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My Issues With Modern Wynncraft And 1.20 In Particular

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by StormKing3, Jan 21, 2021.

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  1. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I want to start out by saying I really enjoy Wynncraft, I have played the game for 7 years (more than most). I love the world the builds and a lot of the quests. I also heartily enjoy talking to the community, do I like everyone on the forums? No I don't but you can't be everyone's cup of tea so that's fine. Additionally, I appreciate to a degree the support from the content team and developers on the game.


    There are some huge problems with Wynncraft's infrastructure, growing problems that will not go away and I heavily dislike. First it was the erasure of old quests, not just making new ones but replacing the ones I have grown to love with new ones... that I did not love, does this mean that I want all old quests to remain forever? NO there are poor quality quests that should be removed or remastered and I completely stand with this, but what the team has done in the recent update is not just a remaster it is a butchering, a strike at the very heart of classic Wynncraft and the original players. We're met with unskippable dialogue, clunky mechanics, overly lengthy quests with little gameplay (Order of the Grook and Dwelling walls), every single quest in the silent expanse I hated - yes hated, even point of no return which was moderately clever it had huge gameplay issues and the story was, eh. But Dwarves and Doguns, surely he can't dislike that? But I do! It's awful, a 4 part questline (with part 4 having the only significant moments in it) and no good conclusion, the "boss" battle is one of the most boring, mind numbing things I have ever done and the storyline: "oh no looks like my son the Prince died, we better stop this genocide now sorry about that. Let's be friends" - you what. There are some good new quests though, the new maltic's well quest is quite funny and some of the new dungeon quests are bloody great, like Sewers of Ragini and Redbeard's booty. Tunnel trouble and I can't dislike the mini quest system, a good addition. But overall I feel that many of the new quests are of poor quality, overbloat the game and the originals they replaced were more enjoyable. It saddens me to lose what I feel was the golden days of Wynncraft. Please read on fully with my little essay.

    Now after my little quest rant I'm going to talk about the positives of recent updates, because yes there is a lot of great and highly imaginative things the team have done, I tip my hat to them.

    - The seaskipper merchant: An ingenious addition, a good character (shock) and actually serves a purpose at a reasonable price
    - Discoveries: Add some more layers of fun to the game, secret ones especially
    - Increasing bank space: A great move, more practical and lets you hoard more gear without having to worry about having too many quest items
    - Ingredient pouch: A good way to solve the previous inventory problem, allows you to pick up more "junk" without having to go scurry back to a village every 5 minutes like a feverish and excitable rodent
    - Map changes: Changes to builds I would say are generally positive, Detlas was reworked and I didn't like it at first but quickly grew to love it
    - Apparently in 1.20 only 4 people max can enter a dungeon, a brilliant way to stop the excessive cheating as I call it of hyper levelling characters using corrupted dungeons, free keys and double xp
    - In 1.20 a few of the reworked quests (probably a minority of them I'll be honest with myself) look better than the old ones - looking at you realm of light and taproot
    - 1.20 makes items to be sold for more money, this may help the economy without forcing me to scrap and sell to other players but then it won't recirculate money so I have no idea if this is a positive or not but I am including it
    - Trade Market: Despite being unfair for non ranked players as ranked players get more slots to sell items it is a fine addition to the game and one I fully support

    After my incredibly high praise and proclamation of pure unfiltered love for about 20% of the new updates I'm going to move on to why I think Wynncraft has been gradually getting worse and worse. If you love the new updates in the past couple of years or so then I am very happy for you and I would love for you to continue to get as much enjoyment as you can from the game as possible. Now, I resume to the negatives of recent updates

    Parts of the map have been altered beyond repair, destroyed of all creativity. Half moon island is a pale replacement to a once great mini dungeon and area, grind spots are blotches on the environment surviving no purpose other than to take up space for better locations and the monsters don't even drop gear only xp (which you can effortless grind with a few of your PTW buddies in a corrupted dungeon).

