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Champion Rank Has Ruined Proffing (and Bomb Parties In General)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TaintedL1on, Feb 18, 2021.

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  1. TaintedL1on

    TaintedL1on Remove Champion bomb bell CHAMPION

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    After looking through the comments, it seems like the way champion slots work is more problematic than the bomb bell. I'd be okay with bomb bell remaining in place if the champion slots are reworked.
  2. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    while gatherings are more viable to do without bombs thanks to guild boosts (bleh) and gxp armor/consumables, its still a rather tall order to tell someone to "just do it" without bombs, considering how much longer it takes compared to when its done during bombs. Secondly, craftings are only easier than gatherings if you buy everything, but if you dont buy materials, then youre double fucked by the lack of bombs, not only does gathering take twice as long, you receive 4 times less XP than you would if you did the same amount of crafts during a prof set. meaning craftings can effectively take 8x as long without bombs. I get its not "impossible", but profs are already a long commitment, and its not fair to call people 'lazy' when that time commitment balloons to over a thousand, if not several thousands, of hours.
  3. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    So you're telling me because it takes a long time, it doesn't make you lazy that you refuse to do something unless its gimped in your favor? Like you said its a long term commitment, so you're being lazy by not wanting to do your long term commitment unless its hand fed to you...
  4. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    And a quick reminder that you people choose to do professions and grind your ass out
    No one is forcing them upon you
  5. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Its not that it's lazy. Many choose to do it with bombs simply because they level up faster. Not everyone has the time on their hands to level all profs up to max. People have lives outside of Wynncraft to live, yknow? Sure there will be people who won't level it up simply because they're lazy, but often times the grind can take so long that you become demotivated to do anymore (additonally doesn't help when you finish cutting down a tree for a solid half a minute you only get 1% xp and 1 piece of wood/paper as long as it doesn't pull a fast one and not give you it) or, as I said before, simply people do not have the time to do so.
    You're right. No one is forcing you to do it. However, housing requires blocks from professions, so getting the right amount of blocks when professions only give you 1 per profession performed on top of the level cap for getting these materials can be daunting at times not to mention trying to gather materials craft armor. Now granted a lot of these blocks and ingredients can be purchased off the TM, but personally, I would rather gather the materials on my own rather than spend tons of my money buying materials / crafted armor which by the way range in prices from player to player. It is slowly being integrated into the main game for something that should be on the side. I've also heard tell of some quests having profession requirements but I cannot confirm it and won't go into it any deeper.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
    Druser and DarkraiNightmare like this.
  6. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    And a quick reminder that "just don't do them" is as bad an argument for professions being shit in the first place as it is for scummy monetisation making them even worse. You should be disappointed in yourself for even thinking this was a sensible thing to say.
  7. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    I don't see how that's a bad argument, its a personal choice to do profs, no? there isn't much to gain from profs, no? so it lies on the player they do things not worth their time and rage when they can't get bombs
    I agree with what you're saying but perhaps the issue doesn't lie within the bombs but rather profs themselves? and if people don't have the time to commit to profs why should they be rewarded???
  8. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    The problem is with those who do try to commit the reward is very lackluster. So, wood cutting for example, depending on the tree it could take you 6-10 seconds to cut one down and XP can vary depending on your wood cutting level, but for me I get 1-3% XP gain after I cut down one dark oak tree. You also get only get one ingredient/material from the tree but there's a chance that it doesn't drop at all and you gain nothing. Now, granted, there's gear that boosts gathering loot, speed and xp, but like loot running gear, its not readily available to get and the one way to get it is through crafting which you can either buy the materials for. So even with the long, tedious grind, the reward isn't that great and like I said previously, it can be very demotivating to spend 10 seconds cutting down a tree and only getting one piece of wood/paper or even not getting anything at all plus hardly any XP. It's why people advise against professions on first playthroughs, its just you click and stand and wait, pray to RNGesus you get a reward and move onto the next. Its boring, it takes forever and the rewards are just... bad. Compare it to Combat XP, you get it from dungeons, quests, discoveries, raids etc. they're exciting, and while at times it can get repetitive, there's more of an incentive to do so since you get the XP plus Emeralds, Dungeon Tokens, Tomes etc. Gathering XP? You stand, You click, One wood? One string? Unlike Combat XP there's no real incentive to do it.

