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SPOILER Gavel And Wynn Is Connected By Force

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Potatomancer, Mar 17, 2021.


Good theory

  1. Yes

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  2. Yes, but there are some flaws

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  3. No

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  4. Therck time boys

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  5. Potatomancer = Matpat

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  6. Iewkkdmwkodlqpwomc

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  7. Im running out of ideas

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  8. Poyo

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  9. So apparently Im supposed to mention sus 10000 times?

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  1. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    While I was scrolling through the timeline in the Wynncraft wiki, I noticed something. Always when a bad thing happens in Gavel, another would happen around the same time. For example, in 1400 bp, two meteors crashed into Gavel. In the same year, Hashr took the throne and sunk the entire Almuj kingdom in sand. And around 0 ap when the portal opened, the decay started and the Ahms Colossus yeeted the region into the void. So as you can see, whenever something bad happens in one province, another event would happen in the other province around the same time. Almost as if something is trying to balance out the provinces...
    What about good events?
    Although being slightly off, after Bob almost beat up Bak’al’s butt, forcing him to run away like a sissy baby, 20 years later the villagers set off on a journey that would change the course of history and save both provinces. Balance :D
    So as you can see, a lot of events seem to be tied together, and they all are either always good or always bad. To me, this definitely can’t be a coincidence. Two completely unrelated things, happening around the same time? Something is trying to make balance. And what could be doing that?
    It can’t be Dern Beast. He couldn’t care less
    It can’t be Orphion, He has made terrible mistakes before (like giving Lari his powers) and would be terrible if he is the one making balance. And if he was, why give himself the parasite when it would obviously make Dern Beast more powerful, breaking the balance (although the argument for this would be that this is the event that requires using balance)
    If you think it’s the corruption, you are dum dum
    So who could it be?
    Jk twilight
    If you don’t know what it is, in the Light Forest this realm is mentioned. It is supposed to be the pure balance of light and dark, basically corruption with a mind. Pure balance.
    Whoever the god of twilight is, it is responsible for the gavel meteors, the kingdom of sand, and basically all the bad stuff that has happened at the same time.
  2. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    This has always puzzled me, but I don't think there's a connection, as there's no proof there is. The only far-fetched connection I can think of is that the Gylia Plains ultimate involves crystals, and the Emperor's sceptre harnessed crystal magic.
    This can just be chalked up to Dern taking control of the situation and attacking Gavel. In Wynn, the War of the Realms started in 0 AP because that's when the Nether Portal opened and the forces of Light and Dark started heavily influencing the world (although the SE was taken over way before that). So Dern did the first move by releasing the Parasite into Gavel. As for the Colossus, we literally have no clue what could've caused it but seeing that it was dated 0 AP it might have something to do with the War too (it might've wanted to protect the Ahms region from danger but went haywire, it could've been the Darkness or even the Light that made it go haywire, we don't really know). The CT does love to bundle several events together in the same year though.
    I doubt these two events are related at all, there's nothing connecting them. In 886AP Bob beat Bak'al, but that couldnt've had repercussions on Gavel. The villagers set off in 900AP because they were getting desperate as the Decay was getting closer and closer to Llevigar, and the emeralds were running out, so they set sail in hope to find something else.
    While theoretically possible, it's not even known if the Twilight can exist anymore because the forces of Light and Dark are constantly at war with eachother, and thus couldn't "unite harmoniously" I fear. Their whole thing is that they clash with eachother, if you grabbed a mob from the Light Forest and threw it onto a Silent Expanse mob it'd just create Corruption. Also it's not directly mentioned in the Light Forest, but in WynnEx Site D. The item "Bridge of the Divide" says that the Twilight can indeed exist, however 1. this item was probably made before the War of the Realms and 2. Item lore isn't canon so take it with a grain of salt.
    As said before, I don't think a god of Twilight exists (if it did we would probably know about it) because of Light and Dark's nature. Someone else is responsible for the Gavel meteors (read Mehme's signs in the ??? secret room), the Kingdom of Sand one is because Hashr discovered that magic exists outside the desert (probably from the Olm) and thus learned that the Emperor isn't the only one capable of harnessing it, meaning that his "world" is a lie (the Emperor probably made himself a deity in the Desert due to his powers and his prolonged lifespan, but Hashr had just discovered that such magic is commonplace), and so he festered hate against the Emperor until he killed him. As said before, most of the things that happened in 0 AP are related to the War of the Realms (the Nether Portal being discovered, the Parasite breaking into Gavel, and possibly the Ahms Colossus going haywire).
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Twilight isn't even canon, it's literally just a theory based around Anya's Penumbra

