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Any Class Op Mythic Builds V2.0 (1.20)

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by RenZenthio, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Alright, it's finally time to continue this thread in 1.20. This thread is going to be a little different from my last thread though. For one, I will probably screen the submissions more, as I have more classbuilding experience now, or I might add commentary to some builds. Build submissions for this thread will also have to follow a submission format, both for my ease, and for yours
    (Feel free to leave suggestions about improvements to this thread. Also, please send any submissions to this thread, and don't @ me or dm me on discord with them, it's so much easier to keep track of submissions if they are on this thread)

    That format is:

    Element Combination: (The skill point requirements your build has, ex: WFA, TWF, EWFA...etc.)
    Build link: (All build submissions MUST use wynnbuilder. This is mostly for ease of updating this thread.)
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: (Primary damage spells include spin attack, bomb arrow, uppercut, aura, and meteor. You may include both first and 3rd spell if you wish though. ALL VALUES SUBMITTED HERE MUST BE UNBOOSTED, unless logic dictates they should be, like with rage. I would also prefer submissions to not contain armor powders unless it is rage powders, or if the build has a cool interaction with an armor powder)
    EHP: (Warrior EHP is allowed to use war scream)
    EHP (without agility):
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): (Yes, no, maybe. This is for if the build has life sustain)
    Comments: (comments are optional)

    Here's the format without my commentary:
    Element Combination:
    Build link:
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps:
    EHP (without agility):
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M):

    Example submission:
    Mythic(s): Hero
    Element Combination: WFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_06...0Qi0Z0Z1h1F2M1g1000361000361001ZC1001ZC100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.3k uppers (26k uppers at half with saviour's and rage)
    EHP: 207k
    EHP (without agility): 40k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: This build is meant to be played at half health, and deals massive damage. It has 1/1 costs with 9 mana uppers. I put maybe for self-sustainable because although it has very little life sustain it can no pot just about anything.

    (double mythic builds will be put in the weapon categories this time around. Also, at-level builds for all the lower level mythics would be appreciated)
    Mythic(s): Revenant
    Element Combination: EFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0JN0Jm0360Qt0EE0EE0KI0Jt0CB1C-Y-E1I1I1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15.9k dps, 3.7k per hit
    EHP: 89672
    EHP (without agility): 38360
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (greed and hpr)


    Mythic(s): Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0D80hp0nY0QR-1ASASASAS8H8H9m910tB0KI0UB0CB0A1F001a161g00001001Z6
    Primary Spell hit/melee dps: 13k dps, 26k hit, 108k quakes (all boosted)
    EHP: 80k
    EHP (without agility: 39k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Good stealing/Greed
    Comments: Exploited Heavy Melee, for anyone who can't stand having no agility, smoke bomb can be used for canceling burnout and getting more emeralds. (defensive stats are put in like that for raids)
    Ren comments: Ok, was not expecting this but it's really cool. Also, I'd like to mention that the ring is optional, and that I personally would replace it with a poison ring or replace something else with a poison thing to get more damage ticks




    Mythic(s): lunar spine, stardew
    Element Combination: TWA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_2Un2WR0D40Qx0GQ0GQ0OJ2Ud0QA-Y1N1u-Y1Q1g0000101dfC
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 5k 2m heals 17k meteors
    EHP(no agil): 11k
    EHP(with agil): 28k
    Self sustainable: yes, heal spell
    Comments: i made this ages ago and had this put together as 1.20 viable it has luanr so it's good
    Ren comments: I honestly don't see anything too crazy in this build, but I don't have a terribly high frame of reference in regards to stardew or lunar

    Mythic(s): Stardew
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90JX0WH0Qx0GQ0GQ0Of0OM0A4-Y1B1p1E-Y1g00001004cI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 14k meteors
    EHP: 30k
    EHP (without agility): 30k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y, heal spell
    Comments: Hybrid mana, just casual TWF stuff.
    Ren comments: I think this is on the verge of something you can do without mythics, but stuff like water damage and the high mana steal is kinda unique so I'm keeping it.




    Mythic(s): Resurgence
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0V...0Kz000m1f1r001g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.5k nighthawk storms, 7.4k bombs (1 cost each)
    EHP: 39k
    EHP (without agility): 39k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Up to effective 2636 hpr/4 and effective 3288 ls
    Comments: Chonky, also getting Super Slow without atlas/tenuto/Aphotic is very satisfying
    Ren Comments: e, hellstrand...hellstrand...

    Crusade Sabatons:

    As with last thread, I will only be accepting overpowered discoverer builds. However, good lootrunning disco builds would be nice too

    Mythic(s): Disco, Pure (Optional)
    Element Combination: Either TWF or WFA
    Build link: https://wynndata.tk/s/u3ao2y (Pure version https://wynndata.tk/s/n7pyh9 ) (Judas version https://wynndata.tk/s/tzqs0a )
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.4k Meteors with pure, 8.9k meteors with Judas
    EHP: Way to variable to say exactly, plus it doesn't matter
    EHP (without agility): See former
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): King of Hearts
    Comments: (Custom is anamnesis) This is a lootrunning disco build that doesn't completely destroy your bank, good for anyone who doesn't want to waste their money on 3-4 mythics. The SP allows for the usage of either Judas or Pure for combat parts of lootrunning, the Koh and Ana don't have to be max mr to allow for infinite flight, but you should aim for at least 7. The accessories have more of a focus on durability because the soft cap is already easily hit, and I didn't do the same for the pants because I'm bad at crafting. Warp lootrunning is overrated


    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combination: WFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2UO0KA0Jl2UU2W92SL0TN2Ud0Ql-Y-Y210j1D1g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8.3k meteors (17k dps)
    EHP: 39.5k
    EHP (without agility): 17.8k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: The meteor damage is fairly low but it's made up for by the sustain and cost

    Mythic(s): Pure, Resurgence
    Element Combination: WFA (again)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2UO0KA0AB0Qr2W92SL0TN2Ud0Ql0000211T0U1g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10.4k meteors (20k dps)
    EHP: 39.4k
    EHP (without agility): 29.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: An objectively better version of the above build with Resurgence

    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combination: WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2YR0KA2WP2UU2W92SL0OJ2Ud0Ql-T0022-T1m1g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9.2k meteors (19.6k dps)
    EHP: 37k
    EHP (without agility): 11.3k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: Probably not too much better than the other two, but duo-element builds aren't usually comparatively good to tri/quad/penta builds

    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combination: (E)WFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0oG0Rz0sq0Sr0uP0uP0TN00A0Ql0A0C1f0h0U1100000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8k meteors
    EHP: 7.1k
    EHP (without agility): 5.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: Oh I made another pure build, this time it's at level. Photon looks good for leveling up.


