    Sparkling Stick (Level 2): 11 Damage
    Hard Staff (Level 6): 17 Damage
    School Wand (Level 9): 21 Damage

    Quick Wand (Level 5): 14 Damage*
    Req: A4
    *50% Chance to hit twice, dealing 50% Damage.
    Experienced Wand (Level 7): 19 Damage* x 2
    Req: I5
    *35% XP Bonus.
    Phobia (Level 11): 20 Damage*
    Req: S5 I5
    *50% Chance to deal double Damage.

    Staff of The Warlock (Level 3): 17 Damage* x 2
    Req: S3
    *-1 1st Spell Cast Limit.
    Plain Leather Helmet (Level 1): 20 Health x 2
    Flawed Leather Helmet (Level 4): 32 Health x 3
    Chipped Leather Helmet (Level 7): 44 Health x 2
    Aged Leather Helmet (Level 10): 56 Health
    Well-Sewed Helm (Level 2): 28 Health x 2
    Intimidating Helmet (Level 5): 40 Health
    Clean Helmet (Level 12): 68 Health

    Shelled Hat (Level 2): 36 Health*
    *20% Defense.
    Capacity (Level 6): 48 Health*

    Req: A1 I2
    +2 Intelligence
    *+1 1st Spell Cast Limit.
    Helmet of Haste (Level 3): 40 Health*
    Req: A2
    *50% Chance to hit twice, dealing 50% Damage.
    Viking's Hat (Level 7): 56 Health*
    Req: S5 E3
    +2 Agility
    *20% Melee Damage.
    Plain Leather Chestplate (Level 1): 21 Health x 2
    Flawed Leather Chestplate (Level 4): 36 Health x 2
    Chipped Leather Chestplate (Level 7): 51 Health
    Hard Leather Chestplate (Level 13): 81 Health
    Old Plate (Level 4): 41 Health x 2
    Decent Chestplate (Level 7): 56 Health x 2

    Defending Plate (Level 2): 42 Health*
    +2 Endurance
    *-10% Damage.
    Thorn Plate (Level 5): 51 Health*
    Req: S2
    +2 Strength, +1 Endurance
    *50% Thorns (50% Damage).
    Robe of the Wise (Level 8): 66 Health*
    Req: I8
    +5 Intelligence, -2 Endurance
    *25% Spell Damage.
    The Extra (Level 11): 81 Health*
    Req: I14
    +3 Endurance
    *30% Chance of reviving yourself.

    Raging Fire (Level 6): 61 Health* x 2
    Req: I3 E3
    +3 Endurance
    *+2 2nd Spell Cast Limit.
    Plain Leather Leggings (Level 1): 21 Health x 2
    Flawed Leather Leggings (Level 4): 34 Health x 2
    Chipped Leather Leggings (Level 7): 48 Health x 3
    Hard Leather Leggings (Level 13): 75 Health
    Greaves of the Beginner (Level 3): 34 Health
    Average Leggings (Level 6): 48 Health

    Traveler's Leggings (Level 5): 48 Health*
    Req: I2 E1
    +2 Agility
    *+20% Damage.
    Enhancer (Level 10): 70 Health*

    Req: S5 I5
    +1 All
    *30% Effect Damage.
    Honorary Greaves (Level 4): 48 Health*
    Req: I3
    +1 All
    *35% XP Bonus.
    Clone (Level 7): 61 Health*
    Req: A8
    +5 Agility, -2 Endurance
    *30% Chance to Dodge attacks.
    Plain Leather Boots (Level 1): 20 Health x 2
    Flawed Leather Boots (Level 4): 30 Health
    Chipped Leather Boots (Level 7): 41 Health x 2
    Aged Leather Boots (Level 10): 51 Health
    Feet Cover (Level 3): 30 Health x 2
    Hard Sandals (Level 5): 37 Health x 2
    Ordinary Boots (Level 11): 58 Health

    Blaze (Level 6): 44 Health*
    Req: E4
    +2 Endurance
    *5 Fire Damage per turn, lasts 3 turns. (Doesn't stack)

