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Anyone Plays Hypixel Skyblock?

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by preponderances, Jun 27, 2020.

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  1. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It's like if you made Wynncraft professions worse. by my calculations, with 29 tier 11 blaze and ice minions it would take over a month to get the frozen blaze set.
    The quests are almost all just go from point A to point B or gather 100 resources. The biggest quest is just 10 back to back fetch quests and the reward is a charm with a 1% chance to double damage.
    The events are almost all just grinding or buying something. only the Christmas one is somewhat unique.

    The entrance floor of the first dungeon has an endgame level of difficulty, and most bosses either spawn on a timer or only spawn by grinding/using items gotten from grinding
    Most bosses drop loot based on how you ranked in damage done to a boss, so it is impossible to get drops from some midgame bosses because endgame players kill them in 2 seconds to sell their loot. on top of this, MVP+ rank has access to teleportation directly to the arenas of most bosses, so people with the rank usually teleport from server to server when it is time to try to find ones where the boss has not spawned yet.

    It's like if you waited 3 hours for the witherhead to spawn and someone at level 106 with a mythic weapon warped in from another server and killed her to sell the items on the market leaving you with a material that could be crafted into some good gear if you had 9 more of them
    ThedumbOX and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  2. Flamm

    Flamm Well-Known Adventurer

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    It's pretty fun overall, but you DEFINITELY won't have a good time past the midgame unless you kind of enjoy mind numbing grinds, which is when Skyblock gets pretty stale. I spent quite a lot of time and my skill average is almost 28 as of now and my slayers are 5/5/5, which most active HSB players would consider "utter trash".

    For reference, you have to mind numbingly chop wood with a Treecapitator and a Legendary Monkey pet to level your Foraging, make a huge sugar cane farm with a Legendary Rabbit pet to level your Farming, mine End Stone with Mineral, kill a boss 4723251 times to level your Revenant/Tarantula/Sven Slayer levels and so forth, all of which can take HOURS a level after 25 (or Slayers after hitting 6). Even though leveling is very easy, it's also extremely time consuming and boring.

    The main problem is that these grinds are pretty much forced onto you if you want to make any kind of meaningful progress while professions aren't mandatory in Wynncraft.

    By the way, Wynncraft's community is just way better overall. I have been trashed some times for having a Recombobulated 5* Spirit Sceptre while having Catacombs 11 (I was even called "mid game trash non" by a sweat once lmao) and saw people being toxic for no reason many many times.

    All in all, I'd say it's still worth checking out.
  3. Thonck

    Thonck I Need the Yopyop Sauce VIP

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    It's a grindfest. Wynncraft is too, but a lot of the grinding is optional.
    ThedumbOX and TrapinchO like this.
  4. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    I kinda want to make a fanfic of Wynncraft vs HSB, just so that I have an excuse to, for lack of better language, relentlessly s*** all over HSB in writing. The two reasons I can't, unfortunately, is because I don't know enough about Wynncraft's lore and Mythics, and I don't think I'll really have the time to keep the fanfic alive...
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  5. dudeguy

    dudeguy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wynncraft has terrible polish, and is overall a crumby experience. Hypixel Skyblock on the other hand has fewer bugs, but is a lot slower. Not really much of a point in comparing two shiny shits, but I think Hypixel Skyblock a lot more potential.

    Don't make me laugh. Neither game has any meaningful narrative. They're both corny and shit, instead of writing a fanfic of Wynncraft vs HSB; you should do a critic analysis of why they're both bad. Maybe have a section of your report on how they could improve. Video game writing and narrative is always a joke. Few games move anyone's hearts, let alone make them think. Strip your generic video game of its consistent continuity, wit, story, and meaning. And before you know it, you'll have worlds like Wynn or Skyblock. Barren, boring, and basic; absolute failures in story telling.