    Mythic(s): Monster, Resurgence
    Element Combination: WFa
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0l...0Qn0000212M0H1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15.4k meteors + access to courage
    EHP: 84.2k
    EHP (without agility): 71k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: My personal Monster build (for when I actually get a monster), Very slow attack speed is practically the same as super slow for mage since they don't need the same cps as most other classes for optimal dps.
    Ren comments: seems solid

    Mythic(s): Monster
    Element Combination: ETFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W0iv0WD0VN0050Jf0OL0uH0Qn1A16zh2M0t1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: melee: 15.8K meteor, 8.5K melee DPS
    EHP: >107K
    EHP (without agility): >61K
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Only 4 items where the rolls really matter, but those items have alot of ids which all matter for the build.
    Be especially careful with -health regen, it ranges between -166/4 health regen (best) and ~-2.3K/4 health regen (worst)
    Ren Comments: Fast hybrid monster, poggers


    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0K70PW0Qq0K20K00ON0UN0QY0027140y1B1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 23k meteor (7.3k melee dps :D)
    EHP: 33k
    EHP (without agility): 15k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N (slayer -hpr makes this build unplayable)
    The build looks meh. And honestly it kinda is. I like the build a lot because its quite well-rounded - It does good meteor damage while having a fair bit of defensive skillpoint and has enough mana to fly (with koh offhand), and also has over 100 walkspeed which is just a lot of fun. In normal combat its kinda E with the high heal and ice snake cost, which is partially offset by the walkspeed and defense/agi (real gamers use meteor-tp combo instead of meteor-snake) but imo where this build can really shine is in TCC - The build is... playable enough without any buffs (you can solo platform in room 1 but requires... patience), but due to TWFA / mixed defensive skillpoint it can get the full benefit of both +defense and +agility raid buffs (in particular, Monk 1 -> Giant 2 turns you into a crazy tank that still does high damage), and +mana regen/+intel (to allow you to cycle meteor-heal or meteor-snake instead of meteor-tp, since meteor-tp is quite suicidal against the TCC boss.) Worst case scenario you don't get mana regen and end up using the very sad meteor-meteor-(snake/heal) combo on the boss, which is... honestly still not horrible. KOH is kinda mandatory though

    TL;DR I like the build because its fun to play; its actually kinda meh because its only good with raid buffs but its cool and twfa. Being reliant on KOH secondary is sad though I honestly don't find myself needing to heal much in bosses because you can just dodge with walk+tp (tested 1.19, need to run LI in 1.20 with CCI to see how this holds up.)
    Ren comments: very interesting, seems competitive

    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combination: TF(A)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_09r0ol0pB0Qq0OQ0OQ0K40Jc0QY0527-n1v0y1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19600 1 cost meteor & 7200 super fast dps
    EHP: 69851.72
    EHP (without agility): 37831.44
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: I use a non-mythic version of this for tcc and it works well. As for the build, it's a super fast spell steal hybrid +walk speed good sustain tank. I wish I was rich enough to actually use it.


    Mythic(s): Singularity
    Element Combination: Rainbow (ETWFA)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0XL2WM2Y12U50K20K00OJ2Ud2VF161c210n0g1g00003OnZ6IOnZ6C004cC
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 20.5k 2m meteors
    EHP: 30k
    EHP (without agility): 20k (almost!)
    Self sustainable: Y, heal spell
    Comments: is it mythic enough?
    Ren comments: looks pretty good for singu, I don't see what pisces is there for though

    Mythic(s): Singularity, Crusade Sabatons
    Element Combination: ETWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_06...w0l1g10006C10ptlU1000CO10039I3OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19.2k meteor 1 cost
    EHP: 61k
    EHP (without agility): 38k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): yes
    Comments: Super tanky, solid dmg, low spell costs and my all around favorite build. I have soloed LI, Qira, EO, and completed TCC with this build.

    Mythic(s): Singularity, Resurgence
    Element Combination: ETWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_0lS0F+09U0Qr0K00Fx0TN0OH0Qp0l1h1f1Z0l1g00003OnZ9IOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 21.3k meteor 2 cost
    EHP: 45k
    EHP (without agility): 28k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): yes
    Comments: This is a slightly more damage oriented version but requires a good resu to really work. Can use Cumulonimbus instead of sizzling shawl for similar numbers.

    Mythic(s): Singularity
    Element Combination: ETWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_2Vg2WM2Vq2UU0K00K20TN0OH2VF0s1h1f141D1g00003OnZ9IOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 20.9k meteor 2 cost
    EHP: 39k
    EHP (without agility): 18k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): yes
    Comments: Sacrifices a little health using capricorn instead of resurgence if you are poor.

    Mythic(s): Singularity, Slayer
    Element Combination: Rainbow (ETWFA)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0c...6131f10006C10036C10006C10006C3OnZCOOnZ6C0036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15k melee hit, 17k meteor
    EHP: 50k
    EHP (without agility): 25k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): y
    Comments: high dps, high meteors, high ehp


    Mythic(s): Warp
    Element Combination: WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0ui01+0jn0Qj0K20t80KI0OM0R1-90729-92j1g00001007lU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 17.5k
    EHP: 64k
    EHP (without agility): 12k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N, but it's mage
    Comments: You could swap out the helmet for unravel or something if you want
    Ren Comments: e, no hpr cancel, but it has reasonable spell costs, so i suppose it's ok


    Mythic(s): Gaia
    Elemental Combination: EFA
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0kq0Jm0LM0720Og0BK0BI0uH0Qa22-d-Y1L0t1g00001006C6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 14.8k dps very fast melee, 1.8k poison ticks
    EHP: 49k
    EHP (without agility): 28k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M, has an okay bit of hpr but heal spell is 6 mana
    Comments: probably possible to make a build with close to the same damage but higher sustainability, courage helps damage a good bit
    Ren Comments: Wtf very fast tstack!?


