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Mage/Dark Wizard Help Special Water/air Mage Build - First Build Help

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Shabcarb, Mar 18, 2021.

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  1. Shabcarb

    Shabcarb Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Not even once have I ever made a build for any character on Wynncraft, and I've now made it to level 103 on my Mage. I've never needed to use a build and just went with whatever I felt was easy to use and gave an XP Bonus. However, 1.20 brought raids, which means my stats now matter to other players. Even for the Grootslangs raid, parties that see my health at level 103 immediately turn me away. Since I'm a complete novice to builds and I'm having a hard time finding up-to-date mage builds, I need help or at least advice. Any premade builds are highly appreciated, but simply suggesting single pieces of gear or point allocations help as well. If what I'm asking for just doesn't match up with gear in the game, tell me.

    My Current Gear: (All rolls are average or good)
    Class: Mage Lv. 103
    Raw Points:
    Str 20, Dex 20, Int 76, Def 20, Agi 64 Modified: Str 15, Dex 20, Int 81, Def 20, Agi 105
    Helmet: Clearsight Spectacles Chestplate: Booster Plate Leggings: Sagittarius Boots: Sodeta Boots
    Ring 1: Zhight Souvenir Coin Ring 2: Raging Wind
    Bracelet: Double Vision Necklace: Necklace of a Thousand Storms
    Weapon: Bob's Mythic Wand [A5-A5-A5]

    What I'm Looking For:
    -I still want to focus on Intelligence/Agility, but I'm willing to give it up if I have to.
    -I can't let go of Double Vision. Its jump boost and no fall damage is too precious to how I travel.
    -I want to be able to take at least 1 hit from most bosses so that I can heal. I'm good at dodging attacks, so I don't mind if I'm a glass cannon as long as I can stay alive after taking at least 1 hit.

    Item Requirements:
    -The item must be obtainable outside of quests, even if only on the Trade Market.
    -The item can't be crafted. I'm sorry, I'm just not diligent enough to keep repairing something.
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  2. BrightDanny

    BrightDanny Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  3. Shabcarb

    Shabcarb Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    That build's already several times better than what I currently use. Thank you for putting up with my Double Vision! Do you have any powder recommendations, or if I shouldn't use any?
    Ayase Momo likes this.
  4. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Just use a normal build and swotch to dvision when you need to use it
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  5. BrightDanny

    BrightDanny Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You cannot powder a "The nothing" :(

    (I choose this, because you need little investment for it :), oh and meteor cost ofc :) )


    ^ To offset some negative defences (used cheaper t4 and t3 combination) :)

    Just wait with investing till the guy I tagged responds, he has talent with builds and might know a better solution :)

    You're right. He can simply choose whatever bracelet he wishes to use himself :)

    But sometimes swapping breaks a build, because you needed those stat points ^^

    Oh you could also use this version:

    It has better eHP and same dmg :P

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
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  6. Shabcarb

    Shabcarb Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thank you again!
    I already have everything (including powders) other than the Diamond Fusion Necklace and The Nothing, but I'll wait until your friend responds before I pursue the Diamond Fusion Necklace seriously.

    In the meantime, I'm willing to give you a free LE for putting in the effort to help me. PM me a meetup time if you want it and I'll add you as a friend.
    Ayase Momo likes this.
  7. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Aphotic
    > Time Rift
    > Seipodon
    > Capricorn
    > Yang
    > Diamond Hydro Ring
    > Double Vision
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Nepta Floodbringer [w6w6]
    Curse stacks nepta,spam meteor>ice snake for maximum damage out put because concentration
    Also keep jumping for dodging, you're able to survive after gotten 1 flame thrower from tcc mouth
    Ayase Momo likes this.
  8. BrightDanny

    BrightDanny Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I appreciate that, but I'd rather have you invest in the build with that LE :)

    The friend "liked" my post, so I suppose that means he agreed :)

    BTW, the build that mama Luigi made is also well done. It deals considerable more damage than my build, as it can integrate Curse and Time Rift, but it is very glassy (30% less tanky, agility based (even with 40k eHP, high hits that come through will oneshot you since you have no Defence to buffer that)), but will deal twice the damage of my build if you are able to upkeep Curse and do not have to dodge or utilize time windows to heal yourself up.