    One could analyze your modern, corporate video games, and come to the conclusion that they are poorly written. Wynn and HSB somehow descend these games in quality, and make for incredible case studies. There is an honest to God wealth of knowledge to be obtained from the failures of Wynn and HSB. I would love to read about how sad these worlds are. To be frank, a part of me wishes someone would defend Wynn right now, maybe even you. It would really make my day, if one of these forum put their foot down and refused reality. "No dudeguy! Your assessment is shallow and wrong! Wynn has its flaws, but it has a lot of heart and soul!" Please! God! Please someone reply to this and tell me that Wynn is good right now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2021
  6. Thonck

    Thonck I Need the Yopyop Sauce VIP

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    Wynncraft has a shit ton of polish. It may not be perfect, but what is? It's using the Minecraft engine to the absolute best of its ability, even to the point of where its unrecognizable to it sometimes. Hypixel Skyblock only has fewer bugs because its scale is massively less than that of Wynncraft. Of course there's gonna be bugs when the map size stretches as far as it does. Also, you didn't list any examples of its lack of polish. Maybe if you did I'd understand more, but as of now your point doesn't stand.
  7. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    please tell me this is ironic
  8. dudeguy

    dudeguy Well-Known Adventurer

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    I can make statements without having to substantiate them with multiple examples. Every time anyone shares an opinion, you can’t just say “you didn’t bring up examples; therefore, your point doesn’t stand.” That’s really bad, but what’s equally bad is excusing Wynncraft of its lackluster gameplay for being simply on Minecraft. You don’t think I hold skyblock and wynncraft to the same standard? I’m comparing the two lol. The laundry list of bugs isn’t just map errors, it’s gameplay errors. I would say skyblock and wynncraft have a similar amount of features, yet wynncraft is much buggier. You can’t say that Wynn’s bugs makes sense, because it’s just bigger. I’m not going to give you a god damn laundry list of bugs from both games, I’ve played both games quite a lot. My wynncraft experience was much more broken and messy than skyblock’s. Asking for evidence is fair enough, but you’re saying you’d understand more if I did. why’re you pretending like this game isn’t buggy as all hell? As if you need me to give you examples of how unpolished Wynn can be at times.

    Obviously it’s not ironic, and you know that. Argue against what I’m saying if you disagree, use your words to formulate your thoughts on why you think my statements are so wrong. Clearly what I said was ridiculous enough to warrant it seeming like irony.
  9. Pianoplayer1

    Pianoplayer1 Well-Known Adventurer HERO GM

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    But first of all, please get away from describing either of these games as "shit". Both games attract thousands of players, and of course both games have there ups and downs that can be described in a more neutral way than by using such vocabulary. Additionally, it's not fair to be disrespectful against all the people who have spent years making and improving these games.

    A big difference between both games is that Wynncraft has a lot of lore, Skyblock doesn't even claim having storytelling at all. Skyblock is more of a "minecrafty" world, where there are several places for the player to mine or encounter mobs, with the addition of custom items, multiplayer mechanics and idling minions. Hypixel doesn't see the Skyblock Hub as a world to discover like Wynncraft, but more as a place to gather resources and meet other players.

    On Wynncraft, a whole world has been constructed, with massive amounts of lore. With quest, discoveries and simply exploring the player gets to know the different provinces block by block, and experiences Wynncraft's "history" through complicated builds and cutscenes. Of course it's hard to call such a storyline "meaningful", at last it's still a game. But do you really think that Wynncraft's story doesn't make sense?
    Every time I do a new quest or discover another area in the world, I can feel the amount of work and the attention to detail that has been put into every single block of the map and every word NPCs or discoveries tell.

    Again, you may not call a video game "meaningful", but in my opinion there are several games that have a coherent storyline. Minecraft itself is not one of these, as it is an open world for the player to explore and play in their own way. Considering that, it is even more impressive that HSB and Wynncraft have both been able to construct their own universes inside minecraft. Although HSB isn't focused on lore, it is still a semi-adhesive world that makes sense on it's own; Wynncraft feels like a completely new game. The dialouges in these games really fit into their environment, especially in Wynncraft, where every region has it's own vibe that gets transported by NPC dialouge.
    Although Wynncraft's storyline has minor flaws, I wouldn't ever call it "a joke". The Content Team has put a lot of effort into making an interrelated narrative; even if you don't like it, you shouldn't call it a joke...