    Ingredients are infuriately overwhelming, there's an obnoxiously high amount of them and different types with similar abilities. Why in God's good name should these have any right to take up so much space, the over zealous need to add features to turn it into a more stereotypical RPG game. Furthermore, there's just too many different types of ingredients, you could cut the amount they have by half and no one would care. I like how you can sell them to the blacksmith though, that's fairly fun to do, considering I used to back in the old days literally fill my inventory with stacks upon stacks of junk and sell them for about 32eb in total, it was a poor way of making money but I could never bring myself to lootrun like everyone else.

    Professions are tedious, pointless things. Tiring to do and tiring to see people bragging about them, just remove them I don't care, they are completely pathetic and grindy. Actually do not remove them that's being too harsh (calm down there Salted you don't have to do it) just make it easier to level them up. Oh and the different tier tools just really irk me, I know it's meant to encourage you to do more dungeons but honestly I couldn't care less, if you wanted people to do more dungeons you'd have made them untradeable and not a few le on the market. You now need certain profession levels to do some quests, laughable. As well as that there's 3 rarity levels for each resource, this is gravely unnecessary.

    Hunted mode was and is a terrible idea, with professions especially gives a massive advantage as we all know no one uses it and PvP is terrible anyone if some silly person decides to. 50% gathering bonus as well, just give everyone the 50% gathering xp bonus and make it fair. I've seen no good argument for giving people who participate in hunted mode extra gathering xp and combat xp, not too bothered about combat xp though as dungeons and quests give more. having a lvl 103 quest to get it is also a weirdly high barrier to entry.

    Fabled items - like why, just make them legendary items. They're not better than legendary items, make them objectively better (or at least subjectively better) and stop portraying them as such that they hold more power than legendary items, they don't.

    Tomes were introduced in 1.20, and no one seems to like them very much. I've only seen a glimpse of them but they just have give off very unnecessary vibes to me.

    Pets doing damage is another massive issue, I hate this so much. They can also take items back to the bank, this is a kick in the stomach for someone who has seen people argue against shit (please excuse my language) like this for years. Pets should be cosmetic only, period. You know it would be better this way. They also only do about 400 damage max and target one mob, so they're not even good at that.

    Guilds are toxic, tryhards and angry people fill them and the alliance system is horrendous. From being told you're allowed free territories if you enter this alliance / agreement / exploitation is not a fun way to play. Guilds are being reworked though so I hope that improves them, however marginally.

    Housing I have mixed opinions on, until I realised how terrible it truly is. I actually in the past thought housing would be a good idea, oh lord how wrong I was, it's an utter insult to Wynncraft to add this and I hate to it with every fibre in my body. Again, if you enjoy it good for you and I am overwhelmingly happy for you, perhaps I was too hasty and harsh in saying I hate it, but at best I am indifferent towards it. Oh and the higher your rank the bigger the plot, no emeralds needed very unfair

    Uth runes and Nii runes have been pushed out and forgotten about in favour of the ridiculous corrupted dungeon free key bombs. This needs to stop too.

    Last things before I bid you all a very good night, Champion rank is a horrible idea. I know it's to make more money, which is a very good concept as more money = good (and it helps the server stay open or whatnot, I don't know if it's on the brink of collapse but ok). Champion rank as an idea is purely to make money, I like the team and want them to make money but I am very conflicted about it, moving onto the features. Champion is purely used to entice people to purchase it, the very idea that it was meant to be bought on a monthly basis was something I didn't like, oh I meant to move onto the features let's get into that: reserved slots, merchant booths allowing you to set up special shops on the map to easier put items up for sale without having to return to a city (yawn) and a bomb bell (unfair if you ask me but alrighty). 8 daily mob totems (excessive and totems shouldn't even exist) and using /switch to change server, that I don't really care for.

    In conclusion Wynncraft has got better not worse, the quests are more tedious and most new features just overbloat the game without adding any unique content that hasn't been done in every other game ever. By adding in more ingredients, housing and pets that do damage you're just walking straight into the average RPG tropes.

    Of course please feel free to argue with my points in a reasonable manner in the chat below, I'll respond to each and every one hopefully. I know they're also be some half arsed short responses that will get more digital "likes" than this, but I care not. I just want to get my point heard, and it will.

