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Lore Question About The Crystals.

Discussion in 'Questions' started by SchoolMeatloaf, Apr 21, 2021.

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  1. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    So its basically known or we can all agree that the crystals are formed after meteors hit. This is shown in the 2 discoveries in the Silent Expanse, forgot the names but the miners finding crystals in the walls and the olm getting hit by meteors.

    It is stated that the Olm fled to the Dernal Jungle to escape the dernic beast and then they hid the crystals.

    My question is, how are the crystals so huge when they just get formed after meteors hit? How did the olm transport it and hide it? Do crystal shards grow into giant crystals over time?
  2. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    "The Crystals" are not formed by meteor strikes.

    The Olm were powerful magicians in Dern, doing dark magic powered by the red, green, yellow and purple crystals. when they fled Dern, they took the crystals with them so they could continue their witchcraft.

    Mostly Canon but a little bit of joining dots:
    After the Olm fled Dern, the Dern beast wanted them destroyed. The meteors seen in the discovery were created/sent in some way by the dern beast to destroy the Olm.
    Many years later, humans discovered the silent expanse, and started a mining operation. The story covering this mining operation was that their objective was to mine the emeralds that were plentiful in the silent expanse, but there were also directions to discover the crystals that gave the Olm their power. When a small group of miners did find the crystals, their supervisor, knowing how powerful they were, made sure they were not disclosed and hid the crystals across Wynn, so that the directors of the excavation project would not be able to unite the 4 crystals and have the power the Olm did. The crystals however, were eventually found by the excavators and the player is lured in to assemble the 4 crystals in the Wynn Excavation quest line.

    Crystals do arrive on meteors though, as seen in the old and new ??? quest, as well as around the lore of lake Gylia. The meteors in Gavel are extra-wynnic, and their effects generally seem to drive nearby individuals insane. They do hold immense power as well; the wand "Pure" was made from a Gavellian meteor.
  3. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    So this is entirely incorrect, here's why:

    "In order to escape the grasp of the Darkness itself in this eternal battle, the Olm harnessed the power of the stars themselves, in the form of multiple crystals. It is said that whoever may reunite these crystals will have the power to reshape the world. (Wynn Excavation Site D)"

    This was put here in 1.20 along with the clarification that ancients are olm. Though there is more:

    "Corrupted Amadel: The crystals combine the power of the stars themselves.. an ultimate power... the power to reign over the entire WORLD! (Wynn Excavation Site D)"

    "The power of the stars.. The magic we used to keep
    it away from us... It was not wise to tamper with it. (Ancient City Signs, Area in Wynn Excavation Site D)"

    This shows that the crystals do indeed have the madness effect:

    "We can't handle them anymore. The Crystals are too volatile. (Ancient City Signs, Area in Wynn Excavation Site D)"

    "No... We've all gone mad... The shadows were never following us. It was all just... Lunacy (Ancient City Signs, Area in Wynn Excavation Site D)"

    "The power of the stars.. I need... more.. more. more, more, MORE! (Ancient City Signs, Area in Wynn Excavation Site D)"

    Additionally their colors all match with meteor colors (yellow, purple, red, green), and we know that meteors had constantly been hitting the mountains around what is now SE (Secret Discovery: Final Moments), and when we then look in those mountains we see there are crystals there (Secret Discovery: A Wynnic Excavation).

    Crystals aren't formed from meteors, they are meteors. The crystalline parts are like finding metals inside the stone of a meteor. As for how the Olm transported and hid them, I honestly can't say. Many of the crystals are extremely large in size, so moving them around doesn't seem easy. They could perhaps teleported the meteors using magic (we know cosmic magic can be used to make teleporters from ???), or maybe they used rune magic. We also don't know if crystal shards grow over time, however like all cosmic magic they do have influence over the environment, though it is more limited than that of the light and dark.

    Hopefully these random ramblings cleared stuff up.
    SchoolMeatloaf and Emogla3 like this.
  4. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    w h a t
    says who The Crystals are not related to by meteors?
    can you give proof of such primordial meteors that werent from meteors?

    Or they could be in the crystals themselves

    Also: no, the mining crew was not WynnEx. WynnEx didn't even know they existed for quite a bit. The original miners that went to SE either became apparitions in the Ancient City or started the town of Lutho
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
    SchoolMeatloaf likes this.
  5. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I didn't see anyone point this out yet, but it's also completely false.

    The Olm were not from Dern nor were they dernic. None of the sort. They lived around Wynn until the Dern Beast laid siege on the SE Olmic City and captured the Olm in Dern. (see The Final Moments)

    After this, the Olm used the crystals, possibly for the first time, to escape Dern, and it worked.

    The Dern Beast never caught up to the Olm. They completely and permanently escaped Dern and darkness. (see WynnEx D signs)
    SchoolMeatloaf likes this.
  6. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I see. Thank you for the info.

    I'm assuming that the olm just magically transported the crystals.

    Also, I wasn't just assuming that the crystals were formed by meteors. It actually says it on the wiki.

    If you search "Crystals" on the wiki then the first sentence that comes up in the information about them states "The Crystals are extremely powerful objects imbued with cosmic magic that started forming in Wynn and Gavel after the meteors crashed in these provinces."

    So i'm assuming that the wiki needs a little bit of fixing.
  7. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Glad I got it wrong so everyone who actually knew could tell you the right answer XD
    SchoolMeatloaf likes this.
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