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Guild Owners Hate Them! Find Out How To Get To Level 91 With This Simple Trick!

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by Ascended Kitten, Mar 7, 2021.

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  1. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    AVO was one of the top abusers of bulb too?!? What are you trying to say lmao

    the community made a storm about bulb and it got fixed, the CT was not even aware of it.

    no one is even calling out abuse here, it’s just silly that level reqs were nerfed on such a silly basis. The xp was earned, the level reqs are scuffed tho.
    meadow and Ascended Kitten like this.
  2. Carrie

    Carrie Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    If it was any other guild we would've pointed it out it just so happens its AVO
  3. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    just to add proof of this, back on the original bulb thread it was fox that had gotten like 20b in one day of us glitched with the territory the whole time, and we didn't take it personally as we realized that yeah even though we did put in several hours of effort this is completely dumb and invalidates the entire system.
  4. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Just pointing out that when I wrote the glowbulb thread I even used screenshot of Fox's xp gains despite AVO very much competing there.
    The idea was to point out a design flaw that exists regardless of who's at the top, but if you think that any reference to your guild is an attack then I am afraid I can't help.

    Edit: Goden said the same 0.5s quicker
    Nukewarmachine, meadow, Bliss and 2 others like this.
  5. MeowCatPanda

    MeowCatPanda meow

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    I mean idk how you sustain 20k fish/hour with one territory, but if you can teach me I'm totally down to learn more.

    300% xp bonus is quite powerful, but its also meant to be quite powerful. With territories being that much harder to hold onto with the update, and guild territories becoming borderline useless, there has to be a powerful incentive to put work into maintaining territories.

    That being said, causing things like charms to not be multiplicative will make the xp gains MUCH more human, perhaps more than you expect.

    Also ice, I understand that levelling now is different than it has been before and it can be frustrating. However, I find it extremely disrespectful that you are implying that AVO's insane xp gains have been without effort. We've been having crazy activity, having teams of people awake at every hour of the day spending time defending claims and grinding xp, whether or whether not their xp gains show up on erns bot. It's not as if the guild xp bonus is only accessible to one guild, and it's not as if frozen fort is significantly better than every other grind spot in the game.
    Doggy_W00F, Magnatos and thepicferret like this.
  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    It's almost as if making guild xp entirely based on the player xp system, a system notorious for being super easy to abuse, is a bad idea...

    The 300% multiplicative bonus is a whole new level of stupid though, especially since there are only a limited number of highly efficient grind spots. Having guild xp only come from a few territories allows a small number of guilds to gain xp at a rate no other guild can even come close to which clearly advantages large guilds massively. I thought these updates were supposed to help small guilds but I guess not, at this point I don't even know what the hell is going on with guilds or what the core issues are anymore.
    urbymine and Ascended Kitten like this.
  7. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    The xp is not the problem. I mean, guilds are pulling out more xp than achievable before, but the main problem is the fact they reduced level reqs thinking guilds would not be able to level as easy.

    as for Fish, you can sustain that because you can dip into your storage and sustain defenses higher than what you can actually afford, it just drains you. If you are taxing you can also do as such. Not saying everything else in the system is perfect lmao

    That was also very random.
  8. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    Time to play with you two lmfao
  9. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Might a mention that just because a feature exists doesn’t mean it’s a good one. They are constantly balancing and fixing the system as a lot of things they conceptualized did not turn out how they thought it would. Apparently it is the same for this.
    Bliss and Ascended Kitten like this.
  10. Gumikacsa

    Gumikacsa A leghűvösebb kacsa a világon HERO

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    did you guys know that ubisoft will be taking over wynncraft's development in q1 2022?
  11. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    and that wasn’t even the high end of it during glowbulb times (vv = void valley = glowbulb)

    the CT didn’t even know glowbulb was problematic and rendering this much gains. Salted didn’t think guilds would be able to level at the same rate as before so he butchered level requirements.
  12. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    Considering we have explored every single optimization imaginable and had to do considerable community efforts on top of that, our xp prior to the release of orphions charm were not completely ridiculous comparatively to the amount of effort put in. However ever since all of our xp farmers acquired orphion charms en masse the possible xp-rates has exploded beyond what I can defend.

    I don't know if there are any underlying intentions with this thread nor do I really care. All I really care for is the continuous improvement of the guild I am in while adhering to the values that my guild represents , one of those being honesty.
    I don't want to push this guild to the coveted lvl 100 only to be ridiculed and slammed with claims of foul play, but I also don't want to hold back on doing things as optimally as we are capable of .(who in their right mind would do that)

    Are the current theoretical maximum xp rates insane right now? Yes undeniably.
    Should there have been more testing/foresight before implementing these monstrous multiplicative xp buffs? Yes.
    Does everyone involved in this thread have the correct perspective to understand the amount effort that went into setting up this industrial-scale xp gain? No they don't.
    Is it the responsibility of me and the other members to hold back on what we are capable off and argue if using all-legal gameplay elements is ethically or morally correct? No I don't think so.

