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That's It, I'm Gonna Try Hypixel Skyblock.

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Thonck, Jan 13, 2021.


What turned you off about HSB?

  1. The Grind

    41 vote(s)
  2. Burnout

    19 vote(s)
  3. I Did All the Content

    12 vote(s)
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  1. RisenEzura

    RisenEzura The Sire CHAMPION

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    better not, this is fuel for a fucking war

    what i wanna say is.. uhh
    none of them will EVER admit that the grinds are redicilous
  2. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    I was kidding you know
  3. RisenEzura

    RisenEzura The Sire CHAMPION

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    'course you where ^^
  4. Goldful

    Goldful Travelled Adventurer

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    Incorrect, many of them consider the grind "ridiculous". People complain about it, if you talk to the right person.
    Personally, I find enjoyment in the competition, in guilds or between friends, heck, even the entire server, and I'm certain most others do too.

    Also, keep in mind that Skyblock still hasn't fully released, currently it's at Patch 0.11, and they're working on updates which make the grind more.. bearable (as seen with the Enchanting Overhaul, back then you'd have to enchant BOOKS as fast as you could, wasting lots of time & money)

    I'd consider myself endgame, with a 1.4b networth & a skill average of 43+, I've been playing the game for over a year, and even, that's not THAT good.
    4hmqd likes this.
  5. Pengu76

    Pengu76 Well-Known Adventurer

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    If anyone’s wondering, a bunch of players went from HSB to Wynn after a bug allowing flight in Floor 7 dungeons was patched, I believe. While it wasn’t impossible to do the floor after that, patching a bug that allowed players to complete fast runs and was an extremely useful tool against the boss caused many players to quit, as the now more difficult floor and slower run times meant a more tedious grind for the boss loot, which mind you, was already extremely rare because of RNG. A bunch of endgame players ended up giving their stuff away to move to new games such as Wynn.

    I guess I’m one of those players, ive started playing Wynn and taking a break from skyblock and so far I’ve been enjoying my time tremendously. Compared to skyblock, Wynn is just so much better in terms of grinding, progression, lore and even balancing of classes compared to the skyblock system. I’ll be playing for a good while, and while I’ll go back to skyblock every once in a while for the next update or so, for now wynncraft is definitely the game I’ll be maining.
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Top 10 reasons HSB sucks
    1: You can't do anything without grinding. Even things that counter grinding, like minions, require a massive amount of grind in themselves. I don't want to have to sit at my computer for 40 hours straight just to get like fishing 50 or whatever.
    2:The admins main goal is to keep people on the server, meaning most of the content is just there to make sure you play every day. The events, minions, updates, etc. To a point that it is almost impossible to escape.
    3: It's very money hungry. Just after updates, the game is behind a paywall for sometimes days at a time. Also booster cookies, bits, etc. are quite obviously p2w. Its like a free 2mil (or whatever) just from buying one cookie from the store! You can buy op items with bits. Guess how you get bits? BOOSTER COOKIES.
    4: Toxic community. Whether it's little kids who've bought MVP++ with their moms credit card screaming angrily at non-doners in the chat, or the people who deliberately snipe Youtubers, trees, zealots etc. This isn't even mentioning the bug abusers, hackers, scammers, racists, you get the point.
    5: Reward is minimal. Congrats! You just grinded for 50 hours straight! You have crafted an item which saves you 10 seconds of crafting time!
    6: The youtube content is repetitive and boring. If you search: I got a midas sword. theres about 90,000 results of youtube videos. Other than pointless clickbait, most of whats left is letsplays, minigames and stream highlights. The first of which is very hard to make entertaining unless the person making the video is a comedy genius. The second is extremely rare, and the third is more entertaining but still rather repetitive.
    7: Let's think about Hypixel in general. I can hardly name any minigames which aren't just floating islands. The Wynncraft map isn't floating, which makes it look like more care has been put into the builds, rather than saying: "Building is too much effort, let's just make them floating instead, saves 90% of the work".
    8: It's not skyblock. Skyblock is about conservation of resources. If you call going to an island with infinite amounts of resources skyblock, then you've got mixed up with prison.
    9: Weapons and armour are not interesting at all. It's just Health, Strength, Intelligence, Speed, Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Attack Speed, Set Bonus. Thats about it. Whereas in Wynn, theres Health, Attack Speed, Defense and Strength for all FIVE elements, Spell Damage, Main attack damage, Mana Regen, Mana Steal, Health Bonus, Health Regen, XP bonus, Loot bonus, Stealing, Thorns, Reflection, Poison, Exploding, Life Steal, Walkspeed, Soulpoint Regen, Knockback, Spell cost reduction for all 4 spells for each class, Sprint Length, Sprint Regen, Jump Height, Loot Quality, Gather XP bonus, Gather Speed, Major IDs, Skill point bonus for all five skills and powder slots. Phew, that was tiring.
    10:There is no incentive to do a whole new playthrough. Players are too scared to create a new player and start fresh due to their fear of falling behind on their first account. Theres almost nothing to do after your first playthrough, unless you do a challenge account which usually gives more grind.