    Mythic: Lament
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: Wynnbuilder
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 18k meteor 2 mana
    EHP: 31689.99
    EHP (without agility): 31689.99
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y, 4.2k first pulse heal.
    Comments: I originally made this build for raids but it can work in LI. You can dual wield with KoH .
    Ren Comments: no -ls cancel, but I suppose that's ok since it's leaning into spellspam

    Mythic(s): Lament (no crafted)
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0l...0Qk0e-Y2C17-Y1g10009I10039I10009I10009I1004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15933.02 1 mana meteor, First Pulse heal 2966.59
    EHP: 26052.85
    EHP (without agility): 26052.85
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Meteor fall speed is 0.6 seconds (as stated by an IM) which allows you to reach 26.5k meteor dps, time rift is here just to make you invincible :)
    you can use dhydro brace for more heal and damage potential, but it will also mean you need mana steal to reach the meteor fall speed break point. (only for those with ridiculous click speeds)
    Ren Comments: Meteor dps is actually WAY higher, lol, if you curse stack with it, which...why wouldn't you. Except it's not an ls cancel build :pensive:

    Mythic(s): Lament, Moontower
    Element Combination: WFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0250Xa0u50Qj0t80K00070uJ0Qk-i+S2R152M1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15 500 Average Meteor
    EHP: 112 072
    EHP (without agility): 21 517
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: I wanted to make a tanky lament build using moontower, and I feel like I ended up with something rather decent. My only concern is the -350 thunder def, but hopefully that won't cause too much of an issue with 150 agility.

    Mythic(s): apocalypse
    Element Combination: TFA
    Build link:
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: melee dps: EDITED: 11.5k dps (Values provided by submitter were 18547.3 (super fast attack speed, 4313.33 per hit))
    EHP: 172083.69
    EHP (without agility): 93199.99
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: as for the maybe in self sustainably its because I have not tested it yet, however considering this build has life steal, it is most likely possible. also it uses T6 fire powder, lol
    Ren comments: Seems about right for apoc. If this isn't self-sustainable I don't know what is

    Mythic(s): Apocalypse
    Element Combination: ETFA (primarily TFA, E is just for strength which increases dps)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Ba07N0kT0720Jf0BK0BI0Ji0QL0i0y-i220y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO01006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps:
    15338 DPS (no boosts)
    16875 DPS (with warscream, given it's a warrior build I think it's logical to assume this the base dps value)
    EHP: 207217.83 (warscream)
    EHP (without agility): 112228.41 (warscream)
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Yes, effective lifesteal is 13332/4s, so as long as you're hitting stuff or not holding apoc (because of -hpr) you'll live through most anything
    Comments: How would I factor in Endurance? Would I assume it's constantly up? And what about Courage, since it's not up constantly? Also, I've seen some builds factor in the 50% damage boost from bash, but I'm not sure how that works, so I didn't add it.


    Mythic(s): Stardew Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0K72Vq0Qx0OK0K20K40OH2Ya1p1B1f0-0j1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 20.7K Uppercut
    EHP: 34895
    EHP (without agility): 22109
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: This does have some ls for hp sustain but I wouldn't wager it hp sustainable. Also is preferred that you have Undying as an off hand for more life sustain.
    Ren comments: I don't particularly like the low sustain on this build, but the damage is definitely there

    Mythic(s): Stardew Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0690K72Vq0Qx0K20OK0730Ji2Ya1p1B1f0-0j1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 22.3K Uppercut
    EHP: 39990
    EHP (without agility): 25337
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Ren comments: I don't particularly like the low sustain on this build, but the damage is definitely there

    Mythic(s):Resurgence, Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0Pf09U0Qr0t80K002d0OH0QT1q0r1f1S0r1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: Uppercut 20.2K
    EHP: 58529
    EHP (without agility): 34119
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y? (Idk)
    Comments: Can use an Undying or Apocalypse with it for much more life sustain.
    Ren Comments: yeah, seems self-sustainable for a decent player, mana is a bit e, but not too bad.

    Mythic(s):Resurgence, Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0Pf09U0Qr0t80t80K40og0QT1q0v1f1a0r1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: Uppercut 20.4K
    EHP: 66149
    EHP (without agility): 38561
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y? (Idk)
    Comments: Is possible to change the rings out for something like a Yang+Cacophany pair for more hp sustain but your damage does go down to a 19.5K uppercut. Other rings that can be used are Moon Pool Circlet, DHydro Ring, Prism, Summa, and Facile just to name a few. Can use an Undying or Apocalypse with it for much more life sustain.
    Ren Comments: yeah, seems self-sustainable for a decent player, mana is a bit e, but not too bad.

    Mythic(s): Collapse, Resurgence
    Elemental Combination: Rainbow
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0F+09U0Qr09q09q0TN0OH0QT1r0v1f1Z0v1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 17.8K Uppercut at 1 mana cost/ 11.5K Bash at 1 mana cost
    EHP: 63478
    EHP (without agility): 35484
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y?(Don't know if the 650 hpr and 99 def is enough)
    Comments: This build is meant to be used with Undying for extra life sustain.
    Ren Comments: Man, resu builds look so sexy, too bad you need a resu to use them :pensive:


    Mythic(s): Thrundacrack
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0K90JX0uF0tv0GQ0GQ00W0OM0Qw-Y2M1h0y-Y1g0000101Z6C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11.8k bash, 18.3k upper
    EHP: 29623
    EHP (without agility): 29623
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (rally)
    Comments: The mana seems low but its enough for 1/1 costs if you uppercancel in a right rate, needs an awesome pro tempore.


    Mythic(s): Idol
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250L30Jo0Jq09q09q0T40OM0Qf0e+I2I1D-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9.4k bash, 14.5k upper
    EHP: 42440
    EHP (without agility): 42440
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (lots of hpr)
    Comments: Could deal more dmg by using draoi and yang but uppers would cost 2. Even more dmg with vaccum, but hpr goes down a lot.

    Mythic(s): Idol, Resurgence
    Element Combination: WFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_02...0Qf-Y+I2I1Q0j1g10009I10039I10009I101Z9I1004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8.8 bash, 13,5k upper (add to it: time rift's major id, armor powders and war scream)
    EHP: 108524.22
    EHP: 68758.56
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (HP Regen (Total): 1462.50)
    Comments: Flood your foes with waves of spells without risking dying :D


    Mythic(s): Hero, Resurgence
    Element Combination: rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0692WM2Vs0Qr2W92SL0K42SN0Qi0+0+2B1b2M1g00001037lO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11.1k uppers, 7k bas
    EHP: 258030 (without hero maj id)
    EHP (without agility): 49541
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Infernal Impulse tank rainbow hero. Used for wars. THe extra 49 intelligence comes from necklace which is flipped lapis (up to +49 int with about -4% spell dmg penalty) Heals probably 30k ehp every rally.
    Ren comments: tanky tank at the cost of damage

    Mythic(s): Hero
    Element Combination: WFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_06...0Qi0Z0Z1h1F2M1g1000361000361001ZC1001ZC100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.3k uppers (26k uppers at half with saviour's and rage)
    EHP: 207k
    EHP (without agility): 40k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: This build is meant to be played at half health, and deals massive damage. It has 1/1 costs with 9 mana uppers. I put maybe for self-sustainable because although it has very little life sustain it can no pot just about anything.
    Ren comments: What, you want me to comment on my own build?
    Mythic(s): Alkatraz
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0270a60uX0K50WA0WA0TN0Ji0QJ2M-n140w-n1g1000361000361000361000360
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11.5k bash, 17.7k uppercuts (both boosted)
    EHP: 44.5k (boosted)
    EHP (without agility): 44.5k (boosted)
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Alkatraz suck, but this is about the best spell build I could do
    Ren comments: Lol, Spelllkatraz

    Mythic(s): Alkatrash
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0XL0K70Ek0640WA0WA0K40OE0QJ2M-s141C-s1g1000361000361000361000360
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19.2k uppers, 9k melee dps (boosted by warscream)
    EHP: 55k (boosted by warscream)
    EHP (without agility): 55k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M (With Rhythm of Seasons you can get 2k health back per charge)
    Comments: Because this build has no health regen but decent LS, you can effectively control how much rage you have. At 50% hp you can get some nice uppercut damage. Also hybrids with a really good melee hit.