    That quote fits Skyblock (in my opinion, some HSB tryhards may see a meaning in grinding), but I take issue with these words about Wynncraft.
    It's a personal thing whether you see wit in a game or not. But whatever you see in Wynncraft, it definitely has a huge story and continuity around the map. You have played a lot on Wynncraft, you should have noticed that by now. And meaning - well, do video games in general have a meaning? They are there to entertain you, not to provide your life a meaning.

    I don't think that Skyblock has the same amount of features as Wynncraft does. Both games have Quests, Professions, Spells, Quests (HSB quests = Wynncraft mini-quests), Dungeons, Custom Items and Mobs, Trade Market and even the main point of Skyblock, building an island in the sky, will be introduced in the next update as housing. The only feature Skyblock offers in addition to Wynncraft's features is idling through minions. Wynncraft has way more features: Quests, Classes, Territories with wars and discoveries, Puzzles and Custom Parkour, Cutscenes, quick travel mechanisms and probably even more that didn't come to my mind right now. Do you really think that Skyblock has the same chances of getting bugs? Also, the features in Skyblock seem very incoherent and randomly put in: they do not work together very well and are basically unbalanced. Examples for that are money gathering or weapons, every new Skyblock feature seems to introduce a ton of different items and money making methods. That unbalancedness (if that's a word) may not be considered as a bug, but is still a huge problem of Hypixel Skyblock.

    In my opinion, the main reason for bugs lies not in the variety of features, but in the amount of content that each game provides. Let me just make a quick comparison:
    • Skyblock has about 30 quests, containing gathering / parkour / slaying - Wynncraft has 125 mini-quests involving slaying and gathering, not to speak of the 130+ big quests
    • Skyblock has a single dungeon with seven floors involving slaying and basic puzzles / parkour - Wynncraft has 17 dungeons with multiple stages with a great variety
    • Skyblock has a hub island and some small gathering isles - Wynncraft has a huge map with discoveries, custom mobs for each region, many cities and more
    So even though the same features and mechanics are given, on Wynncraft they are applied onto a lot more content. Again, do you really think that Skyblock has the same chances of getting bugs?

    Because it isn't.
    I myself have also been playing wynncraft for a few years, and I have never hit a point where I felt restricted because of gameplay bugs. One quest is broken for my main character, that's all. I don't think this server would have a consistent playerbase and at least 800-1000 players the whole day if everybody would have a "crumbly experience" on this server. I don't know what went wrong in your case, if you encounter big bugs it may be best to contact staff members - they always seem to be helping on this server (yes, another difference to HSB...). That leads me to only one question: why're you pretending like this game is buggy as all hell?
    Also, to bugs related with Skyblock: It is only a Prototype game as of now, what are you expecting?

    Everybody has their own preferences when it comes to video games, and we should of course respect that. Not everyone likes Wynncraft, although in a Wynncraft Forum most members probably do. But, as much as I tried to respect your opinion, some of your statements were straight up wrong: Claiming that Wynncraft has "a similar amount of features" than HSB, is "buggy as all hell" or that the narrative is "a joke" just makes me angry, because with that you are bad-mouthing the efforts of everyone who has put years of work into these games. If there are concrete points you dislike about Wynncraft, it would be better to list these in an inert way.
    You can of course renounce examples, but if you want other people to listen to your points and maybe even staff members to work on negative points, examples are necessary to show specific problems and strengthen your opinion.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
    Pengu76, AlleonVera, xct and 9 others like this.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    As someone who did a lot of reasearch and discusdiond about lore, I must say that Wynncraft has quite a lot of plot holes, and unfinished or bad parts. Few examples: Bob, Mael, Bak'al' appearance in 1.20 (imo), crytals (semi-fixed in 1.20).
    On the other hand: CT are working hard to improve this, fixing several inconsistencies, for example Ancients or (partially) crystals, Twendle being a villager, Ragni's Library time inconsistency and propably more I forgot.