    Good night / good day to everybody who sees this!

    P.S: Some points have been edited to better reflect my opinions and to discourage misinterpretation

    P.P.S: No I do not hate Wynncraft, 90% of it is spectacular fun so don't think about responding accusing me of hating the game or telling me to stop playing, I won't take any notice of you
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  2. Spakian

    Spakian Wandering in your dreams

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    I didn't read all of this but some fabled items have identifications that make them cool.
    CaptainTurko likes this.
  3. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    I feel the need to address some of these

    I may just misunderstand what you're saying, but it sounds like you think that each ingredient has a chance to be 0-3 star rarity, which is pretty much the only explanation I can think of because other wise your issue doesn't make sense, ingredients having rarity is practically the same thing as items having rarity.

    I entirely agree that professions are super grindy, I don't know if that's some of the appeal to some people, but certainly not to me, luckily, professions are required to get through the game (Unless you want to do rise of Quartron, Crop Failure, or shadow of the beast

    Nighthawk, Time Rift, Blind Thrust, Second Wind, Dragon's Eye, Draoi Fair, Strobelight, Deadeye, Recalcitrance, Rhythm of the Seasons, you get the idea, these are all really good items, their increased power is slightly balanced by the increased rarity, Fable Items also have a higher rate of major ID's than anything else.

    This isn't a criticism of wynncraft the game, I have deliberately ignored guild politics and have no idea about them

    You are at the very least, right about that for xp parties and whales, but a lot of people (including myself, to a certain extent) do use runes, and also TCC requiring Tol runes means you do actually need some.
  4. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Hey StormKing! I personally don't think that it's fair to say this. Lots of players, myself included find guilds to be a way to chill and just another way to enter different communities. Give it a try and maybe you'll change your mind!
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    3 stars yea, but 4 actual rarities keep in mind (0 stars is a rarity)
    StormKing3 likes this.
  6. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    I dont agree with a lot you said... but some of it is true.

    I hate the rework of good quests, professions take too long to level op and dungeons were a bit broken. Housing is very disapointing. If you dont buy the HERO rank your island is small and you cant build on some of it, it stays a ring of grass. If the whole island would be smaller it would be ok but this ring of grass bothers me a lot.
    The Champion rank was one of the worst additions in wynncrafts history. Its 100% pay to win and people without it have a big disadvantage.

    -I love most new quests (Se & Dwarfes and Doguns)
    -Guilds are a very cool part of the game
    -Pets doing damage isnt a problem
    -Uth and Nii runes suck
    -I like fabled items
    -The Map and rebuild areas are fucking INCREDIBLE

    That said, yes Wynncraft is worse but also better at the same time.
    StormKing3 and Mr_Hummer like this.
  7. Fingolfin

    Fingolfin High king of the Noldor

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    im glad im a new player and not vet and this wynncraft is all i know , anyways i like wybels
  8. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Raids and forgery rework fix this.
    hirotoy0, fishcute and Sg_Voltage like this.
  9. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I'm not going to comment on every little thing in this whole post since there's so much wrong with it but you really need to chill out, actually think about the things you're saying and make cohesive arguments instead of being so hyperbolic. Even if you're saying the right things, it isn't productive if you don't fairly represent the things you disagree with and come up with reasonable solutions for them.

    In case you're looking for a few issues, here's my small list;
    -You're talking about modern Wynncraft but you never said what that actually is. It appears that you're talking about Corkus onward (which I agree with) , but almost every issue is from the past three updates so I have no idea what your time frame actually is.

    -Just saying you hate every SE quest is so pointless, you need to say what you actually hated about them, especially since they're some of the only new quests that aren't filled with a ton of unskipable dialogue and the quests tend to work quite well, especially since 1.20 when all the bugs got ironed out.

    -There being a lot of ingredients with varying rarities is the opposite of a problem, having them allows for more player freedom and expression in the items they craft and you never explain why it's an issue. Reading that makes me think that your issue is that there are stars, but the stars are extremely effective at communicating the rarity of the items, they should be added to every item IMO.