    Mythic(s): Divzer Resurgence
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_07R0RZ0Jh0Qr0OS0K00TN0og0QS002O1f0utQ1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 17k bombs
    EHP: 21k
    EHP (without agility): 21k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Requires good tier rolls on divzer and tenuto. I tried to make it as tanky as possible while still keeping damage

    Mythic(s): Divzer
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_07R0RZ0Jh0Lg09q09q0TN0og0QS002O1414tQ1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 17.8k bombs
    EHP: 19k
    EHP (without agility): 19k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Requires good tier rolls on Divzer and Tenuto. I tried to make it as tanky as possible while still keeping damage


    Mythic(s): Freedom
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0cD0F+09U07W0K20K00OJ0nD0QV0q0q1h0q1h1g0000102J6I
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 38k storm, 16k bomb
    EHP: 48.7k
    EHP (without agility): 15.7k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M, 260 regen from stardust
    Comments: Damage focused build so not much survivability there, also roll dependant on freedom's mr/hp and stellar's hp. In general thoughts I wouldnt classify this as OP but its pretty decent nonetheless. Side note: you could switch Stellar for diamond hydro if you want more mana over hp.
    Ren comments: I'd personally use bcata cuz of the low mana

    Mythic(s): Freedom
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0F+09U07W0ts2SL0K40OM0QV0l0v210l1v1g0000102J6I
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 37k storms, 15.5k bombs
    EHP: 43883
    EHP (without agility): 12068
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: If you feel that it has spare mr, can change dhydro for dfusion.


    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combination: WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250U209d07W0K00OK0OJ0OM0Qv0Kz+2G0q1D1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 14k bombs (1 mana) with 34k arrow storms
    EHP: 30632.73
    EHP (without agility): 13835.49
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N (no hpr)
    Comments: Less Glassy Spell Spam Spring. Defense Sp is up to you. Only Capricorn and Spring require good rolls to deal close to max damage. If you don't have spring you can use crafted spring (you can spell steal)

    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0250L30Jo0Jq0TQ0OK0T40tt0Qv0yzW2C1B-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 29k storms, 12k bombs
    EHP: 24236
    EHP (without agility): 24236
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (hpr)
    Comments: If you dont have a spring, pop an olily there and its good.

    Mythic(s): Spring
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0250qz0u50Jq0TQ0U60OJ0tt0Qv11zW2C12-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 35k storms, 15k bombs
    EHP: 18846
    EHP (without agility): 18846
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Dmg focused, the other one with hpr might be better.


    Mythic(s): Gma, Resu
    Element Combination: EWF(A)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Xk0a60JL0Qr2Uz0U60T400A2UI1z001f1T161g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 25k storms, 10.7k bombs (50.4k/22k with full rage abuse)
    EHP: 73k
    EHP (without agility): 35.6k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: The build isn't really quad since GMA just gives a bunch of agility, I listed sustain as being no because it requires perfect rolls to get at max about 500 hpr. I don't know if wynnbuilder has the correct calculations for 1.20 Nighthawk
    Ren comments: I've never seen such a tanky gma build. Mana is quite questionable in my opinion though

    Mythic(s): Grandmother
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Vg02u0Jo0Jq0Zd0Jk0TN0I32UI1z-U1U0e0e1g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: almost 15k 2 mana bombs
    EHP: 24633
    EHP (without agility): 16435
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: (comments are optional): Made this to do Colossus but its really tanky and still good damage for everything. Also credit Tomato_Viking he helped a lot
    Ren comments: damage seems about meta, but the mana and ehp seem a bit low to me (the ehp isn't really low, I just wouldn't refer to it as really tanky)

    Mythic(s): Grandmother
    Element Combination: EWF(A)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0270h+0uX0Jq0WA0WA0T40BR0Qe1z-c1f0f0i1g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 16.5k bombs
    EHP: 23k
    EHP (without agility): 15k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: HPR cancel grandmother. Good mana and damage, passable tankiness.


    Mythic(s): Stratiformis
    Element Combination: TWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Jp0u70D407W2SK0ts0T40OM0Rb-Y1121-Y2E1g00001007lU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 29k storms, 12k bombs
    EHP: 36685
    EHP (without agility): 7810
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: A bit glassy, but usable. Has some nice jh too.


    Mythic(s): ignis, resu
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_2Y...2V-00181f1+001g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19k 2m storms 7.5k 2m bombs
    EHP: 70k
    Self sustainable: yes, 6.3k hpr
    Comments: i used this to beat blind eo, it's not a broken build but i thought i would post it here anyways
    Ren comments: tanky tank build, sustain is a bit excessive at the cost of damage (which is ok in tanky tank)

    Mythic(s): Ignis
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build Link: wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0lS0K709W0Jq0K20U60TN0OP0Qg0e-Y1V24-Y1g00001006CO
    Primary damage: 12k 2cost bombs
    EHP: 55k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y, its ignis nough said
    Comments: Easy to use and tanky. Has earth defense so it helps a bit in TCC raid. You can switch detective ring with draoi fair if you like arrow storm spam more. You can switch to Cancer if you want to support team more.
    Ren Comments: Spell costs and thunder def is very e. I feel like TWF is a better archetype for ignis

    Mythic(s): ignis, resu
    Element Combination: twf
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_07...0Qg000j1f2J001g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 20k 1m storms 7.7k 1m bombs
    EHP: 82k
    Self sustainable: yes, 5k hpr
    Comments: pretty epic build imo, can easily no pot solo eo and li great for raids too from my attempts with it
    Ren Comments: Low damage, but that's the price you pay for immortality

    Mythic(s): Ignis, Resurgence
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_0V...0Qg-Y0m1U2C-Y1g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: Storm, storm, bomb spell cycle spam, some small extra damage can come from fire powders but eh
    EHP: 73075.24
    EHP (without agility): 73075.24
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Yes 2574 hpr
    Comments: My TCC dps build. Can use for speedrunning EO but I prefer my crafted bow better cause EO doesn't need this much tankiness.