    Honestly I like to think these happenings are mere coincidences
  4. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Nothing in Nu de Valeos Ellach says anything about twilight. Twilight isn't even a real thing; "twilight" is just a fan theory that is disproven by canon lore. The only in game reference to "twilight" is Bridge of the Divide, and even then item lores are not to be considered canon, other than perhaps a select few which are still to be seen with skepticism

    Also, even if twilight DID hypothetically exist, what does it have to do with anything? If a bad thing happens in Wynn and a bad thing happens in Gavel that's not balance, that's two bads. Two bad's do not make a good, and nor do they balance things out, especially when the parasite and the portal opening benefited Dern Beast and detrimented Orphion. True balance would be if say a good thing happened for Dern Beast, then a good thing would happen for Orphion. This, however, is not what is happening.

    Most of these are probably just coincidences because certain years sound cool (like it would definitely be cool and sound good if important events happened at year 0 or 1000 or smth)
  5. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    I believe this is the line being referred to when people say the SD implies twilight - this could, of course, just mean that Orphion and the Dern Beast were just peaceful at first, but it does seem to hint at the theory that they were once the same being/force.

    Of course, twilight isn't confirmed to be canon, but what makes you say it's disproven by canon lore? As far as I know, there is absolutely nothing that indicates the twilight theory is wrong, there just isn't enough that indicates that it's right for us to know for sure.
  6. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Confused why everyone thinks this. The Twilight comes from its mention in Wynn Excavation Site D, and Bridge of the Divide, not Anya's Penumbra.
    Da Homeboi, ditsario and Samsam101 like this.
  7. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Bridge of the Divide is not canon. Item lores are not canon. The staff say item lores are just to sound cool and should not be taken as canon. Bridge of the Divide is definitely one of them.
    On WynnEx D:
    • Many incomprehensible powers exist in this world. Forces such as Light, Darkness, or even the stars themselves..
    • Light, and Darkness. Two unfathomably powerful forces. Two sides of the same coin. Though they grew close, they very rarely touched...
    • At least, not on a conceptual level. They use this world as a battleground for their senseless, eternal squabble, in an attempt to claim dominance over the other.
    • When the two do clash due to this violent exchange, it is not twilight that is formed, but a violent, aggressive pestilence. A force known to many as the Corruption...
    • In order to escape the grasp of the Darkness itself in this eternal battle, the Olm harnessed the power of the stars themselves, in the form of multiple crystals. It is said that whoever may reunite these crystals will have the power to reshape the world.
    And... where, is the stuff about twilight? "... it is not twilight that is formed, but a violent, aggressive pestilence. A force known to many as the Corruption..." NOT twilight.
  8. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    That is the stuff about Twilight. From this we know that Twilight is a real force, but not able to be created since when light and dark touch it creates corruption. But there is an important thing to note about the wording: “When the two do clash due to this violent exchange.” So if the light and dark are at war then Twilight cannot be created, so then what happens if they were at peace? This is where other dialogue like that from the Light Forest Ultimate begins to fit in: “This fight... This war... It has torn us apart from what we were.” This right here shows that there was a time before the War of the Realms, a time where the light and dark had peace, and so here Twilight could exist.

    By looking at it as: Twilight is there at the beginning of time, then it splits into light and dark, “Two sides of the same coin” that wish to destroy each other due to a fundamental difference in ideologies (“The world is crumbling from imbalance. Soon I shall bring it to the path of purity.” Purity being only darkness). By having the Twilight exist at the beginning of time as a combination of the godlike powers of light and dark would mean a time in which great things could be done, and because of this Twilight is able to explain a lot of pre-history questions like where the Deaths came from and how realms could come into existence in the emptiness of the Void.

