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Tcc And Its Issues

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Bixlo, Jan 21, 2021.



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  1. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    Hello. This is gonna sound like a hate rant and it sorta is. I hope this is taken as critisizm and beta testing in a sort, however its also filled with player rage from someone who got ripped off 4 times.

    1. The mother fuckin time limit in the wings part is REDICULUS. I did it the first time with my og team and got kicked after a min. Thought this was a bug and tried again a day later. SAME RESULT. The time it takes to find the exit is longer than the current lime limit.

    2. The "first room" or the "button room" is a death pit, my second team tried 3 times and failed each time. A ignis user died 2 times, a snail shaman every time, and the other shaman only died once. I was the tank mage and barely stayed alive. That room is so horribly balanced is can end a raid straight up on the FIRST LEVEL. I understand 1.20 came out only a day ago. however if raids had been tested during the beta, how were things like this not seen. I physically cannot do TCC anymore bc of its disturbingly high difficulty.

    Way to fix this:
    1. time limit: instead of having this 1-3 min time limit make it 20-30 min, "oh bixlo but then ppl can't do the raid bc ppl are already in there!" yeah bullshit, change worlds, or alternitavely w a i t

    2. PLEASE LOWER THE HP AND OR DMG IN THE BUTTON ROOM. the buttons themselves do like 6-7 k dmg (and I have maxed def and this is the dmg i take) and the mobs can just 1shot ppl instantly. You cant even try to complete it without getting past that room. I know its one of 2 but ive done it 5/6 times now and each time someone dies.

    Im not one to complain since i understand that there are gonna b bugs and issues and that the CT worked very hard on this, but some of these aint bugs they are shitty mechanics. Please for the love of my sanity FIX THE RAID

    Oh yeah, it doesn't even reward anything rn so fun, but I wouldn't know bc i cant even complete the damned thing.
    H0Y and Druser like this.
  2. Simolater

    Simolater Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In the beginning the raids were really confusing and we had similar issues.

    For the low time issue(happened to me twice): The time reset every time you kill a miniboss. So while one person searches the other kill minibosses until you know where the exit is.

    For the second one: The platforms spike every now and then so doge them(there are flame particles that light up before).

    Rewards are wierd, disabling pets when coming in and being patient(up to 5 mins or so) help.

    My biggest issue with the raid is the heavy lag spike at the boss when going to stage 3 (ich lost live 20% of raids from getting kicked from the server there)

    The hardest part of the raid is the boss. You cam get overwhelmed really fast.

    Now most of our runs run smoothly with no or few deaths, the only problem being the lagspike.
    Sar likes this.
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    absolute madlad lol

    1. The fact that killing a miniboss resets the timer showcases the biggest issues with raid mechanics - that they're really terribly explained. I've done TCC five times (four on beta, relatively spread out in time, and once yesterday after release) and still have zero clue what is happening in any of the rooms. Understanding what to do is by far the biggest challenge of the raid - it's extremely frustrating design.
    2. The blue platforms room? I do think there is a bit of an issue with raids where every room is balanced as though the player has all the raid buffs. For my healtank mage it wasn't too tough, but I was running KoH primary with like 9k heals so that's a bit of a skewed perspective.

    That lagspike with stage 3 transition is an oof.
  4. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    The issue is that rooms have too much difference in difficulty. [Get 10 Iron Bars] Room is way too easier than [platform] room, with way fewer mobs, no ranged mobs and decent puzzles.

    Also the platform room is very confusing. I didn't know you don't have to stand on both platforms simultaneously. What's the best way to do it exactly, all people get top then all go bottom, or?

    Second room is somewhat balanced, though [3 platforms at once] room always require more than 3 people, so when two people die it's immediately over.

    I was at that party, and we were all no ranks so keep in mind these are just fresh reviews.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    H0Y, trex1611, Bixlo and 1 other person like this.
  5. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    My guild and I would have entire servers crash on us mid-raid, forcing us to reset entirely and spawning us in almuj of all places

    also none of us knew until today that the gargoyles don't attack the golems in the third room, it was horribly explained
    _Johku and Bixlo like this.
  6. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    I feel like if they had a bit before the raid that explained the goal, where u need to go or smthn Bc the platform room is like trying to do ??? While doing CUR as a lvl 57 lmao
    Wait that’s how u prolong it?????? Omg ty now I can actually progress that raid
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    haven't even read the thread but please change the biased poll
    one_ood, Arkade, Sar and 2 others like this.
  8. Ssephiror

    Ssephiror Well-Known Adventurer

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    It literally make nonsense the platform thing how do u even complete it? and also i failed this challenge with too many ppl dying while no1 literally did
  9. _Johku

    _Johku hi HERO

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    I think the raid is fun and challenging but not too hard ON A 150 DEF 20K HP MONSTER MAGE
    if you use archer or shaman some rooms just become impossible unless you have super tanky builds
    I think its a problem that the raid is so hard for some classes that people just dont want to use them
    I got told to never use shaman or archer in the raid by like 7 people
    Even my 70 def 100 agi toxo shaman is just barely staying alive in the button room by constantly using courage and by my pets sometimes blocking the arrows from the mobs that shoot
    I think they should nerf the mobs so you would get the 150 def experience with like 90-100 def
  10. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    Maybe unpopular opinion, but after running the raid 5 times (I only beat it once cause the others all bugged) I found that using stat pots or prof consumables can make the raid a lot more tolerable. For reference I used a EWF Archer and drank Agi and Def pots. About 2 of each is enough for the raid, but after the first challenge it didn't seem like I needed them that much.
    Arkade likes this.
  11. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I admittedly run monster mage too, but I can keep all of my teammates alive most of the time by just cycling meteor-heal and having them stand close to me ( YY ran ETA archer iirc, and others had some glassy builds). I don't really see what rooms are super mega impossible without being a tank yourself
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