    Mythic(s): Archangel
    Element Combination: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0rE0Bl0sq0Uj0TQ0Zd0Tm0TY0QO0R00140A1R1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 2.5k spins, 1.4k melee dps + access to curse
    EHP: 15.3k
    EHP (without agility): 6k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up t0 360 hpr and 173 ls
    Comments: At level Archangel attempt, side note, Blasphemy is busted for leveling up


    Mythic(s): Grimtrap
    Element Combination: ETF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0kq0a60X90rP0EE0OG0OC0Ji0QZ201L001M001g00001001Z6
    Melee dps: 18.9k
    EHP: 28.3k
    EHP (without agility): 28.3k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Requires good roll on Virgo
    Ren Comments: Ok, seriously, the first grim build is melee...I'm losing faith in humanity

    Mythic(s): Grimtrap
    Element Combination: ETWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0u40Jb0uX06409q09q0K40og0QZ1u0p140r+T1g00001001Z6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8k melee hit, 8.8k spins
    EHP: 21k
    EHP (without agility): 21k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: one of the best spell grim builds I've seen. A bit glassy for me, but it's grim...


    Mythic(s): Cataclysm
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0K90RZ0T-0BU0K00OK0OJ0og0QQ002C1m1E001g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 13.4k spins
    EHP: 23411
    EHP (without agility): 23411
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Tenuto needs to have at least -6 tiers

    Mythic(s): Cataclysm, Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0K90RZ0LA0QR0OS0OK0K40uI0QQ052C1f1A051g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.8k spins, 4.2k dps, 8.2k per hit
    EHP: 22947
    EHP (without agility): 21831
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Has some lifesteal but idk if its enough

    Mythic(s): Cata & Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0D80JX0nY0QR0W70DU0KS0Xc0QQ-i2C1411-Y1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.5k Spins, 7k DPS, 13.8k Per Hit
    EHP: 20k
    EHP (without agility): 20k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Melee damage more than compensates for lost spell damage. I personally prefer OKR for the sustain, but the build below has better damage and mana sustain in exchange for the OKR engine. Requires amazing rolls on Struggle & Dawnbreak.

    Mythics(s): Cata & Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0D80JX0nY0QR0DU0DU0ON0uI0QQ-i2C1411-Y1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 13.3k Spins, 7k DPS, 13.8k Per Hit
    EHP: 20k
    EHP (without agility): 20k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Better damage and mana sustain than the above build, but considerably worse health sustain.

    Those Cataclysms builds are really "good" ngl
    Mythic(s) : Dawnbreak, Cataclysm
    Element Combination TWFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0K90RZ0D40QR0DU0W70K40BR0QQ092C0o111Q1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps : 11.6k av spin
    EHP: 51164.3373303
    EHP: 20000 (without agil)
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Yes old keeper ring
    Comments: Solo LI no pots if your good , Multihit is your best friend for emeralds,I recommend like 4-5% stealing on your cata but even 2% is fine and if you dont want that greed abuse for no reason you can exchange it for diamond static for 1 mana spins
    Ren Comments: it physically pains me to add a build with such bad mana, but I suppose that's the cost of good ehp on cata


    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250U20Jo0Jq0TQ0t80OJ0OM0Qm0e+I2V10-Y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7.2k spins
    EHP: 27082
    EHP (without agility): 27082
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M (has some hpr, prob not enough)
    Comments: Mr assassin is a bit meh

    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combination: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0250W+0Ja0Fp0TQ0t80OJ0OM0Qm0o+I2V-J1J1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7.6k spins
    EHP: 30214
    EHP (without agility): 12785
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Has some lifesteal but idk if its enough

    Mythic(s): Nirvana
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0lS0RZ0D40uD0OK0OK0OJ0uI0Qm000t2T0t1Q1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7.1k spins
    EHP: 49k (actually survivable for TCC)
    EHP (without agility): 19.3k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: I doubt nirvana needs 1 mana spins.

    Mythic(s): nirvana
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0Au0K70E-0AS0t80K00OJ0OM0Qm000e2Q0y0y1g00001004fI
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7.4k spins
    EHP: 34k
    EHP (without agility): 18.5k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (almost 1k ls, even more life sustain with contrast)
    Comments: Spellsteeal-ish nirvana, can swap intensity for contrast for more sustain at the cost of damage. Also, you could go bcata or replace a yang with dhydro for more mana and stuff

    Inferno (haha):

    Mythics: Inferno (kek)
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0pc0JX0Jh0AS0K20GQ0TN0OM0Qh-Y0e1h1z-Y1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.5k Spins, 16.9k multis, both 1 mana, 26k smokes if that matters.
    EHP: 56285
    EHP 56285
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M, ELS is only about 1k.
    Comments: Remember that build I asked you to help fine-tune? This is it now and I had some fun getting the spell costs down to 1-1-1-2. With 9 mana regen I've found it difficult to run low on mana and with even a small amount of life sustain i've never died once with this build. Tested it on the eye, qira, and LI but haven't gotten to raids or the new boss altar yet. I know inferno is kind of an eh mythic but it holds a special place in my heart and spellspam inferno is pretty funny. I also found out cracklers were getting buffed so even if i made this build in 1.19 it still works. Could potentially be kicked up a notch with Endurabuse but i haven't tested out armor powdering yet.
    Ren Comments: Spell spam inferno cuz why not I guess, also I'd call this build unsustainable

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: TFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0JN0U20X50Ju0BK0BK0Jn09t0Qh-Y0e-41+1B1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9.4k melee + access to courage
    EHP: 185k
    EHP (without agility): 85.3k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up t0 506 hpr and 1199 ls (999 with Renda)
    Comments: Drain can be substituted for Renda Langit if mana is too much of a problem

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: EFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0JN0Jm0Dv0Nr0BK0BK0Jn09t0Qh0e-Y-E231L1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 15.7k melee + access to courage
    EHP: 193k
    EHP (without agility): 79.9k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): up to 806 hpr and 699 ls (499 with Renda)
    Comments: Drain can be substituted for Renda Langit if mana is too much of a problem

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0690K70PR0I609q09q02d0og0Qh0F0o1f2A0F1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.7k spins
    EHP: 61k
    EHP (without agility): 53k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (lifesteal)
    Comments: An actually good Inferno build, and it uses blue mask. Though, mana is prolly a bit low for seasoned assassin players, in which case Eyes on All is an acceptable substitution