    -Tools from dungeons are great and the fact that they're tradeable is even better. Pre 1.18 there wasn't any way to make money off of running dungeons but now there's a market built around running them and selling the tools. It's a new way to make money in Wynncraft by doing something different, plus it means players who don't want to do the dungeons don't have to. This is one of the greatest choices made in the past three updates, I can't help you if you can't see how brilliant it is.

    -Yeah hunted mode sucks, but you don't have an argument to support that, you're just relying on the fact that everyone agrees with you which is weak.

    -Chill dude, fabled items have been in the game for 2 updates now compared to everything else which have had 7 years of support. Also, there are so many iconic fabled items already like nighthawk and galloping spurs, along with basically every new fabled.

    -Pet tasks suck but please explain why pets doing damage is a bad thing? They just hit stuff for you, if you don't want that then just don't use pets when you go into combat.

    -Maybe try not calling half the community toxic without any actual proof of that?

    -You seam to be very against anything remotely P2W, and while I get that, you don't really explain why that's either a new or an important issue. The bomb stuff has been going on a whole lot longer then Corkus (2 whole updates before, probably more) and all the issues with Champion honestly fall into the same boat. The reality is that Wynncraft is mostly a single player game with some cooperative content. There's no reason why people should really care about it being P2W at all. Of course, I have a ton of my own reasons why I think it's somewhat problematic, but my point is you fail to mention any of your own reasons which is important if you want any credibility.

    Rants like this aren't helpful to anyone. It's fine that you want to vent a bit, but do it in a productive way, not like this.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  10. RHFMarksman

    RHFMarksman Travelled Adventurer

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    So before I begin, I am about a week in lvl 58 assassin. Started cause I wanted to play a rpg game in MC and found this to be my cup of tea :> First, I personally like some quests, and hate others, so I agree that old ones (that are not in need of a revamp or flat out replacement) should be available, at the very least so us newbies can experience the lore like early players did. Towards Guilds, I make no comment as I have been running solo so far. =/ As far as PTW is concerned, I don't like it in the sense its unfair, but I have played much worse so I dont really mind. This includes champion rank and I am sure if I had been playing longer I would probably dislike it more but hey, If they need money, no skin off my back more money is good as long as its used well. I do think restricting home building space is stupid. A better way to do this is to give ranks a extra benefit, such as a 2nd Island/bigger island. On a side note, this is a bit of a preference, not hate but can all legendaries have lore maybe? Also certain mid game legendary weapons have the same skin, which I am ok with but it would be nice if they varied. =[ Finnally, I am new so I might sound dumb but I want to learn and grow as a wynncraft player thx :)
    StormKing3 and Mr_Hummer like this.
  11. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    After reading this thread, I don’t think Wynncraft is for you anymore. Most of the OP consists of “I personally don’t like X, therefore it sucks”. Granted, some of it is legitimate criticism, like the blurb about Champion, but you’re just beating a dead horse; People have been cricitizing it since it was revealed, we get it already!

    I think you should take a break from Wynn and move on to other games. As Sg_Voltage said above me, ranting like this is a waste of time for everyone involved.
  12. Ville

    Ville Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Honestly, if you have been around wynncraft even before guilds got added (like me and him) you have to know how toxic and tryhard guilds have been from the very start. I dont even want to tell yall how toxic TNA was in 2015-2017
    Shoefarts, StormKing3 and Miles_ like this.
  13. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    Why shouldn't they do dmg?
  14. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Couple things, first being around since the start isn't remotely relevant since we're talking about the current state of the game where sure, there are some issues but everything is fairly friendly which is far from what the game was 4-6 years ago and two, guilds aren't toxic, people in them are. If you don't like the people in a guild, then don't play with them, find your own people and do your own thing.

