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SPOILER Wynn + Dern = Saved?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by xKar, Feb 2, 2021.

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  1. french_bread_gud

    french_bread_gud french bread berb seel HERO

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    SE ultimate discovery shows dern beast ordering bak'al to build EO and put The Eye there
  2. xKar

    xKar hello wants up CHAMPION

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    You don't know for sure if the corruption doesn't need the clash of influences, no one really does, but it's a logical implication to say that it can end if the clash ends too, because the clash is the root of all corruption. And yes, you are right, the Decay should make corruption weaker, but as of now, it isn't that weak, and we don't really know if it is actually changing the power of the corruption in Wynn.

    What I meant by "accepted" is what happened in the 2nd quest of TRoL, where Orphion chooses the player because he made the right choices. Also, my point is that it's just more complicated helping the Light and not the Dark. To access the RoL you need to do a lot of tasks, but if you wanted to help Dern, all you need to do is stop whoever is trying to slow down and defeat the Decay (Get rid of Lari for example).
    In hindsight, through the 1000 years that passed by, helping Dern would've been an easier and quicker path to getting rid of the corruption, but since the player is here now, and is doing actual progress, that option can be not thought of.

    The player has defeated mighty creatures and god-like characters (Qira, the Colossus, the Eye, etc.), and assuming Bob is still in Dern holding off the beast, joining forces with him would give a good chance of defeating it.

    After all, this is just a theory regarding the corruption itself, for a very simple thought process like this to not exist in a whole millenium is very strange.

    And yes, Bak'al is controlling the army of corruption, but that's not what i was targetting when I said they aren't allied together. Because the corruption as a whole is just the consequence of influences clashing, and what I meant by that is that the forces aren't allied or conjoined together.
  3. EnderFlame1311

    EnderFlame1311 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Gavel is much stronger than wynn. Also after dern wind what stops them from turning on wynn?
  4. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Wynncraft only experienced corruption when the scales tipped. Prior to 0 AP(hence the name), Wynn was vibing (relatively) peacefully. The war of the realms only became bad enough to affect wynn when the darkness infiltrated the light, causing the conflict to escalate. If anything, your plan, causing further unbalance, would make the corruption worse
    Lexwomy likes this.
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I just noticed something while writing a comment on a different thread that could support this theory.

    So you remember in Wynnexcavation site D how Amadel was a peon of The Eye and he used the crystals to become all powerful? Well, have you ever questioned what he'd have done with that power? He would probably have unleashed Dern into Wynn judging from the state of his boss room. Once you kill his final form and give the final amulet to his assistant, you get this dialogue:
    • Amadel's Assistant: I, I can't believe you beat him...
    • Amadel's Assistant: Amadel was a god...He was going to save the province...
    Yeah. Apparently he was going to save the province. This COULD just be their delusion due to worshipping Darkness however.

    It's hard to even consider those quests as canon anymore, though. They're so outdated and in serious need of a revamp. 1.20 has given us a few hints that they WILL revamp the questline though (Changing the Ancients in site D to Olm, Changing the King of troms' skin, changing his son's skin, also changing Twendle etc etc etc)
    I really hope 1.21 is the storyline update.
  6. cars3n

    cars3n Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Even if opposing the realm of light would save Wynn...
    Isn’t it kinda immoral to condemn all of Gavel to die, just to save yourself?

    Sherk would die.
  7. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Doesn't Amadel say something along the lines of "I will destroy all life!"?

    saving the province doesn't really seem high on his list of priorities
  8. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Bak'al didn't build EO, it already existed by that time. It was built at an unknown time by the Olm (proven by the fact that there's carvings of humanoid beings riding horses on the walls and iirc a library in the outlook) but the Darkness took it over.
    coolname2034 likes this.
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