    Rant Over. Keep in mind this is from an ex-HSB player.
    shacers, Crokee, Da Homeboi and 2 others like this.
  7. Miseru

    Miseru Newbie Adventurer

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    The thing with most of the Hypixel Skyblock community, is that they recognize that the grind is ridiculous, and they're complaining on a daily basis, and yet they're still playing the game.
  8. expectocat510

    expectocat510 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I also used to play hsb however I have essentially quit and mostly play duels and wynncraft now and I agree with pretty much everything you say except for your bit about mvp++'s I have mvp++ and know a lot of them and most are good people however, the ones that are entitled usually get more attention and then keep doing it because of the attention people give them they buy it to flex where as most other mvp++'s buy it for it's features such as private games and nicking.
  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I wasn’t referring to all MVP++s, just the ones who show it off or be an idiot in chat
  10. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Let's just compare the two. HSBs first dungeon boss: A clown who can summon zombies. Wynn: the undead mother of the saviour of wynn coming back to destroy Ragni. HSBs quests: Find a pickaxe, and get it back to a lazy miner. Wynn: Various unique stages, they all usually take longer than 5 minutes. HSBs professions: oops ya got me there
    HSBers am I right??? (I'm totally not an ex-HSBer)
  11. Snake0

    Snake0 Travelled Adventurer

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    Not trying to be rude, but a boss drop from bonzo is his lore (i think?), so maybe read that for some more cool things.
    But, the quests are VERY.
    Crokee likes this.
  12. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    HSB IS professions

    also the first dungeon is like the only part of the game with any lore
    MlecznyHuxel99, Crokee and 4hmqd like this.
  13. BlazingBrick

    BlazingBrick Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    The only real piece of lore is dungeons and journals. Otherwise it's just bad lore or absolutely no lore at all. They have so many opportunities which they don't take. The howling caves for example, why are there dead wolfs? The random Shaman? Is this connected to the catacombs?
    Crokee and Bwitty03 like this.
  14. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    No worries, didn't come off as rude at all!
    Snake0 likes this.
  15. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    I dropped Skyblock because of some reasons here:

    1. Did Wynncraft over the summer, can say it is much better than Skyblock.
    At first, Skyblock was a pretty cool game, and I'm pretty sure it could've actually taken the title of the biggest MMORPG in Minecraft. However, the End Update really put things in a bad spin. Now, it was very hard to progress in the game. Along with other updates that gradually declined in quality like the Community Center Update (It made the game P2W, making the owner of the server a hypocrite). Wynncraft truly felt immersive. Everyone could participate in the economy. It wasn't as capitalist as Skyblock. The rich get richer, yes, but now the poor can also get rich as well. It also had pretty good quests. Skyblock's quests were just 'hey can u go this for me rq k thx bai' while Wynncraft's quests were much better. The main characters have depth. You can get emotional if one of them dies. It has a huge lore background. Even the worst quest in the game to me (Canyon Guides) is a masterpiece compared to most Skyblock Quests.

    2. Progression
    Oh boy, where to begin. In Skyblock, they did something very wrong to me, made grinding competitive. This sparks a lot of toxicity in the community, and an example of this is you can't go into an End lobby without someone saying 'StOp StEaLiNg My EyEs!!1!' and 'I nEvEr StOlE uR eYe!1!', this just makes connecting with the community nigh-unbearable. Now, of course, there are some good apples in the community, in fact, I can name a few on the forums, but there is a huge toxic part of the community. If you ask for advice, you'll get an answer like 'Git gud nub.' compared to Wynncraft's community which is much nicer in my opinion and are always willing to help. And there's also the issue of the economy. It sucks. If you just joined, the only way you could progress was to either bazaar flip (me with my entire 2 brain cells never figured how to do it), be rich, or win a giveaway. Because of this, scammers are also rampant in the community, and even resort to taking people's entire game away from them, as well as griefing islands as well, just to get them to cry. I have never been scammed before, but I can't say the same for other unlucky people. What's even worse is that the team behind Skyblock actually tolerates scamming. In fact, they even seem to be cool with some scammers, with the rule of Public Shaming, which is calling out someone for scamming, and then getting silenced by the people who say 'PuBlIc ShAmInG!!!1!' At this point, Skyblock is not an MMORPG, it's a glorified Prison server that disguises itself as an MMORPG.

    3. Content
    In the first few weeks of skyblock, the content was actually pretty good. That is, until the End Update came out. It added Zealot grinding which only the very rich could do at the time, and it was just a grindfest from there. There is also the Dungeons. I actually kind of liked Dungeons, but Wynncraft imo, it does the bosses in a good way. Instead of the bosses having weird gimmicks for them, the Dungeon Bosses in Wynncraft are more traditional. There's also quests. Most quests in the game are either racing or fetching. Racing at first seemed like a nice divergent from regular fetch quests, until they became unbearable. The secret for most races is Speed. Nothing else. And then, there was just more content, that was disguised as a revolutionary mechanic in the game, which actually turned out to be the exact same thing: Grinding. I learned this because in mid-December 2020, they announced a new update called the Dwarven Mines. 'Sure, this could be cool!' and when it came out, my hopes and dreams were instantly crushed. I just realized as soon as I mined a Mithril Vein, I was just grinding again, and so was every other new update. Every new update is just a new way to grind.

    Those were my 3 reasons why I dropped it.
    MlecznyHuxel99, Crokee and 4hmqd like this.
  16. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Seluc will frown upon you
  17. JustLooking

    JustLooking Lookin Around VIP

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    HSB is probably gonna just completely fall apart one day.

    There's only so long you can keep a game like that going, the only reason it has persisted for that long is the Youtubers, and they are decreasing day after day.
  18. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Press X to doubt
  19. JustLooking

    JustLooking Lookin Around VIP

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    Nah, it's definitely gonna shrivel up one day, the model the game has isn't sustainable.
  20. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Thank you, you have reminded me that "shrivel" was a word, and now it is my favourite.
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