    Mythic(s): Inferno
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_09D0RZ0u50Aw0ts2SL0OJ0og0Qh000s1h1+001g00001006CO
    Primary damage: Spellsteal with 7.8k spins and good ls
    EHP (without agility): 37.8k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Uses cool buffed/new items such as conflagrate, adrenaline, curador boots and bcata. Gets Good damage for inferno as well as having mana/hp sustain and courage

    Mythic(s): Inferno, Dawnbreak
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0QR09q09q02d0uI0Qh-Y111421-Y1g1000CO0001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.7k spins, 17.5k multis unboosted, 8k melee hit (super slow), access to courage + endurance
    EHP: 75.6k
    EHP (without agility): 75.6k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (~290 hpr and 600 ls, probably not enough considering you have a health pool of 18.9k)
    Comments: Its... alright I guess, I was hitting like 20k+ spins with endurance and courage while doing TCC, the sustain is kind of iffy though considering you need a good Cancer and Dawnbreak to get the mediocre sustain offered by the build


    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0qn09-0D407W09q09q02d0V10Q+-x0e1f0X2M1g00001001ZU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.3k spins + access to curse
    EHP: 84.5k
    EHP (without agility): 16.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: If you play cautiously enough 182 ls and amulet of rejuvenation can get you potless through LI, but reasonably it's easier to just have a couple potions on you
    Ren Comments: The damage seems a bit low for sustainless weathered, but I don't have a good frame of reference.

    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: EWA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0qn09-0E-07W0K00TQ02d0OT0Q+0P001f00271g00001007lU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8.3k spins
    EHP: 52822
    EHP (without agility): 12270
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Iboju's build. Has some lifesteal but not enough to fully sustain

    Mythic(s): Weathered
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_0Au09-0D407W09q09q0KI0og0Q+000s1f0u241g00001007lU
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 7k spins
    EHP: 84k
    EHP (without agility): 20k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Can replace tenuto with eyes on all for better mana


    Mythic(s): Nullification, Resurgence
    Element Combination: Rainbow (ETWFA)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0690px0r50Qr0TQ0K20Wf0OH0Qo0j0j212B0j1g00001004fC
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 5.4k spins + access to curse
    EHP: 78.4k
    EHP (without agility): 49.7k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: haha panderift Nulli go brr (Moon pool can be swapped for Ataraxy for more more efficient powder special getting)


    Mythic(s): Aftershock
    Element Combination: ETF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0kq0a60X90rP0DU0BK0BI0uH0QK1f1L0028001g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 34.8k dps, 8k per hit
    EHP: 38223
    EHP (without agility): 38223
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: Totem heals arent great, but they might do the work.


    Mythic(s): Toxoplasmosis
    Element Combination: ETF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_01M0jD07n0kH0kN0kN0BF0Ji0Qy3H0t001k001g00001000CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19171 poison tick
    EHP: 25893
    EHP (without agility): 25893
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y (lifesteal and totem heals)


    Mythic(s): Sunstar, Slayer
    Element Combination: ETFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_06W0BO0kT0Qq0OS0Jf0K40OO0Qu0r1p-J110y1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12.9k auras/25.6k melee dps without totem, 17.4k/34.5k with
    EHP: 39k
    EHP (without agility): 21.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Yes through ls/totem heal giving 1k+ net hp every 4s, but outside of combat the -hpr can be quite annoying. You can probably just de-equip Slayer outside of combat though.
    Comments: I used this build with Leictreach Makani last year for a while, but this is a more well-balanced version. I used a -53% spell cost Slayer in that and my mana was still fine. Does high damage in combat with solid survivability and mobility. Mana sustain is good and accompanied by strong melee abilities. The main issue is just your hp draining pretty quick outside of combat but that's fixable by de-equipping Slayer and using a secondary relik. Yol can also be held as a secondary relik and it eliminates any need to de-equip Slayer.


    Mythic(s): Hadal
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_01d0px0JL0Jq0U60WA0TN0ty0Qd0e-Y2M1K-Y1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 12072.81 aura, 16298.29 boosted aura, 21317.45 max concentration totem boosted aura
    EHP: 21280.41
    EHP (without agility): 21280.41
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y, but again, shaman nerfs
    Comments: assuming you spell spam, you can get a very high single element piercing damage, and with sorcery major id multiplying your dps by 4/3, the damage can stack up fast at the cost of needing a very good hadal and slower spam rate and more glassy than fantasia. 32596.58 DPS assuming perfect mana and spell cost with cycle [(Aura x2 Haul) x2 Aura x2 Uproot] and 33.3% sorcery lands on aura. 42634.9 DPS if maximum concentration

    Mythic(s): Abso, Resu
    Element Combination: WF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Xb2YO09W0Qr0K00t80TN0OP2Vv0000211r001g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10.5k auras unboosted, 14.2k auras boosted
    EHP: 36.8k
    EHP (without agility): 36.8k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 1.1k heals, 500 hpr
    Comments: Haha duo-element go brr

    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0tv0050j10TN0OP0QI-Z0e1U2F-Z1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9268.80, boosted 12512.88
    EHP: 64085.41
    EHP (without agility): 64085.41
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 1.06k/s totems, 440 hpr
    Comments: 1 mana auras

    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_07R0JX0Jh0tv0050j10OL0OP0QI-Z0e1U2M-Z1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9311.16, boosted 12570.06
    EHP: 75381.94
    EHP (without agility): 75381.94
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 1.1k/s totems, 440 hpr
    Comments: 2 mana auras

    Mythic(s): Absolution
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build Link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0lS0JX0Jh0tv09q09q0TN0OP0QI-Y0q141t-Y1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11202.52 aura 1 mana/boosted 15123.40
    EHP: 40450.09
    EHP (without agility): 40450.09
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 890/s totem
    Comments: Glass cannon
    Ren comments: Absolution and glass cannon is an oxymoron


    Mythic(s): Olympic, Slayer
    Element Combination: ETA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#4_06W0U20PW0Qq01I01I02d0Ji0Qs0r1V-E002C1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 13.3k Aura unboosted, 15k Aura under Totem
    EHP: 35.3k HP
    EHP (without agility): 7.7k HP
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: Probably could use some fine tuning since atlas nerf go brrrr but this was the first instance of a non intel build I've ever seen and it was so gamer that I've remembered it since I saw it in class builds in wynn discord so I thought I might share it, I forgot who posted it but if you're out there pls take credit