    Heavy Boots (Level 5): 50 Health* x 2
    Req: E4
    +5 Endurance
    *-20% Chance to Dodge attacks.
    Inability (Level 8): 55 Health*
    Req: S4 I4
    -4 Intelligence
    *40% Spell Damage.
    Joined: Version 1.5
    Selected Class: Mage
    Current Location: Polois
    Level: 1 (0/50)
    Gold: 0
    Ascension Points: 1

    Skill Points:
    Strength - 0
    Agility - 0
    Intelligence - 0
    Endurance - 0
    Remaining - 0

    Plain Stick (Level 1): 8 Damage


    The Southern Earth is the most oldest part of the world. Many ore deposits and mines make the Southern Earth the best place for the miners. But, the evil of the world came to the peaceful realm, and took everything.
    Horrible experiments going on in the underground, villages being pillaged, entire forests being darkened... It is not a good time for the Southern Earth. Due to these events, the Kings and Queens of the Central Earth have sealed their borders, locking the villagers of the Southern Earth in the realm. The borders will not open until the evil has passed, and the world cleansed. The chief city of the Southern Earth, Riniria, has requested Knights to come. You are one of them. You need to cleanse the world of its vile Darkness, and open the borders of Central Earth.
    The Central Earth is the most prospering region of the world. It has been, and always will be, the biggest hub of inter-realm trading. The Central Earth is the most important part of the world, and that is why they have closed their borders to the Southern Earth a few decades ago.
    The Southern Earth has been corrupted, and the Central Earth could not risk the potential death of the entire realm. They will not open until the Southern Earth is purified.
    Other than that, the Central Earth has all the things you could dream of. Its technology is nothing to compare to the other realms. Cities and towns fill the realm, and there has been great heroes and villains throughout its history. The realm cannot get darkened. The realm must survive.

    July 13th, 2021: Added Warrior. Added the first Boss: The Zombie Captain.
    July 14th, 2021: Added loot drops to The Zombie Captain. Added Grinding. Added Grind Spot: Ruin of The Undead. Added the Trade Market. Players can trade their items there. 3 new spells for Warrior. Added Archer. Added the second Boss: Fallen Knight. 3 new spells for Archer. Added Events.
    July 15th, 2021: Added Bank. Balanced lots of things. Notably The Zombie Captain. Mana rework (to Cast Limit). Treasure rarity added, Gadgets added. First Treasure rarity item: The Expert.
    July 16th, 2021: Added the third Boss: Wild Alchemist. Lots of new gear. Added Grind Spot: Rainbowoak Forest.
    July 22nd, 2021: Returned. Added a refund system for unlucky Treasure / Mythic drops.
    July 23rd, 2021: Added the third Class: Mage. Added fourth boss: The Super-Giant. Nerfed the amount of XP required to advance. Added Custom Abilities for Treasure / Mythic items.
    July 24th, 2021: Completed the fourth Boss/Mage abilities. Version 1.1.1.
    July 26th, 2021: Preparation for Version 1.2. Moved weapon data to a different spreadsheet. Added Ruin of The Undead's Story. Version 1.1.2.
    July 27th, 2021 - July 29th, 2021: Adding Weapons. Combining Weapons added. (Somewhere around this time)
    July 29th, 2021: Weapons ~Level 15 released. Horrific Cyclops added. Mage is playable. Combining Weapons balanced. Version
    July 30th, 2021: Raids added. First Raid: Rampage of Zombies. Version 1.2.1.
    July 31st, 2021: Buying Bombs added. Version
    August 1st, 2021: Game's name changed from Boss Battle Forum Game to The Southern Earth. Gathering added.
    August 2nd - August 4th, 2021: More work on Gathering & Exploring added. Version 1.3.
    August 4th, 2021: Configured Skills. Will be added in Version 1.4.
    August 5th, 2021: Adding Armor pieces, Started Discord server.
    ~August 20th, 2021: Adding more Armor pieces. Discord server improvements.
    August 20th, 2021: Released Armor, but is not usable for now. Added Skill Points which needs to update on the weapons.
    August 23rd, 2021: Permanent classes. Version 1.4.1.
    ~August 31st, 2021: Preparing for Version 1.5. Adding Ascension. Balancing. Adding Level 1-2 Archer weapons and Level 1-5 Mage weapons.
    August 31st, 2021: Armor usable. Skill Points configured and added. Ascension added.
    September 2nd - September 9th, 2021: Maintenance for balancing.
    September 9th, 2021: Maintenance is over. Bosses buffed 60 - 120%. Armor pieces balanced.
    September 20th, 2021: The first Super-Boss added; Demonic Mage. Version 1.5.1.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2022
    melon, Slpc, Seraphine_pawn and 2 others like this.
  2. JohanLTU