    You can see how people would just up and abandon trying to level up professions. Its boring and there's not really any real reward for doing so, which is why many wait for bombs and is why people dislike the bomb bell as coupled with /swtich, Champions can flood into a server making it difficult for those who didn't pay the €180 to level up their professions.
  9. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    So really the problem isn’t the bomb bell or champion slots, it’s profs.
  10. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    I enjoy professions
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Just because you can choose to ignore a problem, doesn't mean that problem does not exist. It certainly doesn't do anything to fix the problem either. One might be able to choose not to professions, but that is a complete misunderstanding of the problem. Nobody is saying the problem with professions is just that they are a bad piece of content and not worth doing. The problem is that that people who want to do professions are discouraged from doing professions because they are bad. It is entirely the fault of the game when the player wants to engage with a piece of content, but the game does everything to make that impossible.
    Even if professions were worthwhile without the use of bombs, Champions would still be able to take up slots that would ordinarily go towards other players and therein lies the problem. Just because there are less issues than there were before, doesn't mean it's suddenly a good idea to create problems for a quick buck. Champion slots (and the bomb bell, or pets for that matter) are and always will be pay to win and turning a blind eye isn't going to change that.
    Again, since you posted this while I was writing my other responses, even if professions were the best piece of content ever, perfectly balanced and an absolute joy to do without bombs, that still wouldn't excuse giving people an advantage just because they donated to the server.
    Ah, of course, how could I be so foolish? Because you enjoy professions they must be undeniably good and if anyone else is discouraged from trying them (or has tried them and doesn't like them) by pay-to-win monetisation it must be their own fault and they should just shut up. You can like professions, but if you mean to tell me that they're in any way good, you can stick them where the sun doesn't shine.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Professions are a problem too of course

    Yes, some do. But many others do not and I think this is the bigger part of the playerbase
    ditsario likes this.
  13. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    No, it's both. Profs on their own were already somewhat poorly designed and the fact that people had to rely on squeezing into prof bomb servers definitely wasn't a good thing, however, champion features make this problem a crap ton worse by making it so that in most cases, only champions can actually use prof bombs, thus pushing many non-champions away from profs entirely, for no reason other than that they didn't pay over a hundred dollars for champion. Besides, even if profs weren't a thing at all, this problem would still apply with other bombs (dungeon parties cough cough), just less so.
  14. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    If you need to pay money to enjoy professions then thats not my problem
  15. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    No, it's the game's problem and it should be fixed. In fact, it's not just me that feels this way. I wonder why that might be...

    EDIT: Just limited access to your profile, I see. Classy.
  16. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    Just rework the damn thing. No need to scrap it, just remodel it. It really shouldn't be too hard.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  17. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    My main problem with this argument is that youre complaining that Champion rank makes it easier to get to bomb servers
    This shouldn't be an issue in the first place because needing to be in a bomb server shouldnt be a problem
    Yet profession grinders made it a problem
  18. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I don't see why servers with bombs shouldn't be equally accessible to all. Regardless, as I've stated many times, even if you don't acknowledge not being on a bomb server as a problem, Champions still have a very clear advantage. If you do away with the negatively affecting non-Champion players part of the (and I would argue that the fact that many people are angry about not getting into bomb servers affirms it as a problem), Champion is still pay-to-win. Just because something is only a problem to people who see the game through a lens that you don't approve of, doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist.
    Bwitty03, TrapinchO and FoxxoChan like this.
  19. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Its the professions but Champion and bomb bell doesn't help it, it makes the issue worse.
  20. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    I was going to make another point but i feel like this here sums it all up
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