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SPOILER Theory: Cosmic Magic Is The Twilight

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Da Homeboi, Mar 16, 2021.


Where is there no War?

  1. Fruman Walls

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  2. Enzan Walls

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  1. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    isn't this the plot of the dark crystal?
  2. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Pretty cool idea! I like the idea of Twilight being another factor among the War of Realms, and it is another 3rd party. Also, it's said that Sohso went to Fruma to find a cure for his brother's illness due to the Meteors, so it makes sense why Fruma could have access to Cosmic Magic if that's why he went there in the first place. However, like others have stated, Cosmic Magic is likely not Twilight, as there are other examples of it being other elements. In fact, in "The Final Moments" Secret Discovery, it's mentioned that Meteors often landed in the Silent Expanse by the Olm NPCs, and we don't see any trace of Twilight, or even the effect of Elemental Meteors in that region. I think Cosmic Magic is just a term for some unknown, highly potent magic, kinda like a more mystical magic battery like Quartz that at high doses, changes living beings. Kinda like radiation, and how it can deteriorate people's cognitive function, or mutate other species, like the small town of intelligent beings under Lake Gylia. I also say they're like batteries cause it seems like they can amplify the presence of other magics, like a catalyst. That's probably what the Weirds are, Cosmic Magic that soaked magic from its surrounding to become elementally themed in the area they're found in. White Meteors are probably just big chunks of unattuned Cosmic Magic that's so potent, it can melt minds, and is crazy powerful. While the other crystals are crystals that absorbed the mystical elemental energy around that area and turn into a powerful container and amplifier of said energy.
  3. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Actually, now that I look at WynnExcavation Site D again, they do try to make the distinction that the stars(aka Meteors) are just another third party, but not light/dark related, with, "Many incomprehensible powers exist in this world. Forces such as Light, Darkness, or even the stars themselves.". They then later say, "When the two do clash due to this violent exchange, it is not twilight that is formed, but a violent, aggressive pestilence. A force is known to many as the Corruption..." with twilight not being capitalized, and if it was capitalized, it would imply it is indeed a force in this world like how Corruption is capitalized, but it's not. At the same time, however, it should be noted how after using the 4 Elemental Crystals in Amadel's boss fight, there are Light and Dark themed mobs, indicating that either the crystals actually do have to do something with Light and Dark, or it just pronounced the morality Amadel had by having aspects of both Light and Darkness, like most people and it took a physical form cause magic implication.
  4. Spectral_Ion

    Spectral_Ion Thesead Gang

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    Theres no war in the fruman walls.
    Theres no war in the fruman walls.
    Theres no war in the fruman walls.
    ThErEs No WaR In ThE FrUmAn WaLlS.
    TH**ES ** W** IN T*E FRU**N W*LLS

    (Process of the guard becoming insane)
    Potatomancer likes this.
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is not. All it is said is that he went there.

    All I remember is Shadow Amadel, which confirms nothing.
  6. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Ah, I must have misremembered that part, my bad.

    In Phase 2 of Amadel's boss fight, alongside Shadow Amadel are mobs called Light Wavers. This phase might indicate that the 4 crystals used to power up Amadel also had something to do with channeling Light and Dark, since how else was Amadel able to harness the elements of Light and Dark to be used in this phase?
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Or it was just a good naming since there are many "shadows" of Amadel completely unrelated to Darkness.
  8. Spectral_Ion

    Spectral_Ion Thesead Gang

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    For the most part, it is only shadow amadel, but in the first stage there are insane olm and dark mages and stuff
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Olm =/= Darkness
    dark mages =/= Darkness (not necessarily)

    In the first stage there is only Amadel and Crystal Sentry. No Olms or dark mages
  10. Spectral_Ion

    Spectral_Ion Thesead Gang

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    oops, sry that was the ancient city stage and was not considered a part of the boss fight
  11. UplandBowl

    UplandBowl Well-Known Adventurer

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    I can't really address the content of this theory because I'm not really on wynn, but I would like to contribute some outside knowledge. During Shakespearean times (Lol, I know that's not a real thing) the term weird meant forwards looking being or future telling. In the original copy of Macbeth (inside the first folio) Shakespear uses the term wayward and "way ard" to describe the famous weird sisters, which means the same thing, and it was actually more modern people who named the witches weird because they believed it was an appropriate replacement in the context of Macbeth.

