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Maelstrom Tips And Prices

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Schuba, Jan 3, 2021.

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  1. Schuba

    Schuba Half of 99 is 92 HERO

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    Finally started dedicating some time to Wynncraft and asked around for the best bows at my level. I've been using random Unique's and dungeon weapons but was told the Maelstrom was the best bow for my level (I'm almost 70).

    Where can I find the Maelstrom? I've been loot running around Cinfras for some days now with no luck and just wondering if Maelstrom is even a possible drop from the t3 and t4 loot chests in the caves around Cinfras. Any help on finding Maelstrom or getting an idea on how much I should pay for one (if I can even find one) would be super appreciated!
  2. Shovel

    Shovel Follower of Tolvanism HERO

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    Maelstrom is a level 70 bow, so use your best judgement if you plan on farming for one rather than browsing the market. If you've Temple of Legends, it's always worth heading into the training hall inside to grind mobs out for the chance at a legendary. The market nearly always has legendaries like that in large quantities for fairly cheap depending on the roll. Hope that helps!
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  3. Schuba

    Schuba Half of 99 is 92 HERO

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    I just unlocked that quest not too long ago so I'll do that now. As for the market, would I just ask in Trade Market here on the forums since the in game market is down?
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Loot running Kander/Light forest and Dernel jungle is probably better than Cinfras county. Grinding the ToL mobs can work, though it is easier to find the item from chests. The level of a loot chest is determined by the level of the nearby mobs (or by the player's level if no mobs are nearby), so you can look into that. And for your second message, yeah you can ask here or the #trade_market channel on the Wynn discord if you have Discord.
  5. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    As I understand it weapons, armors and accessories of a specific level drops from mobs around that level, with some exceptions. But I don't believe maelstrom to be one of those exceptions. So just kill mobs around level 70, doesn't matter where. If you instead want to loot run you should do so in places where the mobs around the chests are the correct level (Lvl 70). Otherwise if there are no mobs close to the chest you are looting at all the level of the loot inside the chest will scale to your level. However, this can be hard to effectively use as there might be mobs around you can't see, so I would suggest just looting chests at a level 70 area. If I'm not mistaken the loot that generates in chests is based off of X amount of mobs killed. The higher the tier of the chest and the longer it has been unopened for in your world the more mobs it simulates to have killed.

    As for buying one and how much to pay... I can't say. Not really interestet in the market myself.
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