    Mythic(s): Fantasia
    Element Combination: Rainbow duh but specced into WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0XL2WM2Vq2UU0K00K20aM0nD2UH160l220m1D1g00001003CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 14103.53 unboosted Auras, 19039.76 Totem boosted Aura (since you use haul for spell cycle anyways so logically you should have boost)
    EHP: 29658.02
    EHP 13395.25
    Self sustainable: Yes, but ever since shaman nerf this may not be sustainable with the lowered totem radius, lowered heals, cci mobs, and haul always launching you outside of totem's radius
    Comments: high aoe dps (26k dps with cycle [(Aura Aura Haul) x3 Aura Uproot] in 5 seconds) while having good survivability. Or you can put in discordant and getting +16% EHP for -11.5% dps
    Ren Comments: Looks pretty solid
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  2. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    You are missing the lunar spine wand other than that epic! (Wait not epic till you get lunar in the list)

    Mythic(s): ignis, resu
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_2Y...2V-00181f1+001g1000CO1000CO1000CO1000CO1006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 19k 2m storms 7.5k 2m bombs
    EHP: 70k
    Self sustainable: yes, 6.3k hpr
    Comments: i used this to beat blind eo, it's not a broken build but i thought i would post it here anyways

    Mythic(s): lunar spine, stardew
    Element Combination: TWA
    Build link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/#3_2Un2WR0D40Qx0GQ0GQ0OJ2Ud0QA-Y1N1u-Y1Q1g0000101dfC
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 5k 2m heals 17k meteors
    EHP(no agil): 11k
    EHP(with agil): 28k
    Self sustainable: yes, heal spell
    Comments: i made this ages ago and had this put together as 1.20 viable it has luanr so it's good
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
    starx280, Shoefarts and RenZenthio like this.
  3. ItzTigerTime

    ItzTigerTime Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Mythic(s): Hero, Resurgence
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0692WM2Vs0Qr2W92SL0K42SN0Qi0+0+2B1b2M1g00001037lO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 11.1k uppers, 7k bas
    EHP: 258030 (without hero maj id)
    EHP (without agility): 49541
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Infernal Impulse tank rainbow hero. Used for wars. THe extra 49 intelligence comes from necklace which is flipped lapis (up to +49 int with about -4% spell dmg penalty) Heals probably 30k ehp every rally.
    Don't know if you wanna include this because its using a crafted necklace (although it always is at 0 dura so it doesn't require repairing)
    RenZenthio likes this.
  4. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Yeah, crafteds are fine, if possible I'd like the submissions to be predominently non-crafted though

    Wanting predominately non-crafted builds is a preference of mine, not a stipulation
  5. Pdunk

    Pdunk I'm back baby CHAMPION

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  6. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Mostly from my boredom for finding a good Collapse build, these are the best I've come across for a Stardew Collapse combo. Both of these are banking on the uppercut spell getting its cost reduced to 8.
    Mythic(s): Stardew Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0K72Vq0Qx0OK0K20K40OH2Ya1p1B1f0-0j1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 20.7K Uppercut
    EHP: 34895
    EHP (without agility): 22109
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: This does have some ls for hp sustain but I wouldn't wager it hp sustainable. Also is preferred that you have Undying as an off hand for more life sustain.

    Mythic(s): Stardew Collapse
    Element Combination: Rainbow
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0690K72Vq0Qx0K20OK0730Ji2Ya1p1B1f0-0j1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 22.3K Uppercut
    EHP: 39990
    EHP (without agility): 25337
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: This is the more hp sustainable and mana regen Stardew Spell Collapse of the one above. This is also not my build but creeper1562 and hhpeng as they are the ones that gave the suggestions for it and the build. Also is preferred that you have Undying as an off hand for more life sustain.

    I also have a long list of Collapse builds here and won't bother in listing them out right here unless you want me to...
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  7. Luckybolt

    Luckybolt E gaming CHAMPION

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    Mythic(s): apocalypse
    Element Combination: 3 tier 6 Fire powders
    Build link:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Kindled Orchid (1.20)
    > Chestplate of Ineptitude
    > Second Wind
    > Burnout (1.20)
    > Breezehands
    > Flashfire Knuckle
    > Flashfire Gauntlet
    > Contrast
    > Apocalypse [t6t6t6]

    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: melee dps: 18547.3 (super fast attack speed, 4313.33 per hit)
    EHP: 172083.69
    EHP (without agility): 93199.99
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: as for the maybe in self sustainably its because I have not tested it yet, however considering this build has life steal, it is most likely possible. also it uses T6 fire powder, lol
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  8. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Ren means powder combination in the weapon.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  9. Luckybolt

    Luckybolt E gaming CHAMPION

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    thanks, my bad. fixed
    RenZenthio likes this.
  10. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Actually, I mean gear requirements

    For instance, if I was wearing:
    Infused Hive Spear (W6W6W6W6W6)

    It would be a TF build, not a TWF build or a W build

    I made that more clear in my initial post
    So Lucky's build would be a TFA build
    Justice likes this.
  11. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    EDIT: I added another one to this

    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combination: WFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2UO0KA0Jl2UU2W92SL0TN2Ud0Ql-Y-Y210j1D1g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 8.3k meteors (17k dps)
    EHP: 39.5k
    EHP (without agility): 17.8k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: The meteor damage is fairly low but it's made up for by the sustain and cost

    Mythic(s): Pure, Resurgence
    Element Combination: WFA (again)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2UO0KA0AB0Qr2W92SL0TN2Ud0Ql0000211T0U1g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10.4k meteors (20k dps)
    EHP: 39.4k
    EHP (without agility): 29.2k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: An objectively better version of the above build with Resurgence

    Mythic(s): Pure
    Element Combination: WA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2YR0KA2WP2UU2W92SL0OJ2Ud0Ql-T0022-T1m1g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 9.2k meteors (19.6k dps)
    EHP: 37k
    EHP (without agility): 11.3k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Mage
    Comments: Probably not too much better than the other two, but duo-element builds aren't usually comparatively good to tri/quad/penta builds

    Also the dps formula is (((mr/5)+1)/4*) x ((meteor damage x 2) + Ice Snake damage)
    * 4 is the cost of meteor, meteor, ice snake

    I have a lot of other pure builds, but most of them aren't actually all that good (just weird), like Hephaestus Pure, Brainwash Pure, Anima Pure, Chaos-Woven Pure, Abyss Imbued Pure, meme things like that

    Mythic(s): Abso, Resu
    Element Combination: WF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Xb2YO09W0Qr0K00t80TN0OP2Vv0000211r001g010009I10009I10009I0
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10.5k auras unboosted, 14.2k auras boosted
    EHP: 36.8k
    EHP (without agility): 36.8k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): 1.1k heals, 500 hpr
    Comments: Haha duo-element go brr