    Me myself prefers the more tanky build. I also theorized another build:


    Some find that you'd have to be ridiculous to use the Hive Wand. I say different, as it is an excellent way to convert all your damage to fire and fully utilize the Courage weapon special and the Endurance armour passive, making you able to deal a whopping 20k average meteors if you can upkeep Courage (which should be easily doable as a mage, spamming melee before the meteor hits the ground) and get hit about 5 times per 8 seconds (which is a realistic scenario in alot of cases).

    In case you wonder how I got to these numbers:

    Courage is a weapon powder special that gives 50% damage increase on the base (thanks for clarifying, Diddi) and 125% Fire Damage as a hit (since you deal pure fire damage, it's a good buff) and fire powder on armour gives a passive effect called "Endurance". This buff gives 6% Fire Damage per hit taken for 8 seconds and stacks with itself. Every armour piece equipped with this special will add to the stacks (I.E. getting hit once with 4 armour pieces will give you 24% fire damage for 8 seconds). The more you get hit, which should be easily possible with this build's 77k eHP and your 1 mana cost heal, should be able to utilize this mechanic.

    I integrated your sacred bracelet.

    It practically uses the items you already have bought for the other build, except Blue Mask instead of Aquamarine.

    A later upgrade could be a Monster, a mythic that is very strogn with this build.

    I tested this on my warrior (same build, different weapon, Hive Spear) and my tankiness and DPS is pretty good for a non-mythic non-melee build.

    Downside is: It costs alot more (fire powders) and requires The Hive quest.

    I could showcase you this build with my warrior, if you'd like and show you how good Endurance is in combat scenario's.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
    Ayase Momo likes this.
  9. Diddi

    Diddi Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thunder powders always give more dmg so just powder like this https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index...0J+0g0g21241D1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO11XZ6O
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  10. BrightDanny

    BrightDanny Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  11. Diddi

    Diddi Well-Known Adventurer

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    You're right I should've read that and noticed that you used endurance. Now that I did though there's another thing I have to note.
    You misinterpret the numbers from Courage intirely. It's true that you should add 4 f6 because endurance only works for fire damage. But courage has a 150% damage boost not a 125% damage boost. This 150% damage boost means you get 50% extra damage of off the original damage. The fire damage is only 125% and this isn't a damage boost at all, it's just the damage added to the initially hit from casting courage.
    Ayase Momo likes this.
  12. BrightDanny

    BrightDanny Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thank you for clarifying that :)

    I did not know that :D

    But it's still good for the build ^^

    100% is the base, 50% on top of it, so 150% of the original damage, got it :)

    Makes sense in the calculations as well :D

    EDIT: I thought it was just 150% slammed on top of other bonuses as an additive source, this makes so much more sense!

    Still a very good buff!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
    Ayase Momo likes this.
  13. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Lol i am using that build in tcc for curse stacks with 3 giant
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Unravel
    > Insulated Plate Mail
    > Dark Shroud
    > Hephaestus-Forged Sabatons
    > Black Catalyst Set (DEPRECATED!!!)
    > Black Catalyst
    > Double Vision
    > Diamond Solar Necklace
    > CR-116859B16858v9l62 [f6f6f6]
    Ik this is tfa but its kinda the unkillable build because i am slapping 13k els and 277k ehp,it is a meteor + life steal spell steal build i am using for raids and wars
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  14. BrightDanny

    BrightDanny Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Woah! Very cool build! Very good base eHP and damage without potions :)

    Thank you for sharing, it has inspired me to make a build based on it with crafted stuff!

    This is the build I used in raids with success (if I don't go Singu melee and want to chill):


    WynnBuilder build:
    > Sequencer
    > Starglass
    > Eden-Blessed Guards
    > Resurgence
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Diamond Solar Ring
    > Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    > Diamond Solar Necklace
    > Monster [f6f6f6]

    If I pop a agi potion my eHP skyrockets, but I want to get hit for Endurance powder special. I like this build, because I can safely spell spam and the 2.5-3k life regen is also nice. Powders to offset negative ele defs, because negative ele def = bad, haha.

    It uses mythics etc. and is no way a good solution for the owner of this thread.

    Your build is a viable option for the OP, if OP is willing to work with a crafted weapon :)
    Ayase Momo and mama Luigi like this.
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