    Quickly I’d like to point out something I’m sure your thinking, and that is related to this line: “Though they grew close, they very rarely touched...” Although you might think that is referring to all of time, you need to look at the rest of the writing. Firstly, whatever ghostly voice it is that tells the player this, they don’t know everything. Several times throughout the writing, it says that cosmic magic is the power of the “stars themselves” isn’t true. In the secret room at the end of ???, we learn that cosmic magic is actually something created, or rather cast on the meteors by some currently unknown group. Of course the speaker doesn’t know this, and really if they had that kind of lore knowledge then there’d be no point to the ??? secret room. So why am I talking about this? Well in here, the speaker also makes another error, when it says that the war is eternal. Yes the war of the realms has lasted a long time, but we know from the talk between Orphion and Dern that there was a time before. It is because of this that the line about the light and dark ‘rarely touching’ can only be referred to points after the start of the war of the realms, as the speaker doesn’t know about events before then. Yet this in itself begs the question: how do they know about Twilight? The only way they could know about the Twilight but also no know about the time before the war of the realms is if someone had at some point managed to create the force in some way, bridging the divide of war between the forces of light and dark...

    Note: I wrote this on a phone, so don’t be surprised about bad grammar :(
    Potatomancer and ditsario like this.
  9. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    ok so if i say "when i shoot a gun the moon does not explode" so your logic applied to this would mean when i dont shoot a gun the moon will indeed explode? it's not saying twilight exists, its just saying there is no twilight created from the clash of light and dark. just because twilight doesnt exist in war does not mean it has to exist in peace.
    keyword: could
    very hypothetical. there is nothing actually proving twilight exists, there are just places where it is questionably possible
    you're explaining how it COULD exist but never explaining how it DOES exist. that's like saying "well if we could put 200 nuclear warheads on the moon it would explode" and from this you think that the moon will definitely explode.
    ok but youre not proving it youre just making up your own fantasies and explaining canon lore with your made up lore
    so youre saying being poetic and taking liberties makes things incorrect? no duh the olm did not use the power of the stars. the narrator is just saying this to explain it without saying "cosmic magic" over and over
    ??? your logic confuses me. there was a time before. so what? just because the war didnt stretch all the way to the past does not mean it wont stretch all the way in the future
    yet again this is speculation and not grounded in any actual evidence. with your logic i could easily say "well there were giant rubber ducks before the war of the realms"
    who knows about twilight? you literally just said the dude doesnt know about twilight
    also bridge of the divide is not canon
  10. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    i think i see what you're trying to say but that logic is greatly flawed. he is not saying if light and dark do not clash then twilight will form, they would need to actively recombine. it does not have to exist in peace, that's not the point of the theory, the point is that it did exist at some point in the past, but doesn't anymore.
    why are you responding to him explaining the twilight theory before he gets to the proof as if it's supposed to be proof by itself
    but... it never says cosmic magic. it only says "the power of the stars". in fact, it mentions the power of the stars multiple times:
    yes, it *could* just be poetic and that's why it's wrong. but also, how would the speaker know about cosmic magic having been cast on meteors? only the brothers (maybe just mehme, not sure) knew that. it's much more reasonable to assume it thinks it's correct and just doesn't know about cosmic magic being cast.
    but... it won't? i'm 99% sure that we are going to somehow stop the war by the end of the game, so it can't be eternal into the future either. or, if the narrator thinks that, it's wrong.
    no. that is not what he said. he said the narrator does not know about the time before the war, but DOES somehow know about the twilight or the idea of it, meaning it must have learned of the twilight from more modern times. also, bridge of the divide doesn't have to be canon, anya's (or just something else entirely) could work for this as well.
  11. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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  12. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    First of all I apologize for writing what I said as though it is actually cannon. The term twilight is cannon, but what I’ve said around it is just a theory, as you say. Also I’m aware that item lore isn’t cannon, I was just trying to make a cool connection to end that with lol. You're perfectly welcome to not believe it's a thing, but before I stop I’d like to point something out. With 1.20, the Wynn Excavation dialogue was actually changed quite a bit, with this being the original:

    "Two fundamental forces exist in our world. One of Darkness, and one of Light.
    The Darkness and Light grew closer, but never touched...
    At least, not on their plane of existence. They fight for influence over our land from afar.
    However, when the two touch through influence, it is not twilight that is formed. But a land of corruption.
    The ancients placed some of that power in various crystals, and it is said that the one to reunite them has the power to change the world."

    If you look, changes were made specifically to show that Corruption is made through light and dark clashing violently instead of just touching. In addition if Twilight wasn’t a thing at all, why leave it here? They could have easily removed it and I’d have nothing to talk about, yet it was not only kept but information was added to highlight the violent formation of corruption.

    I think it would be best to continue this on the lore discord, since this isn’t really the purpose of the thread, and additionally I feel like this could pretty easily devolve into pointless screaming if kept going further here (pointless screaming is why discord exists anyways).
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