    It's also still not helpful to say guilds are toxic, even if you point out one example. Unless you can explain what makes them toxic and how to fix it you're just throwing a bunch of people under the bus for no good reason.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  15. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    personally, as someone who used to see crafting & ingredients as pointless, crafting is probably my fav aspect of the game rn. it opens so many possibilities that wouldn't exist otherwise, and allow you to get clever to create some stellar items. being able to squeeze every ounce of optimization outta these crafted items is just, fun. (plus you can create some funny meme items.)
    ExertKarma, Stag2001, Jbip and 5 others like this.
  16. brixt01

    brixt01 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    There are some parts of this post that I fully agree with, but literally ANYONE who has high level professions would be very upset if the number of ingredients got reduced. There are still some level ranges which don’t have enough ingredients for leveling up crafting professions.

    Also, what’s wrong with multiple rarities? Changing them to all having the same rarity wouldn’t change how much inventory space they take up, because they are all different anyway.
  17. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    That's true

    I meant it in terms of rotten flesh, strong flesh, sturdy flesh but these are actually different items not just the same item of a different rarity so I made a mistake there.

    Guilds are a definite part of the game and have (previously at least) been very toxic. I haven't used tomes yet if that's what you're talking about! That will be interesting to see

    Thank you for saying this, I'll certainly give them a try in the new update. I like my guild because I get to choose who goes in it, but I don't like players from other guilds who brazenly try to get you to do stuff

    Yes, thank you!

    Good, I agree

    - Disagree respectfully
    - I hope so in the new update
    - I believe it is but that's your opinion so ok
    - They do at the moment
    - So do I but they shouldn't have their own category
    - Yes absolutely!

    Had me rolling around on the floor in endless fits of laughter for 25 minutes after that one

    I briefly mentioned it in my post (4 players max per dungeon I think) I have said this in the past too

    Yeah I never said that:

    Mostly Corkus but a couple of things from 1.14, you had a good guess about the timeframe I was talking about, well done

    I did have an argument but I forgot to include my 4000 character essay, deepest apologies. What do you want me to say, what would you say. The 50% profession bonus should be for everyone as that is an unbalanced perk

    Haha what, I said guilds were toxic and tryhard guild members (a small percentage), don't know where you got half from but you do you friend

    I said every reason why Champion is crap did you read it xD, I'm not going to offer up any solutions because that's not what this is. It's not a general suggestion, you don't disagree with anything I've said about Champion so you are clutching at straws here

    Oh dear he's trying to police what he does and doesn't want on his forum. Regardless thank you for responding

    Thanks for responding, we seem to agree on most points

    I didn't expect this but it's fair enough due to my critiques of the game, I still love Wynncraft I said it a lot of times. I'm not just criticising Wynncraft in general, it's a great sever, but majority the new features which I dislike, I am looking forward to playing more 1.20 though.

    Recently, I played through an entire mage character from 1-102 so I definitely do still enjoy it, thanks for your concern (?) though. I haven't done huge amounts since my mage but this just feels like you want me to go away than a genuine suggestion, but thank you anyway

    My guild was made 6 years ago (or 5) so I have been there, with HAX and everything. I would argue guilds are a lot more toxic now but there's always been a bit of toxicity there

    Well for starters the max damage they can do is like 400 so that's basically worthless late game anyway, just keep them cosmetic it's dull to do this. Keep the other features though? Idk

    Bingo. It's a conundrum such as Knives aren't deadly but it depends on how people use them. Guilds have become gradually more and more competitive and nasty, just look at the requirements for most of them, they don't want to help new people they just want high levels to do wars for them

    Yeah I like it too, but as I said before (no one has really seemed to read all I wrote) you could easily remove half the crafting items and nobody would care, they might have to shift around some of the details of them so it's still easy to make the items but that's it.

    PikaPrince likes this.
  18. brixt01

    brixt01 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You can’t just respond to me by quoting what I disagreed with...
    hirotoy0 likes this.
  19. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Yes right, I don't believe you need such a wide variety of ingredients because many just have either improved versions of themselves within a few levels of the lesser ingredient and you can easily remove half whilst reorganising a few of the others. I don't think they can change it now due to all the items that will be affected, and not to mention how much of the old ingredients everyone will already have or have used, I believe it could be changed in future updates but not immediately. Perhaps I was too harsh however, maybe getting rid of half might be too radical
  20. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    The virgin Wynncraft criticizer vs the chad Wybel enjoyer
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