    The reason I think Shakespeare's definition of weird applies more to these creatures is that you say they are called "weirds" which means the term is being used as a noun. "Weird" as in strange isn't actually a noun like "ogre" or "cat" but weird as in wayward is. Another synonym for weird is "soothsayer" (a synonym from Merriam Webster) and its definition is "A person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means" (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/soothsayer). This is most likely the word the creators of these "weirds" had in mind. If this makes any sense in the context of wynn then good job me, if it doesn't, please don't hurt me in your replies.

    Edit: why, every time I reply to an interesting thread, do I notice that it's old as hell right after I post.

    Very sorry...

    Edit 2: Nevermind, I was just looking at the main post. not the most recent replies, smh, I'm making a fool of myself.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
  12. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    This is, in fact, mentioned by Selvut283, a CT.

    "Fervent research found that deep underground at that spot, there were near-microscopic organisms which produced a natural bioluminesence, which allowed Light Weirds to form around that source. This implies that Weirds have a very significant awareness of their surroundings, but how could one choose to be based upon Light in the midst of Earth, if one's consciousness did not exist prior?

    Everything we know about the concept of the conscious mind requires a point of genesis. Weirds throw this concept into a back alley, pummel it against the brickwork, and rifle through its pockets for spare intelligence, as there is no defined point of genesis for the consciousness of Weirds.

    Without nigh-omniscient knowledge of the area, nothing could possibly have known about such an infinitesimally small source of light, let alone a being whose entire existence is defined by that element! Does this mean Weirds are omniscient? It cannot be, as Weirds have been surprised and caught before, and lashed violently. An omniscient or all-knowing being could have easily prevented this, as many of these attempts have ended in destruction of the Weird.

    The common theory of "limited omniscience" is an oxymoron in itself, and should not be regarded. Considering many Weirds simply exist in one spot before doing anything that could be considered sentient or even instinctual, the genesis of their thought processes must not be a defined point, or at least a point utterly alien to our minds as we are able to conceive them...

    ...which leads into the concept of Wyrd. That Weirds are the way in which forces and magic shall taste of itself and feed back, and that their existence requires the concept of a fickle sort of destiny.

    The concept of Wyrd is that it is the unfolding of the destiny of something, and the nature in which something changes, or does not. Wyrd is the way that you are both the same person and a different person than you were five years ago to this date. It is the concept of everpresent, inexorably, consistently unpredictable changes, and how a start can end in a way that could not be guessed to begin with.

    Wyrd is NOT a story carved in stone that all must play out. One's destiny changes based on their decisions, and there is no simple "web" of choices that one could double back on or view. Whether you kill a butterfly or not does not open up a universally different network of potential futures- it is simply an event that could happen.

    You don't buy a spool of thread, and the universe decides "You're going to make a scarf out of this." While the words are similar in our understanding as we now have it, they used to be different- and the concept easier to grasp. But now we need to grasp at straws to have even the barest understanding of the concept of Wyrd. That it is ever-changing but constant, like the eye of a great, raging storm. We cannot observe its true capacity- we can't look up at the sky and know its bounties in full, for it is simply too great, as is Wyrd.

    Destiny is not something that can be predicted- fortunetellers and future sight only can go so far, showing mere possibilities without certainty, but this is often a foray into the Wyrding way without realization of the enormity of its potential. It is a glance at the sky through a window. The view of the sea from a boat.

    The idea that things are pre-ordained but do not have an outwardly observable direction, however, is embodied into the very existence of Weirds!

    Is it such a coincidence that Wyrd and Weird are pronounced the same? That the word Weird was derived from Wyrd, and then looped back into itself? Even their existence is a language feeding back after centuries, tasting itself and exemplifying its evolution.

    Weirds are the power of Wyrd in a microcosm, embodied in the extended forces of the world. Magic observing its own origins and having a path that no one can predict, but is concrete all the same- and just as one can stir concrete to make it set in different ways, the actions of Weirds can be nudged and directed to change that destiny. They can be studied and destroyed just the same as anything else, and despite that they had a different goal in mind, the end result was an inevitability.

    Pretty weird, right?"
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