    And even then the story has amazing depth and width along with many sma secrets. Calling it "a joke" is just an insult to the Admins and CT.
    AlleonVera and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  11. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    I have merely two reasons for choosing Wynn over HSB
    1. Smaller community means you get more recognized and admins listen
    2. Smaller community means less toxicity
    That's really it. Gameplay wise I think both are about the same, since I'm personally not a big fan of the Wynncraft quests, although I have to admit they're well made.
    I still have very fond memories of the good people I met in HSB, like MH99, Ethanasian, andytimbo, LegBeePet. They're all very good and chill people, and lots of them play Wynn now.
    While I do feel like Wynn deserves more players than it has now, a bigger community would undoubtedly make it worse, which is why I really don't want a youtuber like Dream to make a video on Wynn.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Why did you quote me
  13. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    I have no idea that was a mistake
  14. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    lol :)
  15. Thonck

    Thonck I Need the Yopyop Sauce VIP

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    Let's all just ignore dudeguy, he's just writing that BS to get a rise out of us.
    MlecznyHuxel99 and AcadeeAlkana like this.
  16. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    Tbh, I played Hypixel Skyblock from the very beginning. At first the features and quests in overall were really good to manage and the weapons and armor were grindy, but not too much. I stopped playing SB because the game kept envolving, new armor, weapons, etc... It was not because they added new features, but that the updates added more and more items with higher stats faster and faster. At one point you had to choose between grinding fulltime or dropping out. And seriously, the conditions for a good sword as well as the prices became very ridiculous due to inflation and those high requirements.

    Of course, there were guids in "how to make money the fastest way...", but should this be really what's Skyblock all about?
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  17. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    Laughs in Persona 3/4G/5R
    You really don't know a good plot, huh? I'd say that some of these 'corporate' games have better stories than novels!

    Maybe I'll do an analysis...of how unlikely it is for me to follow the instructions of an unfriendly stranger (much less one who's talking trash about a game I play) on a whim. Not like you control my content - I'll post whatever I want to (within reason), and you have little to no say in it.

    ...Are you trying to get into a text-fight or something? *sighs* ...Go PVP on a different server's forums, please. Like Hypixel's. I would gladly put up a fight against you in Wynn's favor, but it would be unbecoming of me to stroke your flames, and I simply don't have the energy or time for an argument of such caliber or perhaps a lack thereof.
  18. chocolatte

    chocolatte Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I hate hsb but hypixel made mojang change eula to make p2w ok in non competitive games
  19. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    Despite Hsb being "PVE" its unavoidably still "PVP" since trash players basically get trashed on by better players.
    Also are we not going to comment on the economy of Hsb? Heres an example taken from HSB forum Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 1.09.28 PM.png Yeah I don't see how that is any better than Wynn's duped LE problem recently
    IRL trading is a really good indication for the economy, when it first came out 1m = $4 but now 1m = $0.5 at most. So yeah hsb economy inflated so much within 1 year

    And items.
    And at this point HSB developers seems to have just said "Fuck balancing, lets just add a shitton of new weapons and players will forget about old weapons being underpowered". Literally 95% or more of HSB items are never used. Wynn has more items than HSB, but class building just allows for those items to be used. (For example people still uses low level items in late game such as Durum serenity)
    Yeah, healer can fill the role of berserker, mage can fill the role of DPS, archer is basically never used. And compare that to wynn's each class having special abilities and different skills and functions (class balancing also exists in wynn unlike hsb, e.g. shaman getting nerfed)
    Item abilities in skyblock is basically a joke, can basically spam right click infinitely to teleport, ability damage is negligible compared to melee, and who even uses abilities to kill bosses?? Spells make up the big part of wynn and basically is how most people deal damage (other than melee builds ofc)
  20. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Technically, yeah
    That is literally what original Skyblock is, a huge grind, which is the main reason why I've never been a big fan of vanilla Skyblock
    I was hoping Hypixel would turn it into a far more convenient and interesting resource management game, but instead they gave whatever HSB is, a huge mess that tries to appeal to EVERYONE (LITERALLY, they keep adding a new genre to the game every update and I swear I don't know how) and instead manage to fail at nearly everything while delivering an awfully slow update pace thanks to the fact they make projects way bigger than they actually can deal with, showcased by the fact the Catacombs took a full year and a half of development, only to release 25% of the actual thing, fill another 25% over the course of another 5 months and then give up on the project because "it was too much"
    MlecznyHuxel99 and TheWitch3r like this.
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