    Mythic(s): Gma, Resu
    Element Combination: EWF(A)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Xk0a60JL0Qr2Uz0U60T400A2UI1z001f1T161g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 25k storms, 10.7k bombs (50.4k/22k with full rage abuse)
    EHP: 73k
    EHP (without agility): 35.6k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N
    Comments: The build isn't really quad since GMA just gives a bunch of agility, I listed sustain as being no because it requires perfect rolls to get at max about 500 hpr. I don't know if wynnbuilder has the correct calculations for 1.20 Nighthawk
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
    gwumbus, Shoefarts and RenZenthio like this.
  12. _Johku

    _Johku hi HERO

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    RenZenthio likes this.
  13. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    YESSS // As for the thread:


    RenZenthio and thepicferret like this.
  14. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Mythic(s): Resurgence
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2YN2YT0pB0Qr0DU0DU0TN0BR0CD-c0t1Y1r-m1g00000
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 10k meteors but 1st 2 cost 1 mana
    EHP: 55772.00
    EHP (without agility): 55772.00
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Spell spam tank. Thanks Resurgence.
    If u want less dpm for more tank and +ws swap out Golem for Dark Shroud and Dragon's Eye for Anya's Penumbra
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  15. hppeng

    hppeng 0 intel is the correct amount of intel HERO

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    Fatal Slayer TWFA ee

    Mythic(s): Fatal, Slayer
    Element Combination: TWFA
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0Au0K70PW0Qq0K20K00ON0UN0QY0027140y1B1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 23k meteor (7.3k melee dps :D)
    EHP: 33k
    EHP (without agility): 15k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): N (slayer -hpr makes this build unplayable)
    Comments: The build looks meh. And honestly it kinda is. I like the build a lot because its quite well-rounded - It does good meteor damage while having a fair bit of defensive skillpoint and has enough mana to fly (with koh offhand), and also has over 100 walkspeed which is just a lot of fun. In normal combat its kinda E with the high heal and ice snake cost, which is partially offset by the walkspeed and defense/agi (real gamers use meteor-tp combo instead of meteor-snake) but imo where this build can really shine is in TCC - The build is... playable enough without any buffs (you can solo platform in room 1 but requires... patience), but due to TWFA / mixed defensive skillpoint it can get the full benefit of both +defense and +agility raid buffs (in particular, Monk 1 -> Giant 2 turns you into a crazy tank that still does high damage), and +mana regen/+intel (to allow you to cycle meteor-heal or meteor-snake instead of meteor-tp, since meteor-tp is quite suicidal against the TCC boss.) Worst case scenario you don't get mana regen and end up using the very sad meteor-meteor-(snake/heal) combo on the boss, which is... honestly still not horrible. KOH is kinda mandatory though

    TL;DR I like the build because its fun to play; its actually kinda meh because its only good with raid buffs but its cool and twfa. Being reliant on KOH secondary is sad though I honestly don't find myself needing to heal much in bosses because you can just dodge with walk+tp (tested 1.19, need to run LI in 1.20 with CCI to see how this holds up.)

    (also you have slayer melee so you can poke things with LClick if you get lazy, but nobody cares)

    Maybe this shouldn't be an "OP Mythic Build" but a "High QOL Mythic Build"

    RenZenthio likes this.
  16. iTechnically

    iTechnically don't ask me for warrior builds CHAMPION

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    Guess I'ma make another one like last time, I'll update this comment as I find / make more builds

    RenZenthio likes this.
  17. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    Would you mind putting that in the submission format I put on the thread?

    Would you mind putting that in wynnbuilder, as well as the submission format at the top of the thread?

    For submissions you make can you put them in the format at the top of the thread?

    Sorry, I know it’s prolly troublesome, but I think it’ll improve the thread’s function, and make it far easier for me to update the thread
    starx280 and Thega like this.
  18. gwumbus

    gwumbus ouppy CHAMPION

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    Mythic(s): Grandmother
    Element Combination: EWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Vg02u0Jo0Jq0Zd0Jk0TN0I32UI1z-U1U0e0e1g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: almost 15k 2 mana bombs
    EHP: 24633
    EHP (without agility): 16435
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: (comments are optional): Made this to do Colossus but its really tanky and still good damage for everything. Also credit Tomato_Viking he helped a lot
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    RenZenthio likes this.
  19. Ear Infection

    Ear Infection Back Again HERO

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    Mythics: Inferno (kek)
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_2Y72YT2V52Xv0K20GQ0TN0OM0Qh-Y0e1x1z-Y1g00001006CO
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 6.5k Spins, 16.9k multis, both 1 mana, 26k smokes if that matters.
    EHP: 56285
    EHP 56285
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M, ELS is only about 1k.
    Comments: Remember that build I asked you to help fine-tune? This is it now and I had some fun getting the spell costs down to 1-1-1-2. With 9 mana regen I've found it difficult to run low on mana and with even a small amount of life sustain i've never died once with this build. Tested it on the eye, qira, and LI but haven't gotten to raids or the new boss altar yet. I know inferno is kind of an eh mythic but it holds a special place in my heart and spellspam inferno is pretty funny. I also found out cracklers were getting buffed so even if i made this build in 1.19 it still works. Could potentially be kicked up a notch with Endurabuse but i haven't tested out armor powdering yet.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  20. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    I apologize @Thega, your build was not added as I could make non-mythic alternatives that were practically as-good as that build

    Also, @_Johku, @iTechnically, and @starx280 your submissions were not added as well due to them being formatted improperly
    More submissions

    Mythic(s): Divzer Resurgence
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_07R0RZ0Jh0Qr0OS0K00TN0og0QS002O1f0utQ1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 17k bombs
    EHP: 21k
    EHP (without agility): 21k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Requires good tier rolls on divzer and tenuto. I tried to make it as tanky as possible while still keeping damage

    Mythic(s): Divzer
    Element Combination: TWF
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_07R0RZ0Jh0Lg09q09q0TN0og0QS002O1414tQ1g000010036C
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 17.8k bombs
    EHP: 19k
    EHP (without agility): 19k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): Y
    Comments: Requires good tier rolls on Divzer and Tenuto. I tried to make it as tanky as possible while still keeping damage
    Mythic(s): Grandmother
    Element Combination: EWF(A)
    Build link: https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#3_0270h+0uX0Jq0WA0WA0T40BR0Qe1z-c1f0f0i1g0000100nZ6
    Primary damage spell hit/melee dps: 16.5k bombs
    EHP: 23k
    EHP (without agility): 15k
    Self sustainable (Y/N/M): M
    Comments: HPR cancel grandmother. Good mana and damage, passable tankiness.

    Thanks for the GMA build ;)
    Oh, I forgot, @Ear Infection I omitted your build too as it is unwearable
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
    starx280, thepicferret and Thega like this.
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