    JohanLTU Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hey! As a player of the previous boss battle game made by Wommby, I'll gladly join in this one too once it's fully made.
    Jackkoh likes this.
  3. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    Thank you! The game will be in beta phase within a few days or so.
    (The game is not really playable right now, but it will be in a few days with minimal equipment)
  4. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    Hey! The game is now possible to play. If you want to attack a boss, then tell me.
  5. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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    uwu can i join, i have nothing to do stfu.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  6. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    uh yes sandwich man
    I will get you some basic stuff for you to begin with
    Ok, you ready to go now
  7. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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    cool, can i am have fight the uhh first boss, i want to progress rush and when i’m going to sleep, i grind uwu
  8. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    The Zombie Captain waits for you to attack.
    You can use a basic attack and a spell (Guard)
    btw you have to tell me when you are going grinding
  9. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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    i stabb dealing 10 dmg
  10. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    you can also guard but
    The Zombie Captain used Spear Swing!
    @Seraphine_pawn 90/100
    (i gtg for a bit, cya later)
  11. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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    :shiver: stabbity stab stab
  12. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    Sorry for the long delay. As the rules state, you have been rewarded for 5% of the boss' loot.
    +6 Gold
    (btw you didn't get a single item, I've run the percentages through with a random number generator and nope.)
    The Zombie Captain used Spear Swing!
    @Seraphine_pawn 80/100
    (please use the Guard spell, it reduces the next turn's damage taken by 50% and you seem to really need that.
    Update: Added System Shop and tweaked gold drops. It'll be a bit easier to obtain Gold now.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  13. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    Hopefully you are alive right now. The game is now completely playable.
  14. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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    Sorry, was eating. Anyway, guard spell. And if i can, stab
  15. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    Events are added. Check them out.
    I was updating lol
    @Seraphine_pawn used Guard Spell!
    @Seraphine_pawn used Basic Attack!
    The Zombie Captain used Arise, Zombies!
    Zombie Minion used Attack!
    Zombie Minion used Attack!
    Zombie Minion used Attack!
    @Seraphine_pawn Guarded! Effective Defense: 3 HP
    @Seraphine_pawn 83.2/100, mana 70/100
    wait I didn't calculate the 30% Defense you have
    WAIT OHNO (Edited health.)
    btw I have to sleep soon
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  16. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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  17. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    Two options for you right now. You can either wait for me to sleep and wake up and do all that and get the "5% Loot",
    or you can Grind-wait grinding is only available at level 2+
  18. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

    Likes Received:
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    I wait and when you sleep, i grind
  19. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    @Seraphine_pawn used Basic Attack!
    (btw, using a basic attack will kill one zombie minion)
    The Zombie Captain used Spear Swing!
    Zombie Minion used Attack!
    Zombie Minion used Attack!
    @Seraphine_pawn 73.4/100, mana 80/100
    you can't grind while fighting a boss lol
    and grinding itself is unlocked at level 2
    (should I make that level 1 tho)
  20. Seraphine_pawn

    Seraphine_pawn Professional Weeb and Hypixel Forumer

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    Stabb pls i will spam stab until i reach 40 hp, by then i will use guard. Stab stab stab aaaaa
    Not sure, there isnt really any good weapons from lvl 1
    O no gtg
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