    That is where I stand and I'm sure a lot of others share a similar opinion.
  13. MeowCatPanda

    MeowCatPanda meow

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    Didn't he very clearly say that he wanted guilds to level up much faster
    Doggy_W00F and Shoefarts like this.
  14. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Guild slot buff happened. And in the changelog it states clearly that level reqs were nerfed because they thought it would be too difficult to level now.

    nonetheless, is it not concerning to you that years of effort basically get invalidated by moves like this? Well, maybe not if you are the primary guild benefitting from them. .
    I respect that, and we understand your efforts. The problem isn’t with the xp but progress that took months or even years is now achievable overnight. The level requirements make little sense given xp influx and new charms.
  15. XeraAndromeda

    XeraAndromeda Empress of Nemract, Queen of Aphelion CHAMPION

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    I love the guild community, while I'm here playing osu I get asked to read and comment on a thread. So here's my take: Frozen Fort is bad it's too cold why can't we got back to hot gring spots in MH which is just about as good as the climate here in Indonesia for 90% of the year
    PikaPrince likes this.
  16. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    We were rank 3-4 on the release of 1.20 and saw most of our efforts washed away under the new guild xp curve like everyone else near the top. As much as people enjoy to bring up our dedication to leveling up during 1.19 through the use of glowbulb, Those efforts were also completely trivialized under the new system as well. 1.19 destroyed the hard work done prior to it long before 1.20 had a chance to do so and who's to say 1.21 will not simply continue that cycle.

    I'd want nothing more than a reasonably fair system of where the strong and capable guilds are rewarded and the weaker guilds can still settle an acceptable but significantly less amount of gains. xp gain creep is a natural existing thing in MMO's and in small doses is even healthy (like economic inflation), silent expanse was the new highest level area and there was bound to be an increase in the xp a guild could obtain compared to before (but both 1.19 and 1.20 took it to the extreme) just like the prof community has a right to complain how all their 1.18 efforts were trivialized (again both by 1.19 and 1.20) But I don't want to blame the guild xp farmers and 1.20 era proffers for simply doing what they do even if they are invalidating past efforts in the process.
    Magnatos and thepicferret like this.
  17. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Hax has been the highest level guild. That said, they owned the entire map for well over a year all because the system was so broken that no one could war. Did they play through the system? Yes. People still crapped on them and didn’t recognize their accomplishment because of that fact. They technically earned it, but it was still cheese even tho they had no say in the system.

    just because the game functions like that does NOT mean it’s not broken. Wars were broken for a whole year and Hax rendered all the xp especially after Gavel boom.

    even Fox, the most accomplished guild of all time, could not pass up Hax simply because how broken the leaderboard was from that mishap. Now its dummy possible because years of effort got wiped away and people are leveling great lengths over night.

    it used to take a couple years for a guild to reach level 71, but now guilds no one has ever heard of are that level.
    meadow, Bliss and Ascended Kitten like this.
  18. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Don't simply flame AVO for owning such a terr. There are 2 other terrs that produce similar rates, which are mirror cave and church. Yes you heard that. CHURCH.

    Church is slightly within the range of a territory to which my guild currently owns. When done right, I could get my guild about 500m XP per hour, without optimizing charms, slaying tomes, and the amount of people from my guild. We could probably reach about the same level or even more so in XP gain per hour if we heavily optimized it, maybe like 1-2b/h. During a DXP weekend church party, I seen myself gain 2.1m XP from just ONE mob. Average is around 300-500k per mob, with the high yielding ones giving 800k-1.1m. However said, mobs spawning from totems don't seem to give XP right now so the XP gain is pretty bad.

    CT has already been informed of this way before 1.20 was dropped, but nothing was done about it.

    This guild boost really needs to be additive and tuned down, say max 200%.

    On a similar topic, GXP should also be additive and tuned down, say max 100%...
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  19. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    To fix it, how about we give every grindspots to the #1 guild, GYP (which is currently on top)
    ZrBence and DJBillGates21 like this.
  20. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Sure, but level has become easier with time. Even in 1.19 leveling became easier as time progressed because the map became larger and more high level areas, ect. They never made it a consistent measure so the leaderboard is also not a very valid measure. They should have taken more precaution but o well more plays like this.

    I remember when Fox hit 1 billion xp for the first time and it was huge news because that was unheard of. After Luna tho, xp was now in the billions and any guild could easily get a billion XP, guilds we’re getting billions everyday. It is progress on an imbalanced scale.

    Moves such as glowbulb, which only went on for so long because the CT had no idea how broken the territory was, and now this have dramatically increased that.
    Charms got added :O
    That begs the question what is even the leaderboard anyways in that case. What does it even represent then.

    seriously, what does the leaderboard mean if it isn’t consistent. Does it even mean anything?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
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